Books of the Book: Matthew

The Resurrection

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00026A

00:19 Welcome to the Books of the Book.
00:20 We're exploring the gospel of Matthew, and that exploration
00:24 has brought us all the way down to Chapter 28.
00:27 We're going to be exploring this last chapter of the gospel
00:31 of Matthew.
00:32 I'm Glenn Russell, Professor of Religion at Andrews University,
00:35 here with friend and colleague, Professor Ranko Stefanovic,
00:39 who teaches at the Theological Seminary at Andrews University.
00:42 Ranko, it's hard to believe that we've been following Jesus here
00:47 into the 28th Chapter.
00:48 It's a wonderful journey, and although we want to press
00:52 into the text, I also want to say, thank you to the viewers,
00:56 and thank you to 3ABN.
00:58 It's just been a joy to partner together here.
01:00 This experience of studying scripture in-depth;
01:04 what a wonderful series idea!
01:06 You don't want to miss all the other series on the other books
01:09 of the scripture.
01:10 May God bless this ministry of 3ABN, and this series
01:13 in a very special way.
01:15 Wouldn't you agree Ranko?
01:16 Glenn, there is something I can with confidence,
01:19 We were here taping a series on the life of Jesus according to
01:23 the gospel of Matthew.
01:25 But being here with all these wonderful people at 3ABN;
01:29 actually seeing on their faces the reflection of Jesus'
01:33 character and His love; this is actually how I felt during these
01:37 days, taping, taping this series and being with them.
01:39 I really, really appreciate their ministry;
01:42 what they are doing.
01:44 Amen.
01:45 And one more time, let's get into God's Word with prayer.
01:47 Let's bow together.
01:49 Father we thank You for the privilege of studying Your Word.
01:53 We have the freedom to take Your Word and read it,
01:56 ponder it, pray over it, wrestle with it, struggle to understand
02:01 it, but most of all be moved, transformed,
02:04 and changed by Your Word.
02:05 Thank You for this privilege we have.
02:07 In Jesus' name, Amen.
02:09 Amen.
02:11 We're at the 28th Chapter.
02:14 We've been noticing, pondering, reflecting, meditating,
02:19 on those sacred scenes of Jesus on the cross.
02:24 And we find at last that Jesus breathes His last,
02:29 and He's buried.
02:31 There's this special resurrection that we've
02:32 talked about.
02:34 And now let's see the rest of the story, because Christianity
02:38 doesn't end with the cross.
02:39 Yeah.
02:41 Glenn, before we go to Chapter 28, let's just reflect a little
02:45 bit on the last several verses of Chapter 27.
02:50 We saw when Jesus was buried, praise God, when Jesus died,
02:57 okay, now He was to be buried.
02:59 God did not allow to happen to Jesus' body what usually
03:04 happened to the criminals.
03:05 The Bible says that the person by the name of Joseph,
03:10 from Arimathea, who was evidently a rich Pharisee.
03:15 According to the other gospels he was joined with Nicodemus.
03:19 They came.
03:21 They were very rich people, believe me.
03:22 They paid a large amount of money to Pilate in order to
03:28 get the body of Jesus, and to prepare His body
03:33 for a proper burial.
03:35 And again, according to prophecy, He's laid in a new
03:37 tomb, as prophecy had said, wrapped and laid there
03:42 in the tomb that Friday on the preparation day, as it says in
03:46 Verse 62.
03:48 It's a tragic thing to think that those who crucified
03:52 rushed home to keep the Sabbath, with such a startling lack of
03:57 understanding of the events that they had been part of.
03:59 So when did this happen?
04:00 It happened before the sunset on Friday.
04:04 According to the Biblical counting is days begin
04:10 with sunset.
04:13 So Jesus was buried and now the Sabbath began.
04:20 When we go to Chapter 28, Verse 1, it was after
04:27 the Sabbath.
04:29 Okay?
04:31 At the beginning of the new week.
04:33 On the first day of the week there is the resurrection.
04:36 Where is Jesus between Friday and Sunday?
04:40 He is in the tomb.
04:43 The gospel of Luke, Chapter 23, the last verses, provide some
04:48 additional information there that Jesus was actually arrested
04:54 on the Sabbath day according to the law.
04:57 Here we have a fantastic picture.
05:00 We are reminded in the book of Genesis, Chapters 1 and 2,
05:09 that when God created the heaven and earth in six days,
05:15 then God rested on the Sabbath day after that weeks work.
