Books of the Book: Matthew

The Parables Of The Workers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00016B

00:01 Welcome back. We've been exploring
00:03 this marvelous parable in Matthew Chapter 20.
00:06 It deals with the issue of salvation.
00:08 You know, Ranko, as we were talking about,
00:10 I was thinking about my parents
00:12 who spent their entire lives in mission service.
00:16 My dad spent four years in prison camp.
00:19 They served from the beginning of their lives.
00:21 They were the early morning laborers.
00:24 And then, you compare the thief on the cross.
00:28 Last moment-- He's messed up.
00:29 His life is a mess. He gives his heart to Jesus.
00:33 And yet, the same God gives the gift of salvation to both.
00:38 Actually, last year, I also buried my own father.
00:45 He knew Christ for exactly 60 years.
00:50 When he became a Christian,
00:51 his life was changed completely.
00:54 He embraced the Gospel message.
00:57 The only talk that he knew it was about Jesus Christ
01:01 what He did for me and he died.
01:03 But I meet very nice people
01:06 and may be they are some of those
01:08 among our viewers who may be,
01:11 are already the advanced age.
01:14 They heard about the Gospel message
01:16 and they wonder if God can forgive them,
01:19 if God can accept them.
01:22 I would like to tell you that the Gospel of Matthew is a--
01:26 has a very encouraging message to all of us.
01:30 Even if you are 50, 60 and 80,
01:34 God is calling you come to Him.
01:39 That's no matter how long you have known Jesus Christ.
01:42 Of course, it will be good if you know Jesus Christ
01:45 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago.
01:47 But if this now an opportunity is take that opportunity,
01:52 accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior.
01:55 Salvation and His acceptance
01:58 is not based about your worst
02:00 on the years of the service.
02:02 It is on your complete dedication to Him
02:06 and to His service.
02:07 So if we come early in the day or at 5 o' clock,
02:10 we still receive this gift that comes from God.
02:12 Now after the parable Jesus presses towards Jerusalem.
02:16 It says in verse 17, He took the disciples aside.
02:20 Now in the past,
02:21 He had spoken about His death in a general way.
02:24 He gets more specific now.
02:26 He tells very, very clearly verse 18
02:28 "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem,
02:30 and the Son of Man will be delivered up
02:32 to the Chief Priests and to the Scribes.
02:34 They will condemn him to death and deliver him
02:36 to the Gentiles to be mocked, and scourged, and crucified
02:39 and he will rise on the third day."
02:42 It's very clear.
02:43 It said that the Gentiles will mock and scourge him.
02:46 Jesus actually told them everything in detail
02:49 what--what will happen to him.
02:51 There was no any, any doubt.
02:52 But the next story tells us they didn't quite get it.
02:55 But they didn't get it.
02:56 Not only that, we know when we read
02:59 the end of the Gospels, how much they were
03:01 disappointed when Jesus was crucified.
03:03 They did not get anything.
03:05 And actually this is a great way for me personally.
03:08 And to all of us, ask so many times
03:11 we can be obsessed with some of our ideas,
03:14 what we have been believed for years,
03:16 what we have known for years.
03:17 When the message of the Bible comes to us,
03:21 when Jesus Christ knocks on the door of our hearts,
03:24 we don't get it.
03:25 Because it's very, very much important
03:28 to surrender ourselves to God
03:30 and ask God to emptiness of anything that prevent us
03:35 to accept Him as our personal savior.
03:38 But, Ranko, the story of the mother of the sons of Zebedee,
03:43 James and John coming,
03:45 and kind of manipulating in the background,
03:47 she's got a family connection.
03:50 She can work it and you know in the East,
03:52 you don't say no to mother.
03:54 So she calms and she wants to give the special place.
03:56 They really don't understand where Jesus is heading.
04:00 Yeah, actually Jesus is making very clear.
04:04 We are going to Jerusalem.
04:07 The Gentiles will kill Me there.
04:10 They will scourge Me. They will kill Me.
04:12 Actually, He really provides in details
04:15 what will happen to Him in Jerusalem.
04:17 But the disciples did not get it.
04:20 He's talking about cross.
04:21 They are remembering what He said about thrones
04:24 and they wanna make sure they get the right thone.
04:26 How does He respond to them?
04:28 So just few chapters earlier,
04:30 they came to Jesus asking Him.
04:32 When He establishes His kingdom,
04:34 they would like to be the prime ministers
04:35 one on the right, another one on the left.
04:37 Evidently, they were unsuccessful.
04:39 What are they now doing?
