Books of the Book: Matthew

Two Commandments

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00018B

00:01 Welcome back, we're exploring the two great commandments
00:04 that Jesus explains
00:07 and declaresin Matthew, Chapter 22.
00:10 Ranko, you've, you've helped us understand a little bit
00:13 but I sense some more here.
00:15 And I also sense this is personal.
00:17 Yeah, Glenn, I hope that the viewers will notice
00:22 that I'm very charismatic about this
00:26 in talking bout this passage
00:28 because when I talk about my previous life,
00:32 um, I had hard time in loving people
00:36 and relating to people and actually,
00:39 God used this passage to change my own life.
00:44 That's why this passage is so much important to me
00:48 and I would like share
00:50 actually in dealing with this text I want to share
00:53 with the viewers how God changed my own life.
00:55 Glenn, you know, when we talked to department
00:57 usually I'm perceived by students to be a loving teacher
01:00 Actually, it happened about thirty years ago
01:03 they would not have such opinion about me.
01:05 I believe that God can change everybody,
01:08 God changed me
01:09 and dear viewers, I just want to tell you
01:12 if God was able to change me God can also change you.
01:17 All right, so we've explored the fact
01:19 that these two commandments are very much connected.
01:22 So Glenn, the first commandment,
01:24 I don't want now to talk too much about others,
01:27 because evidently Christians,
01:29 they try to have that right relationships with God
01:33 they're struggling, but we can notice
01:35 and I believe that the viewers will agree with me
01:38 that the problem that we have in our lives is how generally
01:43 to relate to other people.
01:45 These are struggles of all us.
01:47 How can I love my enemy?
01:48 How can I do the people
01:50 when they don't treat me justly etcetera?
01:52 How to practice it?
01:53 So let's try to see what we have in the text.
01:55 Ranko, you're implying that we even though we're convert,
01:59 even though we're baptized there're still some struggles.
02:02 There are strugglers
02:03 and genuine Christians are struggling with this.
02:05 Wherever I go people are asking me
02:07 many, many questions about how to apply,
02:10 how to put in--
02:11 Scripture's realistic here.
02:12 Yes, so Glenn, let's go to the second commandment,
02:15 "you shall love your neighbor as yourself."
02:17 By the way if we go to the book,
02:19 to the, to James,
02:22 James, Chapter 2, verse 8.
02:25 He calls, "you shall love your neighbor as yourself,
02:27 as the royal commandment."
02:29 By the way, do you know, that several times
02:33 in the New Testament this royal commandment,
02:35 "you shall love your neighbor as yourself"
02:37 is repeated in New Testament.
02:38 Never the first four, only this.
02:41 Evidently this is what people are struggling about.
02:43 So let's go to that.
02:44 Glenn, you need now to help me.
02:47 You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
02:50 How many parts do you have in this commandment?
02:54 I don't want to put you on the spot.
02:55 It's 3 parts.
02:57 Which are the 3 parts?
02:58 The first part is the imperative.
03:00 I don't like to use the expression, command.
03:03 This is not command, imperative, you shall love.
03:06 The next one, the question is,
03:09 whom, whom shall I love?
03:11 The answer is, your neighbor
03:14 and the third part is how shall I love?
03:17 And the answer is, as you love yourself,
03:22 and I know that many aspects of this,
03:26 what we just presented, is misunderstood.
03:28 So let's go piece by piece.
03:30 The first one is, you shall love.
03:35 You see, the word you shall love,
03:39 that Jesus employed here
03:40 is found here in the gospel of Matthew.
03:42 It's actually the word agapao,
03:45 from which the word agape comes.
03:47 This word is, refers to the love
03:50 which is actually of divine origin,
03:54 unknown to ancient Greeks.
03:56 It's specifically the biblical concept,
04:00 you see that love, agape love,
04:03 that only God possesses.
04:04 We're not born with that love,
04:06 it's actually imparted to us as a,as a gift from God.
04:10 Okay these--
04:12 Ranko, if I, if I might just intrude here for a moment.
04:14 Please, please.
