Mission 360

Loma Linda Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002105A

00:09 The mission
00:11 of Loma Linda University Health,
00:13 urban church planting in Australia,
00:15 and a missionary family in remote Alaska
00:18 coming up next.
00:56 Hello and welcome to Mission 360.
00:57 I'm Gary Krause.
00:59 Today's program is coming to you
01:00 from the campus of Loma Linda University Health
01:03 here in California.
01:05 And on today's program,
01:06 we'll be looking at the mission of Loma Linda,
01:08 which is to continue Christ's teaching
01:11 and healing ministry.
01:13 Behind me, you'll see a commemoration of a visit
01:16 in 1905 by Ellen White,
01:19 a co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:22 During that visit, she said, "This is the very place."
01:26 And she was referring to a vision
01:28 that she had received four years earlier,
01:30 where she had seen this land.
01:33 And this is the land where she saw a sanitarium
01:36 could be established.
01:37 Well, that was more than a hundred years ago
01:39 and the rest is history.
01:41 Loma Linda continues its mission
01:42 to prepare men and women for service around the world.
01:46 Loma Linda is known for many things.
01:48 One of which is that it's a so-called Blue Zone
01:50 where people live much longer on average
01:53 than the rest of the population.
01:55 Below me is a fitness center,
01:56 the Drayson Center which gives a free membership
01:59 to people in the community who are over 80 years of age.
02:03 They have more than 500 active members,
02:06 more than 80 years of age.
02:07 Or more about Loma Linda's mission
02:09 on today's program.
02:10 But first up, let's travel to Alaska.
02:46 Shungnak is part of the Northwest Arctic region.
02:49 A very remote area,
02:51 completely disconnect from any roads
02:54 to neighboring villages.
02:56 Meet Anthony Sherman, his wife, Irene,
02:59 and their son Hezekiah.
03:01 Tony moved to Shungnak to take a mission position
03:04 that the Alaskan Conference had been looking to fill.
03:07 My wife and I came to Shungnak
03:09 because this is where God was calling us to.
03:12 We had been doing vacation Bible school
03:14 here for some time,
03:15 and we believe that it was time for someone to move here
03:19 and it was on our hearts to do so.
03:21 When the Sherman family moved to Shungnak,
03:24 they did not have any running water
03:26 and only a wood stove to heat their home.
03:29 For the first three weeks,
03:30 they lived in the small church
03:32 and then moved into the parsonage
03:34 right next to the church.
03:37 Well, the challenge is being out
03:38 in the middle of nowhere
03:40 when you don't know anybody.
03:42 I mean, you know the people out here,
03:44 but when you don't have friends
03:47 and when you can't just get out whenever you want to,
03:52 or when I want to see my family in the Philippines,
03:54 I can't really do that,
03:55 you know, because it costs so much money to travel.
03:58 Some of the challenges that that we deal with are,
04:02 you know, the logistics, the climate,
04:05 the different struggles that are present in
04:08 in the village.
04:10 But I have my husband, my son, and I have God with me, so...
04:14 It's been a positive experience for us as well,
04:16 because we're in the center of God's will.
04:19 And to be in the center of God's will,
04:21 there is no other place to be.
04:24 Tony works at the local clinic as a healthcare provider,
04:28 along with his colleagues
04:29 he is the first to address all the health problems
04:32 and concerns of the locals in the village.
04:35 Tony and his team respond to emergencies
04:38 that range from suicides to snowmobile accidents.
04:41 If any emergency is beyond
04:43 what the local clinic can manage,
04:45 he uses a medevac plane to transport patients,
04:49 160 miles to Kotzebue.
04:53 Through his position,
04:54 Tony is able to gain
04:56 the community's trust and respect,
04:58 and he does not waste any opportunities
05:01 to connect with people.
05:03 Well, besides our work at the clinic,
05:05 besides what I do for my profession here,
05:09 we spend a fair amount of time with kids
05:11 as well as with mostly elders.
05:13 During the week on Mondays, we have a youth group
05:17 that we do for kids that are eight years and older,
05:19 and they come to our house.
05:20 Happy, happy all week
05:23 There's lots of work for me
05:26 I stand, oh Lord, on the Word of God
05:30 To be happy all week
05:34 On Tuesdays and Wednesday evenings,
05:38 we try to make it a chance to get out to people's houses.
05:40 Wednesday night, we have Bible studies
05:41 there with a family.
05:43 Thursday nights,
05:44 we usually on that particular night,
05:46 we'll take our musical instruments
05:47 and we'll go and do some singing
05:49 with usually elderly people that are in our village.
05:54 A lot of things that we do.
05:56 Sabbath, we will have Saturday school for,
05:58 you know, Sabbath school for kids.
06:00 We will try to hold adult services.
06:04 Saturday night,
06:05 we'll make a trip out to another elder's house.
