Mission 360

Global Mission Pioneers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002106B

00:14 Welcome back to Tallinn, Estonia
00:16 and one of the most beautifully preserved
00:18 old towns in all of Europe.
00:20 Next up, we travel to the continent of Africa
00:23 and to the country of Kenya,
00:24 where a Global Mission pioneer is making a big difference
00:27 in his community.
00:38 Hello, I'm here in Kenya with a Global Mission pioneer
00:43 who started one of the newest churches
00:44 I've been into because this church was built
00:46 within the last week.
00:48 But the group had started a little bit sooner
00:50 but he also has an interesting story
00:52 to share with us.
00:53 So I'm here with Leenus. Yes.
00:56 And you're a Global Mission pioneer,
00:59 but you haven't always been a Seventh-day Adventist?
01:00 Yeah.
01:02 How did you become a Seventh-day Adventist?
01:04 I became a Seventh-day Adventist
01:07 by hearing the message when it was put forth,
01:10 so I tried to convert myself,
01:13 which message is being preached.
01:16 Then after that I was directed and I go there the VOP papers
01:19 where they were giving,
01:21 and I studied with the VOP papers,
01:23 I found that there's a truth in it
01:25 so I shared with the other Christians.
01:28 So when I shared with my fellow Christians,
01:30 "I said, "This is the truth that we want."
01:34 And they asked me,
01:35 "How can we know about the truth?"
01:37 Then I started giving them the papers,
01:41 whereby went to the conference,
01:42 and I was assisted with the papers.
01:44 So I gave them to study, I told them,
01:47 I shared with them where there were challenges,
01:49 where they could not understand.
01:50 So I made them to understand whereby,
01:52 at least, we registered 360 graduates,
01:56 and they were all qualified and they were all graduated.
02:00 Three hundred and...
02:02 Three hundred and sixty. Three hundred and sixty.
02:03 Yeah.
02:05 You're a church pastor of another denomination.
02:07 Yeah.
02:09 And then you found Voice of Prophecy Bible study guides
02:12 and became convinced that
02:14 what you're studying was the truth.
02:17 And so you, you then went and you shared with others.
02:19 With the others.
02:21 Yeah, I shared with the members, 360.
02:23 Yeah.
02:24 Okay, so then what happened because when you are a pastor
02:26 and you change,
02:28 then what happened in your life then?
02:31 Then after graduation,
02:34 I told them this is truth that they have to know.
02:37 So as I am your pastor, so let me lead you to the truth
02:41 so that you may understand more.
02:43 So we started conducting Bible study.
02:46 By then we had no church, we had no house.
02:49 I went to house to house conducting,
02:51 teaching them their Bible study,
02:53 revising their papers where they don't understand,
02:56 then from there,
02:57 a group of 15 people accepted me, baptized.
03:02 Then I told them, "Okay, let me conduct..."
03:06 Those ones that gave me their VOP papers
03:08 if they can accept, to baptize.
03:11 So eventually they said "We welcome you."
03:15 So we went there to the conference,
03:17 we were baptized, and they said,
03:18 "From there, you lead this flock."
03:20 So they attach me to a pastor who is within the district,
03:25 then as I was ministering to them,
03:28 they felt so wonderful,
03:32 amazed with the message
03:34 so as from there
03:36 the conference members visited us.
03:37 After visiting they said, "No, this church,
03:40 let we attach to the district church
03:43 so that you may go even to the interior
03:45 so that you may fetch more people."
03:48 So they recognized that you have been given a gift
03:52 to share with other people
03:54 and bring them in so they sent you out
03:56 as a Global Mission pioneer?
03:57 Yeah.
03:58 After going to the conference then they told me,
04:02 "You go to the interior
04:03 and work as a Global mission pioneer
04:05 to bring more people as you did to this group."
04:09 So we need even those ones
04:11 to understand better this message.
04:14 So they sent you to an area. Yeah. They sent me to...
04:17 There were no Seventh-day Adventists there before.
04:18 There was no Seventh-day Adventist Church.
04:20 Okay.
04:21 So how did you begin your work, then you're back here?
