Books of the Book: Matthew

The Resurrection

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00026B

00:01 Welcome back to our study of the resurrection of our Lord
00:05 and Savior Jesus Christ.
00:06 Ranko, this was such a vital historical event
00:11 central to the New Testament.
00:14 Glenn, when we are talking about the resurrection of Jesus,
00:18 we are talking about one of the legends.
00:22 The product of the imagination of a certain group of people.
00:27 Today we have a problem.
00:32 People who are even educated who doubt that the miraculous
00:38 resurrection can even happen.
00:40 The consequence is Jesus did not resurrect.
00:44 However, the early disciples, and the followers of Jesus
00:50 did not have any problem with that. Yeah! Why?
00:54 Actually, I would like, Glenn, that we go to one of the
00:58 Biblical texts. It's not in the gospel of Matthew.
00:59 It's about the apostle Paul.
01:02 The apostle Paul, you know, was not a follower of Jesus.
01:06 He was not among those early, early disciples.
01:08 He actually joined the group a little bit later.
01:11 But for Paul there was not any doubt that the crucified Jesus
01:16 whom he preached actually resurrected.
01:18 And let's see what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8.
01:24 This is such a great passage because it combines
01:27 the importance and the reality. Yes, yes.
01:30 For I delivered to you as of first importance
01:33 what I also received,...
01:35 And now we find really the essence of New Testament
01:38 preaching. This is what the gospel is.
01:39 This is what it is.
01:40 ...that Christ died for our sins in accordance
01:42 with the scriptures; (first event), that He was buried,
01:45 (and thirdly), that He was raised on the third day
01:49 in accordance with the Scriptures,
01:51 and that He appeared to Cephas, and the twelve.
01:53 Glenn, sorry for interrupting you.
01:54 I just have to take a few moments.
01:56 I'm taking advantage of that.
01:59 What was the core of the early gospel
02:03 that the disciples preached?
02:05 Death, burial, and the resurrection of Jesus.
02:09 Please, I'd like to turn the attention of the viewers today.
02:12 What is the core today of the Christian's belief?
02:15 What is it that we talk the most and celebrate even
02:19 for several weeks? It's the birth of Jesus.
02:20 Christmas.
02:22 When Easter comes we just mention it one weekend, etc.
02:27 But we pay; somehow we reverse the meaning of that.
02:30 Of course, the birth of Jesus is important.
02:34 But actually it is the death of Jesus, and the resurrection
02:40 that provides the Christians with the hope that our future
02:44 is determined, that our future is settled with God, because He
02:50 paid the ransom for us on the cross of Calvary.
02:53 In the Scriptures those two events are tied together.
02:55 Those three events: the cross, the burial, the resurrection,
02:58 are all tired together.
03:00 So let's see how certain this is.
03:01 And that he appeared to Cephas, or Peter, then to the twelve,
03:05 then he appeared to more than five hundred brethren
03:07 at one time; most of whom are still alive,...
03:10 Witnesses: over five hundred.
03:12 ...though some have fallen asleep.
03:15 Then he appeared to James; then to all the apostles.
03:17 Last of all, as to one ultimately born,
03:20 he appeared also to me.
03:22 Why, why early Christians?
03:24 Why did the early Christians have any problem
03:26 with the resurrection of Jesus?
03:27 Come on, Glenn, you can have two or three people;
03:30 can they lie? Of course! Yeah.
03:31 You can even have five people and they can lie.
03:34 You can have ten people and they can bring something
03:38 that never happened.
03:39 But when you compare them you can be sure that they lied.
03:42 But if you have, he doesn't say five hundred...It's more than.
03:47 ...more than five hundred, plus twelve, plus a few others,
03:51 plus women... Yes.
03:55 ...believe me that testimony is trustworthy.
03:57 There's not any doubt that something like that happened.
04:00 And we'll see a great testimony is what they do about it.
04:03 It changes their lives completely.
04:05 It changes their lives! Now let's go back to Matthew.
