Mission 360

Seeking A Way Home

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002304B

00:10 Welcome back to Nigeria.
00:11 In 1959,
00:13 when the Adventist college of West Africa was established,
00:16 this was the first building on campus
00:18 and it was the cafeteria.
00:20 They had their priorities right.
00:22 At the time the government required them
00:23 to expand before they could be accredited.
00:26 And thanks to the faithful offerings given,
00:29 the 13th Sabbath Offerings
00:31 of church members around the world,
00:32 it was able to expand into Babcock University.
00:36 Next up, let's travel to Southeast India
00:39 to learn more about mission there.
00:52 Today, we are in India
00:53 and we have the privilege
00:55 of talking with one of the mission leaders here
00:57 in this territory,
00:59 Pastor Masih.
01:00 Pastor Masih, thank you very much
01:02 for being here with us today.
01:03 Thank you very much.
01:05 Pastor Massey,
01:06 this is a very diverse territory.
01:08 Can you describe a little bit about this place,
01:11 the people and the backgrounds present here?
01:13 Well, Southern Asia Division has a...
01:16 Under division we have four countries,
01:19 India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Maldives.
01:25 And India, we, Christians are just 2.3%
01:30 and Nepal is less than that,
01:31 and very few members in Bhutan,
01:35 and it's a very less work we have in Andaman Island.
01:40 So this division, they speak different languages.
01:46 They have different challenges,
01:48 but God has been good to us.
01:50 Work is great.
01:52 I'm sure, like in the rest of the world,
01:54 there are some challenges for mission.
01:57 Can you describe
01:58 what are the specific challenges here in India,
02:01 Bhutan, Maldives and Nepal?
02:03 Yes.
02:05 I would like to tell you,
02:06 we have a lot of challenges here,
02:08 especially challenges this that we are in minority
02:13 and other religions
02:16 they don't allow us to spread the gospel.
02:19 Many times they create problem for us.
02:22 And a second challenge I feel that there are,
02:28 people are not very educated,
02:30 so they are less educated people.
02:33 They are not as receptive
02:34 so we face the problem like this.
02:38 I'm sure there are some beautiful stories
02:40 happening here
02:42 on how the Adventist Church has been reaching people.
02:46 Do you have some special story to share with us today?
02:48 Yes, I would like to share my own story
02:51 how God helped us in our work.
02:54 There was two girls, Adventist girls,
02:56 they married to non-Adventist and after some time,
03:00 one of our pastor,
03:01 he went there and talked to these two girls
03:05 who were married to non-Adventist.
03:07 They said,
03:09 "Can we hold the evangelist meeting here?"
03:11 And they were very happy one,
03:13 but their husbands, they were not happy.
03:15 They were not very receptive.
03:19 They were finding some excuses.
03:22 So later on, they agreed.
03:24 So after some time
03:26 we started meeting in that village,
03:29 for two days meeting was going on well,
03:31 there was no problem at all.
03:33 Third day, some of the young people,
03:35 they came with the long sticks
03:40 and this, they disturbed our meeting.
03:43 And later on, they said,
03:45 "We don't want that,
03:46 you shouldn't continue holding meeting here."
03:48 And one of the boy, grown up boy,
03:50 he came and hit our projector.
03:52 Our projector was broken
03:55 and we were very much disrupted.
03:57 Then same day, we have to wind up our meeting.
04:00 Next day, we went to the head of the village
04:02 and we told him all the story.
04:04 And we said,
04:05 "We are telling,
04:06 we are preaching here the Word of God,
04:09 how they can live good life."
04:10 And head of the village he promised with us.
04:13 He said,
04:15 "Okay, you can go ahead with your meeting from today
04:18 and nobody will come and disturb you."
04:20 God helped us.
04:22 We continued our meeting for 15 days.
04:25 And after 15 days we got precious 22 souls.
04:29 And now we have a very good church there.
04:32 This is how sometime we get disturbed
04:34 when meetings are going on,
04:36 when people are working
04:40 and some of the people they disturb us.
04:44 Yes.
04:45 Yes. That's beautiful.
04:47 I'm sure God has a dream and a plan
04:50 to reach many more souls.
04:51 Yes.
04:53 What are your dreams
04:54 and your goals for this territory?
04:56 Well, my goal as a leader in the church,
05:00 I want that,
05:01 people should get the gospel and they improve their life.
05:06 They have their relationship with God,
05:09 first relationship with God.
05:11 And the way we are adopting is
05:14 we are trying to involve
05:16 all of our members in God's work.
05:19 And many of our members,
05:21 they are excited with this program.
05:23 I'm sure that they will participate.
05:27 We are adopting many ways
05:28 how they can participate in God's work.
05:31 That's beautiful.
05:33 Thank you, Pastor Masih.
05:34 And I'm sure God has many, many blessings
05:37 for this territory.
05:39 Thank you very much. Thank you.
05:40 But I want all of you
05:41 and the whole Adventist Church should pray for India,
05:44 because there's great challenges are there
05:47 and it...
05:49 We can be successful when all of our people,
05:51 they pray to God and God will help,
05:55 and we will be able to spread the gospel in this territory.
06:00 Wonderful.
06:01 Pastor Masih,
06:03 may God bless your work here in India.
06:06 And I'm sure He will.
06:07 Thank you very much.
06:08 God bless you also, bless your ministry.
06:11 And you take our message to around the world
