Mission 360

Rich Opportunities

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS001201B

00:03 Welcome back to Hong Kong.
00:05 Our very special guest is Elder Bob Folkenberg.
00:09 And, Bob, welcome to the program.
00:10 It's good to be here.
00:12 I have enjoyed very much
00:15 listening to the various reports
00:17 and the activities taking place in China.
00:19 You know, I remember back in 1975,
00:23 I first came to Hong Kong. Wow.
00:25 Took a train out, looked across the border
00:27 and what I saw
00:29 and thought then has changed a quite a bit from today.
00:32 What have you seen taking place in China for the gospel?
00:36 Well, you are mentioning the year 1975,
00:39 at that point we didn't know what God was doing in China.
00:42 And when we got to about 1980,
00:45 we began to start getting some reports
00:47 of what God had done, what He was doing.
00:49 And we found that He was working a miracle
00:52 during those very difficult times
00:53 in Chinese history.
00:54 When the church went basically underground in the late '49,
00:59 basically early '50s we only had 20,000, 21,000 members.
01:03 But in the '80s when we started getting reports,
01:05 we had over 200,000 members.
01:07 So as you were looking across...
01:08 Yes, God was still working.
01:10 He was still working in his special way
01:13 and since that time as China has opened up
01:16 and religious freedom has blossomed more,
01:19 we have now taken our membership over 400,000.
01:22 In fact 428,000 we praise the Lord.
01:25 Yeah, you know,
01:27 in addition to the blessing of the Holy Spirit
01:29 provides to make that happen.
01:31 What do you see as the key values
01:35 and the key components
01:38 of having that growth take place?
01:40 Well, I think that what you see clearly
01:42 especially from those years of persecution and difficulty
01:45 even up until now is strong member involvement.
01:48 Okay.
01:50 This is a lay laid church.
01:52 Out of 428,000 members, Elder Ryan,
01:56 we only have about 140 ordained ministers.
02:00 Okay, wow.
02:01 Only 140 and then we have all of these
02:03 other lay ministers that are working
02:06 and leading the church all across China.
02:07 So number one I would say lay involvement
02:09 and number two is just a deep love for Jesus.
02:12 They can't help but share Christ.
02:15 That, you know, I also know that there're many programs
02:19 that we actually partner with the government on.
02:22 They give us permission to print books
02:24 and they're supportive of that,
02:26 and what are some of the ministries that we see
02:29 taking place in China, they bring hope to people.
02:32 You know, you are right,
02:34 the government is looking for churches to participate
02:36 in serving the needs of a community.
02:38 I just heard just last week of a new church plant
02:42 and one of the provinces in China
02:44 that has developed the relationship
02:46 with an orphanage
02:48 and their members go in there every week to spend time,
02:51 and these are orphans that have special needs
02:54 and they are ministering to those people in that way.
02:57 The government which is...
02:59 by the way the orphanage is run by the government is delighted
03:02 to have this church come in.
03:04 We have other ministries like that going on to lepers
03:07 for example, into other special needs.
03:10 The fact is the more our membership
03:12 gets involved in the community, the more relevant they are.
03:15 Well, it's actually really the ministry of Jesus.
03:18 It is, yeah.
03:19 It's the method that Christ used,
03:21 He actually touched people's lives.
03:22 That's right.
03:23 Spend much more time healing than He ever did preaching.
03:25 Oh, He did.
03:26 Many of our churches are doing health expos,
03:28 they are teaching health principles.
03:31 Many of our churches have what they call health centers
03:33 but what they are, are lifestyle centers
03:36 and they invite people with terminal disease
03:38 and lifestyle diseases to come in
03:41 and wonderful things happen physically
03:43 but more so spiritually.
03:45 Hundreds of...
03:47 and I'm not just exaggerating.
03:48 Hundreds of people come to know Jesus
03:50 and join this church.