04:08 So the Christian's faith is based on the firm foundation.
04:11 Our Lord really is risen.
04:14 And let's go back to Matthew Chapter 28. Please.
04:17 The women, who really couldn't in the court of law be
04:20 witnesses, so we need some men to come along
04:22 and help as witnesses.
04:24 So who are the first missionaries? The women.
04:27 In the gospel they were women of the gospel that Paul talks
04:29 about in 1 Corinthians in Chapter 15.
04:32 So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy
04:35 and ran to tell his disciples.
04:36 Verse 9 of Matthew 28.
04:38 And behold Jesus met them and said, Hail.
04:40 And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshipped him.
04:44 Ranko, you've lost your parents.
04:46 I've lost my parents.
04:48 There's a cemetery in Berrien Springs where my mother
04:51 and father are buried.
04:53 The resurrection is not a doctrine; it's our hope.
04:55 It's a blessed hope, as Paul says in Thessalonians.
04:58 Can I say something else? You say it's hope.
05:00 I would just, Glenn, add one more element.
05:02 Resurrection is a personal experience.
05:05 If you have any doubt about the resurrection of Jesus;
05:08 that He is alive, please surrender your life to Him.
05:14 Establish a relationship with Him, and you will have strong
05:18 evidence that our Lord is still alive.
05:21 He is real.
05:23 His promise is real, and one day we will see Him at the
05:29 Second Coming of Christ.
05:31 You know you almost feel like breaking out into that
05:33 great gospel song, He Lives. He lives.
05:36 I serve a risen Savior.
05:37 That's what we're finding here in this wonderful story.
05:41 Jesus says, Don't be afraid.
05:44 They have worshipped Him; but there is something more.
05:47 The gospel isn't done.
05:49 We have a risen Savior.
05:50 And they're worshipping that risen Lord,
05:52 but there's something else that's left.
05:54 Ranko, they have a task. They have a purpose.
05:56 Actually for me, since I was a child, Verse 10 left an
06:03 impression on my mind.
06:04 Can you imagine, the disciples were sleeping
06:06 in the garden of Gethsemane.
06:08 When Jesus was arrested they fled away leaving Jesus.
06:11 Full of doubts; boy what a bunch!
06:16 Ha ha ha, just like us!
06:17 But listen, the first thing; this is the first message.
06:21 These are actually the first words of Jesus
06:24 after His resurrection.
06:25 He says, Do not be afraid.
06:28 Go and tell my disciples, my brethren, Jesus called them.
06:34 Remember we talked about "if your brother sins";
06:38 what Jesus said. Go to Galilee.
06:41 I will meet you there.
06:45 He restores Peter.
06:46 He commissions the disciples.
06:48 What a loving Lord.
06:50 And then how does the gospel of Matthew end?
06:54 Would you read Verses 16-20?
06:57 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain
07:01 to which Jesus had directed them.
07:02 And when they saw him they worshipped him.
07:05 Again, they worshipped Him...
07:06 Worship always goes with the fact that Jesus resurrected.
07:10 Yes. ...but some doubted.
07:11 And Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven
07:15 and on earth has been given to me.
07:17 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them
07:22 in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
07:25 and of the Holy Spirit: Teaching them to observe all that
07:28 I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always,
07:31 to the end of the age.
07:33 What a promise!
07:36 This is according to the gospel of Matthew.
07:38 The last commission that Jesus gave to His disciples.
07:43 You know that I'm alive.
07:45 You know that I resurrected.
07:47 Take this message and proclaim to others; to whom?
07:52 to all nations.
07:54 Dear viewers, to all nations; to all people on the earth;
07:58 you and me included.
07:59 The promise is both spatial and temporal.
08:03 It's to all the earth, and it's through all time. What more.
08:07 So, go to preach to all people, including me. Yes.
08:09 But when that message reaches my heart where am I supposed to go?
08:14 Now the great commission implies to me; let me now go
08:17 and proclaim that gospel that Jesus died, He resurrected,
08:23 He ascended there to the heavenly places.