05:24 So now the same God, who has become flesh,
05:29 after accomplishing His mission of re-creation,
05:35 mission of redemption, okay.
05:38 On Friday He goes to rest.
05:41 Unfortunately, many Christians are using arguments that Sunday
05:46 is a very important day to celebrate and to rest,
05:50 and that Sunday replaced the Sabbath because of Jesus'
05:53 resurrection.
05:54 However, the gospels clearly, clearly state that the reason
05:59 why Jesus did not resurrect on the Sabbath was because He kept
06:03 the sanctity of the Sabbath according to the law.
06:07 He resurrected on Sunday because Sunday is the day of work.
06:12 But He rested according to the law of God following the path
06:16 of work He did at the beginning, after the creation week when He
06:20 rested on the Sabbath.
06:22 So it's after the Sabbath toward the dawn of the first day
06:25 of the week.
06:26 So we don't need to wonder when Sabbath is.
06:28 Yes.
06:29 It's before the first day; it's the end of the week.
06:30 Alright, if I might read Matthew 28...
06:33 Please.
06:34 ...Verse 1 and following; Now after the Sabbath toward the
06:36 dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene
06:38 and the other Mary went to see the sepulcher.
06:40 You see they'd buried Him.
06:42 They hadn't had a chance to anoint Him, and embalm Him,
06:46 and prepare Him fully for His burial.
06:48 And we should pause and notice that...
06:50 It was done in a great rush.
06:51 a hurry, yes, and they wanted to finish the job.
06:54 Yes.
06:55 And, of course, burial is very important to a Hebrew.
06:57 Yeah.
06:59 What is done to a body when somebody dies is very;
07:00 it's important to all of us emotionally, but especially
07:03 for a Hebrew.
07:04 Even Joseph when he died said take care of my bones.
07:06 You know, take them up to...
07:07 And very special people would do it; trained people
07:10 for that job.
07:12 They knew how to do it.
07:13 So they'd come to do this sad work.
07:16 And, behold, there was a great earthquake: and an angel
07:18 of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back
07:21 the stone and sat upon it.
07:23 We just have to say, this is another marvelous case of
07:26 scriptures brevity.
07:28 If you and I were writing all the details, imagine,
07:31 there's a great earthquake, and an angel of the Lord descends
07:35 from heaven.
07:36 And, you know Ranko, I just think that all the angels wanted
07:39 to have that opportunity.
07:41 Oh yeah!
07:42 I bet when God the Father said, I need someone to go,
07:44 they all raised their hand.
07:46 I mean that's my imagination.
07:47 They all wanted to go and release our Savior.
07:50 The angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and rolled back
07:52 the stone, and then he sat upon it.
07:54 His appearance was like lightening;
07:55 his raiment was white as snow.
07:58 For fear of him the guards trembled and became
08:00 like dead men.
08:02 It's interesting to notice everything that was done
08:05 to keep Jesus in the tomb becomes proof that He was raised
08:09 from the tomb.
08:10 Glenn, can we understand Satan?
08:14 Please tell; explain to me.
08:18 Constantly during 31/2 years of Jesus' ministry
08:22 Satan is doing everything to prevent Jesus from going
08:26 to the cross.
08:27 Yes.
08:29 Finally Jesus is on the cross and Satan is doing everything
08:32 to pull Him down from the cross.
08:35 Remember that; not to die.
08:37 Now finally Jesus dies and He's in the tomb.
08:39 Now he does everything to keep Jesus there in the tomb.
08:43 And look what was done.
08:45 He was placed in the tomb.
08:46 There's a seal placed upon it.
08:48 There's soldiers placed around it.
08:50 Some people today wonder, did the resurrection really happen?
08:53 Christianity is based on historical events, Ranko.
08:57 If the resurrection didn't take place, what does Paul say?
09:01 What benefit is that?
09:03 We have no reason for our faith.
09:05 If Jesus did not resurrect then there is no resurrection.
09:08 And, unfortunately, that's the reason why many Christians
09:12 do not talk about the resurrection.
09:13 It's because of that; they doubt.
09:16 They have a problem with Jesus' resurrection.
09:19 To deny the resurrection of Jesus is to deny the general
09:22 resurrection that one day God's people will experience
09:27 at the Second Coming of Christ.
09:28 So we have a Centurion and soldiers guarding a dead body,
09:33 and the angel comes.
09:35 And the other gospels give us more details.
09:38 Matthew does not dwell on those.
