Books of the Book: Matthew

Mary And The Ointment For Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00022B

00:01 We're back. And let's remember
00:02 that Jesus caring protective compassionate heart,
00:06 had protected this woman Mary
00:08 from the accusations and the criticism.
00:11 He saw her purity of motives.
00:12 And that's a wonderful promise for each of us.
00:15 God knows your heart.
00:16 Jesus knows your heart,
00:18 and He will honor and respect that.
00:19 Now Judas on the other hand.
00:22 Judas hardens his heart, and he goes to the priests.
00:26 They now have what they've needed.
00:27 They've been wanting to get Jesus.
00:29 They needed somebody on the inside.
00:31 Now they have their man they have their opportunity.
00:34 Judas, he cared about money.
00:37 Jesus cared about human beings.
00:40 What is the difference? That's for sure.
00:43 Now let's go to the next great event during this week.
00:47 It says on verse 17, "Now on the first day
00:50 of the Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus,
00:53 saying, "Where will you have us
00:55 prepare for you to eat the Passover?"
00:57 This Passover event is coming.
00:59 Tell us a little bit about the Passover. Yeah.
01:01 We know when the people of Israel were leaving Egypt,
01:06 God established a memorial of that exodus
01:11 to remind the people of Israel always throughout their history.
01:16 What God did for them and how God deliver them
01:21 from the land of Egypt
01:24 from that house of slavery, as the Old Testament say.
01:27 So every time when the people of Israel
01:30 celebrated the Passover, they will retell their children,
01:37 okay, that story what God did for them
01:41 and how God deliver them from the slavery of Egypt.
01:47 But the Passover also had the future indication.
01:51 So see it was reference to the past
01:54 but also reference to the future
01:56 that one day when the Messiah comes,
01:58 He will like that Passover lamb die for them,
02:02 as they were saved from the Egyptian slavery.
02:05 So actually one-- He will one day
02:07 save them from the slavery of sin.
02:10 And every Jewish believer felt that in a community sense
02:14 they had come out of Egypt. Yeah.
02:17 You see the Passover was not just memory of the past,
02:21 it provided the hope to the people of Israel
02:24 that God will intervene on behalf of them.
02:27 So the disciples-- And provide salvation for them.
02:29 The disciples are very used to keeping the Passover.
02:31 Oh, yes. One more occasion,
02:33 Jesus gave the instructions we should probably notice
02:36 that it says in verse 18, "Go into the city
02:39 to a certain one and say to him,
02:41 'The Teacher says, My time is at hand.
02:44 Time is significant here.
02:45 And I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples."
02:49 They come that evening.
02:53 Their expectations are probably for another worship service,
02:56 another time of fellowship but it all changes.
03:01 Jesus takes this event and transforms it.
03:04 So this is the last Passover that Jesus
03:08 was participating with His disciples
03:11 and actually he made very, very clear later to His disciples.
03:15 He said, "This is the last one.
03:17 Next one will be in the kingdom." Amen.
03:20 So that Passover in the kingdom
03:22 will not be for the future deliverance.
03:24 The reminder how the disciples
03:28 and all the rest of the redeemed are saved through the--
03:32 by the blood of that Passover lamb.
03:35 You know that the main feature of the Passover was the lamb.
03:39 Yes. And the blood that they took
03:42 and marked the doorpost there as a token of the deliverance
03:47 and salvation that God has provided for them.
03:49 That's a beautiful, beautiful metaphor.
03:53 Now during the meal He sat at table with his twelve disciples.
03:57 Verse 21 of chapter 26.
04:00 And as they were eating, He said,
04:01 "Truly I say to you one of you will betray me."
04:05 It must have been a shocking statement.
04:07 They've seen the conflict from the priest
04:09 and the Pharisees and others, but now He says one of you.
04:12 Traitor is coming out to one of them.
04:14 And of course, their response is they turned to each other
04:17 and then they turned to Him and say, "Lord, is it I?"
04:19 Yeah. I would like to say something to the viewers
04:22 very often when we are talking about the Last Supper.
04:26 We are so much impacted by popular pictures
04:30 of famous artist about, you know,
04:32 Jesus sitting there at the table.
04:34 Actually the translation is here that Jesus was reclining.
04:40 They were there on the mat there,
04:41 okay, laying down supporting the heads
04:46 with the right hand with left they would eat there.
04:49 So the feet were, you know, out
04:53 and they were there looking towards each other.
04:55 Actually they were reclining not sitting at the table there.
04:59 Yeah. And Jesus says,
05:00 "The one who has dipped his hand."
05:02 It's such an eastern expression. Yeah.
05:03 "Dip his hand in the dish with me will betray Me."
05:07 No forks no spoons. You take the bread, you dip and you eat.
05:12 But to say, "Look one of you eating with me." Yeah.
05:14 Ranko, it's a pathetic thing to think
05:16 that we could eat with Jesus and betray Him.
05:18 Can you imagine the Judas made all those arrangements
05:23 to betray Jesus, and now
05:26 he's participating here at the supper?
05:31 So now what happen, we are coming
05:33 really to the climax of the entire event.
05:36 And Glenn, I would really like to ask you
05:39 if you can read from verse 21 to 30?
05:49 "As they were eating, He said,
05:50 "Truly I say to you that one of you will betray Me."
05:53 And they were very sorrowful
05:54 and began to say to him one after another,
05:57 "Is it, I Lord?" And He answered,
05:59 "He who has dipped his hand in the dish with Me will betray me.
06:03 The Son of Man goes as it is written of Him.
06:07 But woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed.
06:11 It would be better for that man
06:14 if he had not been born."
