Mission 360

I Am Ready

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS001906B

00:12 Welcome back to the Old City of Jerusalem,
00:14 and I'm walking along the Via Dolorosa,
00:17 which according to Christian tradition,
00:19 is the pathway that Jesus took walking to Golgotha.
00:25 And over the centuries,
00:26 various Christian pilgrims have come
00:28 along the Via Dolorosa and they stopped
00:30 at what they call Stations of the Cross.
00:33 This is station number nine.
00:35 And according to the tradition,
00:36 Jesus stopped only three times on His way to Golgotha.
00:41 Well, the important thing is that Jesus
00:44 did go to Golgotha and He died for us.
00:47 And that makes all the difference.
00:48 And that's what inspires our mission today.
00:51 Well, next up, we have a story with Homer Trecartin.
00:54 Finally I found you,
00:57 the mother in the long black burqa
00:59 was excited as she came up to our Adventist nurse.
01:02 Do you remember me?
01:04 Our Adventist nurse was far from her home country
01:07 working in a difficult Middle Eastern country.
01:11 She was working as a nurse in a hospital there.
01:15 But she looked carefully at the mother
01:17 and she didn't recognize her.
01:19 She didn't recognize the three children with her.
01:22 No, she said, "I'm sorry, I don't recognize you."
01:26 Well, the mother said, "Five years ago,
01:29 I came into that other hospital
01:31 where you were working with a baby
01:32 that was screaming constantly."
01:35 "Oh, yes," our Adventist nurse said,
01:38 "Now I remember you."
01:41 The mother said,
01:42 "Nobody could get the baby to be quiet."
01:44 And the nurse remembered.
01:46 Nobody could get the baby to be quiet.
01:48 The doctors couldn't figure out
01:50 anything that was wrong with him
01:52 but he screamed constantly day and night.
01:56 Finally, one night when she was on duty,
01:58 she had picked him up and been trying to hold him
02:01 and get him to be quiet
02:02 and without even thinking about it,
02:05 she had started humming a little song
02:07 she used to hum to her own children.
02:16 And instantly the baby got quiet.
02:18 The nurse was startled.
02:20 She stopped humming and looked at him
02:21 and he started to scream again.
02:23 So she started humming, and he got quiet.
02:26 All night long, she carried him around
02:28 with her humming softly, Jesus loves me.
02:32 And all night long, the hospital had peace
02:35 for the first time in days.
02:37 And the next evening when she came on duty again,
02:40 the entire hospital staff was talking about it.
02:43 What did you do?
02:44 How did you get that baby to be quiet,
02:46 nobody else can get him to be quiet.
02:49 Well, the nurse didn't want to say
02:51 what she did.
02:53 But she picked him up and started humming,
02:55 and again he got quiet.
02:57 A couple more days went by and nobody
02:59 except her could get him to be quiet.
03:01 And as they were checking him out of the hospital,
03:04 sending him home because there was nothing
03:06 more they could do.
03:07 His mother came up to our nurse
03:09 and said with fear on her face, "You've got to help me, please,
03:14 I don't know what to do.
03:16 Nobody else can get this baby to be quiet.
03:20 I noticed that when he's quiet,
03:22 you're humming a little song to him.
03:24 Would you be willing to sing that song into my cell phone
03:28 so that I could play it for him at home?"
03:31 Now our nurse was afraid because this was a country
03:34 where it's illegal to share your faith.
03:37 But finally after much begging,
03:40 she went into a back corner and fearfully saying,
03:42 Jesus loves me this I know.
03:47 And then she expected to get arrested
03:49 that she left the hospital
03:50 because that lady's husband was a policeman.
03:55 She went home that night.
03:57 Nothing happened.
03:58 She thought the next morning surely they'll arrest me
04:00 as I come back into the hospital
04:02 but nothing happened.
04:04 Day after day went by month after month,
04:06 she forgot all about the lady and her baby.
04:09 Until now,
04:10 here they were standing in front of her,
04:13 a cute little five-year-old boy
04:15 and the mother said he's a sweet little boy.
04:17 And it's all because of that song
04:19 that you sang him.
04:20 But I've got a problem.
04:22 I lost my cell phone.
04:23 Would you sing it again into my new phone
04:25 so that I can play it for his little brother and sister?
04:29 Our nurse gladly this time went in the back
04:32 and saying Jesus loves me.
04:33 And this time she also saying
04:35 Jesus loves the little children,
04:39 all the children of the world.
04:41 You know, it gives me goosebumps
04:43 to think that in a country where she was working,
04:47 in a country where it's illegal for women to drive,
04:50 a country where there's regular public beheadings,
04:53 in a country where it's illegal to share
04:55 your faith, a policeman's family has been listening
05:00 for five years to a little song about Jesus loving them,
05:04 and the Bible telling them.
05:07 This nurse is a tentmaker.
05:10 She doesn't work for the church.
05:12 But she uses her job and her life
05:15 as a witness for Jesus.
05:17 Your tithes and mission offerings
05:19 have been helping to support the work in that country
05:21 for several years.