03:52 Well, I have been,
03:53 was surprised today to hear of the,
03:55 almost like sanitarium type...
03:57 Yes.
03:58 Institutions that are operating in China by local churches.
04:01 That's right.
04:03 They are the ones implementing them.
04:04 That's exact and these are not small enterprises.
04:06 Lots of people come and I was surprised,
04:08 when I visited them,
04:10 when they have their morning instruction
04:13 or their class time,
04:15 they start out with a strong devotional message,
04:17 they then talk about Jesus,
04:19 they talk about the power of God
04:21 to help them overcome certain habits.
04:23 They are open with morning and evening devotionals.
04:25 Let me just put it that way, worship.
04:26 These are non Christian people, atheists,
04:29 some of them are even government officials.
04:30 But you know, we have talked about the various ministries
04:34 that are taking place in China,
04:36 the things that our members are involved
04:39 and they make this growth take place.
04:41 But we cannot sidestep the question of the challenge.
04:45 Yes.
04:46 The challenge is there, I mean China is now...
04:49 1.4 billion.
04:51 1.4 billion people and I know that there are cities
04:55 probably scattered throughout China
04:58 in which probably Christianity in general
05:01 has just made a beginning if anything.
05:04 That is exactly right, entire provinces.
05:08 You and I when talking usually,
05:09 we have a province
05:10 where we don't even have one single member.
05:12 And the Christian presence as a body is very, very scarce.
05:18 There are millions upon millions of people
05:21 in large cities in China that have yet to hear
05:24 that they can go to bed at night at peace
05:27 knowing that Jesus loves them.
05:28 We have one city, Elder Ryan, that has 30 million people,
05:32 that's more people in that one municipality
05:35 than all the states, United States
05:37 except for California,
05:39 and we only have 200 members or so in that huge city.
05:41 I don't want us to get by the time
05:43 here without this question.
05:44 You know, there're many people
05:46 watching this from around the world,
05:48 this is the Adventist mission video,
05:50 and you know when we used to talk about
05:52 these un-entered cities
05:54 and these multiple millions of people
05:56 that haven't had the message.
05:57 What role does the rest of the membership play
06:01 in bringing that hope to them?
06:02 Well, you know what?
06:03 I appreciate that question because I believe
06:05 the most important role is please pray for China.
06:08 There is power in prayer.
06:10 This is a God sized task, pray for China.
06:13 Number two please...
06:15 I like that expression that God sized task.
06:18 That's exactly right.
06:19 Yeah, just be sure you remember that.
06:20 A God sized task, it is, it's way beyond
06:23 our ability even to comprehend.
06:25 So we need to pray, and secondly,
06:28 please support global missions.
06:32 It is through go Adventist missions.
06:35 Those funds that you give
06:36 come to help us put pioneer missionaries
06:39 in un-entered cities.
06:41 They speak the language, they know the culture
06:43 and they're trained by our local members.
06:45 There is a lot we can do.
06:47 And that spending
06:48 that is on top of the mission offering at time.
06:49 Exactly, yes.
06:51 That's exactly right. Yeah.
06:53 Anyway, thank you.
06:54 Yeah, and I'm sure you want to thank the people.
06:55 Absolutely, our greatest thanks go to that,
06:59 we feel supported,
07:00 in fact one of the Chinese pastor just recently said,
07:04 we feel humbled that there is so much love
07:06 and support around the world for our church here.
07:08 Thank you, Elder Folkenberg for being our guest today.
07:10 Now we're gonna go to Rwanda
07:12 and South Sudan for further stories.
07:24 Africa beautiful landscapes
07:27 with unique cultures and teeming with history,
07:30 home to more than one billion people.
07:32 The African continent is rich with mission opportunities.
07:36 Here you find some of the most picturesque scenery on earth,
07:41 as well as loving people who are full of joy.
07:44 Unfortunately this beauty has been marred
07:47 time and again by war and violence.