04:23 No, you see from there now,
04:25 we started moving from door to door,
04:28 telling about the Adventist faith.
04:32 So from there now, the accepted one...
04:36 One person accepted,
04:37 after that one person so I told him,
04:39 "Now hold me the hand, we reach others,
04:41 so that others may also understand these message.
04:44 So we met at that tremendous visit.
04:48 And from there now they said, "We need to hear from you."
04:52 So we made an effort.
04:54 So the few had and say, "No, where is church."
04:58 But by then there was nothing,
05:00 then he said, you worship in here.
05:02 And I also said, "No, we can't, we got to worship in the room.
05:05 We will, we're from the church into the room."
05:08 That's quite impossible,
05:09 then they remain just there with a message now are waiting,
05:13 "How is this church going to develop?"
05:16 Then from there just from few people
05:21 who are volunteers, some said, "No,
05:24 let purchase this land, this land was...
05:28 Okay, but before you got this land...
05:30 Yeah. You had the small room.
05:32 It was a very small room, yeah.
05:33 It was in a little shopping area
05:35 and what was that before you started building?
05:38 The room was a bar. The room was a bar.
05:40 Yeah.
05:41 After we going out, they come and do their work.
05:44 No, they said "No,
05:45 these people maybe are mixed up.
05:47 How can they start from such a place?
05:50 Wicked place but God had intention.
05:52 He wanted from that place
05:54 so that he may use His own power
05:57 and the people to support and hold us their hands.
06:00 But that's a story of grace. Yeah.
06:03 It doesn't matter what your past,
06:05 when you accept Jesus, you can be changed.
06:06 Yeah, of course.
06:08 So then you started building this church.
06:11 And you said this church has been here how long?
06:15 Yeah, this church is about a week.
06:17 One week. Okay. One week.
06:19 That's why the concrete is still...
06:20 The concrete is still wet, yeah.
06:23 And we're standing here,
06:24 but I hope it doesn't damage the floor.
06:26 But then how many members do you have meeting here now?
06:29 Now, up to this time we have around 10 members.
06:34 Around 10 members? Yeah, around 10 members.
06:36 Yeah, around 10 members.
06:37 And what is your dream for this church and this building?
06:39 Actually, the vision that
06:42 I have after the building is finished.
06:46 We try at least to make an effort
06:48 so that they may see and know that we are here.
06:52 The few people that are over there in the market,
06:54 they have to know somewhere we are to come and worship.
06:58 So they want to see.
07:01 We continue, oh, we're afraid to defend.
07:04 So after seeing that
07:05 you have started doing something,
07:08 now they come to realize
07:10 "Oh, these are the people that you had their shows,
07:13 and now they have up to ace.
07:17 So, you know, when I revisit again sure,
07:20 they will say "These are the people,
07:22 God is doing something to them."
07:24 You can see they're now being expanded
07:27 and they are growing.
07:29 Wonderful. Yeah.
07:30 So now this church is a light in this community.
07:33 But it is reaching beyond, do you have some people
07:35 that come here from further away?
07:38 How far are people coming to get here to the church?
07:40 The farthest person I can say around 12 kilometers.
07:45 Twelve kilometers? Twelve kilometers.
07:47 Okay, I'm trying to remember what that is in miles.
07:49 We'll have to...
07:50 you guys will have to do the calculations out there.
07:52 So 12 kilometer... Yeah.
07:55 And they come to this church? To come to church.
07:57 So some point we need to start a church out there,
08:00 get another one going, and another one,
08:02 and another one.
08:04 There are no Adventists here a few years ago
08:06 and you've come here as a pioneer.
08:07 Yes.
08:08 We pray that God will continue to bless your work
08:11 and thank you so much for sharing with us.
08:13 Thank you very much.
08:27 Next up, we travel to India
08:29 and visit a Global Mission pioneer
08:31 who established a health clinic and a church in his home.
08:37 A boy rushes into the house, hand covered in a white paste.
08:41 This home remedy hasn't resolved the pain
08:43 in the boy's hand.
08:45 His family behind him,
08:46 he runs up to the Global Mission pioneer
08:48 who lives here and asks for help.
