Mission 360

Loma Linda Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002105B

00:06 Welcome back to the campus
00:08 of Loma Linda University Health.
00:10 Behind me, you can see the Loma Linda Medical Center
00:14 and then positioned appropriately in front of it
00:17 is this beautiful depiction
00:19 of the parable of the good Samaritan.
00:21 Next up, we meet Pastor Roy,
00:23 who is planting a church in Melbourne, Australia.
00:27 I'm here in Australia
00:29 with a young pastor who is planting a church.
00:32 And most of us would say Melbourne,
00:34 but they say Melbourne.
00:36 This is Pastor Roy.
00:38 And tell me,
00:39 how long have you been working in Melbourne?
00:42 Yeah, so I first came here in 2005
00:43 as a Bible worker
00:45 and stayed here for two years
00:46 and ended up needing to finish my studies.
00:49 And so went back to the US, finished my studies
00:52 and came here 2012 with my family
00:55 and been here ever since.
00:57 Now, I said, you're planting a church,
00:59 but what does this mean?
01:01 What are you actually doing? Yep.
01:03 So we run a church service on a Sabbath morning
01:07 from the heart of the city of Melbourne.
01:09 Our church is located on 500 Collins Street.
01:12 And then during the week we run small groups
01:14 and different outreach programs to the community.
01:17 Tell me a little bit about the city?
01:20 Yep.
01:21 Melbourne is kind of a unique place
01:22 where people would call it very secular.
01:25 And so, for example,
01:26 we have holidays for sporting events.
01:29 We've got the Melbourne Cup, it's a horse race.
01:31 Nobody goes to work
01:33 when the horse races take place.
01:34 I've never lived in a place where that takes place.
01:39 We also have holiday for the Footy Championship.
01:42 So that takes place right near the city as well.
01:44 Nobody gets...
01:46 It sounds Australian footy as well.
01:47 Yep. So it's an Australian football.
01:49 Australia, Aussie rules.
01:50 Yeah, I'm getting too used to Australia here.
01:52 So is that with the Aussie rules as well
01:53 or is it different?
01:55 Yeah. Okay.
01:56 Yeah, yeah. All right.
01:57 Now, I understand that
01:59 it's also very international city.
02:01 Do you have a lot of people
02:02 from different parts of the world, is that true?
02:04 Absolutely.
02:05 It's a bit of a hub.
02:07 It's a very diverse city.
02:08 You've got 40% of people
02:10 that probably come from Asia alone.
02:14 And there's just tremendous diversity in the city.
02:16 Now, which is larger, Sydney or Melbourne?
02:18 I hear there's a bit of a rivalry
02:19 as to which is the biggest.
02:21 So they're going to go on record.
02:23 There is a bit of a...
02:24 There's a bit of a rivalry.
02:26 Yeah, Melbourne is smaller at the moment.
02:28 And what they're projecting is within the next five years,
02:31 that Melbourne would become a little bit bigger than Sydney
02:34 in terms of population.
02:37 Now why then you were a Bible worker
02:39 and now you're working as a church planter.
02:41 What inspires you to do what you do?
02:44 I think that there are moments
02:46 where you realize God wants you to do something.
02:50 And there were experiences
02:51 that I had as a Bible worker here in Melbourne,
02:53 where I really felt like
02:57 there was,
02:58 there were moment
02:59 where people connected with Christ
03:01 in a meaningful way.
03:02 And I think there's a lot of motivation saying,
03:04 "Hey, that was great. I want to do more of that."
03:05 And so, I ended up going into ministry afterwards.
03:08 Wonderful.
03:09 Now your wife is also working with you.
03:11 So it's a family affair here.
03:14 Now, when you're talking about reaching a city,
03:17 you know, you talked about small groups
03:18 and things like that.
03:21 How do you really connect with people?
03:24 Yeah, that's a good question.
03:25 We probably connect with the people
03:29 who are Australian born from two different,
03:32 two different methods.
03:33 One is mainly a referral.
03:35 So that just means friends of friends.
03:38 They come to church,
03:39 they realize this is gonna be a great opportunity
03:41 to witness to my friends, my family members.
03:43 And so, the majority of the people
03:45 that come into our church are referral,
03:48 and then we also use social media.
03:50 So websites like Facebook or meetup.com.
03:53 There are great ways of connecting
03:55 with the community.
03:56 And so, we run different Bible study groups.
03:58 One of them are,
04:00 is located right in the middle of the city.
04:02 We run it during lunchtime.
04:03 So the advertisement is
04:05 if you're a corporate person working or living in the city,
04:08 we've got a short Bible study in the middle of Wednesday
04:11 and they can come.
