Books of the Book: Matthew

Trials Of Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00024B

00:01 Welcome back.
00:02 We're comparing Peter's experience with that of Judas.
00:05 And we've noticed that both seemed--initially,
00:09 superficially, you might think they both repented.
00:11 But Judas really repented over the fact
00:14 that it didn't workout.
00:15 The consequences were not as he intended.
00:18 Peter's heart was repentant but not Judas.
00:21 Judas never repented.
00:22 See when we read there in the Garden of Gethsemane,
00:25 when Judas with that mob approach Jesus,
00:31 Jesus addressed him as friend.
00:32 And he could see that loving face, forgiving face of Jesus.
00:38 Peter after three times of denial of Jesus,
00:46 he sees the same face, the same expression.
00:49 Jesus could not say anything to him but there is very,
00:52 very interesting is that the same face of Jesus
00:57 brings one person to repent.
00:58 He felt so guilty for what he did to Jesus.
01:03 His heart is broken. His heart was broken.
01:05 He wanted to cry because of that.
01:07 But another reaction that we have,
01:11 that one off Judas actually-- he made him to be sorry,
01:18 to repent because of the consequences,
01:20 you know, what he did to Jesus. Yes.
01:23 Now we must press on with the story.
01:25 Please.
01:26 And they take the money from Judas
01:28 and buy a potter's field and then it says in verse 11,
01:32 Now Jesus stood before the Governor,
01:34 and the Governor asked Him.
01:35 So now we've gone to another phase.
01:37 Actually, we really have to read verses one and two.
01:39 Okay, when morning came, all the chief priests
01:42 and the elders of the people took counsel against Jesus
01:44 to put him to death.
01:45 And they bound him and led him away
01:47 and delivered him to Pilate, the governor.
01:49 Ranko, just one more time, just very briefly,
01:52 what are a few things that indicate
01:53 the illegality of this trial?
01:56 It was at night, that was one of the factors
01:58 and that was illegal, a night trial.
02:00 There're few things we have to keep in mind.
02:03 What were the duties of the Sanhedrin?
02:06 Sanhedrin was intended to act as a council for defense
02:11 of a guilty person, to defend
02:13 guilty person before the Romans.
02:15 What do we have here?
02:16 The accusers.
02:18 Second one, the sentence could not be executed
02:22 on the same day as a trial,
02:23 but they were so eager to bring
02:25 Jesus very early in the morning
02:27 and the execution is done the same day,
02:31 before the sunset, before the Passover starts.
02:34 The next one, the hearing could not be heard
02:36 during the night.
02:37 That's exactly where they did it.
02:39 And the final one, trial could not be held
02:41 on eve of the Sabbath or on eve of the festival day.
02:46 This, you see, they broke all the rules and regulations.
02:52 So now it moves from just a Jewish trial or hearing.
02:57 Now we get the Romans involved.
02:58 So one more time let's be reminded,
03:01 a Roman procurator-- he was put by Romans
03:06 in charge of Judea, instead of Herod the great's son,
03:12 Archelaus, who was expelled from Romans
03:15 after few years of his terrible, terrible rule there in--
03:20 So now Pilate was in charge.
03:21 We have to keep in mind
03:23 that Pilate did not reside in Jerusalem.
03:27 His residence was in Caesarea,
03:31 so he resided there.
03:33 When we go to Caesarea, there are so many ruins there.
03:37 We can see how magnificent place,
03:40 you know, Herod the Great built in honors of Caesar.
03:45 But during-- at the time of festivals,
03:49 when many Jews from all over the Roman Empire
03:54 came there to Jerusalem, the procurator
03:57 would come there to Jerusalem
03:59 and reside in Herod's palace there.
04:02 Why?
04:03 Because it was during the festivals that the Jewish
04:05 people would retell all the stories
04:10 of their expectations of the Messiah.
04:12 And it was the best opportunity for them that the riot starts
04:16 in the rebellion against the Romans.