09:39 But Matthew introduces us to the fact that an angel remains
09:44 there and says to the women, Don't be afraid.
09:47 I know you seek Jesus who was crucified.
09:50 By the way, isn't that who we should all seek;
09:52 Jesus who was crucified?
09:54 He is not here: for he has risen as he said.
09:57 Come, and see the place where he lay.
09:58 Then quickly go and tell his disciples.
10:01 Wasn't it strange that it's a woman who's the first one
10:04 to give testimony?
10:05 Actually, the gospel of Matthew begins with women.
10:09 Yes.
10:11 Remember they're included in genealogy.
10:12 Now these women are the first ones to go there to the tomb,
10:19 and to carry the news all around that the Savior is not there.
10:24 By the way, one of the most touching moments for me was when
10:27 I was there in Jerusalem.
10:29 There is a place that some people thought could be
10:37 the tomb of Jesus.
10:39 Today we know that it was not the tomb of Jesus.
10:42 But, you know, the garden...
10:44 The very scene...
10:45 It's very nice to go there.
10:47 You know that it did not happen there.
10:48 But there is something that I still visualize in my eyes
10:52 that tomb that they discovered with that, you know,
10:56 stone that was rolled over the entrance there.
10:59 But there is something that they made there in the
11:00 inscription; it's very emotional.
11:02 They said, He's not here.
11:05 He is risen.
11:07 When you look there, Glenn, you know you and me, we know many,
11:13 many religions in this world.
11:15 And I grew up among people who were not Christians.
11:20 I lived in different parts of the world;
11:23 living among people of different religions.
11:26 And we talked about their founders who were really
11:28 good, good, good men.
11:30 But they would always point to their tombs
11:33 where they were buried.
11:34 They'd go and they made pilgrimages there, etc.
11:36 It's so nice when I talk about the founder of my religion.
11:42 To tell them, I'm sorry.
11:45 I cannot make any pilgrimage.
11:47 I cannot go to His tomb.
11:49 He's not there!
11:51 He's not at the tomb!
11:53 It's empty!
11:54 Actually, I don't need to make a pilgrimage.
11:56 Uh huh.
11:58 Even here, as we are taping, wherever I go I can lift my head
12:03 there toward Him, and give Him thanks for what He did
12:07 because He is alive!
12:09 The reality of the cross is verified by the stone being
12:15 rolled, you know, Ranko some people say, well, maybe He
12:18 fainted; maybe He just went unconscious for awhile
12:22 and came back.
12:23 How would He roll the stone away after being scourged?
12:25 Some other people say, Maybe it was in a different place.
12:28 Why didn't they present the body?
12:31 The resurrection of Jesus is a great dilemma for the leaders
12:34 of the people.
12:36 Actually, the gospel writers, we're not just talking about
12:38 the gospel of Matthew, we are talking in general terms.
12:40 They want to assure us that Jesus indeed died.
12:45 How do you know that?
12:46 They said, you know, the bodies of the crucified people could
12:54 not be on the cross during the Sabbath day
12:57 or during the festivals.
12:58 That's why Pilot ordered to break the bones of those people,
13:02 you know, so they could not support themselves any longer
13:06 and finally they would die.
13:09 By the way, that young man, John's son, Ezekiel, between
13:14 that we just mentioned was; his bones were broken.
13:18 So it confirms what we read there in the gospels.
13:21 So they broke the bones of those two criminals.
13:25 They came to Jesus; they saw that he died already.
13:28 Keep in mind, they are experts.
13:30 They know if the person is alive or not.
13:32 But in order to confirm the death of Jesus; actually they
13:35 pierce His body.
13:36 And according to the gospel of John, water mixed with blood,
13:39 which was the sign of death, actually came out of the body
13:43 of Jesus.
13:44 So it was very clear that Jesus was dead when He was buried.
13:48 And if you've had your side pierced, and your hands nailed,
13:51 then your ankles driven through with a spike, and you've been
13:54 scourged, there's no way; He was dead.
13:58 There's no question about it.
13:59 The Romans were experts at killing people.
14:01 Jesus was dead.
14:02 But we could say much more about that.
14:04 Let's move, Ranko to...
14:05 Till after the break.
14:07 Let's move to the impact of the resurrection,
14:11 and other evidences.
14:12 There were others who saw the risen Lord afterwards.
14:15 We're going to come back to that right after our break.
14:17 We'll be right back.


Revised 2014-12-17