Books of the Book: Matthew

Triumph And Marriage

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00017A

00:22 Welcome to the Books of the Book series.
00:24 We're exploring the Gospel of Matthew.
00:27 I'm Glenn Russell, professor
00:28 of religion at Andrews University.
00:29 I'm here with a good friend
00:31 and Bible student Ranko Stefanovic,
00:33 professor of New Testament
00:34 at Andrews University Theological Seminary.
00:37 Ranko, it's a joy exploring God's word together with you.
00:40 Yes, Glenn. It's great joy to me to be with you.
00:44 Glenn, you are a teacher.
00:48 And I know you spent
00:49 a lot of time with young people
00:51 to prepare them for pastoral ministry
00:53 there in the college in the department of religion.
00:58 To our young people who really need education
01:03 in order to be involved in ministry.
01:07 Well, we need the right kind of education.
01:10 You know, it's important to have zeal for the Lord.
01:14 The first thing must be a commitment to Christ,
01:17 desire to follow Him.
01:19 But as I work with our students,
01:21 I'm just so inspired working with young people
01:24 who have a passion for Christ.
01:26 They want to serve Him
01:27 and they want to know more about His word.
01:29 They want to study scripture deeply,
01:31 because they'll be the one who'll be sharing
01:33 with the church members, sharing with the community.
01:36 Yes, they need to have zeal,
01:37 but they need to have knowledge
01:38 that goes with it and that's a powerful combination.
01:41 Knowledge without a passion for Christ,
01:44 knowledge without a heart
01:45 surrendered to Jesus is dangerous. But a heart
01:49 that is surrendered to Christ--
01:51 And transformed by the Holy Spirit.
01:53 And a mind that is transformed
01:54 by the Holy Spirit, it's a powerful combination.
01:56 Yeah, we live today in the world
02:00 that we have so many different teachings
02:03 that people invented.
02:05 We really are dealing today with many complex issues
02:08 that people are making with regard to the Bible.
02:11 And the purpose of our education
02:14 is to inform our young people
02:17 about the current issues etcetera.
02:20 And to sit there at the feet of Jesus
02:22 and to learn how really to study
02:25 and to deal with the Bible,
02:26 so that our young people are equipped
02:28 when they leave our institutions,
02:30 educational institutions,
02:32 they can preach the word powerfully.
02:34 Not for the purpose of arguing
02:36 and providing arguments. That's right.
02:37 And simply to make the gospel down to the earth
02:40 to help people, to feel the need
02:42 for the gospel and for Jesus Christ.
02:44 And you know what a joy it is when a student comes
02:46 and prays with you, or you pray with them. Yes.
02:48 And to explore scripture together
02:51 where we're both learning,
02:52 because God is teaching us through His word.
02:54 Let's continue doing that
02:55 and let's invite God to bless our study together,
02:58 and let's pray. Lord, we've met You
03:02 as our Lord and Savior.
03:03 We've seen You come through the stories of
03:07 and the teachings of scripture.
03:10 We've seen Jesus, our Messiah introduced in its baptism,
03:15 tested in the temptations,
03:17 teaching the people, healing the people.
03:19 And now as He moves towards the cross,
03:22 may our hearts and ears be especially attentive.
03:26 Lord, may we be receptive to Your spirit
03:30 and to You in Jesus name I pray, amen. Amen.
03:34 Ranko, we were in Chapter 22 of Matthew.
03:38 These are the last days before the cross.
03:41 We should be sure we remember the time period.
03:43 So we have to keep in mind that with Chapter 21,
03:47 Jesus entered Jerusalem there. Yes.
03:50 We saw that the first thing
03:52 that Jesus did there in Jerusalem.
03:54 He was greeted by people like a majesty,
03:57 however His appearance was not of a majesty.
04:01 It was a humble servant Messiah
04:04 riding a donkey entered there.
04:06 But then He enters in the temple,
04:08 He cleansed the temple.
04:10 And for this point on there in Jerusalem,
04:12 everything what we have Chapter 21,
04:14 Chapter 22, and Chapter 23, He's surrounded
04:17 by the Pharisees and the Sadducees,
04:20 challenging Jesus from moment to moment,
04:23 keeping Him so busy.
04:25 By the way this is the context of these chapters
04:28 that we are going out to say.
04:29 So we're moving from the parade
04:31 and all the praise to the cross. Yes.
04:35 And now we see an intensifying conflict
04:38 that you've mentioned. Yes.
04:39 Let's go to Matthew Chapter 22.
04:41 We see Jesus, whatever Jesus is saying
04:44 to that people are listening
04:46 as He is debating with the Pharisees,
04:48 Jesus try to challenge them,
04:53 to bring them to repentance,
04:55 to their realization what they were doing.
