Mission 360

The Boy Who Planted A Church

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002404A

00:08 A 10-year old boy in the Solomon Islands
00:10 gives up video games to plant a church.
00:13 A young girl in Brazil gives up her birthday cake
00:16 to feed the homeless,
00:18 and a modern-day miracle in India.
00:20 All that and much more coming up next.
00:51 Hello and welcome to Mission 360,
00:53 coming to you today from San Francisco,
00:56 in California, in the United States.
00:59 Around the turn of the century,
01:00 from the 1800s to the 1900s,
01:03 there were several urban centers of influence
01:06 operating right here in San Francisco.
01:08 So many in fact
01:10 that Ellen White referred to this city as a beehive,
01:12 was a beehive of mission activity.
01:16 Behind me, you can see
01:17 the location for the Adventist Church
01:20 and a school at the time.
01:22 And there was a vision to start a center of influence
01:24 in the basement of the church.
01:27 And the vision was for it to be a clinic,
01:29 treatment rooms,
01:30 basically to help the poor and the homeless in the area.
01:34 There were many, many Adventists
01:35 who sacrificed and donated money
01:38 for this project.
01:39 But among them was a group of young people,
01:42 a self-denial society
01:45 who put their coins together
01:47 so that they could help this center.
01:49 And the Pacific Union Recorder at the time recorded this.
01:53 It said,
01:54 "The young people of San Francisco
01:56 and Oakland have voted to establish
01:58 a self-denial fund to take the money
02:01 that young people so often spend for candy,
02:05 chewing gum, ice-cream,
02:07 and other things more or less harmful to health
02:10 and with this money,
02:11 create a self-denial fund
02:13 to help in the establishment of the dispensary.
02:17 Who will join us in this grand work?"
02:21 What a wonderful project and what a wonderful thing
02:23 that children and young people
02:25 were involved in mission back then.
02:27 And today they are also involved
02:29 in mission in very, very practical ways.
02:32 First up, we're going to travel to the Solomon Islands
02:35 to visit a young boy who's given up something
02:39 so that he can start a new group of believers.
02:44 Ten-year old Joe watched movies and played video games
02:48 with friends at his home in the Solomon Islands.
02:50 But he wasn't happy.
02:52 Joe's family lived in a poor neighborhood
02:54 in the South Pacific country's capital, Honiara.
02:57 Neighbors sold illegal drugs
02:59 and children stole and got into trouble
03:01 with the police.
03:03 Joe's house was a popular place for neighborhood boys
03:06 to hang out every evening.
03:07 He noticed that one of his friends
03:09 didn't talk like the other boys
03:11 and participated in something
03:12 called a Pathfinder club every Sabbath.
03:15 Joe decided to join his friend
03:16 at the Seventh-day Adventist Church
03:18 to learn more.
03:19 Soon he joined the Pathfinders as well
03:22 and went to church every Sabbath.
03:24 After a while Joe and the other Pathfinders
03:26 were invited to fly to Australia
03:28 to attend a Camporee for Pathfinders
03:30 from all over the South Pacific division.
03:33 He really wanted to go,
03:34 so mom worked hard to save money
03:36 for his plane ticket.
03:37 When mom was finally able to buy
03:39 his ticket,
03:40 Joe flew to the Camporee and enjoyed every second of it.
03:44 When Joe returned home
03:45 and the neighborhood boys came over that evening,
03:47 he told stories from the Camporee.
03:49 The boys loved the story,
03:50 so they asked to hear more the next evening.
03:53 Then Joe thought to himself,
03:55 my friends like to hear about Pathfinders,
03:57 why not tell them about Jesus too.
04:00 So each evening when his friends came over,
04:03 Joe kept telling them stories from the Pathfinder Camporee,
04:06 but also began to share stories from the Bible.
04:09 Joe's friends enjoyed his stories so much
04:12 that they invited other boys from the neighborhood
04:14 to come hear them too.
04:15 Soon 30 to 40 boys came to Joe's house
04:19 every evening to learn more about Jesus.
04:22 Although mom didn't have much money,
04:23 she began to cook food for the children to eat
04:26 after story time.
04:27 She somehow always had enough food for everyone.
04:31 Joe's new friends began to ask him
04:33 if they could join Pathfinders
04:35 and four joined him at church the next Sabbath.
04:37 More of his friends came to church
04:39 the following week.
04:40 The Pathfinder leader couldn't understand
04:42 where all these children were coming from.
04:44 "Joe, why are so many kids from your neighborhood
04:47 coming to Pathfinder club?"
04:48 He asked, "What did you do?"
04:51 "I didn't do anything,"
04:52 Joe replied.
04:53 "I just tell them stories about what we did in Australia
04:56 and we have evening devotions.
04:57 That's all."
04:58 The leader asked to visit Joe's home
05:00 to see the evening get-togethers
05:02 for himself.
05:03 When he came that evening, he was amazed at what he saw.
05:08 Afterward he said to Mom,
05:10 "This neighborhood would be a good place to open a church."
05:14 He noticed that Joe's house had