06:14 and people pray for us.
06:16 Thank you very much. Thank you.
06:18 This is Flavio Ferraz reporting for Mission 360.
06:23 Welcome back to the campus of Babcock University.
06:25 And I hope that you're enjoying the program,
06:27 but if you're interrupted or if you miss something,
06:30 just go to n360.tv,
06:32 and there you can find missed episodes, stories,
06:35 and you can keep up-to-date with Mission 360.
06:38 Next up, we travel to Bangladesh.
06:45 Greetings from Bangladesh.
06:47 I'm here today as we're doing a food distribution
06:50 to the Rohingya refugee camp.
06:52 This week we'll be providing food
06:55 and I've just been to another camp
06:56 where we're providing shelter.
06:58 As I sit here and I look at the needs that exist,
07:01 and I feel the pride
07:02 that comes to me as I see the staff at work,
07:05 that reminds me of the great work
07:07 that ADRA does.
07:28 As I pass through this camp
07:30 and I'm reminded of the ingenuity
07:32 of the Rohingya people,
07:34 their ability to survive
07:35 and still etch out some kind of a living
07:38 in these difficult conditions.
07:39 And I came across here
07:41 with this, with this fish market.
07:43 And as I looked at the fish market,
07:45 it reminded me of the story in the Bible
07:47 of the five loaves and the two fishes.
07:50 Where the people were hungry and they came to Christ
07:53 and He blessed the food and He multiplied it.
07:56 We are distributing food to 19,000 families.
08:01 That's around about 100,000 people,
08:04 but all up there's 800,000 people
08:06 in these refugee camps.
08:07 All of them hungry,
08:09 all of them in need of a blessing,
08:10 all of them in need of a miracle.
08:13 And perhaps it reminds me that maybe we can be that miracle
08:17 that through our generosity
08:18 that we can help to modify this fish,
08:21 that we can help to bring food to the starving people
08:24 here amongst these Rohingya camps.
08:26 It's a great honor and privilege
08:27 to be able to feed 100,000 people this week,
08:30 bringing them food for two weeks.
08:32 But what about beyond those two weeks?
08:34 And what about those who we're yet to touch?
08:36 And so, as I'm reminded of the way that
08:39 God blessed in the Bible,
08:40 I'm reminded that He is still a God
08:42 who blesses today,
08:44 that He's placed us here with a reason and a purpose.
08:46 I'm also reminded of the woman at the well
08:48 where she met Jesus and He offered her the water
08:51 that shall never run dry.
08:54 In this particular refugee camp,
08:55 we have a difficulty with the supply of water.
08:58 At the refugee camp that I visited yesterday
09:00 was more inland
09:02 and there was a number of wells.
09:03 But if we sink wells in this region
09:05 where we're close to the coast, all that we get is salty water,
09:09 which is not drinkable.
09:11 And so we're dependent upon shipping
09:13 by gravity fed water system,
09:14 piping water from the mountains nearby
09:17 to try and bring clean water.
09:18 But unfortunately
09:20 the water supply is not adequate.
09:22 And so we actually have a water shortage
09:24 in this camp around 100,000 people
09:27 and we have a great need for water.
09:30 And so, just as we need to provide people
09:33 with a water well,
09:34 water from the well that shall never run dry.
09:36 We also need water here because water is life.
09:40 Before we can talk to them about life in general,
09:42 we have to meet their needs.
09:44 And first is a very real need
09:45 of the people here in this camp.
09:47 And so I choose to ask you to be generous in your support
09:51 for ADRA in this work,
09:52 as we try and help these people who have suffered much,
09:54 who've suffered much trauma
09:56 as they've been driven from their homes,
09:58 where they had comfort, where they had businesses,
10:01 driven with automatic weapons fired at them,
10:04 losing family members as they fled.
10:06 And now they come here to the situation of dire need.
10:26 Well, thanks so much for joining us today
10:28 on Mission 360.
10:29 And I hope that
10:31 you've enjoyed our 360 degree view of mission
10:33 around the world.
10:34 And I hope that you've been inspired
10:36 and challenged by what you've seen and heard.
10:39 I hope that you've also enjoyed our special focus
10:41 on Babcock University.
10:44 Babcock is a special place.
10:46 It's a place where students
10:48 are not just educated for careers,
10:50 they're educated with a vision for human need.
10:53 And so the influence of Babcock extends to the community here
10:58 that surrounds the university campus.
11:00 It extends throughout the continent of Africa.
11:03 And, in fact, literally to the ends of the earth,
11:05 as graduates leave here
11:06 with a vision to share the love of Jesus
11:09 in every way that they can.
11:11 I want to thank you for being a part of Adventist mission.
11:13 And you may ask,
11:14 "Well, how am I a part of the Adventist mission?"
11:16 Well, we consider you part of our team
11:18 because you pray for mission.
11:20 You support mission through donations,
11:22 to global mission in other ways.
11:24 And many of you are also
11:26 able to be personally involved in mission,
11:28 I want to thank you.
11:29 Before I go, let's listen to a beautiful mission video.
11:33 And as we listened to the songs,
11:34 as we follow the words,
11:36 let's quietly meditate,
11:38 let's pray to the Lord
11:39 about how we can be more involved
11:41 in mission for Him.
11:43 For Mission 360, I'm Gary Krause.
11:45 And I hope that you can join me next time
11:47 right here on Mission 360.


Revised 2021-03-12