Books of the Book: Matthew

Signs Of The Times

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00019A

00:21 Welcome, to the "Books of the Books," series.
00:24 You're on 3ABN.
00:25 We're exploring the gospel of Mathew,
00:28 inspired by the Holy Spirit, written for our benefit.
00:32 As we spent time in this word, we're just drawn to the savior
00:36 who is painted and portrayed
00:38 in such beautiful word pictures here, gospel of Mathew.
00:42 I would like to welcome back Dr. Ranko Stefanovic.
00:45 Ranko, as a professor of New Testament,
00:48 all scripture is inspired by God
00:51 but there are certain books that draw you
00:53 and there're certain things about certain books.
00:55 What is it about the gospel of Mathew
00:57 that especially appeals to you?
00:59 We already stated that the gospel of Mathew
01:01 is the gospel for the Church.
01:04 Telling us how Christians should live
01:08 and behave in the church.
01:10 That's just the main point.
01:11 What a wonderful portrait we have here.
01:14 Let's ask God to guide us as we continue on.
01:18 Lord as we study now we need you
01:22 to open our eyes and to open our hearts.
01:25 We want not just to be informed, Lord,
01:27 but also inspired to follow you more clearly,
01:31 more closely, more dearly.
01:33 So, Lord, please come and teach us,
01:35 through your spirit, we pray.
01:37 In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
01:39 As we've been following the path of Jesus.
01:44 A path that took him from birth through baptism,
01:47 through temptations, through ministry
01:50 in Galilee of teaching and working miracles
01:54 and healings--now, we find his steps have turned.
01:57 They're headed towards Jerusalem.
01:59 He is in Jerusalem now, He's had a triumphal entry
02:02 and the opposition has been at every side.
02:08 Everywhere he turns they're looking to catch him.
02:11 They're looking to trap him as we saw from the test.
02:14 As we come to Chapter 23 this time and 24,
02:18 Ranko, what's ahead for us?
02:20 Yeah, Chapter 23 is actually the climax.
02:27 Upto this point Jesus is always kind toward Pharisees.
02:31 He tried to answer them
02:33 but they're sinking deeper and deeper.
02:37 The animosity against Jesus.
02:41 Evidently there was nothing more to be done.
02:44 But let me tell you
02:45 that patience of Jesus was not in vain.
02:49 Some of these Pharisees, that they were Pentecost
02:53 as we read the Book of Acts,
02:55 they really responded the call of Holy Spirit.
02:58 When Peter preached that famous sermon
03:01 and they became Christians.
03:03 So we have encouragement to never give up on people.
03:07 Jesus never gave up but Jesus finally
03:10 had to make the public statement
03:11 about those Pharisees who really persisted
03:15 in the unbelief and the rejection of Jesus.
03:19 Actually they were those Pharisees
03:21 who until the very end
03:22 actually even brought Jesus to the cross.
03:24 Yes, yes and--
03:26 It's not about all the Pharisees.
03:28 Many Pharisees, as we make statement,
03:31 became Christians later but significant number of them
03:34 together usually should- leaders,
03:37 they persisted and it was the time
03:39 for Jesus finally to expose them.
03:42 We must remember that
03:43 this is the close of his Earthly ministry.
03:46 And when He was crucified and raise
03:51 and will then soon ascend, people will be left wondering,
03:55 which is the correct path? Who really knows God?
03:59 Who is telling us about God? Is it Jesus?
04:03 Or is it what the Pharisees and the leaders have told?
04:05 So He's got to make it very clear to the public,
04:08 to the crowds, what is the true path.
04:11 And it's a strong message here.
04:14 Now Ranko, you're invited to go and speak many places.
04:17 I doubt if you've ever use this as your opening sermon.
04:20 No. It's a tough message.
04:23 Let's try to get little bit of the flavor
04:25 But I would like to remind us what we read
04:27 in the "Desire of Ages." Can you say?
04:30 Yes, certainly we want to remember
04:32 that Jesus spoke even these woes.
04:35 We call this chapter the woes in love.
04:38 There was tears in His voice as He's reaching out.
04:40 But let's listen to the words.
04:43 You know, many times we think
04:45 about winning friends and influencing people.
04:47 There's a books even on the subject and so forth.
04:50 This is not a sermon to preach
04:52 for the first time you're dealing with people.
04:54 This is the last call.
04:56 This is a time when you've got lay it all down
05:00 and say okay folks these are the issues,
05:02 now you've got to make a decision.
05:03 Glenn, we don't have even something close
05:06 to this at the beginning of Jesus ministry
05:09 No. Do you remember
05:10 even when we were in Chapter 12?
05:12 When the Pharisees they made that statement,
05:14 a blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit.
