Mission 360

She Asked God to Kill Her

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002201B

00:05 I'm continuing my conversation with Dr. And Mrs. Ng
00:08 here in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
00:10 And on our left here, we have a hotel the Cambodiana,
00:13 I think that's what it's called.
00:14 Yes.
00:16 Tell me a little bit about your experience
00:17 with this building?
00:18 When we were in Phnom Penh, 1973, '74, '75,
00:24 this hotel was already in existence,
00:26 but it was only half-finished.
00:28 Okay.
00:29 And, at that time
00:31 there was a huge influx of refugees
00:34 coming from the countryside
00:35 because of incessant rocket attack
00:38 from the countryside to the city itself.
00:41 So hundreds and thousands of refugees
00:44 flocked into the city,
00:45 they were hungry, they were hurting.
00:47 So some of them were housed in this hotel,
00:50 this very hotel.
00:53 We did a lot of refugee relief work.
00:56 So many of us went from room to room
00:59 to help with the refugees.
01:01 And we saw those poor people in a dark room,
01:07 dingy looking, mother, children,
01:12 cooking a meal on the floor.
01:15 You know, the entire room was filled with smoke,
01:18 charcoal smoke.
01:19 And it was a pathetic scene,
01:22 but everyday almost we did a lot of refugee relief,
01:25 distributing clothing,
01:27 and rice and salt
01:30 and fish from Mekong River.
01:33 Okay.
01:34 Well, so when you were here,
01:36 you experienced rocket fire
01:39 and tell me, did you experience any providential care
01:43 while you were here?
01:44 Rocket attack was a daily occurrence.
01:46 Okay.
01:48 We have learned how to respond to rocket attack.
01:53 Okay.
01:54 When this... And B52, right?
01:55 And B52, which we'll talk about it later.
01:59 When rockers went over head, it will make a whistling sound.
02:02 So when you hear
02:04 the whistling sound of rockets going over head,
02:07 it means you are safe.
02:08 Okay.
02:10 You are still alive. We're still alive .
02:12 The problem is when you don't hear it,
02:16 because when you don't hear you are the targets,
02:18 you wouldn't know anything about it.
02:20 Right.
02:21 So upon hearing the whistling sound,
02:23 immediately we'll hit the floor.
02:26 And so the favorite place in our house in our apartment
02:30 will be the bathroom
02:31 because it was reinforced with retiller and so when,
02:36 so we thought that was the safest place
02:39 to be in a rocket attack.
02:42 And then we had many experiences
02:44 how the Lord worked overtime to protect us.
02:48 My wife was a treasurer of the Kamrieng district.
02:52 And every week she will go to the bank
02:55 to deposit the money offerings and tithes.
02:58 And one time she went with a student missionary,
03:03 you know, who accompany her to the bank.
03:06 And, when he was inside the bank,
03:10 there was a rocket attack.
03:13 When he came up from the bank ready to retrieve his bicycle.
03:17 He noticed one of his handle was cut off by a strap there,
03:22 he was safe and sound.
03:24 A lot of commotion outside,
03:27 but the bicycle was okay minus one handle,
03:31 but he was safe.
03:32 Wow. So we just thank God for that.
03:34 Mrs. Ng, when you were finally evacuated out of Phnom Pehn,
03:38 you went out to the airport.
03:39 What happened?
03:43 I was with him, you know, going to the airport, right?
03:46 Yes. Yeah.
03:48 Then while we were at the airport,
03:51 we had to hide ourselves in a bunker
03:55 because the airport had been a constant attack
04:00 from the enemy,
04:02 because if they could take the airport,
04:03 they could take the country.
04:05 And so from one bunker,
04:07 we would run to the next bunker,
04:09 just next to the runway.
04:11 And finally,
04:13 we make the last dash to the plane itself.
04:16 Then upon entering the plane,
04:18 they quickly closed the door
04:19 and they started the engine
04:21 and the plane made a very tight loop
04:25 around the airport, going up
04:29 and we just thank God
04:31 we safely arrive in Bangkok as a result.
04:33 Wow. Yeah.
04:34 So when you look back at your time here,
04:39 what lessons did you learn as young missionaries?
04:42 Well, never question God,
04:45 why things happen the way they did with us.
04:49 God asked us to trust Him
04:51 and not always
04:53 because we are not able to understand
04:56 why things happen the way they did.
05:00 That's one lesson we learned.
05:02 Lesson number two is that we learn to trust God
05:06 for the future of His work.
05:08 We had 33 members when we left.
05:11 So we thought
05:13 the congregation will be scattered
05:19 because of the war.
05:21 But little did we know that years later,
05:24 many of the tens of thousands of refugees
05:27 streaming across from Cambodia to Vietnam, to Thailand,
05:31 they receive the gospel message through the refugee ministry.
05:37 So a church was established
05:39 through the ministry of many other,
05:43 dedicated Seventh-day Adventist organizations.
05:46 So our church today is strong and on, from 14,
05:51 we have a mission office, we have a school.
05:54 K to 12,
05:55 K to 12 doing very well.
05:58 So we just praise God
05:59 for being in control of His work
06:01 even though everything around you
06:04 may seem to be falling apart.
06:06 Wonderful.
06:07 Dr. and Mrs. Ng, thank you so much
06:09 for sharing with us today.
06:10 It's our pleasure.
06:11 And viewers at home,
06:13 please pray for the church here in Cambodia
06:16 and pray for all of the 10/40 Window
