Mission 360

Religious Freedom

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002205A

00:06 The vital importance of religious liberty
00:08 around the world,
00:09 mission in Vietnam and an unnamed country,
00:12 coming up next.
00:38 Hello, and welcome to Mission 360.
00:40 I'm Gary Krause.
00:41 Today's program is coming to you
00:43 from Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon,
00:46 here in Vietnam,
00:48 and I'm standing in front of Independence Palace.
00:51 And this is a historic site because during the Vietnam War,
00:55 it was the home and the office of the South Vietnam president.
01:00 And this was also the sight of the end of the Vietnam War
01:04 because on April 13, 1975,
01:07 a North Vietnamese
01:09 tank crashed through these gates
01:11 during the fall of Saigon.
01:13 Well, through the years this country has been invaded
01:17 by many powerful civilizations,
01:19 but it's, the people have
01:20 proved themselves resilient and strong.
01:24 And I tell you, today's program
01:25 we'll be looking at mission around the world,
01:27 we'll be looking at mission right here in Vietnam.
01:30 But first up, let's look
01:32 at the importance of religious liberty.
01:43 For many Adventists waking up on a Sabbath morning
01:46 and going to church is routine.
01:49 It's something we do every week.
01:51 Many of us can't imagine anything more serious
01:53 than the occasional illness or bad weather preventing us
01:56 from going to church.
01:58 For the most part,
01:59 we have the freedom to worship when, where
02:02 and how we want.
02:03 This freedom is called religious liberty.
02:07 Religious Freedom or sometimes called
02:09 in the international community, freedom of religion
02:11 or belief is part of a cluster of values that
02:16 the international community has identified as necessary
02:21 for human flourishing, for peaceful coexistence
02:25 and also for societal prosperity.
02:28 The religious freedom has its roots in God.
02:32 God that created freedom and the reason is very simple.
02:35 Without freedom, love is impossible.
02:38 Love has to be a choice.
02:40 So therefore God that created freedom.
02:43 Also, even at a deeper level,
02:45 we can think all human beings
02:47 are created in the image of God.
02:50 So if God is free, then God's image ought
02:53 to also enjoy the same freedoms.
02:55 Religious freedom is fundamental in accomplishing
02:58 the mission of the Adventist Church,
03:00 both theologically and practically.
03:02 The freedom to believe is only as valuable
03:06 as your ability to build a church to worshipping
03:10 or to share your beliefs with someone else
03:13 or to keep a day holy
03:16 according to your religious beliefs.
03:17 Without that ability to act,
03:19 religious freedom doesn't really exist.
03:23 Religious liberty is typically seen
03:25 as fighting for the Adventist churches
03:27 right to worship,
03:28 or an individual Adventist's right to worship.
03:31 But at the office of Public Affairs
03:32 and Religious Liberty,
03:34 or PARL at the world church headquarters,
03:36 Adventist take religious liberty
03:39 one step further.
03:41 One of the things that I'm very proud about our church
03:43 is that we don't just protect religious liberty
03:45 for Seventh-day Adventists.
03:46 We recognize that
03:48 religious freedom is a gift from God,
03:49 and that we can't coerce anyone to follow Him.
03:52 We have to protect the rights of all people.
03:55 For instance,
03:56 PARL has signed on to a legal case
03:58 where a young Muslim girl was fired from work
04:00 for wearing a religious headdress.
04:02 PARL representatives
04:04 have supported the rights of individuals
04:06 from other faiths and efforts
04:08 to uphold their religious freedom.
04:10 What PARL advocates is an essential right
04:13 God intended for every human being.
04:16 Without going into all the facts for this case,
04:18 the important thing to note
04:20 is that many people would say, "Why would we ask to protect
04:23 the rights of a young Muslim girl?"
04:25 It's because those similar rights
04:27 in the workplace are the same things
04:29 that we as Adventist require
04:31 when we want to get Sabbath accommodation.
04:33 And so, that's why sometimes in explaining it to people,
04:36 it's important for them to understand that
04:38 religious freedom for all is important
04:41 and without it for all, we can't get it for ourselves.
05:05 My guest is Dr. GT Ng,
05:07 who is the executive secretary
05:09 of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
05:12 And we're here in Ho Chi Minh City
05:14 and you know this territory
05:15 very well Southeast Asia, Dr. Ng.
05:18 A little bit. Yeah, a little bit.
05:20 In fact, we were just talking earlier about the fact
05:24 that you were born in Singapore,
05:27 and there was something very special about
05:28 where you were born.
05:30 Tell me about that? Yes.
05:31 My mother was the first maternity patient,
05:35 first Adventist maternity patient
05:37 of the hospital.
05:38 And I was the first Adventist baby
05:41 ever born in the hospital.
05:42 And was called the Youngberg...
05:44 Youngberg Memorial Adventist Hospital.
05:47 Wonderful.
05:48 During the 25th anniversary of the hospital,
05:51 my mother was invited
05:52 by the hospital administration to receive a plaque
05:57 from the hospital president.
05:59 And the plaque said,
06:02 "This is given to Mrs. Karina Lee,
06:05 the first Adventist maternity patient
06:10 in Youngberg Memorial Adventist Hospital.
06:13 And the name of his son is GT Ng.
06:19 At that time, I was serving in Cambodia.
