Mission 360

Golf and Soccer Analogy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002301B

00:15 Welcome back to Ho Chi Minh City.
00:17 This city formerly known as Saigon
00:19 was of course very famous for the pivotal role
00:21 it played during the Vietnam War.
00:24 Today, lots of tourists come here
00:25 and they look at sites such as this.
00:28 Notre Dom Cathedral,
00:29 many, many Neo-colonial French architecture examples
00:33 all around the city.
00:35 And this is notable because
00:36 all the materials were imported from the country of France.
00:40 Well, next up we visit with Greg
00:41 and Amy Whitsett in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
00:45 So I have enjoyed living
00:47 and working in Asia for the last 16 years.
00:51 I'm the director of the Global Mission Center
00:52 for East Asian religions.
00:54 And when I first came to Asia to share my testimony
00:58 and share the good news with my friends, Buddhists.
01:02 I didn't know how to begin.
01:03 And I was teaching in a college.
01:06 One of my students was a Buddhist monk.
01:08 And as it became time for,
01:11 you know, December Christmas time,
01:13 he asked me, said, "So tell me, what is Christmas all about?"
01:16 And I thought, "Wow, what an opportunity."
01:18 Here's someone who wants to know about my religion.
01:20 So I didn't know where to begin,
01:21 I thought, well,
01:23 they don't understand why we needed a Savior,
01:25 so I decided I should just do quick overview,
01:28 starting with creation and the fall
01:30 and the promise that Messiah would come
01:32 and then talk about His birth
01:33 and then I realize, well, if I just stop with His birth,
01:36 he doesn't understand what it happened next.
01:39 So then I talked about how Jesus went about
01:42 healing people in His teachings,
01:44 and then He was crucified on the cross
01:45 and He died for us.
01:47 He rose from the dead.
01:48 And He went back to heaven, and He's coming back soon.
01:51 And you know what his response was?
01:54 He was actually giggling out of embarrassment
01:56 of what I had just unloaded on him,
01:58 and it didn't really make sense to him.
02:00 So I began to realize early on that,
02:04 it doesn't make sense
02:06 what I share with my Buddhist friends.
02:08 And so what do I do? I was kind of at a quandary.
02:11 So my wife and I would just like
02:12 to take a couple of minutes
02:14 and talk to you about these challenges that we face.
02:17 Something that we've discovered is that
02:18 you can actually use the analogy of sports
02:22 to understand the differences between the Buddhist worldview
02:25 and a Christian worldview.
02:26 The Christian worldview is very similar
02:28 to soccer or football.
02:30 With soccer or football, you have two teams
02:32 who are competing against each other
02:34 physically, actually fighting each other
02:36 for the ball for control.
02:38 And, you know,
02:40 you've got to get your ball into the net
02:43 on the other side of the field.
02:45 You've got people who are trying to stop you,
02:47 trying to steal the ball from you.
02:49 You have people who can help you.
02:51 Your coach is there to help you and to support you,
02:53 and to give you some guidance and some direction,
02:56 and you have your whole team, you work together as a team
02:59 to move your ball into your net.
03:03 Another key importance with this analogy
03:05 is that with soccer or football,
03:08 you have a very limited timeframe.
03:10 You're only on the field for about 90 minutes,
03:12 45 minutes for each half.
03:14 And whoever gets the most points
03:16 at the end of that 90 minutes wins.
03:21 Also, it's interesting to note that you can be on the bench.
03:24 You don't actually have to touch the ball once
03:26 during the game and you can still win.
03:28 That's true, my team wins. Right.
03:29 What's important is that you're on a team
03:31 and we see this in Christianity.
03:34 There's a big, big battle between God,
03:37 between Satan, we have to choose a side.
03:40 And there's a limited timeframe.
03:41 We understand as Seventh-day Adventist Christians
03:44 that Jesus is coming and He's coming very soon,
03:46 which gives us a great amount of a sense of urgency,
03:51 urgency that time is limited.
03:53 We've really got to work hard.
03:54 We got to learn how to work as a team.
03:56 We've got to do our best using the skills
03:58 that each individual has
04:00 to play the game of soccer or golf,
04:03 or in this case, Christianity.
04:05 And the other limit on time, of course,
04:06 is that we only have one life, right?
04:07 Right.
04:09 And we have to choose in this life
04:10 whom we will serve.