05:17 When Jesus talked about unpardonable sin
05:22 we never have any condemnation
05:24 from Jesus nothing, nothing even close.
05:27 But this is really the climax.
05:30 Let's get a little bit of the flavor.
05:33 We won't read all of this but I like to read a selection
05:36 so you can catch some of the thrust
05:40 some of the energy of this passage.
05:42 "Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples,
05:44 'the scribes and Pharisees sit on Moses' seat.
05:47 So you practice and observe whatever they tell you.
05:50 But don't do what they do,
05:52 for they preach but do not practice.'"
05:54 We should pause right there, many times we think
05:57 that everything the Pharisees taught was wrong. No.
05:59 No. Jesus agrees with many of those teachings.
06:02 Much of what they thought was good.
06:04 But He says something about the way they're living.
06:07 Jesus actually calls them hypocrites.
06:10 We will go to verse 20-- 13, verse 27.
06:14 Actually 13, 15 where else? 27, how many times?
06:18 23, 25, 27, 29, how many times
06:24 Jesus used the word hypocrite.
06:27 Actually hypocrite was the word,
06:28 in the 1st century among Ancient Greeks, for actors.
06:32 Who in normal life they were one thing
06:35 when they were before people acting,
06:37 they were completely different things.
06:38 This is actually what the Pharisees were doing.
06:40 They were teaching many right things,
06:44 but there behavior was much louder
06:47 than what they were talking.
06:49 So they're wearing a mask.
06:50 They're pretending to be what they aren't.
06:52 And in honesty we would have to pause
06:54 and say there's a little bit of hypocrisy,
06:56 may be more than that, in each of us.
06:57 Oh, yeah.
06:58 We seldom show people our real true character
07:02 and Jesus takes off the masks here.
07:05 "They preach but they do practice.
07:08 They bind heavy burdens hard to bear,
07:10 lay them on men's shoulders.
07:11 They themselves will not move them with a finger."
07:14 So, the compassion of Christ is here.
07:17 He is speaking about the compassionless leadership
07:20 at that time. Verse 13,
07:23 "But woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
07:25 You shut the kingdom of heaven against men.
07:28 For you neither enter yourselves
07:30 nor allow those who would enter to go in.
07:33 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites,
07:37 for you traverse sea and land to make a single proselyte,
07:40 and when he becomes a proselyte or a convert
07:43 you make him twice as much a child of Hell as you are."
07:46 Ranko, these are hard statements.
07:48 You know, I teach a antibiotics class
07:50 and every once in a while I'll assign a student
07:53 to preach on this passage.
07:54 They have a hard time because this doesn't sound like
07:58 Jesus meek and mild.
07:59 This doesn't sound like the sweet and loving Jesus.
08:02 It seems harsh to say
08:04 "you make someone twice the son of hell as you are,"
08:06 I don't think most preachers walk into the pulpit
08:09 and say something like that. We have to find out why?
08:11 "Woe to you blind guides" Verse 23,
08:15 "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!"
08:18 Actually 23, is really--
08:21 Let's look at that one little further.
08:22 It's somehow in nutshell
08:25 everything what Jesus said in verse 23.
08:27 "For you tithe, mint, and dill and cumin,
08:31 and you've neglected the weightier matters
08:32 of the law, justice and mercy and faith."
08:35 What's the weightier matters? What's the deeper things?
08:40 Care about people. It's that horizontal relation.
08:43 That's what we are talking. That's the main thread in--
08:47 He's not saying it's wrong to tithe.
08:48 He is not saying it's wrong to do any of those things.
08:50 But if we do those really just actions
08:52 and we forget our relationship with one and another.
08:56 You see the observance of the law,
08:58 paying tithe and everything, is not a substitute
09:03 for the way how we treat the people.
09:05 You've said a lot right there.
09:07 Verse 25, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
09:11 You cleanse outside of the cup and of the plate,
09:14 but inside they are full of extortion and rapacity."
09:18 So everything is up to the end of the chapter about--
09:20 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,
09:22 white-washed tombs.
09:23 You're like dead men's bones.
09:25 Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
09:28 Truly I say to you all this
09:31 will come upon this generation."
09:32 But he concludes, we have to go to verses 37
09:36 This text now is very important.
09:37 Yes it's very precious.
09:39 Glenn, can you, can you read it.
09:40 "Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets,
09:43 stoning those who were sent to you.
09:45 "We should pause and think about Jesus' tone.
09:49 What was in His eyes? What was in his heart?
09:51 Ranko He was trying to wake people up.
09:53 If you're home was on fire
09:55 and you're fast asleep in the middle of night.
09:57 You don't want me just knocking on the door quietly.