06:16 Judas, who betrayed him, said, "Is it I, master?"
06:20 He said to him, "You have said so."
06:23 Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread,
06:25 and blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to the Disciples,
06:27 and said, "Take, eat, this is my body."
06:31 And He took a cup, and when He had given thanks
06:33 He gave it to them, saying, "Drink all of it, all of you,
06:38 for this is my blood of the covenant,
06:41 which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
06:45 I tell you I shall not drink again of this
06:48 fruit of the vine until that day
06:50 when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom."
06:53 Ranko, it just-- it moves your heart.
06:55 It is. To see Jesus' love and compassion.
06:59 "And when they had sung a hymn,
07:00 they went out to the Mount of Olives.
07:02 Then Jesus said to them,
07:04 "You will all fall away because of Me this night.
07:07 For it is written, 'I will strike the shepherd,
07:09 and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.'
07:12 But after I am raised up,
07:13 I will go before you to Galilee."
07:15 Peter declared to Him,
07:17 "Though they all fall away because of You,
07:19 I will never fall away." Jesus said to Him,
07:22 "Truly, I say to you, this very night,
07:24 before the cock crows, you will deny Me three times."
07:26 Peter said, "Even if I must die with You,
07:29 I will not deny you!" And so said all the disciples."
07:33 Okay. There're number of points
07:35 that we really have to address and to mention here is.
07:40 So what are the two key elements
07:46 of this Lord's Supper that Jesus had with His disciples.
07:51 One is bread and the second one it says cup.
07:56 The Cup of the Covenant. So two things,
08:00 two things that were very significant for the Passover.
08:04 You know, Passover they had to slain the lamb to eat the meat
08:09 but the blood was supposed to be put on the doorpost.
08:13 So these two elements are crucial
08:15 here to the Lord's Supper. Why?
08:18 Jesus actually took this Passover event
08:22 and He transformed it into a new event.
08:27 So this event was not only a reminder of the deliverance
08:32 from Egypt, but now the deliverance from sin
08:37 and also an indication of foretells
08:40 or the foreshadow of that future great banquet.
08:46 Jesus talked about that banquet very very often.
08:48 When He said, "Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the apostles
08:54 and all the faithful of all ages will sit there
08:58 at the table there in the kingdom of God,
09:00 and finally participate in the great banquet.
09:03 Celebrating the great triumph.
09:06 But in this context, there is no triumph yet. Yes.
09:10 It's really a foretells of that death
09:13 that Jesus had to experience to die for human beings.
09:17 You know, it's a sad commentary that through the centuries
09:22 the Lord's Supper has become a point of argument rather than
09:26 a point of transformation as you've mentioned.
09:29 A different bodies of faith have fought
09:31 what exactly does it mean and so forth.
09:34 We've missed the central point, haven't we?
09:36 So the point number one is, Jesus requested us to do it
09:43 because He established this ritual this ordinance.
09:47 Number one, we learn something that the communion service
09:56 is an open communion.
09:58 Jesus did not exclude Judas even though
10:00 Judas was already out of the group.
10:04 So he participated that's number one.
10:06 Second one, we had to understand about the meaning
10:11 and the purpose of the communion service.
10:16 By the way the communion service is for the believers. Yes.
10:21 For those who have established their relationships
10:23 with Jesus Christ that Jesus Christ
10:26 knew that when we are baptized,
10:28 you know, we made our commitment to God.
10:32 From now on, baptism is actually a public announcement
10:38 that for the rest of my life I want to work with God.
10:42 But Jesus also knew that Christians
10:44 very often will experience false
10:49 and fearless in their walk with God.
10:52 But you see Jesus does not asks us every time
10:55 when we experience fall or we experience depart
11:01 from God's will that every time we have to be baptized.
11:06 This is the purpose of the Lord's Supper.
11:08 The Lord's Supper functions as a mini-baptism.
11:12 You see, with baptism we make a covenant with God.
11:18 With the Lord's Supper we renew that covenant.
11:22 Ranko, it might be helpful for us just very briefly.
11:25 Please. When you say covenant,
11:28 is that a deal that I make with God?
11:30 Actually yes, it's contract.
11:33 According to that contract,
11:35 God ask us to surrender our lives to Him.
11:38 That's my part. My part.
11:39 And then God makes then promise
11:41 that He will be with us and help us in the journey.
11:46 You see, we are the ones
11:48 who are breaking that covenant not God.
11:50 God is always faithful to that covenant,
11:52 but it is through the Lord's Supper,
11:55 okay, that we renew,
11:57 reestablished that covenant with God
12:00 that very often in our lives we break.
12:03 So Jesus Christ does not ask us to go for the second baptism.
12:07 No, in the same way I don't go every time--
12:11 and my wife and myself we raise voice.
12:14 We have to go through the second wedding
12:17 or something like that. Okay,
12:19 Jesus Christ established the Lord's Supper
12:23 as the reestablishment of those broken relationships
12:26 that sometimes we experience in our relationships with Him.
12:31 The Lord's Supper is actually the mini-baptism, okay.
12:37 It has a past significance remind us
12:41 that we are saved through the blood of the lamb.
12:46 It reminds us also of that future
12:49 the second coming of Jesus Christ
12:51 when one day we will find
12:52 ourselves in His kingdom,
12:54 but it has also significance for our present reality.
12:59 Dear viewers, praise God
13:01 we have a wonderful savior He's with us.
13:05 And He understands us even if we experience false.
13:08 He wants to save us and one day to see us in His kingdom.


Revised 2014-12-17