08:51 The pioneer takes a quick look
08:52 and promises to do more for him after lunch.
08:55 Today is Sabbath
08:56 and he has other patients to help
08:58 before starting church.
09:00 A man then brings in his sick wife
09:02 who has been suffering from severe stomach aches.
09:05 Drawing from his basic medical training,
09:07 the pioneer listens to the couple
09:09 and counsels them in his unusual living room.
09:12 This unique space has been transformed
09:14 to welcome visitors in need of medical attention.
09:17 In this small town in Uttar Pradesh, India,
09:20 quality healthcare and medical treatment
09:22 are rare opportunities.
09:25 The nearest hospital is hours away.
09:27 So pioneer Prem uses the talents
09:29 God has given him to serve the town's sick.
09:33 This much needed service is a lifeline for the people
09:36 and they fill Prem's schedule during the week and beyond.
09:39 Prem's patients receive more than just physical care,
09:41 they learn about a holistic lifestyle
09:44 and the importance of a healthy mind,
09:46 body and spirit.
09:47 They also receive love
09:49 and compassion as they speak with Prem.
09:51 Many of the treatments offered here
09:53 are natural medicines,
09:54 including herbs, plants and charcoal pills.
09:59 Prem gives this couple medication
10:01 and inspiring literature.
10:02 And at the end of each visit, he asked the heavenly physician
10:06 to heal and bless his patients.
10:09 Prem believes it's his duty to tell others
10:11 about the source of all healing.
10:13 And the people appreciate
10:15 learning about the God who heals.
10:18 Pioneer Prem has one last patient this morning,
10:21 a young boy who first came here in a critical condition.
10:24 After seeing many local healers,
10:26 the family's only hope was Prem.
10:29 He prayed for and treated the boy
10:31 and in time he was healed.
10:33 Today the parents believe it was Prem's God
10:35 who healed their son and they continue to see Prem
10:38 for their medical needs.
10:42 Pioneer Prem finally gets a chance
10:44 to finish getting dressed for church.
10:46 At last, he rushes upstairs
10:48 where many of his former patients
10:49 await him.
10:50 Even from the bottom of the steps,
10:52 he could hear their singing.
10:55 They weren't disturbed by the delay.
10:57 The extra time has given them an opportunity to praise
11:00 the wonderful God of healing they've come to know.
11:04 Prem speaks to the group about Jesus.
11:07 It's easy for them to picture
11:08 a heavenly physician who healed,
11:10 preached and cared for those around him.
11:13 They've come to see a glimpse of Jesus in Prem.
11:18 This church plant
11:19 is the only Seventh-day Adventist congregation
11:21 in the region.
11:23 Before Prem arrived,
11:24 this was considered an un-entered area.
11:27 Now the members pray to officially establish
11:30 the first Adventist Church here.
11:32 They also gave financially
11:34 to support the mission here and abroad.
11:36 They know their humble tithes and offerings
11:39 receive God's blessing and are multiplied.
11:43 Please pray for this church
11:45 and for pioneers all around the world
11:47 who labor on the frontlines of mission.
12:06 I'm so glad that you joined me today on mission 360°.
12:10 And I hope that you enjoyed our 360 degree view
12:13 of mission around the world.
12:15 We focused today on Global Mission pioneers
12:18 who are planting new groups of believers
12:20 in various parts of the world,
12:22 often under very challenging circumstances.
12:24 And I want to thank you
12:26 for your continuing donations to Global Mission
12:29 that make the work of the pioneers possible,
12:31 planting thousands
12:33 of new congregations around the world.
12:34 And thank you for your prayers
12:36 that sustain them in their important ministry.
12:39 As a small thank you for your support
12:41 and your involvement in Adventist Mission.
12:43 I'd like to send you this free book,
12:45 it's entitled True Believer.
12:47 It's a stunning story of a man's life
12:50 that was changed.
12:52 He was a diehard communist,
12:53 then he found hope and love through Jesus Christ.
12:57 Well, for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause.
12:59 And I hope that you can join me next time
13:01 right here on Mission 360°.


Revised 2020-05-07