04:13 Okay.
04:14 Now a lot of people know what referrals are.
04:16 Social media, yeah, it's been around a lot,
04:18 but people are figuring out how do we use it for ministry?
04:20 You specifically mentioned one, which is meetup.com.
04:23 Some people may not know what that is.
04:25 You want to just tell them how you use that.
04:27 I mean, it's something that's just out there.
04:29 It's like Facebook, it's out there.
04:32 But maybe explain a little bit about what you're doing,
04:34 how you're using it?
04:36 So meetup.com
04:37 I think is the biggest networking website
04:42 where people who want to organize groups
04:44 can connect with individuals
04:46 who are interested in specific activities
04:48 or, yeah, different social events.
04:51 And so, they go to the website,
04:53 they can sign up
04:54 and based off of the areas of interest that they select
04:58 the website will automatically introduce
05:00 your group to individuals.
05:01 And so, if someone who's running a Bible study group,
05:04 I don't have to chase after people on the street
05:05 asking them,
05:07 "Hey, do you want to learn about Jesus?"
05:08 The website will bring people
05:09 who want to learn about Jesus to my groups.
05:11 So you put out something,
05:12 say if we're having a Bible study
05:14 media group show up this time and people come?
05:17 Yeah.
05:19 We put a fair bit of time
05:20 in how we wanted to word our group.
05:22 But, yeah, so we put out an advertisement
05:25 we said, there's free food.
05:26 We'll feed you at lunchtime.
05:27 And the Bible study is going to be short.
05:29 And so, if you want to learn about the Bible,
05:32 then here are different topics that we're covering.
05:33 And so, we've covered topics like Proverbs giving you wisdom
05:37 during the work week.
05:38 And we've had a number of people
05:40 coming through that.
05:41 Physical food and spiritual food really.
05:43 That's right.
05:45 Now, do you have any stories you can share about
05:47 maybe somebody who's connected through one of these groups or?
05:51 Yeah, so there's this one instance
05:52 where we were able to bridge social media
05:54 and our friendships together.
05:57 I found out a couple of weeks ago,
05:58 our neighbors have been reading our blogs on Facebook.
06:02 And while we were at the museum the other week,
06:04 they had mentioned,
06:05 "Hey, we've been reading what you've been posting.
06:07 And we really feel like
06:09 we can connect with you spiritually.
06:11 Can we come to your church?"
06:12 And I was taken aback
06:14 because these are individuals who are unchurched.
06:16 They don't attend church regularly,
06:18 and yet because they know us,
06:20 they read the different things that we post on Facebook.
06:22 And it's been an incredible way to have a voice,
06:25 to share spiritual things
06:26 in a way that we normally couldn't do.
06:29 What's even more amazing to me is that
06:31 we've been wanting to start this outreach
06:33 in the city called Gymbaroo,
06:35 it's, where children develop physical skills,
06:39 mental and social skills.
06:40 And we just were sharing that idea with our neighbors.
06:44 And they're saying,
06:45 we want to fund this ministry for you.
06:47 And that was quite an amazing thing.
06:50 Especially because
06:51 these are not Adventist individuals,
06:53 they just connected with us, care about us,
06:56 and felt that
06:57 there was a need in the community as well.
06:58 And, you know,
07:00 when you're mingling with people,
07:02 when you are interacting in a real way with people,
07:07 not with an agenda,
07:09 that's probably the most powerful way
07:10 to witness
07:12 when your life is your witness.
07:14 And the Holy Spirit is working.
07:16 You know, Pastor Roy,
07:18 it's been wonderful talking with you.
07:20 I would love to get down and come to Melbourne someday
07:22 and see what you're doing.
07:24 Please come and visit.
07:25 But thank you again for being with us.
07:28 I'm Richard Kajiura for Mission 360.
07:32 Next up, we meet the Sherman family
07:34 who are working in a very remote region
07:37 of Northwest Alaska.
07:49 We're refurbishing the church and fixing it up
07:51 and putting lots of time and effort and money into it
07:55 because we believe that God will supply the souls,
07:59 that God will bring people
08:01 and He will open up doors
08:03 and the time will come that we will have a fellowship here.
08:06 We will have a church family.
08:08 The work needs to be done patiently
08:10 and prayers for opportunities are made every day.
08:14 Although God is guiding the Sherman's mission work,
08:17 the cold weather, difficult circumstances
08:21 and distance from loved ones are discouraging.
08:24 Sometimes my wife and I are discouraged
08:26 when we're here alone.