06:07 You know, we try to be in people's homes
06:09 as much as possible.
06:15 The church and parsonage were built in the 1970s,
06:19 but have not had an active mission post
06:21 since the late 1980s.
06:24 For a few years,
06:25 the building has been used for vacation Bible school
06:28 by the Delta Junction Adventist Church.
06:31 Tony and Irene have been holding Bible studies
06:33 in their house
06:35 since the church is not suitable
06:37 for any fellowship during the winter months.
06:41 Our dream for this church
06:42 is that someday there would be people in it.
06:47 Right now it's not really fit for services
06:54 in the winter really or the summer.
06:56 It needs a lot of work.
06:59 And right now we have no membership.
07:00 We have no attendance,
07:01 but our dream and hope and confidence
07:04 is that God will provide us with a fellowship here.
07:16 My guest is Dr. Richard Hart,
07:18 who is the president of Loma Linda University,
07:21 Dr. Hart, thanks for joining us.
07:22 Good to be with you, Gary.
07:23 Can you please give our viewers some sort of an idea
07:26 of the size and scope of Loma Linda University?
07:30 Well, we now actually call it Loma Linda University Health
07:32 because we're one combined corporation.
07:34 We have approximately 15,000 employees,
07:37 about 4,500 students
07:39 and roughly a thousand doctors on our staff.
07:41 So that's the scope of Loma Linda.
07:43 Wow.
07:44 Now describe some of the different schools
07:46 that you have?
07:47 There's eight professional schools
07:49 in the university.
07:50 So many people think of us as medicine, nursing,
07:52 dentistry that we certainly have,
07:53 but there's also pharmacy.
07:55 One of our newer schools,
07:56 the school of behavioral health,
07:57 the school of public health,
07:59 the school of allied health professions
08:00 and the school of religion.
08:02 The religion school is actually the smallest school
08:03 by their own students, but the largest school,
08:06 because they teach all of our students.
08:08 So they teach across the entire campus.
08:09 Right.
08:10 So how would you summarize the mission,
08:13 the purpose of the institution?
08:16 I mean, we take very seriously
08:17 what we now call mission focused learning.
08:19 How do we prepare our graduates to serve the world?
08:22 And we do that in a number of ways.
08:24 We actually do a lot of community activities.
08:26 We recently started a San Bernardino campus,
08:28 and this is what we call the San Manuel Gateway College
08:31 to engage our students
08:32 with the local community issues,
08:34 to help them understand cultural and economic issues
08:36 in a disadvantaged community.
08:38 And then, of course, we leverage from there
08:39 to go abroad.
08:41 We have a program they call SIMS,
08:42 Students International Mission Service,
08:43 that now it sends about 600 students a year
08:46 to go someplace every year.
08:48 About 15% of our student body
08:50 and we continue to grow that number.
08:52 And then we have a number of programs
08:53 that label those students
08:55 to go to serve after they graduate.
08:57 We have a system set up now with endowments,
08:59 so that any Loma Linda graduate from any school,
09:02 if they want to serve abroad after graduation,
09:04 we will make their educational debt payments
09:06 for them while they serve abroad.
09:08 So that's opened up the whole world field,
09:10 not just medical students and dental students,
09:12 but all of our students,
09:13 public health, nursing, pharmacy,
09:15 all the different students to have a chance
09:17 to serve abroad.
09:18 So why is that so important to you as an institution?
09:22 Well, to me, this is what Loma Linda needs to do
09:25 to still be Loma Linda.
09:27 We often look and they say,
09:28 "Well, what a wonderful thing you do for the world church?"
09:30 I look at it exactly the other way around,
09:32 what a wonderful thing the world church provides us
09:35 to prepare our students for service,
09:37 because it's been shown many, many times
09:39 that a person that engages in service,
09:42 is truly happy and complete in and of themselves.
09:45 So that's what we're trying to do is
09:46 give our students a sense of the skills,
09:50 the sense of accomplishment to be able to engage
09:52 in service around the world.
09:53 Now, you're not just talking about this theoretically,
09:55 because I understand that you were
09:57 one of the very first Adventist volunteers
10:00 to go over overseas to serve.
10:02 Tell me about that?
10:04 Well, that was a long time ago,
10:05 but actually after my sophomore year
10:08 at Walla Walla College,
10:09 I was the first student missionary
10:11 they sent abroad.
10:12 Well, at that time, we just did three months,
10:14 raised our own funding.
10:15 And I went down to the jungles of Peru
10:16 and worked down there in Iquitos,
10:18 became a dentist, pulled a hundred teeth
10:20 and did various things down there in Peru.
10:22 So that was my first introduction
10:23 to service abroad.
10:25 And how did that affect your outlook on mission?
10:27 I was already focused on serving abroad
10:29 even before then,
10:30 but that certainly accelerated it.
