Mission 360

He Tried to Balance The Scales

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002104B

00:15 Welcome back to St. Petersburg, Russia.
00:17 Behind me in this brown building you can see
00:20 where the Bible Society back at the beginning
00:22 of the 19th century,
00:24 translated the first Russian version of the Bible.
00:27 For our next stop,
00:29 Uncle Homer will tell us a story
00:30 from the Middle East.
00:32 Qadri was a wild young Muslim.
00:35 Actually he hated God, he hated religion,
00:39 especially he hated Christians though.
00:42 Qadri even though he was a Muslim,
00:44 he was working in a bar at a hotel.
00:46 And it really frustrated him
00:48 that Christians would come into his bar,
00:51 wearing a big crucifix,
00:53 but drinking and dancing
00:54 and flirting with the girls anyway,
00:56 as though they didn't have any religion at all.
00:59 It bothered him, he hated them for it.
01:02 But one day, a strange man came to his hotel.
01:06 He was weird really.
01:08 He was a tourist.
01:10 And he had just come on vacation,
01:12 but he was the weirdest tourists
01:14 that Qadri had ever seen.
01:16 He didn't drink, he didn't smoke,
01:19 he was always happy, he was weird.
01:22 He never had a hangover in the morning,
01:24 he never flirted with the girls,
01:25 he was really weird.
01:28 But at the end of that first year,
01:30 something had been going round
01:33 and round in Qadri's mind.
01:35 Something had been tugging at his heart.
01:37 What was it with this guy?
01:40 Well, he thought he'd never see him again
01:41 but the guy showed up again the next year
01:44 for his two week vacation and this time Qadri
01:47 started to watch him a little closer.
01:49 By the third year, Qadri had become
01:51 this man's friend and was asking questions
01:54 and actually began studying the Bible.
01:57 Today, Qadri is a Seventh-day Adventist
02:00 because of the introduction
02:02 of that tourist that came to his hotel.
02:06 I asked him one day, "Qadri,
02:08 what was it that made the difference?
02:10 What made you leave being a non-practicing Muslim
02:14 to become a dedicated Seventh-day Adventist?"
02:17 All he said it was the friendship of that tourist.
02:20 I said, "Yes. Okay. But what specifically?"
02:23 Well, he said, "After many talks,
02:26 and it wouldn't have happened without the friendship,
02:28 but after a long time of talking, one day,
02:31 that man said to me, "Qadri,
02:34 you don't have to balance the scales.
02:36 Jesus balanced them for you."
02:39 He said all my life, I thought I had to do
02:41 more good deeds than bad deeds to offset them.
02:44 So then maybe I could earn a place in God's love.
02:47 But now I know Jesus balanced the scales for me
02:51 and I can live for Him."
02:53 I said, "Wow, Qadri, that's wonderful.
02:55 What did your family think though?"
02:57 He said even though
02:58 I hadn't been a practicing Muslim
03:00 they were furious
03:01 when I left that and became an Adventist.
03:04 But now my mother thinks differently.
03:07 She says "Adventists didn't take
03:09 my son away from me.
03:10 They gave him back to me.
03:12 He doesn't drink anymore, he doesn't smoke,
03:15 he loves God and praise to Him regularly.
03:18 Adventist didn't take my son away,
03:20 they gave him back to me."
03:22 Qadri is working for the church today.
03:25 Your tithes and mission offerings
03:27 and your donations to Global Mission
03:29 have been supporting him and his work.
03:33 If you want more stories of what God is doing
03:35 around the world in powerful ways,
03:38 then go to our website at adventistmission.org,
03:42 and you'll see many, many stories and videos
03:44 that will thrill your heart
03:46 and challenge you to be involved yourself.
03:49 Next up, we travel to Frankfurt, Germany
03:52 to visit a unique center of influence
03:54 that uses the arts to connect with the community.
04:02 Tonight's activity is cooking a Mexican dinner with beans,
04:06 tortillas, guacamole, and homemade sauce.
04:09 Then savor this delicious meal in a cozy,
04:11 artsy space.
04:13 As you enjoy the relaxed atmosphere,
04:16 you may make a new friend or two.
04:17 Are you interested?
04:19 Well, come on back to the kitchen.
04:21 Tonight, you are a chef alongside other volunteers.
04:25 Let's get cooking.
04:35 When the meal is ready,
04:36 our host Simret welcomes the guests.
04:38 He also explains where we are.
04:41 Presence Kulturlounge is a place
04:43 where people can get together,
04:45 experience different cultural activities,
04:49 and engage in conversations, and in good human encounters.
04:54 In the highly urbanized city of Frankfurt, Germany,
04:57 this lounge offers a variety of activities
05:00 from cooking and eating together,
05:01 to art exhibitions, film screenings,
05:04 musical performances,
05:05 and literature and poem readings
05:07 that are followed by engaging group discussions.
05:10 And all this cultural activities
05:12 are designed for people to come together,
05:15 learn from each other,
05:16 experience inspiration
05:19 and grow in their personal journeys.
06:08 For me, this is a taste of culture and music,
06:12 something that we don't find easily in this manner.
06:16 Tonight, we even had a small circle discussion.