04:11 So, that's the Christian perspective.
04:14 But what about the Buddhist perspective?
04:17 And all of our Asian friends in this part of the world?
04:20 Well, their perspective
04:21 is actually a little bit more like golf.
04:24 Now with golf, everyone has their own ball.
04:26 You don't hit each other's ball.
04:29 There's no teams, you know, you don't see team hats,
04:32 you know, and jerseys.
04:34 No, it's each individual is for himself,
04:35 he must win at his own way.
04:37 And actually,
04:39 golf is much more of a mental game
04:41 in the sense that it's a riddle.
04:43 How are you going to best play the game,
04:45 you have different clubs that you can use
04:47 and they all must be used you know,
04:49 for different purposes.
04:50 You have drivers and I don't know,
04:53 I don't play golf, but you have all irons
04:55 and the weather conditions even affects your game.
04:58 How fast the greens are playing and this type of thing.
05:01 And so, how is this like Buddhism?
05:05 Well, in Buddhism,
05:07 there's not really any opponent
05:09 who's out to get you to defeat you.
05:12 You're your own worst enemy.
05:13 And its focus is on self improvement, right?
05:17 And then you actually have 18 holes.
05:20 You know, a lot of people say is kind of expensive
05:22 to play the game of golf.
05:24 Actually, if you play really badly,
05:26 you can play all day until they close at night,
05:29 because, you know, it takes you so long
05:31 to get that ball into, into the cup.
05:35 So and I guess that's kind of like
05:37 how life could be in the Buddhist mindset is that,
05:39 depending on how well you play...
05:41 They're not very skilled.
05:42 Yeah, it could take you longer.
05:44 Also, a lot of Asians, a lot of Buddhists
05:46 have an understanding of the spirits.
05:48 And so who are they?
05:49 Are they against us?
05:51 Well, in Christianity,
05:52 we would say the spirits are fallen angels
05:54 who are against us, trying to defeat us,
05:56 but actually the way Buddhists would see spirit
05:59 is very different,
06:01 they would see it kind of like the wild animals in the forest.
06:03 Yes, you can get hurt by them, they could attack you,
06:05 they might see you as a meal.
06:07 But the animals in the forest are just doing
06:10 what that comes naturally and the same with spirits.
06:11 In fact, the spirits could help you
06:14 as much as hurt you,
06:15 like a sand trap on the golf green,
06:17 you know, you have a sand trap.
06:18 It's not running around trying to catch your ball.
06:21 The pond isn't moving around trying to block your shot.
06:23 No, it's just, it's there.
06:25 And you have to deal with these realities.
06:27 And so this is exactly like Buddhism
06:29 is we have to work with these environments,
06:32 and that it's just about improving ourselves.
06:37 So you see the difference.
06:38 When we talk about Christianity,
06:41 we talk about these things that is so different
06:44 from what the Buddhist has in mind
06:46 about what works.
06:48 So oftentimes what we do is we go to Buddhists
06:50 and we start talking about football, soccer,
06:55 and giving them all the rules
06:56 and how that's going to help them play a better game
06:58 and they'll sit there and scratch their head
06:59 and say, "Well, yeah, I guess you play on grass,
07:01 we play on grass."
07:03 You have a ball and we have a ball.
07:04 Yes, we both have balls and...
07:06 We run and get exercise, we run and get exercise.
07:08 So it's all the same. It's all good.
07:10 And in that level, yes, it's true.
07:11 All religions do teach morals, but the rules of the game
07:14 and the purpose is totally different.
07:16 And so what we need to do is take time to listen,
07:19 take time to observe,
07:21 and take time to learn so that we can share the gospel
07:24 in the right way.
07:25 So how can you begin?
07:26 Well, there's a couple things you can do.
07:28 If you have Buddhist friends or neighbors,
07:30 I encourage you to take time to get to know them,
07:32 just be a friend, earn their trust,
07:34 win their confidence and eventually
07:36 you'll be able to start sharing your own testimonies with them
07:38 about how God is changing you.
07:41 The second thing that you can do
07:42 is go to our website, cear.adventistmisison.org.
07:46 And there you will find some resources to help you
07:48 to understand Buddhism,
07:49 and to understand better how you can share
07:52 your relationship with Jesus with your Buddhist friends.
07:55 God bless you.