07:51 Despite the problems
07:52 there are more than seven million
07:53 Seventh-day Adventists
07:55 and three world division offices here.
07:58 One of the divisions
07:59 is the East Central Africa division
08:02 and this is our focus this quarter.
08:05 This territory is made up of 11 countries
08:08 and more than 11,000 churches.
08:11 Four of the countries are in the 1040 Window,
08:14 a region considered to be
08:15 the most unreached area of the world.
08:18 In countries like the Democratically Public of Congo,
08:21 Burundi, Eritrea, Rwanda and Somalia.
08:25 War and violence have taken a heavy toll
08:28 impacting thousands of lives.
08:31 In Rwanda, tribal genocide affected church members,
08:34 left buildings in ruin and scattered families.
08:38 But the resilience of this faithful people
08:40 is helping to make strikes towards a strong church.
08:44 The church in Rwanda has more than half a million members
08:47 and is well respected in the community.
08:50 Rwandans are required to perform community service
08:53 on the last Saturday of each month
08:55 but the government makes an exception
08:57 for Adventist members to perform these duties
08:59 on Sunday instead
09:01 to accommodate Sabbath observance.
09:09 In the country of South Sudan, there has also been war
09:12 and sadly fighting is still going on.
09:15 But in spite of these problems, God is working here.
09:19 There are 59 Adventist churches
09:22 with approximately 24,000 members
09:25 and more and more people are becoming Adventists
09:28 every year in South Sudan.
09:30 This Sabbath, church members
09:32 from all over Juba are joining together in worship.
09:36 They celebrate growth in their territory.
09:39 God is richly blessing the dedicated work
09:42 of this faithful family.
09:44 Juba is the capital city
09:46 where Adventists operate a school, a clinic,
09:49 and among other entities and Adventist radio station.
09:54 There are approximately 900 students at the school here,
09:57 but not enough classrooms to accommodate them.
10:00 Students sit tightly together as they share a desk
10:04 and some have to sit on the floor
10:06 as they write with notebooks on their laps.
10:09 The children pay little attention
10:11 to these inconveniences.
10:13 They are eager to learn
10:14 and are very respectful towards their teachers and faculty.
10:18 Good morning, Sir.
10:21 How are you?
10:22 I'm fine, thank you, Sir.
10:26 Which class is this?
10:27 PII
10:29 PII? Yes.
10:31 Yes, thank you very much.
10:33 There are many plans for growth
10:35 in the East Central Africa division.
10:38 Please pray for local leadership
10:40 and for church members as they are actively involved
10:43 in reaching their world for Jesus.
10:58 Well, I hope that you have enjoyed today's
10:59 360 degree of mission around the world,
11:02 and I hope that you've been inspired
11:04 and challenged by what you've seen and heard.
11:07 From more rural areas in Africa through to high density,
11:11 highly populated cities such as Hong Kong,
11:14 men and women are sharing the light of God's love
11:17 in very practical ways.
11:19 And I want to thank you for your continuing
11:21 support for mission through your prayers,
11:23 through your personal involvement,
11:25 and through your giving.
11:26 It does make a tremendous difference.
11:29 And I want to remind you about companion magazine,
11:31 our Mission 360 Magazine that's full of stories
11:35 just like you see here on this program.
11:37 Full of stories, full of pictures,
11:39 full of inspiration to keep you on the frontlines
11:43 of what's happening in mission around the world.
11:45 And if you'd like to get a hard copy of this magazine,
11:48 I'll be happy to send that to you,
11:50 but if you look at the information on your screen,
11:52 you can see how easy it is to download the magazine
11:55 on to your digital tablets
11:57 so that you can read it
11:58 in the comfort of your own home,
12:00 as you're traveling you can share it with others
12:02 or you can just view it on the internet
12:03 at adventistmission.org.
12:05 Well, for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause,
12:08 and I hope that you can join me next time
12:10 right here on Mission 360.


Revised 2016-08-22