Books of the Book: Matthew

Signs Of The Times

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00019B

00:01 Welcome, back we're exploring Jesus' experience
00:04 with disciples in Mathew, chapter 24.
00:06 They've just asked him about the temple.
00:09 What would become of it?
00:10 And they have asked him, the question was,
00:13 "tell us when will this be?
00:14 What will be your sign of your coming
00:17 and the close of the age?"
00:18 Okay, so let us see what we have in the text.
00:23 We saw that the questions of the disciples
00:28 to Jesus were related to Jesus' comment.
00:30 That, no stone will be left up on the stone of the temple.
00:35 And it's also related to what we saw,
00:39 before in Chapter 23, that the house,
00:43 the temple will be left desolate.
00:46 Evidently this was a shocking statement for the disciples.
00:53 So when they reached the Mount of Olives they couldn't wait.
00:55 They approach Jesus and they asked Jesus 3 questions.
00:59 This is very important to keep in mind.
01:01 The first question was, "when will these things take place?"
01:05 Which things? The destruction of the temple.
01:08 But then immediately
01:10 there are two other questions that they ask Jesus.
01:13 "What is the sign of your coming
01:17 and the sign of the end of the age?"
01:21 You see, they ask these 3 questions
01:23 combining them together because when will destruction
01:27 of the temple take place, when?
01:30 At the end of the age, it's evidently
01:32 when Jesus comes again at His coming.
01:36 There could be nothing worst. Nothing worst.
01:38 So you see the problem is with the Mathew, Chapter 24,
01:42 that we have hard time always to understand some text.
01:47 Because the way how the disciples ask to Jesus.
01:51 Now Jesus gives them the answer.
01:54 Since, they connected the destruction of Jerusalem
01:58 and destruction of the temple.
01:59 They connected with the end of the world.
02:02 This is how Jesus actually answers.
02:04 So we are not sure always,
02:07 even though we can be sure enough as we will see it.
02:09 As Jesus was explaining to them
02:13 sometimes Jesus talks about the destruction of Jerusalem.
02:16 Sometimes Jesus talks about His coming.
02:19 But the keyword that we have here is "when?"
02:25 And second is, what is the sign?
02:29 So now Jesus gives them the answer.
02:32 And when we read Mathew Chapter 24,
02:35 the speech that Jesus made to His disciples in answering
02:40 the question actually it really falls into 3 parts.
02:43 It's very important to keep these 3 parts in view.
02:48 The first parts are Verses 4 to 15.
02:54 Glenn, can you just read some verses
02:59 and make quick survey,
03:02 give us some glimpse into some of these verses. Okay.
03:05 Okay, we don't have a time to read everything.
03:07 Sure, Mathew 24:4, "And Jesus answered them,
03:11 'Take heed that no one leaves you astray.
03:13 For many will come in my name saying I am the Christ.
03:17 And they will lead many astray
03:19 and you'll hear of wars and rumors of wars.
03:21 See that you're not alarmed for this must take place.
03:24 The end is yet. For nation will rise against nation,
03:27 kingdom against kingdom.
03:29 There will be famines and earthquakes.
03:31 Beginnings of birth pains.'"
03:32 Verse 9, "Then they will deliver you up
03:34 to tribulation and put you to death."
03:37 In Verse 10, "Many will fall away and betray one and other."
03:39 Verse 11, "There will be many false prophets to arise."
03:43 Verse 12, "Wickedness is multiplied.
03:45 Men's hearts-- Love--
03:47 His love grows cold.
03:49 Verse 13, "he who endures to the end."
03:51 Verse 14, "And this gospel of the kingdom
03:53 will be preached throughout all the world
03:55 as a testimony to all nations
03:57 and then the end will come."
03:58 Okay, this is the first part.
04:00 What is Jesus talking about?
04:02 So many times Christians are taking these verses
04:06 to read as the sign of the second coming of Christ.
04:11 When we see earthquakes. When we see famine.
04:16 When we see pestilence.
04:17 When we hear of wars and rumors of wars etcetera.
04:20 We know that Jesus Christ,
04:22 the second coming of Christ, is here.
04:25 Unfortunately there is one thing that we have noticed.
04:29 That all these things were fulfilled
04:34 already during the time of the disciples.
04:39 Actually in the book of "Desire of Ages"
04:42 we make very very clear that Jesus in giving us
04:47 these signs describing this actually
04:50 He pointed really this to the destruction of Jerusalem.
04:55 He's answering their immediate question. Immediate question.
04:58 However, Jesus also pointed about something
05:02 what will take also place in the world
05:05 all up to the time of his disciples.
05:08 I have here in my hand a photocopy of,
05:15 Sabbath School Quarterly,
05:17 which was one of several lessons
05:19 that we have in Mathew 24 in last lets say twelve,
05:22 thirteen years that we have been studying, okay.
05:27 All the week long about this.
05:29 It says, Mathew 24 and I am like to read
05:32 what we have been studying in the year 2002.
05:37 It's a spring quarter semester
05:40 actually about the meaning of these signs.
05:42 I don't want to put in my words.
05:43 I want to officially what we are teaching.
05:45 It says, "what is the purpose of these signs of the end?
05:48 It was not Jesus purpose to expound
05:51 up on the series of events
05:53 that we could use to establish the date of His coming."
05:57 We see earthquakes, "Oh, Jesus is coming soon."
05:59 Of course, He's coming. We'll explain this.
06:02 "Instead, He talks about the signs
06:04 so they will keep afresh in our minds
06:07 the promise of His return.
06:09 Jesus mentioned events that would happen throughout history
06:13 and whenever one of they of them take place,
06:16 His people make the connection
06:18 with the second coming of Christ."
06:20 Let me make one little bit unusual statement.
