Mission 360

Global Mission Pioneers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002106A

00:09 A pastor in Kenya becomes a Global Mission pioneer,
00:13 a pioneer in India starts a clinic
00:15 and a church in his own home,
00:17 and pioneers in Guyana win hearts through their love,
00:21 coming up next.
00:46 Hello and welcome to Mission 360°,
00:48 I'm Gary Krause.
00:50 Today's program is coming to you from Estonia
00:53 and I'm in the capital city Tallinn and in the old town,
00:57 and in this beautifully preserved
00:59 old town square
01:00 and you can see the old Town Hall behind me.
01:03 Construction began
01:04 on this building back in the 13th century.
01:08 And on today's program
01:09 we'll be looking at the challenge
01:11 of mission right here in Estonia.
01:13 And we'll be traveling all around the world
01:15 to see frontline mission in action.
01:18 But first up, let's travel to Guyana,
01:20 and visit with some Global Mission pioneers.
01:28 Most people would turn around
01:30 if they saw a sign that read "Beware, bad dog.
01:33 Do not enter."
01:34 But Rudolph and Annette aren't afraid of the sign.
01:38 As Global Mission pioneers,
01:40 they've built a relationship with the owners of the house.
01:43 Here in Guyana, Rudolph and Annette
01:46 visit people every day in their homes.
01:48 When they first arrived in this community,
01:50 they began offering basic medical exams for free.
01:54 Diseases such as diabetes are common in this region.
01:57 So as word of the free exam spread,
01:59 the number of calls
02:01 they've received steadily increased.
02:03 Today, Rudolph and Annette
02:05 are regularly asked to visit people's houses
02:07 to share this special service.
02:11 As the pioneers spend time with their patients,
02:13 it opens the door for them
02:15 to share their beliefs and pray together.
02:17 When we finish with them, they ask,
02:20 "Will you check us again?"
02:22 And we'll say, "Yes, we will check him up again."
02:24 So that is one of the doors that we have form,
02:26 open for us which we keep going
02:29 progressively to them.
02:32 Not far away, Azzes,
02:34 also works as a Global Mission pioneer.
02:37 Here he serves people of various faiths.
02:40 The flags around the house
02:41 often indicate the religion of each family.
02:45 As Azzes walks under the hot sun
02:46 with his Bible,
02:48 he trusts that God will open the doors
02:50 and hearts of his neighbors.
02:52 I start doing health checks, diabetes, hypertension,
02:57 and from that people want to know about health.
03:03 And so we have an opportunity to be with them,
03:05 to be their friends.
03:07 With time and affection,
03:09 the pioneer has become friends with many of his neighbors.
03:12 He visits this family frequently,
03:14 and they soak in everything Azzes teaches.
03:17 Whenever he comes,
03:19 he normally speaks to the family.
03:22 We will do prayer devotions,
03:24 and I appreciate it because he cares.
03:27 So I appreciate Pastor Azzes
03:29 because I see that he's a man of belief,
03:33 and he knows his work.
03:36 He knows what he has to do. He takes good care of stuff.
03:39 And He's a very nice person.
03:42 When you share and the relatives see
03:44 what you are doing,
03:45 they will share with other relatives,
03:46 and they also invite you into their homes.
03:49 But there's a lot of praying to get into these homes.
03:52 It's not easy but you have to pray
03:54 and ask the Lord to open doors for you.
03:55 And the Lord is doing that for us here.
03:57 There was no Adventist presence in this community
04:00 before Azzes came, but with his help,
04:03 a church was planted.
04:05 Many members of this congregation
04:07 have recently given their hearts to Jesus.
04:10 Despite the challenges he faces,
04:12 Azzes is committed to continue sharing this hopeful message.
04:17 Thanks to the work of Global Mission pioneers,
04:19 several churches are being planted
04:21 in some of the most challenging neighborhoods of Guyana.
04:25 Please pray for these pioneers and the lives
04:28 that can still be touched with your support.
04:31 We're in Tallinn,
04:32 which is the capital of Estonia.
04:34 And my guest is Angelika
04:36 who has had a vision for some time
04:39 for starting a particular type
04:41 of center of influence here in the city.
04:43 Angelika, thank you for joining us.
04:45 So we're here in this store,
04:48 this shop, when did it first open?
04:51 It was opened on the fifth of June this year.
04:54 Okay, so it's very new. Yeah, it is.
04:57 Now you've had this vision for some time to start this,
05:00 what were your plans?
05:02 What was in your mind?
05:04 It was in the year of 2003 actually,
05:07 quite a long time ago when I just got the idea
05:10 that we should have a secondhand shop
05:13 where people could come in not just to buy clothes,
05:17 but to sit down, chat, have a cup of tea,
05:23 read some Christian books,
05:26 write down their prayer requests,
05:29 so just a little place to have a relaxing time.
05:34 Wonderful.
05:35 And so you had this idea,
05:38 how did it finally come to happen?
05:41 When our conference
05:43 started talking about this influence center,
05:46 then I thought now
05:48 it's a good idea to make it like together
05:51 so that that center and the shop could be
05:54 in one house
05:55 and we can support each other
05:56 and we can work together.
05:59 Wonderful. So... Yeah.
