Mission 360

Mission on the Move, Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS001202B

00:10 Welcome back to Philadelphia,
00:12 the city of brotherly love.
00:14 Next stop, we travel to another urban area,
00:17 the city of Jakarta
00:18 and learn about a center of influence.
00:22 Thank you,
00:23 we're here in the heart of Jakarta, Indonesia.
00:26 One of the major cities here in Asia,
00:28 and we are on the street where the cars are passing by.
00:32 With me is Arlaine and, Arlaine, we are...
00:35 you're part of a unique ministry here,
00:37 that's specifically working in a big city.
00:40 Can you tell us a little bit about
00:42 what you have been doing?
00:43 Okay, our ministry here,
00:45 actually and the first time
00:46 when we established the ministry,
00:49 it's called the Chinese Ministry Center Jakarta.
00:52 Actually our vision is how to proclaim
00:55 the Three Angels Message to the Chinese community
00:58 but later years until now,
01:01 we realize that God actually lead us to the city evangelism
01:07 and we can see that more and more
01:09 people of the city of Jakarta
01:11 coming here to study the health,
01:13 because we are using a health message
01:16 as our tools to evangelism to them.
01:19 Okay, so what exactly did you do to use
01:21 the health ministry church to reach people?
01:24 There is a various programs like radio program,
01:30 we have a talk show, health talk show
01:32 and also we have the health seminars.
01:35 We also have the, like the consultation
01:39 and healthy food festival like that cooking class,
01:43 healthy cooking class,
01:45 and we can see that the, you know,
01:48 this is where it attract people of Jakarta
01:51 because of the lifestyle
01:53 and disease coming from the bad lifestyle.
01:57 Now, we are standing in front of some place called Club Sehot
02:00 and I think you've been very involved with this.
02:04 What exactly is this?
02:05 Actually Club Sehot is the healthy food store
02:10 where we can provide the healthy food
02:13 like the seeds, the grains, the nuts and the beans
02:16 because it's kind of difficult to find
02:18 this stuff in Indonesia.
02:20 And actually this is a type of our ministry
02:24 to the people around Jakarta,
02:27 so they can come and not only to buy the healthy stuff
02:30 but they also come to listen
02:33 and to learning about the health message
02:35 through the seminars
02:36 and lifestyle consultation like that.
02:39 Now upstairs you had a church service this morning?
02:43 Yes, that's right.
02:44 Now sometimes people have a health store
02:46 and some people have the church
02:48 but the two don't always connect.
02:51 How have you guys managed to connect those two?
02:54 Because we can see that through to the health message
02:58 it really, it really like
03:00 push them to have a lifestyle change
03:03 and when they have the lifestyle change, they...
03:06 some of them and many of them were healed.
03:10 And they ask us how...?
03:13 Where you guys get all this stuffs?
03:15 We said that it's from the Bible
03:17 and we opened Bible study class with them,
03:20 and from the health message
03:23 they learned the truth from the Bible
03:25 and they're coming together and worship with us
03:28 and become one of our member.
03:31 Okay now, the church this morning was full
03:35 and how many are members
03:37 and how many are visitors in there?
03:39 Actually our members is just a very little numbers
03:43 just like about...
03:44 every Sabbath 15 to 20
03:47 but like what you see this morning is actually
03:49 not too much of the guest because we just,
03:53 this day today, we separate,
03:55 we just opened one of the center of influence
03:57 in another place.
03:59 So usually 15 to 20 members
04:03 and then we have about 20 to 50 non SDA guest
04:07 every Sabbath morning.
04:09 Okay, and for those who may not know a centre of influence,
04:12 there is something that Mrs. Ellen White talked about,
04:15 but you talked about small centers in the city
04:17 that can be a positive influence.
04:19 That's right.
04:20 And using Christ methods to win people to him.
04:25 Now one of the things that you are doing too is that
04:30 you have people going out on the streets
04:32 and doing things,
04:34 so tell us a little bit about that?
04:36 This is the regular program that we used to do,
04:41 because we want this center,
04:44 this place as really a centre of influence
04:47 to the people surroundings.
04:49 So we distribute the brochure, the tracks
04:53 so everybody around here,
04:55 I mean if someone from like another cities
04:59 and they don't know about us, it's okay
05:01 but we just want to make sure that nobody
05:04 surrounding this area had said that
05:06 they don't know about us,
05:09 about how to learning the health message
05:12 and how to learn the truth from the Bible
05:14 So how most people found out...
05:17 How do the most people find out about this place?