08:27 Yes.
08:29 And His presence is with us always.
08:32 How long all of this?
08:34 Until the very end of the age.
08:35 We believe that we live at the end of the age.
08:40 So His promise is still valid and of concern
08:43 to each one of us.
08:45 We're to become disciples and then go and make disciples...
08:49 Yes. of the one that we're following: Jesus our Savior.
08:52 Now Ranko, we've taken quite a journey here, and we've only
08:56 touched a few things.
08:57 We certainly can't feel that all of the gospel of Matthew
09:02 has been explored.
09:03 What should we think about now as we come to these last verses?
09:08 What should be next?
09:10 We should continue to study.
09:11 We should continue to pray.
09:13 Friends, when we reflect on what we have covered so far
09:18 from the gospel of Matthew, there is one thing
09:20 that we understand.
09:22 Jesus came to save His people from their sins.
09:25 He died for us.
09:26 And He is offering to us that great salvation,
09:30 and that salvation, what Jesus did for us, is understandable,
09:35 expensive, very expensive.
09:37 It cost the death of the Son of God.
09:40 But at the same time it is free.
09:42 It's not cheap; it's very expensive.
09:44 But it is freely offered to us.
09:48 As we went through the gospel of Matthew we could just touch
09:54 here and there some texts.
09:56 We could not cover all the Biblical texts.
10:00 And the purpose of this series was not to instruct us,
10:03 and to tell us everything, that we can know about Jesus
10:07 from the gospel of Matthew.
10:08 It's simply to stimulate us; to move us for further study.
10:12 Am I correct, Glenn?
10:14 We've really been just on the edges of an ocean of truth. Yes.
10:18 And we're humbled by this experience.
10:21 I want to encourage you, viewer.
10:22 Spend some time in God's Word; dig deeper.
10:25 That's the whole purpose of this Books of the Book series;
10:28 to have us go deeper into God's Word.
10:30 There's so much more to explore.
10:32 But, Ranko, if I may, we talked about the close of the age.
10:38 Now Matthew doesn't go into that close of the age,
10:41 but we've got to go to Revelation for a little bit.
10:44 How does this story end?
10:47 You see, during this series we try to have a glimpse
10:51 into the face of Jesus.
10:54 I wonder how the disciples felt, you know, watching that
10:59 face of Jesus from day to day, from day to day.
11:02 There is one special song that I cherish.
11:06 I like to listen to that song.
11:08 I was not there in that multitude watching people
11:13 ascending there to the heavenly places.
11:15 I wonder how the disciples felt when Jesus was ascending there
11:19 to the heavenly places.
11:20 But certainly I want to be in that multitude who see Jesus
11:27 when He comes down from heaven for the second time.
11:32 As you mentioned in the book of Revelation, in Chapter 21
11:35 and in Chapter 22, we read that one day we will have that great
11:41 opportunity and privilege to watch and to see the face of
11:45 Jesus and to watch that face through all eternity.
11:48 What a privilege!
11:49 I want to be sure to be there.
11:52 There's nothing in this world that would make me want to
11:56 miss that experience of seeing my Savior face to face.
12:00 And, Glenn, we will not have a need of the gospel of Matthew,
12:06 or Luke, or Mark, or John any longer.
12:09 We don't need that any longer because we will see Him
12:13 face to face.
12:14 We've been looking, as Paul says, through the glass darkly.
12:19 But there will come a day when that, the sickness, the disease,
12:26 all those things that Revelation 21 and 22 talks about;
12:29 it'll be a new day, a new world, but the same Savior.
12:33 We see here how the Holy Spirit used one person who had a very,
12:39 very problematic past: a tax collector
12:41 by the name of Matthew.
12:43 He used his talents, inspired him, motivated him, to write
12:49 that account of the life of Jesus.
12:51 Please take this gospel and study for yourself to get much
12:56 deeper insight into the life of Jesus, until He comes again,
13:01 and we'll be with Him through all eternity.


Revised 2014-12-17