04:16 I think many times people feel that love is a feeling.
04:19 But I don't feel like loving them.
04:20 This is not about, about feeling,
04:23 you see, this is the gift from God.
04:24 This love is all inclusive.
04:28 You remember when we talked in the Sermon
04:30 on the Mount is we have to love all people as God,
04:34 thus we have to be perfect as God.
04:36 Because He gives His rain,
04:38 He gives His sun to both good and evil.
04:40 It includes all people.
04:41 Number one, it's all inclusive.
04:43 Second, it's unconditional.
04:47 I love this love agape not because people love me
04:54 but so many times despite the fact they love me.
04:58 When I was a young person an idea came to my mind.
05:03 I heard something very similar and it brought me to think.
05:05 This love is like a rose, flower, okay, a rose.
05:10 You know, you take rose from the bush,
05:12 you put to your nostrils,
05:14 boy, such a very nice aroma.
05:17 Then you take that rose, put it down on the ground,
05:20 you trample, put in the dust, do what ever you want.
05:23 Take that rose, put back to your nostrils,
05:26 it's still the same aroma.
05:28 This is what this love is all about.
05:31 This is what Jesus did.
05:32 He loved His disciples whether they were good
05:36 or sometimes they struggle with issues.
05:38 He loved even Jerusalem that rejected Him.
05:41 He cried over Jerusalem, even on the cross
05:43 when He was being crucified.
05:45 "Father, forgive them
05:46 because they don't know what they do."
05:48 This is the first one.
05:49 But the second one also provide clarification to the first one.
05:53 Who are those that we are to love?
05:58 You shall love it.
05:59 The answer is, your neighbor.
06:02 Actually, the Greek word Plésion,
06:05 that is used, let me translate in English
06:08 as the word neighbor is a correct translation.
06:11 In my language the word, believes me, means neighbor.
06:15 But what is the meaning of the word neighbor, Glenn?
06:18 It's old English.
06:20 What is the meaning of neig--neighhbor?
06:23 We usually think of the one who's near by.
06:25 Somebody who's...
06:26 This is exactly what Jesus taught.
06:28 You see, it's very easy to me to stand here
06:31 in front of camera and say to our viewers,
06:34 I love you.
06:36 It's very easy to love people who are faraway from me,
06:40 I don't know them.
06:43 And so many times I hear stories about the mission field
06:47 People are hungry, people are suffering.
06:49 can be so, you know,
06:51 caught with my emotions and take my wallet
06:54 and take money to send to the mission field.
06:56 But when I'm here in the classroom,
06:58 when I see my neighbor,
07:00 the student who's there in there
07:01 who's suffering financially, then I calculate,
07:04 he doesn't know to deal with the money, etcetera.
07:07 its much easier in our lives to love people who are faraway
07:11 than those who are our neighbors.
07:14 Glenn, who's your first neighbor?
07:18 Right in your own home.
07:19 Your wife, next one, children.
07:21 Do you know that it is the most difficult thing
07:24 to love my wife and my children?
07:26 And it might be sometimes difficult for them to love us.
07:30 When we go to restaurant
07:31 and how easy to offer the chair
07:35 to another person, etcetera,
07:37 but when my wife comes, how do I treat her?
07:39 I remember so many times and I know that God forgave me.
07:44 I try, I was always patience
07:46 with young people, trying to help them.
07:48 When they ask me question
07:49 I will sit, let me explain to you
07:51 and then I come home, I'm tired
07:52 and my own children ask me something question,
07:55 please leave me alone, I'm tired.
08:01 You know, who's next my neighbor?
08:03 My neighbor, next house they are.
08:05 I'm coming from the part of the world
08:07 where neighbors are always fighting against each other.
08:09 She can came to my side, you know.
08:11 Who's next of my neighbor?
08:15 The people that are working there.
08:17 When you come for the first time
08:19 to your office, everybody is nice.
08:21 You love everybody,
08:22 but when you become familiar with people,
08:24 when they're close to them,
08:26 when they're really your neighbors.
08:27 That's the test.
