Mission 360

A Church Without Walls

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002401B

00:15 Welcome back to Accra, Ghana.
00:17 Behind me, you can see a sea wall
00:19 that was built by slaves.
00:21 And it's symbolic of a very dark history
00:23 where, along this coast of Africa
00:26 between the 16th and 19th century,
00:28 European nations competed trying to get a foothold
00:31 in the slave trade.
00:33 And it's estimated that some 12 million human beings
00:37 were taken against their will
00:39 in terrible conditions across the Atlantic.
00:42 Many of them Ghanaians and taken into slavery
00:45 mainly in the Americas.
00:47 Well, we want to look forward with hope to the future
00:50 and we want to talk about the healing power
00:53 that Jesus can bring.
00:54 And next up, we're going to travel
00:56 to the country of Thailand
00:58 and visit Chiang Mai.
01:01 I work with a Global Mission Center
01:03 for East Asian Religions
01:04 and part of our job is to help the church
01:06 and our church members understand
01:08 how to be more effective in reaching out
01:10 to our East Asian brothers and sisters.
01:12 One of the things that we've discovered
01:14 is that ministry happens
01:16 in unusual places and unusual times.
01:18 So it's not always convenient.
01:20 Ellen White gives us a great quote
01:22 in Ministry of Healing, page 143,
01:24 which says that Christ method alone
01:27 gives true success in ministry.
01:29 And His method was to mingle among people,
01:32 to minister to their needs, to sympathize with them,
01:35 and we have found in our own personal ministry,
01:37 that that really is true.
01:39 One of the stories that we have is the story of our neighbor,
01:43 Uncle Tong Lien.
01:44 He was a great neighbor,
01:46 an elderly man with children
01:48 who were just passed college age,
01:50 and he adopted our kids
01:52 and they called him grandpa and they would go to his house
01:55 and eat fruit off of his fruit trees.
01:57 And we just had a really nice relationship with him.
02:00 One day we came home, we passed this house,
02:02 we noticed there was a large crowd
02:04 gathered outside his house
02:05 and we didn't know what happened.
02:07 We later found out later, few minutes later found out
02:09 that he had had a sudden stroke
02:11 and he passed away quite unexpectedly.
02:13 And the home was just, the family was just devastated.
02:17 And so we went and we decided,
02:20 the best thing to do is to participate
02:22 as best we could as Christians.
02:23 And so, Greg had a camera,
02:26 and he volunteered to be a cameraman for them,
02:28 and just to take pictures,
02:30 and we found that this was a great opportunity
02:31 for us to learn about their culture.
02:33 What happens when people die?
02:34 How do they suffer?
02:36 How do they deal with death in their culture?
02:38 And so we participated as best we could
02:40 in their funeral service.
02:42 Yeah, you know, it actually wasn't a good time.
02:45 We had just started an English language school.
02:48 And that meant that my life was very busy
02:51 as the director of that school,
02:53 and I didn't have time for this,
02:55 but you know what?
02:56 It was very important that we make the time
02:58 because in Romans 15, Paul talks about
03:00 how we should weep with those who weep
03:02 and rejoice with those who rejoice.
03:04 So ministry and mission
03:06 doesn't come to us when we're ready.
03:08 We don't do it when we're ready.
03:10 But mission happens when problems happen.
03:12 That's what the mission is.
03:14 And so here we had an opportunity.
03:16 What would we do?
03:17 Well, there's many parts of the funeral
03:19 in the Buddhist religion
03:20 that we were not comfortable participating in,
03:22 because it's not our religion,
03:24 and it would divide our allegiances
03:26 and our loyalties to God.
03:28 But we found ways that we could help.
03:30 So one of the things I did
03:31 even though I had to go to school during the day,
03:32 in the evening I would come in,
03:34 and I would be a part of the wake there
03:36 all night long, they would stay up with the family,
03:39 they would play poker, they would drink,
03:44 you know, caffeinated beverages to stay awake
03:46 and all of these things.
03:47 So I went there to be a part of that
03:49 and to be with them.
03:50 And what I found is that it was hard to stay awake.
03:55 But being there was so important,
03:57 the family wanted that and with those adopt children,
04:00 we would take time.
04:02 And they were playing games
04:04 so I just talked to them while they're playing the games,
04:05 I didn't know how to play the games they were playing.
04:07 But at one point I thought,
04:09 you know, I should bring a game from home.
