Series Code: MTS
Program Code: MTS002306B
00:08 Welcome back to Tokyo.
00:10 If you're enjoying Mission 360, 00:12 I invite you to follow us on social media, 00:15 go to Facebook and or Instagram, 00:17 search for mission360tv and click like or follow. 00:22 Next up, Karen Glassford from Institute of World Mission, 00:25 shares what it means to be a missionary. 00:28 I got a question for you. 00:30 Do you know what a missionary is? 00:32 A missionary is someone that tells other people about Jesus 00:35 anywhere in the world. 00:37 Real often, missionaries go to other countries 00:41 to tell people about Jesus 00:42 who maybe haven't heard about Jesus before. 00:45 Well, my family were missionaries 00:47 when I was a little kid 00:48 and I grew up in different countries. 00:50 And my dad was a pastor and a Bible teacher, 00:54 and sometimes he would do evangelistic meetings, 00:57 and people would come 00:58 and they would hear about Jesus. 01:00 Well, one of his students was going to hold 01:03 an evangelistic meetings in the city 01:05 close to where we lived, 01:07 where in that section, there was no Adventist. 01:10 And my mom said, "Karen, 01:12 would you like to be a missionary?" 01:14 I said, "Oh, yes. 01:15 I've always wanted to be a missionary." 01:17 She says, "Well, 01:18 you've always been a missionary, 01:20 but would you like to do something to help 01:22 with some evangelistic meetings?" 01:24 I said, "What can I do? I'm just a little kid. 01:27 I'm, what five years old? 01:29 What can a five year old do for evangelistic meetings, 01:32 except just smile at the people when they come in?" 01:35 My mom said, "Well, 01:36 they want you to play your violin 01:38 and your brother play the piano. 01:40 And sometimes you'll play together 01:42 for like a half an hour 01:43 before the meeting starts so that people will come 01:45 out of curiosity to hear you guys play 01:48 because in this country, it's not real common that 01:51 little kids play musical instruments." 01:54 I said, "But, Mommy, 01:55 nobody's gonna give their heart to Jesus 01:57 just because I played my violin." 02:00 And my mom said, 02:01 "I wouldn't be so sure about that. 02:04 Someday when you get to heaven, you're gonna have to ask Jesus, 02:08 if anybody came just because you played violin 02:11 and then gave their hearts to Jesus." 02:13 And I said, "Hmm. 02:16 Well, I'd like to know before I got to heaven." 02:18 And my mom said, "Well, maybe Jesus will show you 02:21 before you get to heaven." 02:22 So that day, mommy brought out a dress for me to wear. 02:25 Now, I didn't like this dress. 02:28 It was an itchy green dress. 02:29 Now the green dress was okay, but it was itchy. 02:32 I said, "Mommy, I don't wanna wear that dress. 02:34 It makes me want to scratch all over." 02:36 And mom said, "No, but it's your best dress. 02:39 And you wanna do your best. 02:40 So you're gonna wear that dress?" 02:42 Well, we went to the high school 02:43 in the auditorium. 02:45 I played my violin up on the stage. 02:47 My brother played the piano. 02:49 And lots of people came and they listened. 02:51 And then the preacher got up and he preached. 02:55 And we did that several nights in a row. 02:58 Years went by. 03:00 Finally, one day as an adult, 03:02 I was asked if I would like to take 03:04 some teenagers and go to that country again, 03:07 and do some evangelism with the teenagers 03:09 where the teenagers would be preaching. 03:11 And I would be helping to mentor them and guide them 03:14 and teach them how to do evangelism. 03:16 I said, "You know, that would be a lot of fun. 03:18 I'd like to see where I used to live." 03:20 And so we came and we came 03:21 right on the campus of the university 03:23 where my dad used to teach. 03:25 And that night when we got in the car, 03:27 we went to the meetings. 03:28 It was in a nice church, 03:30 and I suddenly remembered the name of the town. 03:33 I said, "I've been here before. 03:36 Why have I been here before?" And then it dawned on me. 03:40 That was the town where I used to play my violin 03:43 for that evangelistic meetings and I thought, 03:45 "I wonder, if I will ever find out 03:49 if playing the violin made any difference?" 03:51 Well, finally we got to the last Sabbath. 03:54 Lots of people were getting baptized. 03:56 It was a beautiful experience, 03:58 and the head elder had invited our group 04:00 over to his house for lunch. 04:02 So after the baptisms and everything 04:04 we're eating at his house, and I said to him, I said, 04:07 "Tell me, were you raised an Adventist?" 04:10 And he said, "Well, part of my life." 04:14 He said, "You see, when I was about 12 years old." 04:17 He said, "My grandparents were raising me and my brothers." 04:20 And he said, "We went to some evangelistic meetings." 04:24 He said, "How old are you?" 04:26 And he told me, and I started adding 04:28 how old I was, and how old he was. 04:31 And I realized it could be the same meeting and I said, 04:33 "Was this meeting in a high school auditorium?" 04:36 He said, "Yes, it was." 04:38 He said, "There was two little kids. 04:39 They were American, or maybe they were German." 04:42 He said, "Honestly, I don't know." 04:43 But he said, "They came and they did music." 04:45 And I like to sing and my brother 04:47 liked to play the piano and the other brother 04:49 liked to play guitar. 04:50 And so grandpa had taken us with grandma to the meetings 04:53 and we had sat on the front row. 04:55 So we could see the little kids play their instruments. 