Books of the Book: Matthew

The Last Supper

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00023B

00:01 Welcome back, we're here in Hebrews chapter 5, verse 7,
00:05 "In the days of His flesh, Jesus offered up prayers
00:08 and supplications with loud cries and tears
00:12 to him who was able to save Him from death,
00:15 and He was heard for His godly fear."
00:19 Glenn, we have here a few details
00:22 that we have to keep in mind in order to understand
00:25 what was going on in the Garden of Gethsemane.
00:27 So we already noticed that gospel says
00:32 that Jesus went about stones throw--
00:35 at least one hundred yards, it's during the night
00:39 but the disciples were able clearly to hear Jesus
00:45 praying and the words of that prayer.
00:50 Hebrews says, thatJesus was praying with the loud crying.
00:56 We don't here an ordinary prayer of Jesus, you know,
00:58 "Father be with me," falling down on the ground.
01:02 It was a cry of agony it was aloud cry.
01:05 So, Glenn, what was going on here in the scene?
01:08 Because this is the crucial issue of His whole life,
01:11 His whole ministry and all of human history.
01:15 This is where Jesus has to face the fact
01:20 that he cannot be the messiah without the cross.
01:23 But can you realize something?
01:25 You know, as we were going through the life of Jesus
01:27 in the gospel of Mathew, we see a constant effort of Satan
01:32 to prevent Jesus to go there to the cross.
01:36 But now in the Garden of Gethsemane,
01:39 evidently Satan with all his army is there.
01:44 We are here dealing with a most decisive battle,
01:49 or actually point of the battle, that great controversy.
01:54 The most decisive moment has come and no wonder,
01:58 can you imagine that pressure on Jesus
02:01 knowing the Satan is there.
02:03 The demonic forces are there
02:05 and there is Satan almost invisible form there,
02:08 picking up on Jesus.
02:09 By the way I will really like this moment to read
02:14 a statement that made great impact on me from the book,
02:17 "Desire of Ages" page 690.
02:21 It says, "Jesus was praying in agony.
02:25 The faith of humanity trembled in the balance.
02:29 Christ might even now
02:31 refuse to drink the cup apportioned to guilty man.
02:36 It was not yet too late.
02:38 He might wipe the bloody sweat from His brow,
02:41 and leave man to perish in his iniquity.
02:44 He might say, let the transgressor
02:46 receive the penalty of his sin, and I will go back to My Father.
02:51 Will the Son of God drink
02:53 the bitter cup of humiliation and agony?
02:56 Will the innocent suffer the consequences
02:59 of the curse of sin, to save the guilty?
03:02 The words fall tremblingly from the pale lips of Jesus,
03:07 'O My Father, if this cup may not pass away from Me,
03:14 except I drink it, Thy will be done.'"
03:20 I am sorry, Glenn, I cannot contemplate of everything
03:25 what was going on there in Garden of Gethsemane.
03:27 I have tears in my eyes.
03:29 That I cannot be grateful to my savior
03:32 what he put the stake there in order to save you and me.
03:37 We are talking about cross,
03:40 and rightly doing that, but Jesus agony on the cross
03:44 actually begin here in the Garden of Gethsemane.
03:47 You cannot separate the two.
03:49 And this is the extension of that Philippian, chapter 2.
03:53 Philippians, chapter 2. That condescension.
03:56 He stepped down, he stepped down even to the death.
03:58 To the point of death.
03:59 And we see the beginning of the separation.
04:02 It will come to its fullness on the cross.
04:04 But he is being pulled away from his father
04:07 as he bears our sins.
04:08 You know then people talk about Garden of Gethsemane
04:11 they said, you know, "Jesus was God of course,
04:13 He knew that the grave could not hold him."
04:16 But keep in mind here we have a clear
04:20 that human aspect of Jesus, you know,
04:24 I wanted at this point to say something to the viewers
04:28 and among the Christians there is a belief
04:32 that death is actually nothing terrible to be afraid of.
04:36 The death is simply transition from this life
04:39 into that next life to go when human soul leaves the body
04:44 and you know human beings they continue to live.
04:48 Actually Swiss scholar Oscar Cullman,
04:53 he wrote a book on immortality of the soul
04:56 and he uses the situation of Jesus.
04:59 And he says, if death is really nothing terrible,
05:02 it's just transition from this life into the next one,
05:06 then why was Jesus so much afraid of death?
05:10 Much afraid to die? He is telling that the death,
05:15 actually death, is an enemy of the human race.
05:20 The biblical teaching of death is it is the enemy.
05:24 And we cannot take death lightly.
05:26 By the way there is only one instance that Jesus,
05:30 actually two instances, that Jesus cried.
05:33 One when Lazarus died, and second one
05:37 at the destiny of Jerusalem
05:40 what was supposed to happen to them it's again over death.
05:44 The only, the only instances.
05:47 So death is an enemy of the human race
05:51 but there is another point is,
05:53 but the death is a conquered enemy.
05:58 Because God himself, by becoming human being,
06:03 went through the experience of death.
06:06 And by his own death he defeated that enemy
06:10 so that you and me, we all, have that hope
06:14 that death is not the last word of the human race.
06:20 One day the last enemy will be defeated totally and completely
06:24 at the second coming of Jesus Christ.
06:28 That's what we see on this side.
06:29 But at that time He could not see
06:32 beyond the cross except by faith.