07:56 If you're enjoying today's program,
07:58 I invite you to follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
08:01 There you'll find various videos
08:03 posted about mission around the world.
08:05 Just go to Instagram, Facebook
08:07 and search for Mission360 TV
08:10 and there you will find us and just click like or follow.
08:14 Next up, we travel back to South America.
08:20 With Bibles in hand,
08:22 this church planting duo
08:23 began exploring their new community,
08:25 introducing themselves to neighbors
08:27 and hoping to connect with them.
08:29 They knew sharing the Adventist message
08:31 in a city like Lima could be challenging.
08:34 With a population of almost 10 million people,
08:37 Peru's capital is one of South America's largest
08:39 and busiest cities.
08:41 As in many other urban areas, people are often busy
08:44 and interest in religion is fading.
08:47 There was no Seventh-day Adventist congregation
08:50 in this part of the city
08:51 until a local Adventist family
08:53 took the initiative to start one.
08:56 First, they began meeting for worship in their home
08:58 and invited their neighbors to join them.
09:01 Then they invited theology students
09:02 from the Adventist University in Lima
09:04 to come preach in the streets.
09:07 This event stirred up a lot of interest
09:09 in the community.
09:10 As the family spoke more and more with their neighbors,
09:13 they realized there were many needs.
09:16 They recruited other Adventists in Lima
09:18 and arranged a health expo for the community.
09:20 People appreciated the compassion
09:23 and genuine care they encountered.
09:26 Soon after the first health expo,
09:27 Dina and Catherine were called to serve full time
09:31 through the 1000 Missionary Movement,
09:33 an initiative started and supported
09:34 by several of the Adventist churches world divisions.
09:39 When Dina and Catherine first knocked on Abigail's door,
09:42 they asked if they could pray with her.
09:44 Abigail gladly accepted their invitation,
09:47 and the girls returned each day for prayer.
09:50 After a few doorway prayers, Abigail invited them inside
09:54 where Dina and Catherine offered her Bible studies.
09:58 With each visit, the girls noticed
10:00 how Abigail struggled to maintain her home.
10:03 She was having a difficult pregnancy at the time
10:05 and had another child to care for.
10:08 She often didn't feel well enough
10:09 to keep up with household chores.
10:12 Dina and Catherine eagerly began to help.
10:16 They assisted Abigail by cleaning, cooking
10:18 and taking her child to school.
10:21 Adventist Church members in Lima
10:22 also gathered food to give to the family.
10:26 Their acts of kindness showed Abigail the love of Jesus.
10:37 It's been several months,
10:39 and Abigail still looks forward to the weekly Bible studies.
10:42 She's just one of 40 community members,
10:45 whom Dina and Catherine visit regularly.
10:48 Through Christ method,
10:50 Dina and Catherine have helped
10:51 plant a new church in this neighborhood
10:53 where about 30 people worship each Sabbath.
10:56 Please pray for church planters like Dina and Catharine
11:00 who are on the frontlines of mission,
11:02 pray for strength and compassion
11:04 as they continue to reach others for Christ.
11:07 Thank you for supporting Adventist Mission.
11:20 Well, that's about it for today's program.
11:23 And I hope that you have been challenged and inspired
11:26 by our 360° view of mission around the world,
11:30 and especially here in Vietnam,
11:32 in the heart of a 10/40 Window
11:34 where 60% of the world's population
11:37 live in this region.
11:39 And most of them,
11:40 most of the people living here have not even heard
11:43 the name of Jesus.
11:44 And I want to thank you so much
11:46 for being part of our Adventist Mission Team.
11:49 Thank you for taking the time with your families
11:52 to pray for mission,
11:53 to pray for missionaries,
11:55 to pray for Global Mission Pioneers,
11:57 church planters,
11:59 to pray for the cities
12:00 where most of the world's population now live.
12:03 Before we go today, I want to thank you so much
12:06 for your continuing support through your mission offerings
12:09 and your donations to global mission.
12:12 Thank you for your personal involvement.
12:13 And before we go,
12:15 let's listen to this mission music video.
12:19 Take the opportunity as it plays
12:21 to think about mission, to pray about mission,
12:24 to pray about your personal involvement.
12:27 For Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause.
12:29 And I hope that you can join me next time
12:31 right here on Mission 360°.


Revised 2020-04-14