Mission 360

What Is A Missionary

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002306A

00:08 Butterfly Church in Taiwan,
00:10 a mobile clinic in Mexico, and the question
00:13 what is a missionary coming up next.
00:49 Hello, and welcome to Mission 360.
00:50 I'm Gary Krause.
00:52 Today's program is coming to you from Tokyo, Japan.
00:55 And I'm standing in the Meiji Jingu Shrine
00:59 right in the heart of Tokyo.
01:01 And this is a shrine that commemorates the Emperor
01:04 and the Empress, who died in the early 1900s.
01:08 And this was established in 1920.
01:10 And people from all over the world
01:12 donated some 100,000 trees
01:16 to build the beautiful forest that surrounds here.
01:19 Shintoism, of course, is a fascinating religion
01:22 that's at the heart of Japanese culture and values.
01:26 And on today's program, we'll be looking
01:28 more at Japan mission around the world,
01:30 but first up, let's visit the Butterfly Church in Taiwan.
01:35 Every year, thousands of butterflies
01:37 come to the Maolin Valley in Taiwan.
01:40 They fly here just before the winter in search of warmth
01:43 to survive the colder months.
01:45 In this valley, there are more butterflies than people.
01:48 In fact, the local native community is small.
01:52 There are only 600 people who live here.
01:54 Ubake lives in the Maolin Valley.
01:57 As an artist, he is inspired by God's designs in nature.
02:00 Tourists admire his unique art, including his favorite pieces,
02:04 which are patterned after the butterflies.
02:07 Ubake has used these amazing creations
02:09 to cover the Maolin Seventh-day Adventist Church building,
02:12 both on the outside and the inside.
02:15 He has also dedicated
02:16 some of his other intricate pieces
02:18 to beautify the church.
02:25 Ubake's charming and colorful metal butterflies
02:29 help to make this church stand out
02:30 among many other Christian denominations
02:32 in this community.
02:34 However, it's not the metal, wooden,
02:36 or cloth ornaments that make this church
02:38 known in the community.
02:43 Every day, a group of local Adventists
02:45 start the day with prayer.
02:47 In the early morning, they ask God to bless
02:49 their efforts to reach the people around them.
02:51 Then they read from God's Word and stretch their muscles
02:55 to begin an important ministry.
02:57 Today, they will complete their 339th lap around
03:02 and through the community.
03:03 This is the Maolin Church's walking and praying ministry.
03:08 Like butterflies that fly from flower to flower,
03:11 these Seventh-day Adventists walk from house to house.
03:14 As church members pour into the streets,
03:17 they smile and warmly greet their neighbors.
03:20 When someone invites them into their home,
03:22 they pause to pray for the many
03:24 who are in need there.
03:25 And when they leave the home,
03:27 the people feel blessed by the visit.
03:29 During the trek, church members also stop at their own homes
03:33 for a special prayer.
03:34 Each member of the walking and praying ministry
03:37 also hosts a small group Bible study
03:40 on a rotating basis.
03:42 In these small groups,
03:43 they pray daily for their neighbors
03:45 who are learning about the Bible.
03:47 These "walking butterflies" pollinate their community
03:50 with God's love.
03:52 Because of this ministry,
03:53 the Maolin Adventist Church membership
03:55 has doubled over the last three years.
03:58 Members have also grown closer to each other and to Jesus.
04:02 Please pray for the Butterfly Church
04:04 and for the Christ-like ministry
04:06 they do here.
04:09 My guest is Yoriko who is a youth leader
04:11 in her local church here in Tokyo, Japan.
04:14 Yoriko, thank you so much for joining us.
04:16 Thank you very much.
04:17 How did you first become a Seventh-day Adventist?
04:20 I actually grew up in Christian house.
04:22 Yes.
04:24 But actually, I didn't wanted to become a Christian.
04:28 By the time I was 14
04:30 because of many different reasons,
04:32 but then I went to high school
04:35 in Oklahoma called Oklahoma Academy,
04:38 and they are really focused on training a young people
04:42 to become evangelist or missionary.
04:47 So all the programs that they have like
04:49 Messiah's Mansion canvassing programs and also,
04:54 they taught us about the Bible really well.
04:57 And that's was the first time when I decided to accept Jesus.
05:02 Wonderful.
05:04 So through the Adventist Academy.
05:06 Terrific.
05:08 So in your church,
05:09 you have something called a Youth Rush Program.
05:12 Can you tell me what that is?
05:13 Oh, Youth Rush Program is actually,
05:16 it's a canvassing program.
05:18 Yes.
05:19 Starting in America, but actually they started to,
05:24 they decided to start it in Japan.