06:18 where 60% of the world's population lives.
06:21 Most of whom
06:22 have still never even heard the name of Jesus.
06:24 Next up, we travel to Africa
06:26 and we visit some Portuguese islands
06:28 just off the coast from Gabon.
06:33 Something went terribly wrong
06:35 as Vitalina prepared to give birth
06:36 to her second child
06:38 in Sao Tome and Principe,
06:40 a tiny island nation off the coast of West Africa.
06:43 She began to bleed heavily,
06:44 and the doctors mistakenly gave her
06:46 the wrong type of blood during a blood transfusion.
06:49 The baby was born safely,
06:51 but Vitalina suffered a severe infection in her legs.
06:54 To save her life
06:55 the doctors amputated both legs.
06:57 Vitalina was just 19 years old.
07:00 After this tragedy,
07:02 Vitalina husband left her for another woman.
07:04 Depression overwhelmed her and she considered suicide.
07:12 I felt a lot of pain and I asked God,
07:16 "Let me die. Please kill me, God,
07:18 because I cannot live with this pain."
07:25 But God had a purpose, a plan for me.
07:29 So He allowed me to live.
07:36 Vitalina worked hard not to burden her family.
07:39 She sewed to pay the bills
07:41 and the people who assisted her
07:42 with house chores she couldn't do.
07:45 After some time,
07:46 a Seventh-day Adventist woman
07:48 who washed Vitalina's clothes got sick.
07:51 I wanted to find another person,
07:53 but the woman said,
07:55 "Don't worry, I'm going to ask church members
07:57 to come wash your clothes."
08:00 At that time, I wasn't an Adventist,
08:02 so I told her not to do it, but she didn't listen.
08:06 She asked people at church
08:07 and they came and washed some of my clothes.
08:14 When a group of Adventist girls arrived at Vitalina's home
08:17 to help with washing clothes.
08:18 She only gave them some of her clothes
08:21 and told them that was all,
08:22 but eager to help
08:24 the girls decided to look through the house
08:25 for more items to clean.
08:27 Then they took her clothes to the river
08:29 and sang as they washed.
08:31 They washed and washed.
08:33 And then they invited me to an evangelistic meeting.
08:37 I attended it and decided to accept Jesus.
08:42 After her baptism,
08:44 Vitalina was eager to share her new faith.
08:47 She told her personal testimony to everyone who would listen.
08:50 Look at me, she told people who stopped by her home.
08:52 God is working in me and I'm able to work.
08:56 God is wonderful.
08:57 And you need to trust Him.
08:59 Through her witnessing,
09:00 Vitalina convinced seven people to go with her
09:03 to the closest Adventist Church.
09:05 She even paid their bus fare for weeks.
09:08 All seven people are now baptized members
09:11 of the Adventist Church.
09:13 Vitalina also organized a Bible study group
09:16 outside her home
09:17 and six more people were baptized.
09:19 Soon she led 40 people to baptism,
09:22 including two of her children.
09:24 Church leaders began drafting plans
09:26 to open a church in her neighborhood.
09:29 Lacking funds to buy land,
09:31 the church accepted an offer from Vitalina
09:33 to build a temporary structure outside her house.
09:36 I used to go to the closest Adventist Church,
09:39 but it was still far.
09:42 Now I feel happy about this.
09:45 I feel content because it's much closer now.
09:49 It was expensive to visit there.
09:51 And I needed people to take me there
09:52 because I couldn't go alone.
09:56 This humble church is made of people
09:58 who are on fire for mission.
10:01 After the Sabbath service each week,
10:03 they go out the door singing and shaking each other's hands.
10:06 As Vitalina shakes each hand,
10:08 she is reminded that
10:09 God will one day give us victory
10:11 over everything that leaves us helpless.
10:15 I pray for this community
10:17 that we may win them for Christ.
10:19 There are still a lot of people here
10:21 who need Christ.
10:23 This is my mission.
10:40 Well, thanks so much
10:41 for joining us on today's program.
10:43 And I hope that you've enjoyed our 360 degree view of mission
10:46 around the world
10:48 that you've seen on today's program.
10:50 We have wonderful mission activities taking place
10:53 in various parts of the world.
10:54 And we may speak different languages.
10:56 We may come from totally different cultural backgrounds.
10:59 We may even look different,
11:00 but we are all sons and daughters of God.
11:02 And we have been given a commission to share His love
11:06 in practical ways with people
11:08 who do not yet know about Him.
11:10 Please continue to pray for mission around the world.
11:13 Please pray for our missionaries serving
11:15 in various places,
11:16 many challenging areas,
11:18 pray for our global mission pioneers
11:20 who are planting new groups of believers
11:22 in new areas.
11:23 Pray for our urban centers of influence,
11:26 sort of putting Christ method of ministry
11:28 into practice.
11:30 On today's program, you've seen many needs,
11:33 you've seen many challenges.
11:34 But we praise God for so many people
11:36 who have come to know Jesus Christ
11:39 through your prayers,
11:40 through your mission offerings,
11:42 through your global mission donations,
11:43 through your personal involvement.
11:45 So I want to thank you
11:46 for being a vital part of our Adventist mission team.
11:50 For Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause.
11:53 And I hope that you can join me next time
11:55 right here on Mission 360.


Revised 2021-02-25