Mission 360

Just for Kids

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause


Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS001206B

00:01 Welcome back to New York City.
00:03 Next up, we travel to another large city
00:06 in a much warmer area, the city of Bangkok.
00:09 Rick.
00:11 Thanks, Gary.
00:12 Here with me is Tonya Wright.
00:16 We're sitting here in beautiful Bangkok, Thailand.
00:18 And it's nice to be with you here
00:21 for a minute, Tonya, and just wanna ask you,
00:24 what are you doing here in Thailand?
00:26 Oh, my husband and I, we're working here at a school.
00:29 I'm the principal of a school in Ubon.
00:32 And it's a new, a new school. They're just starting it.
00:35 So we're excited to be a part of that.
00:37 Now when you say Ubon, probably most of our listeners
00:40 won't really know where that is.
00:42 Can you describe it just a little bit?
00:43 It's in the northeast of Bangkok about eight hours.
00:46 I mean of Thailand, about eight hours from Bangkok.
00:48 So it's quite a drive. It is.
00:49 Yeah.
00:51 And how many students are at your school?
00:52 Right now we only have a preschool going,
00:55 we have two-year-olds and three-year-olds,
00:57 but we're gonna be building up
00:59 from that all the way to 12th grade.
01:01 So that's a precious age.
01:02 You're getting them when they're quite young.
01:04 Yeah.
01:05 How long have you been doing that?
01:06 We just started. So...
01:08 Now you have come here to Thailand
01:10 from a few other countries not far from here.
01:13 Yes. Where you've been living?
01:16 Can you tell us anything about
01:17 what you were doing in previous places?
01:19 Oh, my husband and I,
01:21 we actually worked at church planting.
01:22 And also we were running an English language school
01:25 where we were interacting with a lot of the local people
01:26 teaching them English.
01:28 Right. Wow.
01:29 Is there any special story
01:33 that kind of came out of your work
01:34 in another place?
01:37 Yeah, actually, when my husband and I just a year
01:39 or so after we'd been in the country,
01:41 we became aware of a young girl that someone was sponsoring
01:44 to come to our school that needed a place to stay.
01:47 She was trying to go to school there
01:48 and also attended English school,
01:50 and was running out of money for her rent.
01:52 So my husband and I discussed it
01:53 and decided that
01:54 we'd like to offer her to stay with us.
01:56 So we invited her to come stay with us.
01:58 She was Hindu.
01:59 And we understood that, you know,
02:01 the complications with that.
02:02 So we were just excited, though, to be able to help out.
02:05 And the first week she was with us,
02:07 she wanted to help
02:08 with whatever she could around the house.
02:10 She was so excited to that we were helping her
02:12 and she wanted to show her appreciation.
02:14 And I remember Friday night,
02:16 first Friday night, she was with us.
02:19 She was trying to do all these extra things.
02:21 And my husband, I are, "How can we teach her about
02:23 Sabbath and specialness of that,
02:25 you know, she doesn't understand it?"
02:27 And we don't wanna force it on her
02:28 but we, she'd say, "Oh, can I do your laundry?"
02:30 We're like, "Oh, no, maybe not tonight,
02:31 maybe we'll do that, you know, on Sunday."
02:34 She's trying to wash all the dishes.
02:35 And we're like we'll just leave until tomorrow night, you know,
02:37 and so she didn't know what to do
02:39 'cause she's used to working all the time.
02:41 And finally, we're like, "Well,
02:42 you know, we have some nice religious videos,
02:45 maybe you'd like to pick one out."
02:46 And so we went over to her collection of videos,
02:49 and she saw the gospel of John video
02:52 that we had, she's like, "Can we watch this?"
02:54 So we put it in, and she starts watching it
02:57 and realize she really hasn't ever heard
02:58 the story of Jesus before.
03:00 You know, and so it was exciting
03:02 to watch somebody who doesn't know
03:03 really who Jesus is watching Him
03:05 do all these wonderful things.
03:06 And then we come down to the end
03:08 where there's the crucifixion scene,
03:10 and she sees that they're taking Jesus
03:12 and she gets so angry.
03:14 She's like, "Why are they doing that?
03:16 Don't they know He's a good man?
03:17 What's happening?
03:19 What are they gonna do to and what's gonna happen?"
03:20 And then they kill Him.
03:21 And she just like burst into tears.
03:23 She's so moved, and so frustrated.
03:25 "Why did they do that?"
03:26 And of course, you know, we know what comes next.
