Mission 360

Second Chances

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002303A

00:12 Mission in Japan,
00:13 13th Sabbath Offering projects in South America
00:16 and recipes from the Mission 360° Kitchen
00:19 coming up next.
00:56 Hello and welcome to Mission 360°.
00:58 I'm Gary Krause.
01:00 Today's program is coming to you
01:01 from Tokyo, Japan,
01:03 the most populous urban area in the world.
01:07 In 2016, it was estimated
01:09 that there was some 36 million people
01:12 living in greater Tokyo.
01:15 This is the area of Shibuya,
01:16 which is perhaps the world's busiest crosswalk.
01:19 And in this area,
01:21 the world's two busiest railway stations.
01:24 Well, on today's program,
01:25 we'll be looking at mission here in Japan
01:27 and around the world.
01:28 But first up,
01:30 let's look at 13th Sabbath Offering projects
01:32 in South America.
01:43 On the Sunday morning,
01:45 Fortunato climbs the hill towards his workshop.
01:48 Today, he'll teach a class on how to make a leather bag.
01:51 Fortunato lived many years as a cowboy in rural Peru,
01:55 but eventually settled down in Cusco to start a family.
01:59 Perched high above sea level, Cusco is an ancient city.
02:02 Once the historic capital of the Incan Empire.
02:06 Not far from here you can find Machu Picchu,
02:08 a world heritage site.
02:10 People from all over the globe come to visit this marvel.
02:14 This area on the edge of Cusco is still developing
02:18 as the city continues to expand.
02:20 There's limited electricity
02:22 and no running water in this neighborhood.
02:25 Many families here
02:26 find it hard to earn a steady income
02:28 to improve their quality of life.
02:30 So Fortunato got an idea.
02:32 He wanted to equip his neighbors with a new skill,
02:36 leather crafting.
02:37 Fortunato's workshop is filled with tools, supplies
02:41 and handmade goods,
02:42 reflecting his many years of experience
02:45 in leather crafting.
02:46 He invites everyone from the community
02:48 to his workshop to learn this skill.
02:50 Before each lesson,
02:52 Fortunato shares a short worship thought.
02:54 He opens the Bible to a passage
02:56 he thinks God will use to speak to his visitors.
02:59 Then they continue on the leather crafting lesson.
03:03 Fortunato teaches his guests
03:05 how to cut, glue and sew the leather together
03:08 to make a beautifully crafted bag.
03:10 Throughout the class,
03:12 he connects the lesson to his earlier worship thought.
03:15 Fortunato believes that Christ's method of ministry
03:18 is the most effective way
03:20 to share the gospel with his community.
03:22 Through his leather crafting ministry,
03:24 he has planted multiple churches.
03:27 His latest church plant
03:28 is called the Loma Linda Church,
03:30 which roughly translates to the beautiful hill church.
03:34 It's a fitting name for this location
03:36 that sits high atop a hill overlooking the city of Cusco.
03:45 This small congregation meets each Sabbath
03:48 to dive into Bible lessons.
03:55 They listen, learn and ask questions
03:57 about things they've been studying
03:59 throughout the week.
04:00 An important element of the church service
04:03 is the music.
04:04 Each week, a small group of musicians
04:06 performs with traditional instruments
04:08 singing in both Spanish and Quechua,
04:11 a local native language.
04:13 Fortunato's brother-in-law Siriacco
04:16 leads the music each Sabbath.
04:25 He has a ministry of his own.
04:27 Much like Fortunato,
04:29 Siriacco volunteers his time to teach classes,
04:32 specifically music classes.
04:34 He offers both children and adult music lessons
04:37 once a week,
04:39 working around the people's schedules.
04:41 Today's class is for children.
04:43 Siriacco loves how eager they are to learn
04:46 and how quickly they grasp concepts.
04:48 He starts with the basics,
04:50 but over time they're able to follow along
04:52 as they sing or play various instruments.
04:55 When a group has made some progress,
04:57 he invites them to come play for the congregation at church.
05:01 Many who come to perform returned week after week
05:05 to keep hearing the stories about Jesus.
05:07 This congregation is continuing to grow
05:10 through Fortunato
05:12 and Siriacco's outreach efforts.
05:15 This quarter a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offering
05:18 will help build a youth focused community center
05:21 in Cusco, Peru.
05:23 This center will be a place where people can come
05:25 for a variety of activities
05:27 that will connect them with Adventist Church members.
05:30 Please pray for church planting in Cusco
05:33 and throughout South America.
05:35 Thank you for supporting the mission offering.
05:40 My guest today at the Setagaya Church
05:43 here in Tokyo, Japan, is Risa.
05:45 Thanks for joining us, Risa. Thank you.
05:48 Please tell me, you're a member of this church.
05:50 But how did you first become a Seventh-day Adventist?
05:52 Well, I wasn't really Christian until I was 22 years old.
05:58 So I went to the US and just to study 3D animation,
06:02 and I didn't go to any Adventist college
06:06 and other than Adventist high school.
06:09 But then my cousins are,
06:13 I mean, they are Adventist,
06:14 and I didn't know that actually.
06:16 But then they told me, "Hey, you know,
06:18 maybe you can go to the church there."
06:20 And I was like, okay,
06:22 you know, but in that time, I didn't really go to church.
06:26 But then, second time, they also asked me,
06:30 "Hey, maybe you want to go to the church?"
06:32 So I was like, "Okay, maybe this time yes."
06:35 And then, I actually found that there's a Filipino church,
06:41 SDA Filipino church just behind my house.
06:44 And so, I didn't know that.
06:46 So I was like, "Okay, maybe I'll go."