06:00 So this is one part of a larger center.
06:03 So let's have a look at this shop.
06:05 We're on a very busy street here leading into the city
06:08 and describe what we're seeing here?
06:13 So, and back of the store is sofa corner.
06:19 Sofa corner? Sofa corner.
06:21 So this is the place where people can sit down,
06:26 they can have a cup of tea.
06:28 We have some Christian books back there.
06:33 So this is the place where people can just sit down,
06:38 have a little chat, cup of tea and relax.
06:42 That's very nice. Yeah.
06:44 So it's not just rush in
06:45 and buy something and go out again.
06:47 Yeah, exactly.
06:48 And I noticed you have an environment here,
06:51 which is a very welcoming environment,
06:53 there's nice music playing and...
06:55 Yes. Yeah.
06:56 Now how do you staff the shop?
07:00 I know you come here and volunteer,
07:02 who else helps you?
07:04 We have quite a good company like, the team.
07:08 We have most of them, they are just volunteers.
07:13 Yes.
07:14 And so sometimes I am here and sometimes other people,
07:17 and so we are working together and it's a nice team.
07:21 Yeah, it's very good.
07:25 Around the corner. Yes. Let's have a look here.
07:27 This is the box of prayer requests.
07:32 Okay, so you write your prayer request here and put.
07:33 Here and put it in there, yes.
07:36 This is the sign if you want us to pray for you,
07:39 please write it here and put into the box.
07:43 And people are really using it.
07:45 Is that right? They are really...
07:47 And those prayer requests, they are not just simple.
07:50 Sometimes these problems are so deep and serious.
07:54 And so our team,
07:56 we are praying for those people and that's nice.
07:59 It's interesting because Estonia
08:02 is a very secular society.
08:03 People don't go to church very much.
08:06 But it seems that deep down,
08:08 there's still some spiritual needs that people have.
08:11 That's why it is center and this shop is a good idea,
08:14 because if they don't want to go to church
08:17 but they still come here,
08:19 and then if we get friends with them,
08:21 and slowly we can start talking about deeper things.
08:27 Yes.
08:29 Well, that's Christ' method of ministering, isn't it?
08:30 Yeah, exactly.
08:31 And people come into the shop here
08:34 who would never walk into a church building.
08:36 Yeah, yeah, exactly.
08:38 And actually, we already have some regular customers.
08:41 All of them are like, they are working around here
08:44 because there are many offices
08:46 so they do come like every week
08:49 and every time they're welcomed.
08:53 Yeah, this is nice.
08:55 This is new experience for me
08:56 and it's actually, it's working.
08:58 Yeah, that's wonderful.
08:59 Now the beauty of something like this too,
09:02 it's not just attracting people who want cheaper things,
09:06 it's also attracting people
09:07 who believe in the environment
09:09 and they like to see recycled clothes
09:12 so that we are caring for the environment, right?
09:15 Yeah, yeah, this is true.
09:17 Many people they do say that, "Oh, this is nice.
09:21 Why should I go to a real shop and buy something
09:24 if I can get from here something.
09:27 Yeah. Yeah.
09:28 This is good.
09:30 Well, it's amazing that
09:31 you've only been open for a couple of months,
09:32 but already you're getting regular clients here.
09:35 Yes. We don't have many of them.
09:38 Now they're starting.
09:39 But you don't even have any signage up here so...
09:40 Yeah, exactly. So it's very early days.
09:43 I think this is going to be wonderful.
09:45 Yeah, we just need to hope...
09:48 And pray, yeah. Yes.
09:50 So this is the center here
09:51 where we have the secondhand store,
09:54 then as we go through here,
09:55 we get to the rest of the center.
09:57 Can you guide us through here? Yeah.
10:01 So here we have rooms
10:04 where our psychotherapists can meet people.
10:08 For counseling? Counseling, yes.
10:11 We have like,
10:13 individual counseling and family,
10:15 and for children.
10:19 Very nice. And this room...
10:22 Yeah, another room for counseling
10:25 if we really get busy so we need two rooms.
10:29 Okay, it's good. Excellent.
10:34 And physical therapy.
10:40 For massage and for exercises.
10:44 We have also exercise class. Good.
10:49 So while our physical therapists,
10:51 he can lead people to have some exercises and...
10:56 Excellent.
10:57 And then you've got a larger space in...
10:59 And this is a large room.
11:00 Here we are going to have
11:02 all kinds of different activities.
11:05 And on 24th of September
11:07 we are going to have Filipinos cooking day,
11:11 so we invite people, they're our customers.
11:14 Hopefully they're coming.
11:16 Wonderful. Yeah.
11:17 Angelika, this is just wonderful
11:19 to see the center of influence.
11:21 And thank you for your vision and what you're doing here.
11:23 Thank you.
11:25 And viewers at home, centers of influence
11:27 are a God ordained method for putting Christ's method
11:31 into practice in urban areas
11:33 where we actually connect
11:35 with people at the level of their needs.
11:37 We serve them in Jesus name, and we win their confidence
11:41 and then we invite them to follow Jesus.
11:43 So pray for this center here in Estonia,
11:46 and also pray for urban centers of influence
11:48 all around the world.
11:49 We'll be right back
11:51 with more Adventist Mission right after this break.


Revised 2020-05-07