04:58 Keep in mind, Jesus always try to save our people.
05:02 We read in the text the Son of Man came to save.
05:06 And time is running out for His return.
05:08 His time running out.
05:09 Actually and the time is running out
05:10 for their repentance. That's right.
05:14 So we see at the beginning
05:16 of Matthew Chapter 22, another parable. Yes.
05:18 And let's remember what you said earlier
05:21 that every parable communicates some truth,
05:23 but it also hides some things for people to explore
05:27 and search their hearts about,
05:28 He has enemies-- And this stands out to me.
05:29 This is the one. That's right. Can you read it Glenn?
05:31 Why don't you read this parable?
05:32 All right, "And again Jesus spoke to them in parables,
05:34 saying." Now we're going to verse 2 of Chapter 22,
05:38 "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king
05:40 who gave a marriage feast for his son.
05:42 And when his servants were sent
05:45 to call those who were invited to the marriage feast
05:47 but they would not come.
05:49 And again he sent other servants saying,
05:51 'Tell those who are invited
05:53 behold I have made ready my dinner.
05:55 My oxen and fat cows were killed
05:57 and everything is ready.
05:59 Come to the marriage feast.'
06:02 But they made light of it and went off,
06:04 one to his farm, another to his business.
06:06 While the rest seized to servants,
06:08 treated them shamefully and killed them.
06:12 The king was angry.
06:13 And he sent his troops,
06:14 destroyed those murderers and burned their city.
06:18 Then they said to his servants,
06:20 'The wedding is ready,
06:22 but those who are invited were not worthy.
06:25 Go therefore to the thoroughfares
06:27 and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find.'
06:31 And those servants went out into the streets
06:33 and gathered all whom they found both bad and good.
06:37 So the wedding hall was filled with guests.
06:40 But when the king came in to look at the guests,
06:42 he saw there was a man who had no wedding garment.
06:45 And he said to him, "Friend, how did you get in here
06:47 without a wedding garment?'
06:49 And he was speechless.
06:51 Then the king said to the attendants,
06:52 'Bind him hand and foot,
06:53 and cast him into the outer darkness;
06:55 there men will weep and gnash their teeth.'
06:58 For many are called, and few are chosen."
07:01 Again another statement that's familiar for us
07:03 "many are called but few are chosen"
07:04 but now we understand a little better
07:06 in light of this parable.
07:07 Actually the entire point of this parable is verse 14,
07:13 "Many are called but few are chosen."
07:18 So let's try to see few details
07:21 what this parable is all about.
07:24 It's about what? What is the event here?
07:27 It's the wedding. What is the wedding?
07:31 When according to the Jewish, ancient Jewish practices,
07:36 a young man will go to the gentleman's house.
07:42 The wedding will take place.
07:44 The wedding is a moment, an occasion
07:48 when you have a bridegroom and the bride,
07:52 they joint together. This is the main point.
07:55 They are some getting ready, it takes place.
07:58 But the main point is who is the bride
08:02 that Jesus was talking about?
08:04 Who are also--who are those guests?
08:06 By the way, this is the same concept
08:07 is found in the Book of Revelation.
08:09 Yeah. We see the church.
08:10 The church is both of the bride
08:14 and the church is also the guest
08:16 that are invited to wedding.
08:17 So we have here two different imageries.
08:20 Okay, so who are these people?
08:22 It's evidently the Jewish people.
08:25 They were waiting for the bridegroom,
08:28 for the Messiah to come.
08:29 He came, he came, why?
08:32 Marriage to be united with his people,
08:35 because they were waiting for Him.
08:38 Actually what happened? What happened?
08:41 The call was made.
08:42 The marriage is here.
08:43 The wedding is here.
08:44 The feast is ready. Did they care? No.
08:48 What do we have to mention?
08:49 I mean it's tragic-- Verse 5--
08:51 This invitation comes. And you know in the east
08:54 many times time is a little less exact. Yeah.
08:57 And so some of thought well, it's not quite time.
09:00 It takes a long time to prepare the food.
09:02 We'll do some other things. We'll procrastinate.
09:04 But now they go beyond procrastination to rejection.
09:09 And even more, some of them
09:11 they ceased those servants,
09:14 they mistreated them and even killed them.
09:17 Do you see what the parable can do?
09:20 This is exactly the history of the people
09:22 of Israel killing the prophets.
09:24 You know, all those, you know,
09:27 things that they were doing,
09:28 the messengers etcetera.
09:31 Actually Jesus told them a lot
09:32 but they couldn't accuse Him,
09:34 because Jesus ignored to make a direct speech
09:37 in addressing the situation there.