06:24 And we will explain it.
06:26 Did Jesus here provide the signs of His coming? Yes.
06:32 But these signs are not the signs of the end.
06:36 That's make difference. We better unpack that one.
06:39 How many times Jesus he tell these things.
06:41 He says, "the end is not is yet.
06:43 The end is not yet. This is just the beginning.
06:46 The end is not yet."
06:49 What Jesus provided here we call,
06:51 the so called, general signs
06:54 that were suppose to take place in the world
06:58 between the his first coming and the second coming.
07:03 To always remind the every generation of Christians
07:08 that Jesus indeed is coming soon.
07:11 But not to tell us take these signs
07:14 to establish the date that the end is here.
07:17 Does that-- Sure, so if I say,
07:20 "there's more famines this year than last
07:23 therefore Jesus is coming this year,"
07:25 that's a misunderstanding of text. Yes, that's true.
07:28 You're saying that there have regularly
07:30 have been earthquakes, famines to remind us.
07:33 Yes we see to day. We have to remind our viewers
07:37 that those signs have intensified.
07:41 With every generation of Christians
07:43 these signs have become intensified.
07:45 More and more. More severe etcetera.
07:48 But the problem is we have today
07:51 those signs are very much intensified.
07:53 What if Jesus does not come in next ten years?
07:56 Those signs will be even more intensified.
07:59 And this reason we do not know.
08:01 We will see in Mathew 24 and 25
08:04 that Jesus reminds His disciples constantly
08:07 about the day and hour, about the time
08:10 when I am coming. Nobody knows,
08:13 these signs are not given to us to establish the date.
08:16 By the way I want to show to the readers
08:18 I have on two pages. All these signs
08:21 that Jesus mentioned here telling us
08:22 I have the evidence historical evidences,
08:25 how they were all fulfilled
08:27 and prior to the destruction with Jerusalem.
08:29 So these kinds of things took place and the disciples
08:33 who were the witnesses of Jesus' answer
08:36 went through those experiences.
08:37 He's preparing them firstly for what lies ahead.
08:41 So see the purpose of these signs
08:43 is always to keep afresh in our minds that Jesus--
08:46 you see we see today signs. I can mention number of them.
08:49 Do you remember tsunami that we had? Yes.
08:51 The Christians were at ease.
08:54 They don't care about second coming of Christ.
08:56 These work is so much attached to the heart,
08:59 they don't think about the future.
09:01 And then suddenly something happens. Terrible in the world.
09:05 Suddenly the same Christians are going there to the Bible.
09:09 We know, after numerous events
09:11 in United States that happened,
09:13 I don't want to listen about Katrina and many others.
09:16 Many wars that we experienced.
09:17 Suddenly we have even newer times
09:20 we have special issue dedicated to that how suddenly Americans
09:24 they started talking about the second coming of Christ.
09:28 They started talking about the end of the world.
09:30 Not before. Before the percentage of Christians
09:34 talking about second coming of Christ, about the future,
09:36 about the end of at the end of the world, was very small.
09:40 Suddenly people wake up and start talking about that.
09:43 You see, this is the purpose of the signs.
09:45 To remind us always. To keep in afresh in our minds
09:49 that Jesus is coming soon. Actually to wake us up--
09:54 So there is an urgency, an urgency of being alert.
09:57 Yes. Watch is what He often says.
10:00 So Jesus give us here those general signs.
10:04 After that Jesus moves to the second,
10:07 to the second part telling Christians.
10:10 And what is the second part?
10:11 Glenn, please would you do me favor and read verse 15.
10:17 "So when you see the desolating sacrilege
10:19 spoken of by the prophet Daniel,
10:21 standing in the holy place, let the reader understand."
10:25 And then he says, "then-- Please read a few more verses.
10:29 "Then let those who were in Judaea flee to the mountains.
10:31 But Him who is on the house top
10:33 not go down to take what is in his house.
10:36 And let him who is in the field not turn back to his mantle.
10:39 And last for those who are with child and for those
10:42 who are nursing a child in those days,
10:44 pray that your flight
10:45 may not be in the winter or on the Sabbath."
10:48 Can we stop here for a while?
10:50 Unfortunately I don't want to be critical of people,
10:53 specially my dear friends, Christians.
10:56 But we have a million of Christians in United States,
10:58 who believe that Jesus He appoints of the sign
11:01 of the great tribulation that will take place
11:05 prior to the second coming of Christ.
11:07 I will suggest to you that this is not exactly
11:10 what the text says. When Jesus talks here
11:14 about the abomination of desolation
11:17 about which the prophet Daniel speaks,
11:19 we have go to go back to Daniel, Chapter 9,
11:23 where Daniel talks about the Roman army
11:27 as the fourth world empire
11:30 that will come and to destroy Jerusalem.
11:33 So Jesus is talking here about the destruction of Jerusalem.
11:37 Not the end of the world. How do you know that?
11:39 Do you have any support of that? Yes, praise God.
11:42 That's why I like to read the Bible
11:46 and compare the scripture scripture.
11:48 Because we have the same sermon that is found here,
11:53 it's also found there in the gospel of Luke.
11:57 But I would like to suggest us
11:58 that we leave this topic for our next presentation.
12:03 Praise God we're not left in uncertainty
12:06 about the second coming of Christ.
12:08 God cares for us and he put many things in the nature.
12:12 He allows certain events to take place in this world
12:17 to remind us constantly that this world is not our home
12:22 and that Jesus indeed is coming soon. Very soon.


Revised 2014-12-17