08:28 This is the test of my love.
08:31 I know, my wife watch me preaching about this
08:34 and then I would, I would sit in my car
08:37 there in PMCA on campus of Andrews University.
08:40 I'm going to the church, Sabbath morning,
08:42 I'm driving my car and suddenly front of me
08:44 there's that, that shiny car flip flop me
08:47 cut the way, I almost hit there,
08:49 you know, that car
08:51 and there is something, that anger within me.
08:54 You know, students from Andrews
08:55 driving there without thinking
08:56 and my wife said, keep in mind
08:58 at that this moment he is very close to you,
09:00 he's your neighbor
09:01 And suddenly how my attitude changes.
09:04 Yes.
09:05 My neighbor.
09:07 Actually, I remember when I preachedthere in Chicago
09:11 I preached about that and I try to tell people,
09:14 you see, it's very hard to love our neighbors
09:16 But if you want to love people,
09:18 you have to make them your neighbors.
09:21 It makes sense? This is the paradox.
09:23 Do you remember the parable of the prodigal son?
09:26 His brother came there
09:28 he didn't want to enter the house
09:30 but the father says, come, see your brother.
09:32 If you see his repentance he will become your neighbor,
09:35 very close to you and then you love him,
09:38 your opinion will change, change about you.
09:41 I remember I preached in Chicago
09:43 and that one person wrote to me a note
09:45 and he said, we got the new neighbor,
09:48 he said and I came out, he was there in his yard.
09:52 I wave hands, he did not react.
09:54 It happened several days.
09:56 He didn't want to even, even to see me.
09:58 want to make a long story short.
10:00 He said, after two months I start to hate that person.
10:05 I couldn't stand him any more and my wife said,
10:08 hey, our neighbor has birthday,
10:10 I prepare cake, let's go to visit them.
10:12 No, I didn't want to go, he said.
10:14 My wife went with the cake and she came back
10:17 and I ask in cynical way, so what about our neighbor?
10:20 She said, I love them.
10:21 Oh, really? She said, how can you--
10:24 why wouldn't you love a blind person
10:27 who's such a nice person toward us?
10:31 He said, then I realized, that person was blind.
10:35 I was judging that person and grudge against him
10:39 but then my wife make him really our neighbors,
10:42 that she saw his situation.
10:44 Our relationships changed.
10:46 Number 3, then how to love your neighbor?
10:50 Jesus said, as you love yourself.
10:53 Glenn, I am not always happy of my accent.
10:56 I'm not happy of the color of my voice
11:00 I have very strange voice.
11:01 I'm not happy always with regard to my actions,
11:04 how I behave.
11:06 Every evening, I pray to God
11:08 to forgive me the way how I treated people.
11:10 I'm not happy always with myself
11:13 but despite the fact that I'm not happy how I look
11:16 how I talk, how I behave, I still love myself
11:20 and want other people to respect me.
11:23 Jesus said, this is the way
11:25 how you should love your neighbor.
11:28 You're not always happy how your neighbor look like.
11:32 You're not always happy how your neighbor behaves.
11:36 You're not always happy with many things
11:38 with regard to your neighbor, but in the same way
11:41 that you're not happy with yourself,
11:43 you still love yourself,
11:45 so you should love also your neighbor
11:48 even though you're not always happywith him.
11:52 This is what Jesus tried to--
11:53 We shouldn't think that what He's telling about
11:55 here is some psychological thing of self affirmation.
11:58 He's saying, look you naturally love yourself.
12:00 It's genuine.
12:01 Extend that to others.
12:03 You remember, I was forgiven ten thousand dollars
12:09 How not to love other people who owe me little?
12:15 I want, I want to make an appeal to our viewers.
12:19 Some of you are good Christians
12:21 belonging to that Christian community to your church.
12:24 Some of you're struggling with your relationships
12:28 with your own family,
12:29 different people you're meeting on the daily base.
12:32 Our struggle is how to love people.
12:35 We love because God loved us
12:38 and can give us strength
12:40 to love other people if he loved us.


Revised 2014-12-17