09:40 But it seems that and may I just pause
09:42 for a moment remind us let's not try to take
09:45 every detail of this and make it an allegoric,
09:48 because Jesus is not saying that God is like a king
09:51 who will slaughter people
09:52 who don't accept His invitation.
09:54 The main point is an invitation has come.
09:57 They come and also the consequences
10:02 for the rejection. That's right.
10:03 Jesus makes very, very clear not only here,
10:06 there's also another place
10:07 where Jesus makes there will be consequences.
10:09 But then Jesus goes beyond that.
10:12 And what is that? You know, He is a masterful storyteller.
10:15 And I just want to say to you viewers, take time
10:18 to read the scriptures and the stories.
10:21 You'll be amazed at how He--
10:23 Jesus was able to draw our attention.
10:25 And so many times you think,
10:26 the story could stop there, but it goes little further.
10:29 It's not just that He brings others in, the Gentiles.
10:32 But now someone is in who shouldn't be.
10:35 So what is in the next point?
10:38 It's interesting that he comes in and he notes
10:40 that there's a guest there without a garment.
10:42 So the wedding feast is ready,
10:45 but what is the problem? There're no guests,
10:48 there're no participants there.
10:49 So he instructs the servants what to do,
10:54 go to streets, go to the corners,
10:57 go to those homeless people-- look all kind of people go,
11:01 bring them all, because I need the guest in my house.
11:05 I need a guest there in the feast.
11:08 Go to those who are unworthy,
11:09 because the worthy have not responded.
11:12 And he says, "And the wedding hall."
11:14 Verse 10, "And the wedding hall
11:16 was filled with the dinner guest."
11:19 And I know if he had here at the end of the story
11:21 and say, "You'll see those
11:23 who did not accept Jesus, they were rejected."
11:28 Now the Gentiles were added to it.
11:31 But this is not the point of the story.
11:33 Unfortunately people can read something
11:35 that Jesus never intended,
11:36 because this is the real conclusion,
11:38 what do we have in verses 8 and 12?
11:41 He have a guest who's come.
11:42 He is at the weeding but he is not wearing
11:45 the wedding garment. And?
11:47 And Ranko, maybe just a word about the background,
11:51 why would that have been an offensive thing
11:53 to be there without a wedding garment?
11:55 Because evidently, according to this story,
11:59 everybody had to be in the same garment.
12:02 You see the problem is when you have--
12:04 can you imagine you have people
12:05 who were originally invited,
12:06 some of them evidently came in the rich robes,
12:10 but can you imagine when you bring
12:11 all those homeless people,
12:13 those people live there on the street.
12:16 I mean the difference would be obvious,
12:18 but when you provide the garment to all guests,
12:21 sometimes I saw some pilgrimage etcetera
12:23 everybody is dressed in the same dress.
12:28 Then it makes everybody equal there.
12:31 If nobody is there because of the prestige,
12:34 because of special, you know, place in the society.
12:38 Everybody is there equal at the wedding feast.
12:41 And that's a critical point,
12:43 because his garment is provided as a gift. Yes.
12:46 But he likes his own better.
12:48 Yeah, so what is the point of this story?
12:50 You know, we should not fall into trap.
12:52 You see, some people rejected you see.
12:55 Other people came, they were accepted.
12:56 No, no, all those originally accepted
13:00 and came and those who later were added,
13:04 all of them were there not because they deserve it,
13:08 but because what the master prepare for them,
13:11 it was that garment, that garment
13:13 that make them equal,
13:15 that to make them welcome there into feast.
13:20 The feast, an invitation to be there at the feast
13:24 was really the gracious act of this king,
13:27 you know, of this master.
13:28 What a great lesson to us?
13:30 You know, when we go to rest of the Bible
13:34 very often garment especially the white rope.
13:38 It's a symbol of Christ's righteousness.
13:41 And the things that God can do for human beings.
13:45 You see, so many times we try
13:47 to compare ourselves with others,
13:50 or to compare people with another people.
13:52 But all those who will one day
13:54 find themselves in the king of God.
13:57 It's not because of our goodness,
13:59 not because of who we are or because what we deserve.
14:04 It's because what God has done to us.
14:07 In the eyes of God, everybody is equal
14:12 because what Jesus did for us.
14:15 This is the beautiful lesson given to us.
14:17 What a glorious God we serve and we're gonna explore
14:19 little bit more about the compassion,
14:21 the grace of God, and the response
14:23 of the people in the Gospel of Matthew
14:25 when we come back after a break.
14:27 We'll be right back. Please join us then.


Revised 2014-12-17