03:28 So we're like just wait, be patient, you know,
03:30 and then there's the resurrection scene,
03:32 and she was just so excited.
03:33 She's up.
03:34 She's jumping around this room, Jesus is alive, Jesus is alive.
03:37 And it was just amazing to see, like the story of Jesus that
03:41 we've heard so many times, the first time
03:44 that somebody really understands that
03:45 and the impact that it had on her heart.
03:47 It was just truly a blessing.
03:49 Very heartfelt response on her part
03:51 to the exposure to the gospel.
03:53 Yes. Yes.
03:54 And what a beautiful capsule
03:58 of what we all want to see
04:00 in other people's lives.
04:01 We'd love to see
04:03 that connection with Jesus, wouldn't we?
04:05 Yeah.
04:06 Let's bring it back to today a little bit.
04:09 When you think about the mission challenge in Asia,
04:15 in Thailand, what makes your...
04:19 What gives you motivation
04:21 for what you're doing right now?
04:22 What I'm doing.
04:24 Just knowing there are so many people
04:26 that know so little about Jesus,
04:27 like this young lady, or if they have,
04:30 they don't really understand,
04:31 they have a skewed version of what the gospel really is
04:35 and who Jesus is.
04:36 And they might think, oh, He was a good man,
04:38 but that's all they know.
04:39 And when you're actually able to help somebody
04:42 see who Jesus really is and when you're there
04:45 when the Holy Spirit touches their heart.
04:47 It's just an experience that you can't ever forget.
04:50 And I'm just so thankful that God allows us to be a part of.
04:52 Wow.
04:53 And to think of that with the millions of people
04:57 we're surrounded with every day
04:58 here in Bangkok 12 million people
05:00 on the average day,
05:02 in the nation of Thailand many more million.
05:04 And if you think of the region of Asia,
05:06 with the large countries of China, India,
05:09 even as far as Nepal, and Pakistan,
05:13 and Indonesia, you think of the billions
05:19 who have yet to hear the name of Jesus.
05:22 And that's really
05:23 what gives you the purpose to why you're here.
05:26 It does. Yeah.
05:28 When you are working
05:32 in your new school,
05:35 what kind of things you're doing
05:36 with the little ones?
05:38 Well, like I said, we just arrived,
05:40 I haven't done too much yet, but, you know,
05:44 really our goal there is to be able to share
05:49 all kinds of hands on things,
05:52 and also to get their parents involved
05:54 to invite the parents to programs,
05:55 have the children involved in doing things
05:56 so their parents can come and have a very natural way
05:59 to connect with our church members
06:01 and with us something that they're interested in,
06:03 something we're interested in.
06:04 So you get a connection with not only the little ones,
06:07 but with the parents, the whole family's involved.
06:10 And that way you can share
06:12 the gospel with families, right?
06:13 Yeah, exactly. In Ubon, what's it like?
06:18 Is it more rural?
06:20 Is it, you know, more traditional?
06:22 Is it Buddhist?
06:24 Is it, what's the situation there?
06:26 From what I could see so far, it's a city.
06:30 It's a big city.
06:32 It's a growing city.
06:33 They've actually, the development you can tell
06:34 they've planned for it to be able to expand
06:36 quite a bit the way the city has been developing.
06:39 And, but it's a little more traditional,
06:43 I think, than Bangkok for sure,
06:45 but I haven't been there very long.
06:47 So we have much to learn still. Yeah, you're new there.
06:48 Yes, yes.
06:50 And as missionaries, we're learners.
06:51 Yes.
06:53 We studied, listen, and try to do our best.
06:55 And I really appreciate you joining me
06:57 for a few minutes here.
06:58 I am thrilled with what you're doing
07:00 and how the Lord is blessing.
07:02 And we'll be praying for your school.
07:03 Oh, thank you.
07:05 Yeah, just wanna again, say thank you.
07:07 And thank you to our viewers around the world,
07:10 who are again, sharing from their heart,
07:13 their resources, their time,
07:14 their prayers to make the mission of the church
07:18 go forward, and wanna hand it back to Gary.
07:21 Here's the show back to you, Gary.
07:23 Next up, another animated story from East Central Africa.
07:28 Mr. Victor lives in South Sudan,
07:31 a country in East Africa.
07:33 He grew up in a home
07:34 where his father drank a lot of alcohol.
07:36 Mr. Victor's father thought
07:38 that nothing bad would happen to him,
07:40 but one day he became very sick and could not recover.
