Mission 360

Rich Opportunities

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS001201A

00:11 Stories from Africa, The United States,
00:13 and Hong Kong
00:15 that and much more coming up next.
00:41 Hello, I'm Gary Krause, and welcome to Mission 360.
00:45 Coming to you today
00:47 from the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong.
00:50 I'm standing in a very special place.
00:53 Beside me is the grave, the tomb of Abram La Rue.
01:00 Abram La Rue was a Seventh-day Adventist lay person,
01:05 who came to faith later in life
01:08 and he had a burden to take the good news of Jesus Christ
01:12 and the Seventh-day Adventist message to the people of Asia.
01:17 At around age 65,
01:19 he contacted the General Conference
01:21 of Seventh-day Adventist
01:23 and told the leaders of his desire, his passion
01:26 but they replied that unfortunately
01:28 they didn't have the money
01:30 and besides that well, he was a bit too old.
01:33 But nothing was to stand in the way of Abram La Rue,
01:36 he was the man of resources,
01:38 he had quite a history as a gold miner,
01:42 as a woodcutter, as a shepherd,
01:44 as a sailor and he went back to his old trade
01:47 and he got on a boat to Honolulu.
01:50 There he worked for a while and then he worked his way
01:52 across to Hong Kong, where he landed in 1888.
01:57 And for more than a decade,
01:59 he worked here mainly sharing literature.
02:02 In 1891 he had printed the first tracts
02:06 in the Chinese language.
02:08 He ministered to sailors,
02:10 he ministered to different people.
02:12 And in 1902 Pastor Anderson and his family came
02:17 and the first people were baptized
02:20 and joined the Seventh-day Adventist church
02:22 right here in Hong Kong.
02:24 And it was these beginnings with Abram La Rue
02:27 that started the work that of course
02:29 then continued on into mainland China.
02:34 And it's a privilege to stand here
02:36 to remember the importance of this man
02:39 who dedicated his life to mission
02:42 because he never went home.
02:45 He never went home.
02:46 Well, we have a lot more about mission
02:48 in this region of the world coming up,
02:50 but first up let's meet a Global Mission pioneer
02:54 in Botswana.
03:08 I'm here as an Adventist Global Mission pioneer
03:13 and I've been here for six months.
03:18 The village is quite interesting to work in.
03:23 When I first came to this village,
03:25 we had five regular members but the population
03:31 is estimated to be above 18,000.
03:34 At first I was a bit discouraged,
03:37 because I was form an atmosphere
03:39 where you fellowship with more than 50 people,
03:43 where worship services will be vibrant and to come
03:47 and find five people who couldn't even sing
03:50 was the main challenge.
03:55 We embarked on the house to house project,
03:59 house to house visitation
04:00 where we share with people the love of Jesus,
04:03 and the Lord has been so good.
04:06 To begin with, we now have more then 80 people
04:13 who are regular in attendance.
04:15 Every Sabbath we have on average 10 or more visitors
04:20 and we have been having baptisms on a monthly basis.
04:29 The first initiative that we took
04:32 was the one for prayer
04:35 where we intensified our prayer life,
04:38 where we would go to a village,
04:40 to a home instead of maybe studying with them,
04:43 we start to pray for them.
04:45 We have encountered people who have been so sick,
04:48 and after praying for them
04:50 we saw them being healed instantly.
04:56 I asked my Lord, where does He want me to serve Him?
05:02 I made a covenant with the Lord.
05:04 I said, "If what I did pleases you Lord,
05:09 you will find me something to do
05:11 which will uplift your name."
05:13 To me, to be a Global Mission pioneer
05:18 is a humbling experience, if I may I use that word.
05:22 One of the things that I want to see accomplished
05:27 is to have the gospel permeate this village
05:32 and the surrounding areas to have people
05:36 living in harmony with the principles
05:39 laid down in the Bible.
05:42 Those are basics priorities that I want to see achieved
05:46 and accomplished in this village.
05:57 My guest is Pastor Jeff Scoggins
05:59 who is the new planning director
06:01 for the office of Adventist Mission
06:03 here at the General Conference.
06:04 Jeff, thanks for joining us. Thank you.
06:06 Now, Jeff, when I first met you,
06:08 you were actually working
06:09 at the Adventist world headquarters,
06:11 what were you doing there?
06:12 Beginning when? When I was there.
06:15 When I came out of college
06:16 I was in ADRA in north American division
06:19 and then about 1998 maybe you,
06:24 actually it was Mike I guess who was invited me and you
06:27 to do communication for Global Mission.
06:29 Right, so that's where we work together
06:31 but was it too long after that you were invited
06:35 to go to Moscow
06:36 to work in the Euro-Asia region of the world.
06:39 What were you called to do there?
06:42 I was called to be the field secretary
06:44 for strategic planning and global mission.
06:46 Okay, so you'd been talking about global mission,
06:50 you've been promoting global mission,
06:52 you've been doing brochures and every thing like that.
06:54 Now you actually going into the field
06:56 to be involved, you know.
06:57 That was it. So what did you do?
06:59 When I got there, we walked into not the same day
07:03 but very soon there after walked into Adcom
07:07 and they said, "Let us tell you what we want you to do."
07:10 Which I thought I knew what I was supposed to do,
07:13 turns out I didn't.
07:14 They said in the next two years which was my term there,
07:17 the next two years we want to plant 300 new churches.
07:22 House churches to the former Soviet Republics.