05:15 a large, unfinished living room that no one used
05:18 and asked if it could be used for Sabbath worship.
05:20 Mom agreed.
05:22 Several dozen neighborhood children
05:23 came to Joe's house for church the next Sabbath.
05:26 All the Pathfinder leaders and their families came as well
05:29 and they brought food for everyone.
05:32 Then something happened that made Joe very happy,
05:34 Mom decided to be baptized, not long
05:37 after his 20-year-old cousin was baptized too
05:41 and so were three of his neighborhood friends
05:43 whom Joe had introduced to Pathfinders.
05:45 Today, Joe's living room is packed every Sabbath
05:48 with about 70 people
05:50 and plans are underway to open a permanent church
05:53 in the neighborhood.
05:58 Now, Joe is 13 years old,
06:00 he's humble in appearance and speech.
06:03 But no one doubts
06:04 that God is using him in a powerful way.
06:07 "I may be small,
06:09 but in God's hands I can grow a church."
06:13 Like Joe, you too can help grow God's Church
06:16 as you share Jesus with your friends and family.
06:20 My guest here in San Francisco is Cindy Chamberlin.
06:23 And she is the Vice President for Communication
06:25 for the Central California Conference
06:28 of Seventh-day Adventists.
06:29 That's a mouthful.
06:30 Thanks for joining us, Cindy. Sure.
06:32 What is the role of a VP for Communication?
06:36 Well, I think the better question would be
06:38 what isn't the role of a VP Communication.
06:41 All right.
06:43 It's a smaller answer, shorter answer.
06:44 Shorter answer.
06:46 In a nutshell, I protect the conference's image
06:49 with litigation matters.
06:51 I also do PR
06:53 plan our beloved so-called camp meeting,
06:55 which is 10 days of live programming,
06:59 and also communicate to the local churches
07:03 and pastors and the people within our beautiful territory.
07:08 Wonderful.
07:09 And in your spare time, there is no spare time.
07:12 Can you describe for our viewers,
07:15 the Central California Conference,
07:17 what does it look like?
07:18 What sort of territory does it cover?
07:21 Well, that's a really great question.
07:22 And I think we probably live in
07:25 one of the most diverse conferences
07:28 in California.
07:30 We have the coastal areas such as Santa Cruz,
07:33 San Luis Obispo,
07:35 beautiful coastal resort towns, destinations of America really.
07:40 We also have San Francisco,
07:42 which is one of the most secular cities in the world.
07:46 And then we have Bakersfield
07:48 which is farmland and agricultural.
07:51 Then we have other areas that are very rural,
07:56 such as Sonora.
07:58 And then we have
07:59 a very high traffic Silicon Valley,
08:01 San Jose areas.
08:03 So we have a huge diversity of race and culture.
08:08 Even among Adventism,
08:10 we have the full spectrum there.
08:14 So much of your territory is heavily urbanized,
08:16 like the Bay area.
08:18 And I noticed that your vision statement
08:19 states reflecting Christ transforming communities.
08:23 What is being done
08:24 to help transform communities here?
08:26 Approximately once a month, sometimes more,
08:29 central organizes through Dr. Bina
08:32 and the Life Hope Centers,
08:33 a clinic whereby they take the clinic out
08:37 and they take and go to the people directly
08:40 and to service their needs.
08:42 We don't ask any questions, we don't preach,
08:44 we just service their needs.
08:47 We also have available an array of material
08:51 for the whole health package,
08:53 that being spiritual, mental, physical,
08:56 and a vast array of many other health services
09:00 for the taking.
09:02 But we don't push that,
09:03 we are simply there just to be the hands
09:05 and feet of Jesus.
09:06 Wonderful.
09:08 Can you tell me a story of someone
09:09 whose life has been touched through this ministry?
09:12 Yes, I can.
09:14 One story is about a girl in Hollister.
09:17 Her name was Delilah and Delilah came to the clinic
09:21 and she needed service.
09:23 I believe it was on her teeth.
09:25 And she received the services.
09:27 She had a little smidgen of Adventism
09:30 but she was not active at all.
09:32 And she just needed the services.
09:35 She was so impressed.
09:37 She's a young girl, so impressed by that
09:40 she decided in her mind
09:41 to become a dental assistant to make that career trajectory.
09:47 So she went, she enrolled in classes in that
09:50 and the next year
09:52 when Life Hope Center teams arrived,
09:56 they found there was Delilah.
09:58 She was this time a volunteer
10:01 and she had also brought her whole dental class.
10:04 Oh, wow. So what we...
10:06 What we see is when we go to help,
10:09 it comes back in dividends
10:11 because suddenly they've joined our team.
10:14 And now she's a huge advocate for what we do.
10:18 Cindy, thanks so much
10:19 for sharing with us those stories
10:20 and what's happening here in Central Cal
10:22 and may God bless you.
10:23 Thank you.
10:25 And viewers at home,
10:26 it's just wonderful
10:27 when Christ's method of ministry
10:29 is put into practice, there are results,
10:30 people are healed not only physically,
10:33 but also spiritually.
10:34 We'll be right back right after this break.


Revised 2020-10-04