07:44 He passed away.
07:45 When Mr. Victor grew up, he also drank alcohol,
07:49 and ignored his father's lesson.
07:50 And he, too, became very sick.
07:53 As he was sick and feeble,
07:55 he heard a very clear voice saying to him that
07:58 if he didn't stop drinking,
07:59 he would die just like his father.
08:02 He immediately decided to quit drinking.
08:04 Mr. Victor felt God was speaking to him
08:07 to save his life,
08:08 so he followed the advice and began to get better.
08:14 After this, Mr. Victor
08:16 and his wife began to learn more
08:18 about the Bible through a Christian television station.
08:21 They wanted to have children,
08:22 and after reading the stories of Abraham
08:24 and Sarah, and Hannah who prayed for a child
08:27 and was given Samuel, they too prayed to God.
08:30 About this time,
08:32 the Victors met an Adventist member
08:33 who asked them if they would like
08:35 to study the Bible.
08:36 They said yes right away.
08:38 Now they had someone they could ask questions
08:40 and who would show them answers from the Bible.
08:43 As they learned precious lessons,
08:45 they decided to get baptized
08:47 at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Juba.
08:50 Before long their prayers were answered,
08:51 and soon, a baby was born to the Victors.
08:54 They named her Shammah.
08:56 Then two more babies came along, twin girls.
09:00 After a while another baby was born into the family,
09:04 and they named her Faith.
09:06 The Victors were so happy.
09:08 Every evening before going to bed,
09:10 the family had worship together.
09:12 They enjoyed singing hymns,
09:13 listening to Bible stories, and praying.
09:18 After a while, Mrs. Victor was expecting yet another baby.
09:22 But this time, something sad happened.
09:28 When Mrs. Victor went to the hospital to give birth,
09:30 there was a complication and she passed away.
09:34 The Victor family was very sad,
09:36 but they kept their faith in Jesus.
09:38 Now more strongly than ever, they hope for His soon return.
09:43 Shammah's favorite Bible story
09:45 is Jesus' resurrection on the third day.
09:48 Mr. Victor tells his children
09:50 that one day Jesus will call their mother
09:52 from the tomb
09:54 and if they are faithful, they will see her again.
09:59 Every Sabbath, Shammah,
10:01 Faith, the twins, and many other children
10:04 go to Sabbath School and church.
10:06 They bring chairs to sit under the beautiful trees.
10:09 Here they find a place in nature
10:11 to connect with the Creator.
10:13 Sometimes, however, the children cannot have
10:15 Sabbath School because it is raining.
10:17 The only place they have to meet
10:19 is under the trees.
10:20 When it rains everything becomes very wet and muddy.
10:24 The Victors' children
10:26 continue to invite many young ones
10:27 like them to church.
10:29 They are praying that more children will be ready
10:31 for heaven with them,
10:32 but they also are praying for funds
10:34 to build a "Lamb Shelter."
10:36 This building will be used
10:37 for children's Sabbath School and church.
10:40 Please pray as you support
10:41 the many mission projects happening in Juba
10:44 and all around the world.
11:04 Well, I hope you've enjoyed
11:05 this special children's edition of the program.
11:09 And it's wonderful to see children's lives
11:11 being touched all around the world.
11:13 And it's wonderful too to see children engaged in ministry.
11:18 And we see tremendous challenges
11:19 around the world from areas in Thailand,
11:24 remote areas in Africa,
11:26 through the huge urban areas
11:28 like right here in New York City.
11:30 And we see that the holistic ministry
11:33 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
11:35 is touching people's lives for eternity.
11:38 And I wanna thank you so much for what you do
11:41 to make that happen.
11:42 Your prayers make a big difference.
11:45 Your financial support makes things happen.
11:48 And your personal involvement also makes a wonderful,
11:52 wonderful contribution.
11:53 And before we go,
11:55 I'd like to offer you a special gift.
11:57 It's a money box.
11:59 It's a special mission money box,
12:01 and it's a terrific way to encourage your children
12:04 to make giving to mission
12:06 a priority a habit in their lives.
12:08 You can use it in your home
12:10 in schools and Sabbath schools, wherever.
12:13 Well, for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause.
12:15 I'm glad you were able to join me
12:16 and I hope that you can join me next time
12:18 right here on Mission 360.


Revised 2020-12-10