04:59 He says after about a half an hour of music. 05:02 He said, "They said it was time to start the meetings." 05:05 And so he said, the pastor came up. 05:07 He said, "My grandfather said, 05:08 'Well, this is our chance to leave now, we saw the music. 05:11 We're not really interested in what the pastor has to say.'" 05:14 But he stood up and he looked around, 05:16 and the auditorium was full of people. 05:19 And it made the grandfather get embarrassed. 05:21 He said, "We can't leave now. 05:23 That would be embarrassing. 05:25 I'm sorry kids, 05:26 you're gonna have to sit through a sermon." 05:28 So he says, "We sat back down, and we listened." 05:30 And, you know, my grandfather and grandmother 05:33 really liked what they heard. 05:35 And at the end of those meetings, 05:36 we started going every night. 05:38 And at the end of those meetings, 05:39 grandpa and grandma were baptized. 05:42 And a few years later, 05:43 me and my brothers got baptized, 05:44 two of my brothers and I also got baptized. 05:47 And I said, "Really? 05:49 And what did that little girl look like who was playing." 05:52 And he said, "Well, strange thing is 05:55 I remember she was wearing a green dress 05:58 and she had curly hair." 06:00 And I said, "Wow." 06:03 And suddenly the lights went on for him. 06:05 And he said, "No way. Was that you?" 06:08 And I said, "Uh-huh. I think so. 06:13 And I named off the high school, 06:14 named off the town." 06:16 And he said, "It was you." And I started to cry. 06:19 And he said, "Why are you crying?" 06:21 And I said, "Because I told my mommy, 06:23 nobody was going to become an Adventist 06:25 and give their hearts to Jesus 06:27 just because a little girl, 06:28 a little boy went and played their music." 06:30 And she said, "Someday when we get to heaven, 06:33 we would find out 06:34 if somebody had become a Christian 06:36 because they came for the music." 06:37 I told her I wanted to know before I got to heaven, 06:41 and now I'm meeting you. 06:43 So see, boys and girls, 06:45 you might think you're too young, 06:46 and that what you do doesn't matter. 06:48 And you might have to wait until 06:49 you're an adult to find out, but God can use you. 06:54 No matter how old you are. 06:56 Never forget, you aren't too young. 06:59 God needs you as a missionary. 07:02 Welcome back to Mission 360. 07:04 If there are any episodes that you may have missed 07:07 or any stories that you would like to look at again, 07:09 just go to 07:11 and there you'll find everything 07:13 to do with Mission 360. 07:15 You can even read the Mission 360 magazine. 07:19 Next up, let's visit a mobile clinic in Mexico. 07:28 In the city of Villahermosa, Mexico, 07:31 a bus serving as a mobile clinic winds its way 07:33 through the neighborhoods, 07:35 giving free medical care, medications, 07:37 and health advice to the people. 07:39 The mobile clinic is a mission initiative 07:41 of the Southeast Adventist Hospital, 07:43 which has served the people of Mexico for decades. 07:46 This unique ministry not only offers 07:48 physical restoration to patients, 07:50 but also shares spiritual restoration 07:53 in the hope of Jesus. 07:57 This is a mobile clinic, 07:59 which allows the hospital to help the community. 08:02 We provide gynecology, pediatrics, general medicine, 08:06 traumatology, and especially dentistry. 08:10 We serve the community because we believe 08:12 it's part of our mission and it's what Jesus did. 08:17 Today, the bus comes to a suburban neighborhood 08:20 in Villahermosa. 08:21 The people in this area have very little access 08:24 to basic health care. 08:25 The nearest hospital is too far, 08:27 and most of the people are unable to pay 08:29 for an appointment or a clinical exam. 08:32 Many are also not familiar with healthy habits 08:35 and lack nutritious diets. 08:37 So the Adventist doctors come by on the mobile clinic 08:40 and do what they can to give the best 08:42 possible treatment to everyone. 08:44 Around the world, medical missionaries are using 08:47 Christ's method of ministry to mingle with people 08:49 and minister to their needs. 08:51 This allows them to gain the confidence of the people, 08:54 many of whom have a desire to learn more about the gospel. 08:58 The difference that medical missionaries 09:00 make in their lives is remarkable. 09:03 Please pray for people in Mexico to find healing 09:06 and hope in Jesus, 09:08 and thank you for your support of mission. 09:21 Well, that's about it for today's program. 09:22 And I'm so glad that 09:24 you were able to join me here on Mission 360. 09:26 And I hope that you enjoyed our 360 degree view of mission 09:30 around the world. 09:31 And I wanna thank you so much 09:33 for being part of our Global Mission team. 09:36 Every time that you pray for church planting 09:38 for centers of influence for new work around the world, 09:42 you are part of our team every time you support us 09:45 with your finances, and every time that 09:47 you are personally involved. 09:49 And it does make a difference. And I wanna thank you so much. 09:52 As we leave, I invite you to listen to this music video 09:56 and as we listen, let's take the time to pause, 09:59 to reflect, to meditate, to pray about mission, 10:03 how we personally can be involved 10:05 and also to pray for those on the front line of mission. 10:08 For Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause. 10:10 And I hope that you can join me next time 10:11 right here on Mission 360. |
Revised 2020-06-11