05:23 But it takes more than money.
05:25 It takes people, people like that nurse
05:28 that are willing to go to a difficult country
05:31 and let their lives and their work
05:33 be a witness for Jesus.
05:35 If you'd like to know more about being a tentmaker,
05:38 go to our website, te.adventistmission.org
05:42 for more information.
05:44 Behind me is the Eastern Gate of Old Jerusalem,
05:47 also known as the Golden Gate.
05:50 And as you can see,
05:51 it is now rolled up and it was actually closed
05:54 back in Medieval Times.
05:56 Lot of traditions associated with this gate.
05:59 Some have said that
06:00 this is where the Shekinah Glory
06:02 would appear through this gate.
06:03 And many Christians believe that this was the gate through
06:08 which Jesus entered Jerusalem on the donkey
06:11 has that tradition as well.
06:13 And some think that this could be the Gate Beautiful
06:16 that is referred to in Acts 3, all fascinating.
06:19 Next up, let's learn more about mission in North America.
06:29 For me, in my own spiritual experience,
06:31 I have seen God work in so many incredible ways.
06:35 I would only say that I've been a real Christian
06:38 for the past few years.
06:39 And a lot of that is due to my experience
06:41 being out here in Palau.
06:48 For those who have never been here before,
06:50 Palau, it's like nature,
06:54 just times 100 of anything you've ever experienced before.
06:57 It's so pristine, it's so calm, it's so peaceful.
07:01 And the people are so loving and they're so giving.
07:05 For me personally, I feel more at home here
07:07 in Palau sometimes than I do even back home
07:09 in the States where I'm from.
07:12 I've been here in Palau for four years.
07:15 And I'm currently the chaplain of both elementary school
07:18 and the high school, while teaching junior
07:20 and senior Bible at the high school.
07:22 Not only is Palau such a beautiful place
07:25 to look at and to be in, but for me,
07:27 especially the thing that keeps me coming back
07:29 has always been the kids.
07:31 I love them and I love the interactions
07:33 that we have.
07:34 And I love getting to see them grow in a spiritual way.
07:48 We have a lot of great spiritual emphasis programs
07:52 with the school, and especially as chaplain
07:54 I've been able to see students really enjoy getting to know
07:56 what the Bible has to say, and to have bravery
07:59 when it comes to asking questions about the Bible
08:01 so that they can learn more about
08:02 what it actually has to say.
08:11 Some of the challenges that can come up
08:14 from being here,
08:15 one of the biggest is definitely communicating
08:17 with people back home.
08:18 It's hard to stay connected.
08:21 And you're kind of on your own on an island.
08:23 And it can be hard sometimes to find people
08:26 you can trust when it comes to furthering
08:29 your spiritual experience.
08:31 Seeing how God has led me and helped me make decisions
08:35 and the path he's putting me on for the future,
08:38 I can definitely see that He's in control out here.
08:51 I was scared to be the chaplain,
08:53 I didn't want that responsibility.
08:55 And things kind of ended up
08:57 that I was able to become the chaplain
09:00 for my second year coming back.
09:02 And I didn't think I was ready,
09:03 but I was ready to see what God could do through me
09:06 in that position.
09:08 The people out here are ready to hear the gospel.
09:11 There's just very few people
09:12 who have been willing to come out here and to serve.
09:15 Jesus found His greatest blessing in service
09:18 when He was here.
09:19 And if we want to figure out how to get closest to Him,
09:22 then our best bet is to go out
09:24 and serve the same way that He did.
09:38 If God calls me to stay longer, I wouldn't be opposed to it.
09:59 Well, thanks so much for joining us
10:01 today on Mission 360.
10:03 And I hope that you've been inspired
10:04 and challenged by what you've seen and heard.
10:07 The beautiful city of Jerusalem has so much
10:11 history and culture and religious significance.
10:15 And it's just an amazing thing to be able to realize
10:18 that so much that is so important
10:20 for the Christian faith happened right here.
10:22 I want to thank you for your continuing
10:25 participation with us in mission.
10:28 You may ask, how am I participating?
10:30 Well, we see you as a part of our team
10:32 because you are praying for mission,
10:34 you are supporting it financially
10:36 and you have been personally involved.
10:38 And I want to thank you so much for what you're doing.
10:40 It does make a difference for frontline mission workers
10:44 to know that there is a world church praying
10:46 for them that they are not alone.
10:48 As a small token of thanks,
10:49 I'd like to send you
10:51 this mission offering money box.
10:53 It's a terrific thing to just set up somewhere
10:55 at home or use it at the Sabbath school,
10:57 or anywhere where you want to teach
10:59 the value of consistently putting aside
11:03 some money to help support mission around the world,
11:06 and we'd be happy to send that to you for free
11:08 if you live in North America.
11:09 Well for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause.
11:11 And I hope you can join me next time
11:13 right here on Mission 360.


Revised 2020-10-26