05:20 Number one is from word by mouth,
05:23 because they have friends,
05:26 they have family that already come here and we heal
05:29 and they get their health was improved
05:32 and they're the one who recommend them
05:35 to another member, another friend
05:37 and bring their friend to come here.
05:39 We also have the variety of program
05:41 and also the distribution of the brochures, the tracks
05:45 but it's not as having a big impact
05:49 as the word by mouth by our friends here.
05:52 Okay.
05:54 And people who are in marketing understand
05:56 that word of mouth is the most powerful.
05:58 That's right.
05:59 You trust when somebody you know tells you,
06:01 that's wonderful.
06:03 Now we met a few other people here,
06:06 could you just maybe very briefly
06:09 share a story of somebody who has come here
06:11 and whose life has been impacted?
06:13 Well, actually there's many testimonies
06:17 what happened here.
06:19 It's not because of us of course
06:21 but we can see how God really works in this center,
06:24 like we have a, like Evie,
06:28 she's the one who coming here because of the health message.
06:32 She heard our program from the radio and come
06:35 and learn about the health
06:37 and then she was attract with her sister
06:41 to learn Bible also.
06:42 Since the vice president of a Bank here, a private bank
06:46 and now she's becoming an active member
06:51 and we can see the change,
06:54 this life change from her
06:59 that really changed her life.
07:01 So see always invite her family to come to this center also.
07:07 Okay, our time is almost up, but just may be one sentence,
07:12 if somebody wanted to do this,
07:13 what would you tell them?
07:15 Well, I can share to them that we are an ordinary people.
07:19 There is nothing special about us here
07:22 but we believe that we have an extraordinary God
07:26 who really have a power to do this work.
07:29 Now I hear that over and over again,
07:31 we are ordinary people
07:32 doing extraordinary things through God.
07:34 Thank you very much, Arlaine.
07:36 And thank you at home and pray that God will show you
07:40 what you can do, to do extraordinary things.
07:43 Next stop, a trip to Mars and mission overseas
07:47 and it's all to do with commitment.
07:50 Wireless telegraphy also known as radio.
07:53 The history of this innovation feels like a soap opera.
07:56 Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla were rival inventors.
08:00 Radio still rely on a Tesla coil component today,
08:03 but just as Tesla was preparing
08:05 to unveil a wireless transmitter
08:07 that could carry out signal 50 miles,
08:09 his work shop burnt to the ground.
08:12 Edison was known for using hired thugs and even the mafia,
08:16 but the cause was most likely an electrical problem.
08:19 With Tesla's work literally up in smoke Guglielmo Marconi
08:23 swoops and manages to send the first transatlantic signal.
08:27 His pattern is later denied
08:29 because the design relied on Tesla's work,
08:31 then the ruling was overturned in favor of Marconi
08:34 when Andrew Carnegie and you guesses it,
08:37 Thomas Edison stepped in with marketing and money.
08:41 In 1943 much later on Marconi's pattern was reversed again
08:47 and posthumously awarded to Tesla.
08:50 Getting radio to work at all
08:51 was an endeavor filled with drama
08:54 but the effects on communication,
08:55 culture and society were even more dramatic.
08:59 In 1905 the Japanese navy obliterated a Russian fleet
09:02 at the battle of Tsushima and part
09:04 because they had purchased radio equipment from Marconi.
09:08 Radio distress signals
09:09 saved the lives of over 700 Titanic passengers
09:12 and subsequently it became law for every vessel
09:15 to have a wireless operator listening 24/7.
09:19 People likened radio to newspapers
09:21 which was helpful in determining content.
09:23 But there were several powerful distinctions.
09:26 You don't need to be literate to listen to radio.
09:29 You also don't need to make extra time
09:31 because listening as opposed to reading
09:34 can be a passive experience.
09:35 You can listen to the radio while you work on other things.
09:38 The radio was like cultural glue
09:41 uniting different classes and backgrounds
09:42 under the banner of a needy information.
09:45 The voice of the man on the street
09:47 was heard alongside the voice of Orson Welles,
09:49 War of the Worlds and alongside President
09:52 Franklin D Roosevelt Fireside chat.
09:55 No president had ever spoken directly
09:57 and simultaneously to the American people before.
10:00 Politicians suddenly need to became great orators,
10:04 propaganda was easily fed to the masses.
10:07 There was another notable figure
10:09 tied to the origins of radio.
10:10 The same here Tesla's workshop went up in flames,
10:13 Harold Marshall Sylvester Richards was born.
10:16 When Marconi sent the first transatlantic signal
10:19 H.M.S Richards was seven.
10:21 When his first live sermon was broadcast,
10:24 Richards and radio were basically the same age.