04:17 So the procurator would come there to Jerusalem
04:20 just to watch, to be sure that everything,
04:23 everything is okay.
04:24 That's why Pilate, at that time, was in Jerusalem.
04:27 And the Roman authorities are not gonna be impressed
04:31 by a religious argument among Jesus and the Pharisees.
04:35 What they're concerned about is these people
04:38 rising up in rebellion.
04:39 Because there were--there'd been many rebellions.
04:41 There had been many attempts.
04:43 Being assigned to rule over the Jews was not an easy task.
04:46 So we see the situation changing.
04:51 So can you read from verse 11
04:53 that you see how the trial took place.
04:55 Now Jesus stood before the Governor,
04:56 and the Governor asked him, "Are you the King of the Jews?"
04:59 and Jesus said, "You have said so."
05:02 But when He was accused by the chief priests and elders,
05:05 He made no answer.
05:06 Then Pilate said to Him, "Do you not hear many things
05:09 they testify against You?"
05:11 But He gave him no answer, not even a single charge,
05:14 so that the governor wondered greatly.
05:18 We have to understand that the trial took place
05:23 in certain building.
05:27 The tradition favors the tower of Antonia.
05:31 That actually was near the temple
05:34 and marked the beginning of Via Dolorosa, that place.
05:40 However, the evidence supports that praetorian
05:43 was in the palace of Herod,
05:45 where Roman procurators resided
05:48 during those days of the festival,
05:50 there in Jerusalem.
05:52 So, you know, they brought Jesus early in the morning,
05:55 you know, the Roman governors and procurators
05:59 they like--they were drinking and spending, you know,
06:03 good part of the night in drinking and having fun.
06:06 But in the morning they wanted to sleep.
06:10 So Pilate was not happy that they woke him up.
06:14 And what was the accusation?
06:18 We saw it.
06:19 He was the one who claimed to sit
06:21 at the right hand of God.
06:22 He's that messianic figure. He claimed to be king.
06:24 So Pilate asked Jesus, "Are you the king of the Jews?"
06:29 If you are, then only one consequences.
06:32 So the sentence is already pronounced.
06:35 But Jesus does not answer.
06:38 And Pilate is surprised, "Why don't you respond?"
06:42 in verse 18.
06:43 "Do you see how many people are testifying against you?"
06:46 So, Glenn, what's going on?
06:48 It's interesting, Pilate is trying to get at the truth,
06:51 but Jesus is not speaking here.
06:55 And really, we are just focusing here
06:59 on the account in Matthew,
07:01 but we when we look-- when we read also John,
07:03 because John was evidently present there and also Luke,
07:08 we see many, many more details.
07:11 Actually, Pilate was making every effort
07:17 to appeal to the emotions,
07:21 to the feelings of the people, to their senses,
07:23 that they were doing wrong
07:25 but actually nothing, nothing helped.
07:27 Finally, what he did according to other gospels,
07:29 he scourged Jesus.
07:31 We'll talk about scourging little bit later.
07:33 But finally he decided to make a final move
07:39 and very important act.
07:42 And what was that, Glenn, please would you read
07:48 from verse 18 to verse 25--to 26.
07:56 And I might now add that Jesus
07:58 did have a conversation with Pilate.
08:00 We see through the other gospels,
08:02 in which He is really reaching out to him.
08:06 The one who is--he thinks he holds Jesus life in his hand,
08:10 Jesus says, no, you don't.
08:11 Actually, there're many things.
08:12 When we read the gospel of Luke,
08:14 there're two trials before Herod--
08:16 before Pilate, Pilate did not want to be involved--
08:20 He's looking for a way out.
08:21 He sent him to Herod Antipas who was at that time
08:24 in Jerusalem for the festival.
08:26 So Antipas send Jesus back to Pilate.
08:29 I mean, we see that Pilate had great struggles
08:34 within himself.
08:35 He did not want to do-- that cruel man
08:37 who crucified so many people, killed them,
08:40 many innocent people.
08:42 He now tried to save people.