07:25 Can you raise four million dollars to do that?
07:29 And I don't know what I was thinking
07:31 but I was inspired and I said sure.
07:34 Is that all? Yes, that it. Yeah, exactly.
07:38 I got a reality check when the first donation came in
07:42 for 10,000 dollars and my wife so kindly said,
07:47 "Do that several hundred more times
07:48 and you'll have it."
07:50 And that's when the amount of money
07:51 just hit me of what it really was.
07:54 Yeah, and while you prayed through it,
07:57 and you work through it and there's actually a book
08:00 published full of wonderful stories from that project
08:04 because how many churches were planted?
08:06 311 if I'm not mistaken by the time we were done, yeah.
08:11 And these were planted by whom? Global Mission pioneers.
08:15 We brought in 300 young men,
08:19 really from all of those places
08:22 where they were going to be planted.
08:24 We brought them in from local places
08:26 and train them at the seminary Zaoksi
08:30 for three months.
08:31 And then we sent them out into the field,
08:34 we went and we purchased very cheap houses
08:38 for them to live in,
08:40 which they also used as a church.
08:41 Wonderful.
08:43 And so yeah, it was,
08:44 it turned out to be quite the project,
08:48 people still talk about it in its 15 years later.
08:51 Right, and I was just talking to someone the other day
08:54 and hundreds of those churches are still operating.
08:56 They still are.
08:58 In fact I was a little worried about it,
08:59 because I've been out of touch for quite a while
09:01 after leaving there and they, I asked somebody just recently,
09:06 "How many are still going?"
09:08 And the guy that I worked with closely Ivan Ostrovsky,
09:10 he said at least 60 percent are still going strong,
09:14 others are still struggling,
09:16 some of them had to be sold or whatever which is fine,
09:19 that's the process.
09:20 He said some of the young men that we brought in
09:22 are now conference presidents.
09:23 That's wonderful. Yeah.
09:25 So, Jeff, share a story from one of the pioneers,
09:28 one of their experiences in this project.
09:30 One of my favorite stories
09:33 is about a young man named Andre.
09:35 And I'm not gonna tell you where he was working at
09:37 because for all I know he's still working there
09:39 and it's a closed country right now.
09:42 But he came out of a life of crime.
09:44 He was in big time in organized crime
09:47 and I have to shorten the story,
09:49 I make this assortment because it's a long
09:52 and it's great story but it turned out that he,
09:56 somebody handed him a Bible.
09:58 And he discovered not only Jesus
10:01 but he discovered the Sabbath in the Bible.
10:03 He never heard of a Seventh-day Adventist in his life.
10:06 He was on death row
10:07 through a series of miracles he was released.
10:12 After being tested on the Sabbath
10:15 and all sorts of things,
10:16 I mean he was going to be killed by the prison warden
10:19 due to his beliefs
10:21 and he stayed staunchly with him,
10:25 even though he had no training nothing like that.
10:28 He had been miraculously preserved in the uranium lines.
10:31 People didn't lived there,
10:33 that was a death sentence in of its own.
10:35 He got out of prison and he went to find out
10:37 if there was any other people that kept the Sabbath,
10:40 discovered the Seventh-day Adventist and when I met him,
10:43 he was planting a church in his country
10:46 for a Seventh-day Adventist church
10:47 and he was there with a bunch of other pioneers
10:50 that we were talking about
10:51 and they were talking about how difficult it was
10:53 and how they were afraid of the local authorities
10:58 and things like this.
10:59 And I was watching this young man, Andre
11:02 and he was just down there shaking his head.
11:04 And I knew what he was thinking 'cause this guy was fearless
11:07 after what he had been through and I even asked him I said,
11:13 "Can I share your story?"
11:15 I said, "Will that get you in trouble?"
11:16 He said, "I don't care, if it gets me in trouble."
11:19 I still don't do it for his sake
11:20 but he was just an inspiring story
11:24 of what God can do even without the infrastructure or that,
11:29 you know, maybe could have come and baptized him
11:31 or something like that.
11:32 He worked through our men, he was planting churches.
11:34 Amazing story.
11:35 Yeah, and so throughout the former Soviet Union
11:40 these lighthouses were established seminaries
11:42 where there were no Adventist congregations.
11:44 Correct.
11:46 So why is church planting like you're involved in there
11:49 in the former Soviet Union, why is that so important?
11:53 Because it's what pushing us out
11:55 into the frontiers of mission.
11:57 We don't want to be here much longer
11:58 if we can do anything about it
12:00 and the thing is that Jesus gave us the ability
12:03 to do something about it.
12:05 He said go tell the world,
12:06 and when we tell the world he can come back.
12:08 What we are doing is we're not just planting churches,
12:11 we're planting churches in the areas
12:13 where there are not currently Seventh-day Adventists
12:16 and so that is our mandate.
12:19 We are doing what Jesus told us to do.
12:20 That's why it's so important. Fantastic.
12:23 Extremely fantastic
12:24 and that's why you're our new planning director.
12:26 Welcome.
12:28 So, friends, at home please remember to pray
12:30 for Global Mission pioneers.
12:32 Pray for Global Mission initiatives to reach into new
12:35 and challenging areas and people groups.
12:37 And to find out more information
12:39 about church planting and Global Mission
12:41 and how you can support through your prayers and your finances,
12:44 go to AdventistMission.org.


Revised 2016-08-22