Mission 360

From Bullied to Blessed

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002002B

00:11 Welcome back to Buenos Aires.
00:13 Behind me is La Casa Rosada,
00:16 which is the seat of the executive branch
00:18 of the Argentinean government.
00:20 Next up, Uncle Homer tells a story
00:23 of a science teacher
00:24 working in a very sensitive area
00:26 of the world.
00:30 I'm a biology major, not a theology major,
00:35 but I've never used the biology
00:37 that I took in college, except for twice.
00:40 Once when I was a principal of a small 10-grade school
00:43 where I also had to teach history and math
00:46 and Bible and PE and everything else.
00:49 And once when I needed a visa to a country
00:52 that wouldn't allow people with a theology major in
00:55 because I had a biology major,
00:57 I was able to get a visa, and go in,
00:59 they thought surely a biology major
01:01 would be no problem.
01:03 But I have a friend, in
01:05 fact, many friends
01:07 but one I want to tell you about
01:08 I'm going to call him John.
01:10 John is also a science major.
01:13 And John, I'm amazed at the way that God is using his science,
01:18 as part of the way to share the gospel.
01:22 John has been hired as a science teacher
01:25 in a Muslim country.
01:27 It's a country that doesn't allow
01:29 church workers to come in.
01:31 In fact, this country regularly expels people
01:36 who they think are missionaries or working for the church.
01:41 But John has been hired by the government
01:43 to teach science at a public school,
01:45 at a public high school.
01:48 He teaches from a creationist perspective.
01:51 And that's thrilling to the Muslim parents,
01:53 they are amazed that there's a Christian
01:56 who believes that God created the world.
01:59 He also teaches health,
02:01 and many of the health principles
02:03 that he's teaching to the students,
02:05 they're also amazed at.
02:06 They thought all Christians drank alcohol
02:09 and ate pork.
02:10 And here's one that doesn't even smoke,
02:13 and he's teaching them that God wants their bodies
02:16 to be healthy and they have a responsibility
02:18 to keep them healthy.
02:20 Those students are going home
02:21 and telling their parents what they're learning
02:23 and the parents are thrilled to have this teacher there.
02:27 Many of the parents and students
02:30 have began to ask John deep serious questions.
02:34 All they start with questions like,
02:36 "Why don't you yell at us like the other teachers do?
02:39 Or why are you a vegetarian?
02:42 I want to be a vegetarian."
02:44 But they also ask questions like,
02:46 "What happens when somebody dies?
02:49 Or do you believe in the judgment?"
02:52 And little by little,
02:53 just by being his happy friendly,
02:55 loving self,
02:57 John is making an impact in that community.
03:00 Many of John's fellow teachers and other workers
03:04 there at the school
03:05 have become interested in this guy.
03:07 He's different than they are.
03:09 He's learned their language, he's teaching in Arabic,
03:14 but he also is different,
03:16 and they want to get to know him
03:17 and they invite him to go to eat with them.
03:19 Oh, that's quite a compliment in a culture
03:22 where going to eat with someone
03:23 is one of the best things you can do.
03:27 They want to get to know John.
03:29 They want to see what it is
03:30 that makes him different from everyone else.
03:33 You know, I'm thankful for your tithes
03:35 and mission offerings
03:37 that help to give John his training
03:40 as a scientist
03:42 that he can now use as a way
03:44 to impact people in this country.
03:47 John is a tentmaker like the Apostle Paul.
03:50 Oh, he doesn't make tents out of canvas,
03:54 he teaches science,
03:55 but John is using his science teaching
03:58 as a way to impact the lives
04:01 of his students and fellow workers.
04:03 If you're interested in learning more about
04:06 being a tentmaker,
04:07 go to te.AdventistMission.org.
04:11 Next up, let's travel to Northern Asia
04:13 and see an animated mission story
04:16 from that region.
04:18 If you really pray, God will answer your prayer.
04:26 Ival is a 10-year-old boy who lives in Mongolia.
04:29 When he was five years old,
04:31 he moved from Mongolia to the Philippines,
04:33 his father needed to study in an Adventist University
04:36 in the Philippines,