08:43 And now he is moving to the final act
08:45 and it's from verse 20.
08:47 He finally figures the way out. Yeah.
08:49 And it says, "Now at the feast the governor
08:52 was accustomed to release to the crowd
08:56 one prisoner whom they wanted.
08:57 And they had then a notorious prisoner called Barabbas."
09:01 Is that the only way that he's known, Ranko?
09:03 Barabbas, we have that name here.
09:06 I would state it after the text.
09:09 Sorry, sorry.
09:10 "And they had then a notorious prisoner called Barabbas.
09:13 So when they had gathered, Pilate said to him,
09:16 'Whom do you want me to release for you, Barabbas
09:19 or Jesus who's called the Christ?'
09:22 " So he gives them the choice,
09:23 "Who do you want me to release?"
09:24 "For he knew that it was out of envy
09:26 that they had delivered him up.
09:27 Besides, while he was sitting on the judgment seat,
09:29 his wife sent word to him, 'Have nothing to do with
09:32 that righteous man, for I have had suffered
09:34 much over him today in a dream.'
09:36 Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded
09:38 the people to ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus.
09:42 The governor asked again, "Which of the two
09:45 do you want me to release to you?"
09:47 And they said, 'Barabbas.'
09:48 Pilate said to them, 'Then what shall I do
09:50 with Jesus who is called the Christ?
09:52 And they said, 'Let him be crucified!'
09:54 And he said, 'Why, what evil has he done?'
09:58 They shouted all the more, 'Let him be crucified!'
10:01 'Let him be crucified!'"
10:04 Can you imagine what's going on?
10:07 All demonic forces are stirring up people to do it.
10:10 But Pilate wants to do something.
10:13 Can you imagine that cruel man,
10:15 try to appeal to their emotions and to their feelings?
10:18 So what does he do?
10:20 He brings another prisoner and his name is Barabbas.
10:25 What is the meaning of the name Barabbas?
10:27 It's Aramaic.
10:29 Bar, it means the son, and Abba father,
10:33 son of the father, he puts in there.
10:36 By the way, we have some ancient versions
10:41 of the New Testament translate into Syriac and Coptic language.
10:45 Actually they have something very interesting there.
10:48 They state that Barabbas name was actually Yeshua,
10:53 which is Jesus.
10:55 So his name was Jesus Barabbas.
10:58 So they're left with a clear choice
11:00 between these two individuals.
11:01 We really have to explain who Barabbas was.
11:04 We know that he was probably like that man
11:08 who beat, and you know, harmed that person
11:14 in the parable of the good Samaritan.
11:17 They were robbers. They are bandits there.
11:20 They put all people in terror everywhere
11:25 and he was sentenced to death
11:27 and Pilate said, let me put that man,
11:30 the people would not choose him because they knew
11:32 how much they suffered because of him.
11:35 I will by this way I will save Jesus Christ.
11:38 But amazingly and here comes the moment.
11:41 Can you imagine, Pilate stands there
11:45 and he says "Do you want me
11:47 to release to you Jesus the Messiah?"
11:51 You're waiting for him or Jesus Barabbas.
11:57 And what was the decision that people made?
11:59 And it's very clear that Pilate knew
12:01 that Jesus was innocent, and so did the crowd
12:03 and so did the priest.
12:05 And yet, as you said, the devil stirs them up.
12:08 Give us Jesus Barabbas.
12:10 What shall I do with Jesus the Messiah, crucify Him?
12:13 Why?
12:14 There is no answer, there is no reason,
12:16 crucify Him, crucify Him,
12:18 His blood upon us and our children.
12:22 What is going on?
12:23 I would like to say to the viewers,
12:30 2,000 years ago, the Jewish leaders,
12:32 they had to make decision.
12:35 Jesus Barabbas or Jesus called Christ.
12:39 Today we face the same decision.
12:44 Are we going to accept Jesus Christ
12:47 as our personal savior?
12:48 Choice is our.


Revised 2014-12-17