10:28 In 1929 H.M.S Richard's ministry took root
10:31 in Los Angeles, California.
10:34 After advertising one of the massive
10:36 evangelistic crusades in the radio,
10:38 the station offered him a daily spot
10:40 for a family worship program.
10:42 Richards was convinced,
10:44 evangelism must utilize the radio,
10:47 but conference headquarters thought differently.
10:49 Radio were showing news, it's never been done before
10:51 and besides it's the devil's tool.
10:54 After all alcohol is advertised over the radio
10:57 and so are cigarettes.
10:59 The devil's tool, that's what it is.
11:01 While the conference remained unconvinced,
11:04 Richards grew more obsessed.
11:06 Finally a friend confronted him.
11:08 Herald, you still haven't done anything about radio.
11:11 Do you believe in it?
11:12 I know God wants me to do this,
11:14 he won't leave me alone about it.
11:16 Do you really believe God wants you on the radio?
11:18 Yes, I do.
11:20 I know he wants me on the radio.
11:21 No you don't.
11:23 You don't believe in any such thing.
11:24 What do you mean?
11:26 I do believe it, I really do.
11:28 Well if God wants you on the radio,
11:29 and you believe that's where he wants you,
11:31 why aren't you on the radio?
11:34 The weight of his own fear
11:35 and unbelief hit Richard's like a ton of bricks.
11:38 The very next night when he stood at the door
11:40 to collect offering,
11:41 he told the congregation
11:43 that his left co pocket would the radio pocket.
11:46 If they believed in the ministry's potential,
11:48 they could donate.
11:50 In the middle of the great depression,
11:52 H.M.S Richard's local congregation gave $220,
11:56 that equates to over $3000 in 2015.
12:00 They gave it in cash, gold jewelry and even teeth.
12:04 Night after night,
12:05 the money for airtime filled the radio pocket
12:08 while most radio preachers only preached.
12:11 Richards worked with a producer and musicians
12:13 to create a professional polished program
12:16 called the Tabernacle of the Air.
12:18 Once a week broadcast became daily broadcast.
12:21 Letters poured in with questions,
12:23 prayer request and cash.
12:25 Programming expanded, Lone Star Four
12:28 and all male quartet became a staple on the show.
12:31 Evening meetings were recorded
12:33 and sent out as far as the Atlantic coast,
12:35 Alaska, New Zealand and Australia.
12:38 This went on for seven years
12:40 with no support from the conference.
12:43 Finally, in 1937 the Union Conference
12:46 decided to unite with ongoing ministry
12:49 and actually convinced H.M.S Richards
12:51 to move into radio full time.
12:54 From then on, the Voice of Prophecy was transmitted
12:56 over the air waves twice a week coast to coast
13:00 by 89 different radio stations.
13:02 After a renaming contest,
13:04 the Lone Star Four became the King's Heralds.
13:08 Richards became a recognized radio authority.
13:11 The Oregon Conference sent Julius L Tucker
13:14 to learn everything he could from Richards.
13:16 Eventually Tucker would learn
13:18 enough to found his own program,
13:21 The Quite Hour.
13:22 Today because of H.M.S. Richards,
13:24 the Voice of Prophecy can be heard in nearly
13:26 three dozen languages.
13:28 Bible lessons are available in over 70 languages.
13:32 Adventist world radio broadcast in 80 languages
13:35 and estimates that they are able to reach
13:37 an astounding two-thirds
13:39 of the world's total population.
13:42 Embracing new tools and innovation brought
13:44 Seventh-day Adventist missions into the modern world
13:47 and radio was just the first step
13:50 in another 50 years of growth.
14:00 Well, I hope that you have enjoyed today's program
14:03 and more importantly that you have been inspired
14:06 and challenged by the stories that you have seen and heard.
14:10 Around the world today many missionaries,
14:12 many frontline workers, many church planters
14:15 are sharing the life of God's love.
14:18 It is very challenging for them in many different ways
14:20 and it's so encouraging to them to know that
14:22 there are people around the world
14:24 who are praying for them.
14:25 So thank you so much for your prayers,
14:28 thank you for your personal involvement
14:30 and thank you so much for your mission offerings,
14:33 your tithe, your gifts to Global Mission
14:35 that makes such a huge difference,
14:38 that open up doors of opportunity for mission.
14:41 Before we go, I would like to offer you
14:43 this free Mission Spotlight DVD.
14:46 This DVD is just pack full of stories
14:49 from in and around the world,
14:50 very much like you see on today's program.
14:53 Well, for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause
14:55 and I hope that you can join me next time,
14:57 right here on Mission 360.


Revised 2016-08-22