04:37 Ival, also needed to study,
04:39 so his parents sent him to the first grade.
04:42 School was very difficult for him.
04:44 The teacher and all the other children
04:46 spoke in English.
04:47 Ival understood very little English.
04:50 After school, the boys teased him
04:52 as he waited for his ride home.
04:54 "You can't do anything," one boy said.
04:57 "You can't even write," said another boy.
05:00 "Go to kindergarten."
05:02 When he heard these hurtful words
05:04 Ival ran back into the school
05:06 and hid behind the door of his classroom.
05:08 He didn't want to cry in front of the other children.
05:11 That night, when Ival went to bed,
05:13 he wanted to kneel and pray to God for help,
05:15 but he was afraid
05:17 that if his mother saw him praying,
05:18 she would ask him what he was praying about.
05:21 Ival didn't want his mother to worry,
05:23 so he woke up in the middle of the night
05:25 when his parents were sound asleep
05:28 and quietly prayed to God.
05:30 "Please let me go to another school
05:32 and make friends," he prayed.
05:35 Ival prayed nearly every night for several months,
05:38 then his parents suddenly decided to send him
05:41 to a different school.
05:45 The children at his new school were kind.
05:48 They helped him learn to speak English.
05:50 When he hurt his leg playing soccer,
05:53 the other boys helped him walk home.
05:55 Ival was so happy
05:56 that God had answered his prayer
05:58 about going to a new school.
06:01 Before he prayed about his school troubles,
06:03 Ival had never asked God for anything.
06:06 He had even wondered whether God really exists.
06:09 Ival went to church every Sabbath,
06:12 but he wondered how God could create the world
06:14 with just His words.
06:16 But ever since his prayers were answered,
06:18 he believes that God is real.
06:21 Ival is now in the fifth grade,
06:24 and he lives back in his home country
06:26 of Mongolia,
06:27 but he has never forgotten
06:28 how God answered his prayers.
06:31 Ival has many friends in Mongolia
06:34 that many of them come from families
06:36 who don't know about God.
06:38 Please pray for the only Adventist school
06:40 in Mongolia,
06:41 your mission offerings have helped this school grow,
06:45 and teach more and more students
06:47 about God.
07:20 God maker of heaven and earth
07:30 Maker of the universe
07:37 You are everlasting
07:47 God
07:50 Keeper of time and space
07:56 Keeper of the human race
08:03 You are everlasting
08:15 You took upon yourself
08:27 To die for what you've made
08:39 Wonderful savior
08:45 Oh mighty creator
08:52 Merciful healer
08:57 You are everlasting
09:05 Perfect and splendor
09:12 Yet humble the nature
09:18 Your kingdom forever
09:23 You are everlasting
09:32 God
09:35 Healer of all human hurt
09:42 Healer and tell the new earth
09:48 You are everlasting
10:00 You took upon yourself
10:12 To die for what you've made
10:24 Wonderful savior
10:31 Oh mighty creator
10:38 Merciful healer
10:43 You are everlasting
10:51 Perfect and splendor
10:57 Yet humble the nature
11:03 Your kingdom forever
11:09 You are everlasting
11:53 Well, thanks so much for joining us today
11:54 on Mission 360,
11:56 and I hope that you've been inspired
11:58 and challenged by what you've seen and heard.
12:01 And I want to thank you personally
12:03 for the way that you are involved
12:05 with Adventist Mission.
12:07 Every time that you pray for missionaries,
12:09 for Global Mission pioneers, for ministry in the cities,
12:13 for Centers of Influence,
12:15 you are making a difference.
12:16 Every time you give your mission offerings,
12:18 every time you give a donation to Global Mission,
12:20 you are making a difference.
12:22 And every time you become personally involved in mission,
12:25 you're making a difference.
12:26 So thank you so much.
12:28 And if you'd like to share
12:29 some of the excitement of mission
12:31 with your children or with your grandchildren
12:33 or with neighbors,
12:35 why don't you accept this free gift
12:37 of a Mission 360 magazine
12:40 that is full of stories and pictures
12:42 designed especially for children.
12:44 We would love to send that to you.
12:46 Well, for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause,
12:49 and I hope that you can join me next time
12:51 right here on Mission 360.


Revised 2021-06-10