04:10 So I got some dominoes and brought those over
04:12 and they're like, "Oh, wow, what is this?"
04:14 They haven't played dominoes before.
04:15 So I played it, I taught them how to play
04:17 and they loved the game.
04:18 And we would play and do different things.
04:20 One evening, the village chief came
04:25 and the village chief wanted to,
04:28 you know, be there to honor the family
04:30 because this man had been a leader in the village.
04:33 And, but around 2 o'clock in the morning,
04:37 one of the sisters came to me,
04:40 the daughter of this man who passed away and she said,
04:43 "Greg, do you have coffee in your house?
04:46 We need to give him and we ran out."
04:48 And I said, "No, I don't have any coffee in the house."
04:50 They said, "Okay, well, we're going to go look and see
04:52 if we can buy some."
04:53 I said, "At 2 am?"
04:54 Everything is shut down by nine,
04:56 there's going to be nothing.
04:57 Well, they went and looked
04:59 and sure enough 15 minutes later,
05:00 they drove in on a little motorbike
05:02 and they said, "Oh, there's nothing.
05:03 Are you sure you don't have coffee?"
05:05 And I said, "Well, I do have something.
05:06 What did I have?
05:08 I had Roma, roasted barley type drink,
05:13 no caffeine whatsoever."
05:15 I said, "It won't help him stay awake."
05:16 They said, "It doesn't matter. Just let him have that."
05:18 Well, you know, this is, to make the long story short.
05:22 Over the next few days,
05:24 it was like a five day funeral process.
05:27 We were there the whole time, you washed dishes.
05:29 I would wash dishes. I didn't know how to cook.
05:31 I hardly knew much of the language.
05:33 There wasn't much that I could do.
05:34 But I knew how to wash dishes.
05:36 And so I would argue with them and then sit down
05:38 because they didn't want a foreigner doing this.
05:40 But I insisted and I sat down on the little stool
05:42 and washed dishes and washed dishes
05:44 and washed dishes all day long.
05:46 And then in the evening, Greg and I would trade places
05:48 I would go home, put the children to bed,
05:50 go to bed myself and Greg would stay
05:52 and spend the whole night awake,
05:53 playing dominoes and visiting with a family.
05:56 They so much appreciate our time with them.
05:58 But it wasn't, I don't think two or three months later
06:01 and you got really sick.
06:03 I became very sick and was hospitalized
06:05 across the border in the neighboring country.
06:08 And the family was very, very upset.
06:10 We had become children to them.
06:11 In fact, the mother had said, "You call me Mum,
06:14 you call me mom now.
06:15 And these are your sisters, and this is your brother
06:17 and we are your family."
06:18 And when I became sick and was hospitalized,
06:20 mom was very upset.
06:22 She said she went to her daughter and said,
06:24 "Amy needs, you must go.
06:26 You have to go."
06:27 And they said, "But we can't, we don't have a passport."
06:29 She said, "No, you must go. You have to go."
06:32 Long story short, they weren't able to come
06:34 but she prayed for me.
06:36 And we found out later that
06:37 she was saying her Buddhist prayers,
06:38 but she was praying for me.
06:40 We had become family to them, and we're still family to them.
06:43 And it gave us a great opportunity
06:45 to be able to share our religion, our beliefs,
06:49 and our hope that we have
06:51 that Jesus is coming again with them.
06:53 And it's opened up so many doors with that family
06:55 and it also served as an opening into the community
06:58 because we belong to this family.
07:00 We now belong to that community and had more influence
07:03 with our neighbors
07:04 and the leadership in that little village.
07:07 So anytime you want to make a disciple
07:09 and share Christ with people,
07:10 you have to remember, we have to make Him real
07:13 by our way we live.
07:15 Jesus is not just a doctrine.
07:17 He's a way of life and when He transforms us
07:20 people see that are attracted to Him.
07:22 This is the first step.
07:23 No matter whether people are Buddhist, or Muslim,
07:26 or what country, what faith they are,
07:28 we want to be genuine friends with people.
07:30 If you'd like to learn more about how you can reach out
07:33 to your neighbors,
07:34 go to www.globalmissioncenters.org.
07:38 And if you'd like more information
07:39 on how you can reach your East Asian friends,
07:41 go to cear.globalmissioncenters.org.
07:46 God bless.
07:49 Welcome back to Accra, Ghana, and more specifically,
07:52 to the old castle which is right on the coastline.