06:24 So my mother told me about it later on
06:26 and what an honor
06:28 it was to be the first baby ever born there.
06:30 Yeah, that's wonderful.
06:32 Now you were serving in Cambodia at that time,
06:35 now, that was the time too
06:37 when you were forced to come to Vietnam.
06:40 Tell me about that? Yes.
06:42 We were evacuated from Phnom Penh to Saigon,
06:47 which is now Ottoman City in 1975.
06:52 Ralph was the president
06:54 of Services Youth Union ordered us out of the country
06:58 because according to news report
07:00 the Americans with a stop of bombing Phnom Penh.
07:05 And he said,
07:07 "All of you student missionaries and I,
07:10 myself must get out of the country
07:12 before Khmer Rouge walked right into the city."
07:16 And so we did leave, we obey his order.
07:20 And that's why we landed in Saigon.
07:23 And here we stay for a couple of weeks,
07:26 not knowing when to return.
07:28 And so they put us up in Saigon Adventist Hospital,
07:31 one of the guest houses.
07:33 Which is near here? Which was near here.
07:34 Okay. Yeah, in that direction.
07:37 And so, what was it like
07:39 when you were here for that period of time?
07:41 Uncertain, obviously?
07:43 Very uncertain as to when we will have to return.
07:46 But the first impression of Saigon at the time
07:49 was that Vietnam was a very peaceful country.
07:53 Compared to Cambodia? Compared to Cambodia.
07:56 At that time, Vietnam would have been
07:57 at war for 28 years, that was 1973.
08:03 And so, I thought to myself,
08:08 "Man, this is a peaceful city.
08:11 There's no bombing.
08:12 There is no gunshots that we could hear.
08:15 You know, compare with Phnom Penh,
08:18 there was constant bombardment,
08:20 constant rocket explosions,
08:22 you know, fire on the outskirts,
08:24 lots of military actions,
08:26 B-52 bombing in the evening,
08:29 and F-111 fighter bombings during the day
08:34 while some military activities
08:36 whereas in Saigon, it was very peaceful.
08:39 So we had two weeks... Yeah.
08:41 We could sleep well.
08:42 And so we had two weeks of tranquility.
08:45 But our tranquility was cut short
08:48 when we were order back to Phnom Penh.
08:52 So you went back and you served there for how much longer?
08:55 For about a year more,
08:57 then the situation went from bad to worse.
09:00 And so the union at that time said,
09:03 "There is no hope for Cambodia.
09:05 We want you to go back to Singapore,
09:10 where we will reassign you."
09:12 So there was a second evacuation
09:14 the following year, which was 1974.
09:19 So we stayed there for about three to four weeks, you know,
09:22 relatively longer than
09:24 our period of the evacuation here in Vietnam.
09:27 After that things have calmed down.
09:30 And so they said,
09:31 "Cambodia is still there on the map,
09:34 you return to Phnom Penh."
09:36 So we were shipped back to the Phnom Penh
09:38 where we continue serving for another,
09:41 maybe six to seven months
09:44 when we were finally evacuated for the last time,
09:47 that was March, 1975.
09:50 It must have been difficult to say goodbye
09:52 to Cambodia under those circumstances?
09:55 Yes, we had a 33 church members at that time,
09:58 most of them were baptized
10:00 during our two years program in Cambodia.
10:05 It was very difficult to say goodbye to them.
10:08 You're right.
10:09 Because many of them will ask us
10:11 with tears in their eyes,
10:13 you know, "When are you returning?
10:14 When are you returning?
10:16 We need a pastor here
10:18 to continue to try to sing us the Bible.
10:20 We need somebody to pray for us and with us.
10:23 When are you coming back?"
10:24 I said, "We would like to come back
10:26 as soon as possible.
10:27 As soon as the situation come down.
10:30 We do not control our destiny.
10:34 It's the Services Youth Union that calls us out.
10:37 As soon as they see the situation calms down,
10:40 we will surely return."
10:42 But looking back, it was only empty promises
10:47 because we did not know the situation.
10:49 That will be so bad that
10:54 it was impossible for us to return
10:56 because right after
10:57 our evacuation in the month of March,
11:00 the following month, only a few weeks later,
11:03 Pol Pot took over the country.
11:05 So he began a reign of terror from 1975,
11:11 all the way till 1979,
11:14 in which 1.4 to 1.7 million people were killed.
11:19 So it was a very dark chapter in a history of Cambodia.
11:24 Dr. Ng, thank you so much for sharing with us today.
11:26 It's our pleasure. Yeah.
11:28 And God has never left His work.
11:29 Even at the time
11:31 when we thought the work was being cut short,
11:35 when church members were decimated,
11:37 God has His people being baptized
11:41 and train at the border of Cambodia and Thailand.
11:45 And so there was a rebirth of our church in Thailand
11:50 and many of them returned to Cambodia
11:52 to begin a new work.
11:53 So we just praise God for His oversight
11:56 and over His leadership over the situation
12:01 here in Cambodia and Vietnam.
12:03 Thank you very much.
12:04 Viewers at home,
12:06 we're actually right in the heart
12:07 of the 10/40 Window here, Cambodia, Vietnam.
12:11 And I want you to please continue to pray for mission.
12:14 I was talking with Dr. Ng earlier
12:16 and he's talking about the greatest need that
12:17 we have is workers, people who are prepared
12:20 to serve in very challenging circumstances.
12:23 But we thank God for His leading
12:25 and we know that the future is sure in His hands.
12:27 We'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2020-07-17