06:34 And the devil as you have said was pressing upon him
06:36 and saying look it's not worth it. Yeah.
06:39 It's not worth--why you gonna go through all this?
06:41 And you can imagine the devil saying something like,
06:43 "look, I sinned in heaven and I was cast out
06:46 and now you're gonna carry the sins of the world?"
06:49 Not only had that Satan pointed to him,
06:52 "you are dieing, for whom?
06:54 For those people just in few hours they will shout,
06:58 'crucify him, crucify him.'
06:59 You want to die for bunch of your disciples there?
07:02 They're sleeping they then do not care about you."
07:05 Jesus had all the reason to say to pack things seems
07:09 and go for journey to return where he came from.
07:14 But praise God, I'm moved with emotion,
07:20 he decided to go to cross because I was on his mind.
07:26 And dear viewers, you were on his mind.
07:29 He saw you and me that one day
07:34 we will accept that merits of his sacrifice.
07:37 We'll accept him as our personal savior.
07:42 And he made the decision, "I am going to the cross
07:46 to save those-- for human beings."
07:48 I know that he died for me. Glenn, He died for you.
07:51 He died for each one of us. It's love that compelled him.
07:54 It's the love. That's the only explanation.
07:58 And it was love that faced such loneliness.
08:00 He goes through this alone. Yes.
08:04 So Jesus made decision He came there
08:06 to his disciples over they're sleeping.
08:09 They don't understand what is going on
08:11 and dear viewers, while you are now watching this program
08:15 you'll just--watching this program and you look one
08:18 strange accent here and our human efforts to illustrate,
08:23 to explain what is written in the gospel of Mathew.
08:26 But as you're watching this program
08:28 you don't understand that
08:30 what is going on behind the scene.
08:32 There is a struggle for you soul. That's right.
08:34 There is Satan who like to destruct you.
08:37 What was going on there in Garden of Gethsemane.
08:40 It was just a part of that great controversy
08:44 that we still participant in that warfare.
08:48 And the surrender of Jesus' will is a critical point.
08:53 He had a choice to make
08:56 and he surrendered his will to the Father's will.
08:59 And so we each have a choice. Yes, to make.
09:02 We also, just like our savior, need to decide,
09:05 "will we surrender to God's will?
09:06 Will we give God our lives?"
09:08 And that's the point of Gethsemane.
09:10 I am so thankful for the Jesus lead the way.
09:13 I am so thankful of that my savior said,
09:15 "yes I will go." Not an easy thing.
09:18 History hung in the balance as you said.
09:22 This is a cosmic destiny.
09:25 But he makes a decision to be faithful to God,
09:28 to be faithful to his mission and his purpose.
09:30 He said," I came to seek and to save the lost."
09:34 So as Jesus was talking to his disciples.
09:37 As they were trying to wake up He says "just look."
09:42 And suddenly, you know, it was very dark.
09:46 But suddenly lights appeared, who was coming?
09:49 May I read verse 47 as following? Please, Glenn.
09:52 "While He was still speaking, Judas came, one of the twelve,
09:56 and with him great crowd with swords and clubs
09:58 from the chief priest and the elders of the people.
10:01 Now the betrayer had given them signs saying,
10:03 'the one I shall kiss is the man, cease him.'
10:07 And he came up to Jesus at once he said,
10:10 'hail master,' and he kissed him.
10:13 And Jesus said to him, 'friend,
10:17 why are you here?
10:19 'Then I came up and laid hands on Jesus he ceased them
10:22 and behold one of those who were with Jesus
10:25 stretched out his hand and drew his sword
10:27 and struck the slave of the high priest
10:30 and cut off his ear.
10:31 Jesus said to him, 'put your sword back in its place.
10:34 For all who have taken the sword will perish by the sword
10:37 Do you think that I cannot appeal to my father?
10:39 And he will at once send,
10:41 send me more than twelve legions of angels.
10:44 But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled?
10:47 That it must be so." The constant feature of the--
10:50 everything is-- the scripture to be fulfilled.
10:54 Now when Judas comes, Ranko,
10:57 and he brings this motley crowd, this mob,
11:04 it's such a paradox they couldn't come
11:06 during the day time because the crowds would react.
11:09 So they have to come at night as cowards.
11:13 Actually from this point on everything what's going on
11:17 in the gospel of Mathew and also in other gospel is,
11:22 the arrest in Gethsemane,
11:24 the trial in the high priest's house there,
11:28 a trial before Pilate, irregularity after irregularity.
11:33 Nothing is regular here.
11:35 The Jewish leaders were determined
11:38 to destroy Jesus, Can I say?
11:41 This was not about blood and flesh.
11:47 They're being used. Satan--
11:50 they simply function as agents in Satan's hands.
11:53 And I think in our next program we'll explore
11:55 some of the illegalities of the trials and the arrest.
12:00 But then begins with something,
12:01 one of the most prominent disciples
12:03 is participant in that.
12:05 And we will see-- With the kiss--
12:06 We will see next time another disciples,
12:09 prominent disciples-- What is going on?
12:12 Praise God we have a wonderful savior, Amen.
12:15 Who did not look his own conformity, his own good.
12:21 He came down to die for you and me.
12:24 That's the main reason why He came.
12:29 And as we're studying this topic we can say
12:31 "Thank you Jesus for everything that you have done for us."


Revised 2014-12-17