07:55 If you ever missed any episodes of Mission 360°
07:58 or you want to look again at some of the interviews
08:01 or some of these short pieces,
08:03 just go to m360.tv any time of day or night
08:07 and you can catch up.
08:08 Next up, we travel back to the South Pacific.
08:15 My name is Jovese.
08:17 I had no place to lay my head,
08:19 and I used to come and sit around in the park
08:22 and no work.
08:23 I go in jail a lot of times.
08:25 And then I met a preacher preaching God's word around.
08:30 And I just joined them
08:31 but I know I'm just coming over to feed.
08:33 Oh, I'm so happy.
08:35 I know here is my place to have dinner
08:37 and lunch and breakfast.
08:39 No more go to jail.
08:41 I got baptized, and I know God now.
08:44 And I stay away from trouble.
08:46 And I see now my body is changing,
08:49 my way too is changing.
08:51 I'm not taking those kinds of things
08:53 that I was taking before.
08:54 So I'm very happy for God to have people working.
09:00 My name is Vien.
09:02 I've actually got five kids,
09:04 but there's only two with me at the moment.
09:07 For the past few weeks,
09:10 we've been living here on the streets,
09:13 staying in the containers with our street friends there.
09:17 We were told by our friends that there's a group of people
09:20 that always come and give out food for free,
09:23 like for breakfast.
09:25 So when we were sitting on the bench
09:27 and then one of them brought some tea stuff,
09:33 and they were like really nice and the lady was asking me
09:37 if everything's okay,
09:38 and then I couldn't hold my tears
09:40 and I started crying, you know, like,
09:42 they invited me to stay back for church
09:45 and we read
09:49 a few Bible verses there
09:51 and did some sharing.
09:53 I haven't been going to church all these years
09:57 and the guy told me to read the Bible.
10:00 And then after reading that, like I just feel
10:03 like there's a big load off me.
10:11 I'm a fisherman.
10:19 You know, I always roamed around the street before too,
10:23 and I see how difficult the life in the street,
10:27 and I know how they hunger every day.
10:31 It's like and mostly that devil tempted them
10:35 to do bad things.
10:36 And that's why when I come to this church,
10:40 and I know I must take care for these people.
10:44 I want to turn their lives,
10:45 they're gonna find rest in Jesus alone.
10:49 People come and they call us pastors.
10:53 To them I say, "No, I'm not ordained pastor.
10:56 I'm just an ordinary church member
10:58 and we want to come
11:00 and share the love of Christ to you people."
11:03 We pray for not only in the cities of Fiji,
11:06 the cities all over the world.
11:07 But if we don't pray for them
11:10 and we do the mission to the city,
11:13 I think these people will be lost.
11:21 The church at the park,
11:23 it was established about three years ago.
11:26 Every week, the church gives out food
11:30 and reaches out in Bible studies
11:32 and outreach programs, health, singing ministries,
11:37 and the giving out of tracks and discs.
11:40 They were transformed because of the love shown
11:43 by the church members
11:45 who usually visit them in their homes
11:47 and those live here, give them food
11:50 and meet their needs,
11:51 just like Jesus did 2,000 years ago.
11:55 This park is very special.
11:57 It is situated at the very center
11:58 of the main city.
12:00 This have all sorts of people, all walks of life,
12:02 many problems come and meet here.
12:05 Most people have gone from this place
12:07 refreshed knowing that there is a God
12:11 who loves them,
12:12 and who is ready to take care of their everyday needs.
12:29 Well, thanks so much for joining us today
12:30 on Mission 360°.
12:32 And I hope that you've enjoyed our 360 degree
12:34 view of mission around the world.
12:37 And I hope that you've been inspired,
12:39 but also challenged by what you've seen and heard.
12:42 Because as we look around the world today,
12:43 we see that there are many people
12:45 who have never even heard the name of Jesus Christ.
12:48 But Jesus talked about a light set on a hill
12:51 and He Himself is the light and He has asked us
12:54 to share His light throughout the world
12:56 to the ends of the earth.
12:58 I want to thank you so much
12:59 for being part of our Adventist Mission Team
13:01 because every time you pray for missionaries,
13:03 for Global Mission pioneers,
13:05 every time you give your mission offerings,
13:08 you give your donations to Global Mission,
13:10 it does make a difference.
13:12 For Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause.
13:14 And I hope that you can join me next time,
13:16 right here on Mission 360°.


Revised 2020-04-02