10:01 You want me to shout. You want me to cry.
10:03 Whatever it takes to wake you up and say.
10:05 Your building is collapsing.
10:07 And their system was about to come down.
10:10 Actually what Jesus tried to say, "I tried to help you?
10:13 I did everything. You did not accept it.
10:16 Now the consequences will come to that."
10:19 And actually this is the introduction
10:20 to our next subject that we would will like to go.
10:22 I want those of you, who are listening,
10:24 to hear Jesus' words and His heart.
10:28 I believe sometimes the most difficult love
10:32 is the love of letting go.
10:33 You may have had a situation, relationship in your life.
10:36 A son, a loved one. You tried to reach them.
10:40 You tried to reach them and eventually
10:42 you had to honor their choice.
10:44 God does the same thing. He honors our choice.
10:47 And yet Jesus' heart is broken.
10:49 "O Jerusalem, killing the prophets,
10:51 stoning those who were sent to you,
10:52 how often I would have gathered your children together,
10:55 as a hen gathers her broods
10:57 under her wing and you would not.
10:59 Behold your house is forsaken and desolate."
11:03 This is his last public declaration
11:05 here for the crowds. "For I tell you,
11:08 you will not see me again.
11:09 Until you say blessed is he
11:11 who comes in name in Lord."
11:13 So, Glenn, let us try to see what we have here.
11:18 The disciples are there and they're listening
11:21 to what Jesus is to saying, "I tried Jerusalem,
11:26 everything to do in order to do bring you myself."
11:30 I mean and he's using even this metaphor
11:33 of a hen and chicken.
11:35 "And I do, I try to do everything
11:37 to put you under the wings of my protection.
11:41 Therefore your house," which is evidently the temple,
11:45 "will be left to you desolate."
11:48 The disciples are listening there
11:50 We have to understand
11:52 something very, very important.
11:54 That the Jewish people were very much familiar
11:59 with the Old Testament promises.
12:01 Let's keep in mind that in the gospel of Mathew
12:05 everything that the Jesus does is the fulfillment
12:08 of the Old Testament prophecies. Mathew wrote it.
12:11 So Mathew was so much in the--
12:13 and they were listening to what Jesus said.
12:15 According to those Old Testament prophecy,
12:19 one day God will bless Israel and Palestine,
12:25 Jerusalem will be established.
12:28 Okay, the Messiah would come
12:32 establish his kingdom and Jerusalem,
12:36 with its temple will become the centre of the World.
12:42 By the way there are numerous Old Testament passages
12:46 that talks about the centrality of Jerusalem
12:49 with its temple in the future Messianic Kingdom.
12:53 There are maps, you had Jerusalem at the side.
12:55 Actually no temple-
13:03 it's the end of the world.
13:04 Without the temple, no temple no Messianic Kingdom.
13:07 The end of the temple is the end of the world.
13:13 the disciples are listening to what Jesus is saying.
13:16 But you know you listen something you don't want
13:19 suddenly to interrupt Jesus and ask questions.
13:23 But then they were leaving Jerusalem--
13:24 by the way, this was Jesus' last time in the temple.
13:30 Jesus is leaving. As they were leaving the temple
13:32 we still have that original stairways there in Jerusalem.
13:35 They were coming out going through the door.
13:38 But disciples they wanted to have a kind
13:41 to start conversation with Jesus.
13:43 To ask him what he mean
13:44 "your house will be left to desolate?"
13:46 And I would like just to take some moments
13:48 to read the first three verses because this is very important
13:51 to understand for what is coming after that.
13:54 And just before we read I want to make sure
13:56 we understand Jesus did not give up.
13:58 Because he still went to the cross.
14:01 For those very Pharisees.
14:02 For those very people who were not responding
14:04 at that time, many did respond later.
14:07 Mathew 24 verse 1, "Jesus left the temple
14:10 and He is going away, when his disciples came
14:12 to point out to Him the buildings of the temple.
14:15 But he answered them, 'You see all these do you not.
14:19 Truly I said you there were not be left here
14:22 one stone upon another that will not be not be thrown.'"
14:25 What a shock it must have been.
14:27 And the verse 3, "As He sat upon the Mount of Olives,
14:31 the disciples came to him privately and saying,
14:33 'Tell us when will this be. And what will be the signs
14:36 of your coming and of the close of the age.'"
14:39 Let's deal with this text after the break.
14:41 All right, Ranko, it's so good to explore this.
14:45 You've stirred up some questions.
14:46 We're gonna come right back after our break
14:48 to go into one of these most powerful chapters, Mathew 24.
14:51 You won't want to miss this, we'll be right back.


Revised 2014-12-17