06:19 I received a flier of the opening
06:23 from Presence Kulturlounge.
06:26 And it was a fest with concert.
06:30 To be a part of the Kulturlounge
06:33 is very important for me
06:34 because I met always
06:38 very interesting people
06:42 from different cultures.
06:46 I am very happy to be part of them.
06:48 Presence Kulturlounge was inspired
06:50 by conversations Simret had with friends,
06:53 they often discussed life issues
06:55 and the things they experienced in their own personal journeys.
06:58 At times, these conversations happened over a meal
07:01 or were sparked by a movie, or a book they read.
07:04 With the support of the Adventist Church,
07:06 Simret made this a regular gathering
07:08 open to everyone regardless of their racial
07:11 or religious background.
07:13 When people come to Presence Kulturlounge,
07:16 we communicate openly
07:18 that this is a project
07:19 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
07:21 and they also hear from me
07:23 that I'm a pastor and run this place.
07:26 And it is a chance or a good opportunity for us
07:30 as a church to serve others and many of the people
07:36 who come here have never heard that
07:39 the Seventh-day Adventist Church even exists.
07:42 In a context where people
07:43 aren't attracted to religion or institutions,
07:46 this urban center of influence
07:48 provides a space for new experiences.
07:52 Each event is carefully crafted to encourage the open
07:55 and sincere exchange of ideas.
07:58 Visitors come regularly to expand their perspectives
08:01 and grow in new ways.
08:04 Many Adventist centers
08:05 of influence operate across the globe,
08:07 they offer people an opportunity
08:09 to reflect on life and find answers.
08:12 Although each center's approach differs in each region,
08:15 Adventist members see creative ways
08:18 to engage the people Christ came to love.
08:21 Please pray for Seventh-day Adventist's urban centers
08:24 of influence.
08:26 And thank you for your support of Global Mission.
08:44 Well, thanks so much
08:45 for joining us on today's program.
08:47 And I hope that you've enjoyed our 360 degree
08:50 view of mission around the world.
08:53 From rural areas to the great urban centers,
08:56 we see that men and women,
08:57 boys and girls are finding light
08:59 and life for the good news of Jesus Christ.
09:03 And I want to thank you so much
09:04 for being part of our Adventist Mission team.
09:07 You may say, "Well, I'm not part of your team."
09:09 Well, we consider you to be part
09:10 because every time you pray for missionaries,
09:13 every time you pray for church planters,
09:15 every time you pray for the mission of this church,
09:18 you are partnering in mission with us.
09:20 And every time you give your mission offerings
09:22 or give a donation to Global Mission,
09:24 you're partnering with us.
09:25 And every time
09:27 that you are personally involved in mission,
09:28 you're partnering with us so thank you so much.
09:31 And as a small thank you
09:32 for your contribution to Adventist Mission,
09:34 I'd like to send you a free book.
09:36 It's called It's Time.
09:38 And it's full of stories
09:39 from the frontlines of urban mission.
09:41 This is not a book of theology,
09:43 it's not a book of just doctrines,
09:45 it's a book of practical stories of people
09:48 involved in urban mission.
09:50 And I'm somewhat biased
09:51 about this book because my wife edited it.
09:53 For Adventist Mission I'm Gary Krause.
09:56 And I hope that you can join me next time
09:58 right here on Mission 360.
10:10 Currently I feel so small
10:13 Smaller than my trials
10:15 They threaten and intimidate
10:18 My faith has seen some miles
10:20 Because there has
10:22 Never been a day
10:23 When You have not come through
10:26 My history makes it known
10:28 That You will prove that
10:30 You are never just enough
10:35 You are more
10:37 It won't be my strength
10:41 But Yours Forever
10:44 The same always
10:48 The ages declare
10:50 You have never changed
10:53 O Father, You're Faithful now
10:57 And You always will be
11:01 Your love is timeless
11:15 Your love has never let me stay
11:17 Worried and afraid
11:19 You use the circumstances
11:21 That I'm in
11:22 To make me free and brave
11:25 You spin me round
11:26 To stand and face
11:28 The mountains in my way
11:30 You smile with me as it moves
11:33 When I sing out Your name
11:36 You're never just enough
11:40 You are more
11:42 It won't be my strength
11:45 But Yours Forever
11:48 The same always
11:52 The ages declare
11:54 You have never changed
11:57 O Father, You're Faithful now
12:01 And You always will be
12:06 Your love is timeless
12:11 You will never cease to be
12:14 My daily bread
12:15 You will always be to me
12:19 My chosen fear in life
12:22 No other pleasure in this world
12:25 Could ever be as great
12:28 You love wearing them
12:33 Forever the same always
12:38 The ages declare
12:41 You have never changed
12:43 O Father, You're Faithful now
12:47 And You always will be
12:51 Forever the same always
12:56 The ages declare
12:59 You have never changed
13:01 O Father, You're Faithful now
13:05 And You always will be
13:10 Your love is timeless.


Revised 2020-07-23