10:31 I'm fascinated by cultural understanding
10:34 and all the issues that come up
10:35 when you work in different settings.
10:37 So that's been the story of my life.
10:39 Many people think I grew up as a missionary kid.
10:41 I did not. I grew up in Northern Idaho.
10:42 I mean, I was a typical farm boy,
10:44 Northern Idaho.
10:46 But I was bitten by the idea of working abroad.
10:49 Then you later served in Africa?
10:50 Yes.
10:51 We worked actually for the US State Department
10:54 in the country of Tanzania.
10:55 Helped to develop
10:56 a national maternal and child health program
10:58 in the ministry of health for the government of Tanzania.
11:01 And then came back to Loma Linda,
11:02 and I've been there ever since.
11:04 Wonderful.
11:05 Now, you described
11:07 a huge institution to us, mammoth.
11:09 How do you keep something so big
11:11 with so many departments?
11:12 How do you keep it focused on mission?
11:14 That's always a challenge,
11:16 of course, with as many activities
11:17 we have going on,
11:19 but we're very deliberate about that.
11:20 And we basically have programming.
11:22 We have actual activities.
11:24 We encourage the students to take part in.
11:26 It becomes part of their curriculum.
11:27 One of the points I make at Loma Linda,
11:29 this isn't co-curricular activities.
11:31 This is curricular activities.
11:32 This is how you become a professional.
11:35 And so, we are very deliberate about the kind of program.
11:38 In my view, you do this by experiential learning.
11:40 This is not classroom teaching.
11:42 This is, how do I engage with human need in a real way.
11:46 And that tends to help to influence who I become.
11:48 Excellent.
11:50 Tell us about Adventist Health International
11:52 and the work that it does?
11:54 About 20 years ago now,
11:56 we recognize that many of our mission hospitals
11:58 were caught up
11:59 in increasing competition from others,
12:02 decreasing professionals,
12:03 wanting to work for them and so on.
12:04 So we started AHI, Adventist Health International,
12:06 and try to work on that.
12:07 We now have some 40 hospitals
12:09 that we work with around the world.
12:11 It's a matter of trying to set up a better system
12:13 of governance and management,
12:15 encouraging donors to once again engage
12:16 with our institutions,
12:18 encouraging young Adventists and professionals
12:20 to come and be part of our institutions,
12:22 all those things we've gradually lost
12:23 through the years.
12:25 So we've tried to carefully develop
12:26 a management and governance system
12:28 that still leaves ownership with the local church,
12:31 but brings in the kind of expertise
12:32 and management models
12:34 that can help to reassure donors
12:36 and professionals
12:37 that it's worthwhile to engage with the church
12:38 and becoming a voice of the church.
12:40 Okay, wonderful.
12:41 Now, Dr. Hart, one of the things
12:42 that's very important to us in global mission
12:44 is the great growing urban areas
12:47 of the world.
12:48 And you're a public health professional.
12:50 What does the church have to offer to the cities?
12:54 One of the things and particularly in Africa,
12:56 less so in Asia,
12:58 most of our hospitals are rural hospitals.
13:01 We have very little in the cities.
13:03 And so one of the objectives we have right now
13:05 is establish medical centers in the cities,
13:07 not big fancy hospitals,
13:08 but multi-specialty clinics places
13:10 that our young Adventist health professionals
13:13 come to work, support themselves,
13:15 but service and witness to that city.
13:17 So we're now in the process of building
13:19 one of those in Lusaka, Zambia,
13:21 a place we call Chalala one in a Long Way,
13:24 Malawi and other one in Blantyre, Malawi
13:27 and looking at other places that we can actually establish
13:29 city centers of influence.
13:30 Fantastic.
13:32 We'd like to go into some of the other countries.
13:33 I mean, this is the answer to,
13:34 frankly, the broad expanse of Northern Africa
13:36 and the Middle East,
13:37 is how do we establish things like that?
13:39 So we actually have graduates who are saying,
13:41 "Tell me how and when?"
13:43 I just recently had a young dental couple
13:44 come to me
13:46 both of them, third year dental students,
13:47 Korean-American background say our passion
13:50 is we are going to start a dental clinic
13:51 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
13:53 where we have very little as a church.
13:55 I say it's great.
13:56 We'll work with you to get that set up.
13:58 Fantastic.
13:59 Dr. Hart, thanks for sharing with us
14:00 and thank you for what you're doing
14:02 through Loma Linda.
14:03 Thank you.
14:04 And viewers at home, please pray for Dr. Hart
14:06 and Loma Linda University Health.
14:08 What a wonderful ministry,
14:10 what a blessing they are
14:11 to helping communities all around the world.
14:14 Finding hope not just in life now,
14:17 but also hope for the future.
14:19 We'll be right back right after this break.


Revised 2021-02-25