05:27 So young people, like around 14 to 20 people
05:32 come together and knock on the doors,
05:35 we train them how to knock on the doors,
05:37 and we also do like Bible study together.
05:41 And we introduce the books to the people.
05:46 And it's been amazing experience.
05:49 So I guess it is amazing.
05:50 I mean, a lot of the places would be very difficult
05:52 to even get into some of the apartments, right?
05:55 So what sort of response do you get?
05:58 Well, we get a lot of response.
06:00 Most of the time, especially in the city,
06:02 many, most of the responses are quick rejection.
06:05 Yes.
06:07 But we do meet many people who actually seeking God.
06:10 And we pray with them.
06:13 And they actually, you know, cry at the door to say,
06:17 God has been showing many miracles.
06:19 Wonderful.
06:21 Now, how many young people are involved in this program?
06:27 Ah, you mean the leaders or...
06:29 Actually, who knocking on doors?
06:33 For one program?
06:35 So how many are going door-to-door knocking?
06:39 Oh, for one program,
06:41 we have a limit of 14 people actually.
06:46 So the 14 students come to one programs
06:50 and we have three of those programs
06:54 for the summer and for the springs.
06:56 So do you have trouble getting enough young people to go?
07:02 No, actually depends.
07:07 Sometimes. Yeah, sometimes, but we...
07:10 But now we like
07:13 at the beginning of the programs.
07:15 It started two years ago.
07:17 And it started with like,
07:19 actually seven or eight people for the first program.
07:21 It's built up.
07:22 Yeah, but more and more people started wanting to come.
07:26 So now we are running like three programs.
07:29 Wonderful. Yeah, so.
07:31 Terrific.
07:32 Now you have another program called Gideon 300.
07:35 What is that?
07:36 Gideon 300 is a project to train
07:39 and train the young leader,
07:42 300 youth leader until the year 2020.
07:47 Oh, wonderful. So how is that program going?
07:50 It's going very well.
07:52 They actually started a program called Gifts.
07:54 Yes.
07:56 So the young people can learn about
07:58 the Bible like 28 fundamental
08:00 Seventh-day Adventists on the internet.
08:03 And Youth Rush is one of those programs.
08:06 Wonderful.
08:09 Here we're walking through a neighborhood here,
08:11 which it's very quiet.
08:13 It's very nice.
08:14 You see families, but mission to these people,
08:19 what sort of barriers are there?
08:20 Why is mission such a challenge here in Tokyo?
08:25 I think one of the reasons
08:26 is because people are actually filled.
08:32 They have money, they have clothes.
08:35 Basically, they have a job.
08:37 They have food.
08:39 So as it says in the Revelation,
08:42 you know, I have, I'm rich,
08:44 I've enough of goods, but at the same time,
08:47 many people in Japan are really feeling lonely
08:50 and they're stressed with many problems of life.
08:53 So I think they are needing Jesus,
08:56 but they're not realizing about it.
08:59 Right.
09:00 So the opportunity is there to share.
09:02 Yeah.
09:04 Can you give me an example of somebody whose life
09:06 has been touched through this church?
09:08 Oh, through this church? Yeah.
09:10 Yeah, actually, we started to have an English Bible study.
09:13 Yes.
09:14 On Wednesday, and my friend actually started
09:18 to come to this church.
09:19 She was, she's...
09:21 I went to public college. Yes.
09:25 Junior college, and she grew up in Christian house, home,
09:29 but she was praying for 18 years.
09:34 Wow. Yeah.
09:36 So, but like, past few months,
09:39 like many things happen in her life.
09:42 And she started to pray.
09:44 And she actually contacted me.
09:46 And she started to come to church.
09:48 And now she's really enjoying it.
09:51 And she said her life was has been changed.
09:53 Terrific.
09:55 Now, what are your hopes for the future?
09:58 What would you like to see happen in the future?
10:00 Happen in the future? I really like to.
10:03 I really like to see more and more young people
10:07 get on fire for God and be missionaries for Japan.
10:12 And I want to see Jesus comes very soon.
10:15 Wonderful.
10:16 Well, thank you so much for sharing with us today.
10:19 Thank you very much. Appreciate it.
10:20 And viewers at home, please pray for mission
10:25 here in Japan, Tokyo, huge city,
10:28 so many people, high rises everywhere.
10:31 And as we've been reminded, often they feel that
10:34 they're rich and increased with goods
10:36 and have need of nothing, but we know that
10:38 there's something
10:39 that only the love of Jesus can fill.
10:41 So please pray for Tokyo,
10:43 pray for Japan, pray for this church,
10:45 pray for the young people, and the leaders.
10:47 And we will be right back straight after this break.


Revised 2020-06-11