06:48 And then, I, there's a, you know like,
06:53 there are a lot of young people actually.
06:55 So I got a lot of fun there
06:57 and I had really good time there
06:59 and also learn Jesus there.
07:02 And so there is a lady who I mean, there's a girl.
07:06 I mean, aren't seeing me, so I'll just say her girl.
07:09 So she taught me Bible.
07:11 So we had a Bible study together.
07:13 And then she said that she has a friend,
07:16 Japanese friend here in Setagaya Church.
07:18 He's now, you know, coming to this church,
07:20 and then he became a leader of this church.
07:22 So I was like, "Okay, I'll go to the church."
07:24 And when I came back to Japan,
07:26 I started coming to this Setagaya Church.
07:31 And then, you know, how I became a Christian.
07:34 When I was in the State,
07:36 I got baptized before I came here.
07:37 Okay,
07:39 so what difference did it make to your life
07:40 when you became a Christian?
07:42 Well, actually, I had a family problem.
07:46 Especially have a problem with my dad,
07:48 and dad passed away, you know,
07:51 when I was 14,
07:54 I mean, 16 sorry, 16.
07:57 So I really, you know, regret, you know,
08:00 because I said really bad words to him and I...
08:03 my acting was really bad.
08:05 So I was really regretting,
08:07 you know, my, what I've done to him.
08:11 But then one day I saw the dream.
08:15 And I had a dream then,
08:17 he just saw me and he was lying down on the,
08:21 you know, on the floor,
08:26 and he just saw me.
08:27 I was like, okay,
08:29 maybe he didn't forgive me, you know.
08:31 But then second day, next day, I also had the same dream.
08:34 He was lying down the floor, and he was also,
08:38 you know, seeing me and I was like, okay,
08:39 maybe it's same dream that I had,
08:41 you know, first day,
08:42 but then he just say thank you to me,
08:45 and it just reflect me like,
08:48 Oh, that's Jesus, you know, like, whatever if we're really,
08:51 you know, we're really sinners.
08:53 But even though we were sinners,
08:55 He always forgive us, isn't that right?
08:57 And so you know,
08:59 I just, you know, I thought about His, Jesus,
09:02 you know, from my dad.
09:04 And then so I decided to get baptized that time.
09:08 Okay, wonderful.
09:09 Now you're involved in this church,
09:11 tell me some of the activities that you have here?
09:15 So in Setagaya Church, we have,
09:17 this is the only youth church in Japan now.
09:20 And so, we always have English Bible meeting
09:26 every Wednesday now
09:28 and so, people who wants to learn English,
09:31 they can come to the church and then also they,
09:34 you know, discuss with,
09:36 you know, they have a discussion
09:37 about the topic of Bible or whatever,
09:40 you know, general topic.
09:41 So this is something for the community
09:43 that you advertise on the internet, right?
09:45 Yeah.
09:46 Also, we also had the just,
09:50 we just had the Maranata evangelistic series,
09:54 and there was a lady who are...
09:58 I mean, who is living around here.
10:00 And so,
10:02 she was really interested in our church.
10:04 And in the last day of the series,
10:09 she just came to the church.
10:11 And she was like, I was really,
10:13 you know, a little bit curious about the church,
10:15 so she came to the church.
10:16 And then now,
10:18 she has been attending the church for two weeks.
10:20 Oh, wonderful.
10:22 So yeah, I still, you know, praying about her
10:24 and I want you to, you know, pray about her too.
10:28 Also, you know, this is the youth church.
10:32 So we call, you know,
10:34 the youth attending this church call, you know,
10:37 their friends too.
10:38 And then actually there are a lot of, you know,
10:40 youth people actually graduated Adventist college,
10:43 but then, after they graduated, they, you know,
10:47 they never, you know, be in the church.
10:49 They're not coming to the church anymore, right?
10:52 But then because this is a youth church,
10:54 that's more easy, you know, for them to call,
10:58 you know, young people.
11:00 Because we have a lot of young people here.
11:02 So it's more attractive for them.
11:04 So, it's more attractive.
11:05 So we call more, you know, people who hasn't,
11:09 you know, who haven't been to the church for a while.
11:13 Recently, we have a lot of,
11:14 you know, like young people like around 18 years old,
11:18 or you know, and that young people,
11:20 young kids.
11:21 They came to the church because this is a youth church.
11:26 That's why it's more easier to get those young people here.
11:30 Wonderful.
11:32 What are your hopes for the church in the future?
11:35 This church? Yeah.
11:37 Well, now we have a lot of young people
11:41 but also, I want more people to come
11:44 and to decide to get baptized.
11:48 It's fun, you know, people, young people are here
11:51 and talking with, you know, the same age people
11:55 or, you know, we also have a game night
11:58 first Sabbath day of the month.
12:01 So we have a game night
12:03 and so we have a lot of like young people come.
12:06 But not only that,
12:08 I hope that we will have more
12:11 like Bible study groups with them
12:13 so that they can also learn Bible
12:15 and I really know that they really truly wants to,
12:19 you know, learn Bible.
12:21 Yes. Wonderful.
12:23 Yeah, that's my hope.
12:24 Risa, thank you so much for sharing with us today.
12:27 And viewers at home,
12:29 please pray for this church here.
12:31 But the church in general in Japan,
12:33 which is facing many challenges.
12:36 Pray for the young people
12:37 with their enthusiasm and energy
12:39 as they share the good news
12:40 that many people may come to know
12:42 Jesus Christ as their Savior.
12:44 We'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2020-05-07