08:27 You know, we sometimes feel that
08:29 we're just kind of out here by ourselves
08:30 and we are attempted to feel like
08:33 we're not making the impact.
08:36 And no one is really with us.
08:38 And no one is really supporting us.
08:40 And there's been times that we felt like
08:42 it would be nice to maybe move
08:43 and join a different type of mission field
08:46 where there's people who are working together
08:48 more as a team.
08:49 I'm kind of like seeing
08:50 you know, what are my weaknesses,
08:52 you know,
08:53 and that kinda like helps me to know
08:56 at the same time,
08:57 you know, God is kinda like helping me to work with it.
09:00 I'm very impatient.
09:02 I want things to happen instantly.
09:05 If I want it to happen, I want it to happen.
09:07 But living out here,
09:08 you know, I learned that thing doesn't happen
09:11 when you want it to happen.
09:13 One thing that has always given us hope is knowing that
09:16 we're doing what God has asked us to do.
09:18 And we've had comfort in that.
09:20 To be a missionary is like
09:22 living what you have behind
09:25 and go somewhere different
09:27 and getting out of your comfort zone.
09:40 Jade!
09:41 What are you guys up to?
09:51 You know, the coldness of the water,
09:53 the coldness of the icebergs
09:55 kind of reminds me about the coldness
09:58 that can come in the heart when you feel lonely,
10:02 separated from God.
10:03 And yet the warmth of God's love
10:06 and of His people
10:08 can bring into your life a wonderful connection
10:11 that will help you not to feel alone.
10:15 The things that inspire Irene and I are,
10:17 you know, there's a few different things,
10:19 but God will oftentimes provide opportunities,
10:23 He will open doors.
10:24 He will actually cause things to happen that
10:27 that give us glimpses of what He's doing.
10:31 You know, we'll start a new study
10:32 or someone will say something to us
10:35 that gives us encouragement.
10:36 We'll see some fruit of the relationships
10:40 we're building with kids,
10:41 as well as with people in the community,
10:43 you know, God will do something to help us see that
10:47 His work is being accomplished through us.
10:49 And that we're,
10:50 and that our faithfulness is pleasing to Him.
10:56 The courage and faithfulness,
10:58 Tony and Irene have is contagious.
11:01 Their determination
11:02 to fulfill the mission is inspiring.
11:05 God and his angels comfort them
11:07 and motivate them
11:08 to move ahead despite challenges.
11:11 The faces, the sounds, the people, the landscapes,
11:16 besides being so small and completely isolated,
11:19 Shungnak is still a huge priority for Christ.
11:24 The Sherman's example
11:25 is a beautiful testimony of selflessness
11:28 to revive the mission.
11:30 They might be alone,
11:32 but they are never by themselves.
11:35 Jesus is my...
11:37 He's everything.
11:38 I mean, Jesus is the reason why I'm here.
11:41 If I don't, I mean, not for Him,
11:44 I won't be able to make it.
11:46 You know, I won't be able to live here
11:47 for four years.
11:49 Jesus, for me, He is everything.
11:51 He's my friend. He is my encouragement.
11:54 He is my strength.
11:56 He's the one I go to when I'm hurt.
11:58 When I even can't
12:00 maybe even talk to my own family,
12:01 He's the one I can speak to
12:02 about every single problem I have.
12:04 And He's the one who is changing me
12:07 from the inside out.
12:22 Well, that's about it for today's program,
12:23 but I hope that you've enjoyed our 360 degree view
12:26 of mission around the world.
12:28 And speaking of 360 degrees
12:30 behind me is the Mission Globe here on the Loma Linda campus.
12:35 And it's at the end of the Centennial Pathway.
12:39 And it's a reminder
12:40 of the importance of mission to Loma Linda
12:42 and engraved on stone all around this globe
12:47 are the names of graduates from this institution
12:50 who have gone to all parts of the world
12:52 to serve.
12:54 Now you may say,
12:55 well, that's wonderful for them,
12:56 but I've never had the opportunity
12:58 or I've never been called.
12:59 And that's fine.
13:00 We're all given different gifts,
13:02 but we are all called to pray and support mission
13:04 wherever it's happening.
13:06 And so I wanna thank you so much
13:07 for being part of the Adventist mission family
13:10 through your financial gifts,
13:12 through your prayers
13:13 and through your personal involvement.
13:15 And as a small thank you for your support of mission,
13:17 I'd like to send you an Adventist mission tote bag.
13:20 It's a little reminder of mission
13:22 in your daily tasks.
13:24 Well, for Advent Mission, I'm Gary Krause.
13:26 And I hope that you can join me next time
13:28 right here on Mission 360.


Revised 2021-02-25