04:41 They're sending their own mother to persuade
04:43 Jesus to give them permanent place in His kingdom.
04:47 Well, now the other disciples are upset probably in part
04:51 because they didn't think of this idea,
04:52 this strategy, you know?
04:54 And Jesus speaks about
04:55 a purpose of this mission in verse 28,
04:58 Ranko, it's so important. Let's read that.
05:00 Actually from 26 would be nice. All right.
05:03 It shall not be so among you
05:05 but whoever would be great among
05:06 you must be your servant
05:08 and whoever would be first among you,
05:10 must be your slave even as the son of man
05:13 came not be served but to serve
05:15 and to give His life as a ransom for many.
05:18 What a beautiful statement. Powerful, powerful.
05:21 What Jesus made the statement
05:22 at His kingdom is not about the prestige,
05:25 is not about getting power to rule over the people.
05:29 If you really want to have
05:31 a permanent place in the kingdom,
05:34 it means you want to be servant,
05:36 to serve to the needs of people,
05:39 to bring the salvation,
05:40 to bring Jesus Christ in the lives.
05:42 Actually, if you want to be the follower of Jesus,
05:46 you have to follow in the footsteps of the master,
05:49 because Jesus came not with the power,
05:52 He came to be the servant
05:53 and to save people from their sins
05:56 as we read at the beginning of the chapter
05:57 and Jesus repeats it in verse 28.
06:01 And His mission to be a ransom
06:03 for many is what takes us in Chapter 21
06:06 to the entry into Jerusalem.
06:08 May I read some of that,
06:09 and when they drew near to Jerusalem,
06:11 and came to Bethany, to the Mount of Olives,
06:13 then Jesus sent His disciples,
06:15 two off them saying to them
06:16 go into the village opposite you,
06:18 and immediately you will find
06:19 a donkey tied in a colt with her, untie them,
06:22 and bring them to me.
06:23 If anyone says anything to you, you shall say,
06:25 The Lord has needed them,
06:27 and he will send them immediately.
06:29 This took place to fulfill
06:30 what was spoken by the prophet saying
06:32 tell the daughter of Zion,
06:34 'Behold, your king is coming humble,
06:36 and mounted on a donkey, on a colt,
06:38 the foal of a donkey.
06:40 The disciples went,
06:41 and did as Jesus had directed them.
06:43 They brought the donkey,
06:44 and the colt, and put their garments on them,
06:46 and He sat there on most of the crowds,
06:48 spread their garments on the road
06:49 and others cut branches from the trees
06:51 and spread them on the road and the crowds
06:54 that went before Him and followed Him shouted
06:56 "Hosanna!" to the son of David.
06:59 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
07:01 Hosanna in the highest.'
07:04 And when He entered Jerusalem,
07:05 all of the city was stirred saying who is this?
07:09 And the crowd said,
07:11 "This is the Prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee.
07:15 Now, Ranko, one question I have is,
07:17 He is going to Jerusalem.
07:18 He knows the cross is ahead Him,
07:20 but He asks about these animals, why?
07:25 Number one is again, again,
07:28 we have the same truth in Gospel of Matthew.
07:31 It's verse 4.
07:33 This took place in order
07:35 that the prophecy can be fulfilled.
07:38 Now in many of the pagan nations,
07:41 a king would come riding on a warhorse,
07:43 very much a warrior and so forth.
07:45 Have you ever seen any picture of Rome--
07:47 Roman general or any prominent
07:50 ancient ruler riding on a donkey?
07:53 No, I think, no.
07:54 A donkey is the beast of burden.
07:56 It's the common laborer's animal.
07:58 Yeah. It's the animal of poor people.
08:00 Yes, living there in the mountain areas
08:03 and you can use the donkey.
08:04 But it's not reserved for the ruler.
08:07 So Jesus is still arriving.
08:09 He is as a king entering city, city of Jerusalem.
08:14 But according to the prophecy,
08:16 He came--actually this is the elaboration
08:18 what we arrived.
08:20 Jesus came not to be served, but to serve,
08:24 He is coming as a servant.
08:26 in order to fulfill that prophecy.
08:28 And He's wanting to change
08:29 their understanding of what the messiah was,
08:31 because other sections of the prophets,
08:33 the prophecy of Zachariah
08:35 described a conquering king and so forth,
08:38 but this section it is chosen here,
08:40 it speaks to that servant role.
08:42 Let's put it in this way.
08:44 The prophecy was telling us
08:46 the messiah would come into His own city, city Jerusalem.
08:51 He would sit on the throne of David.
08:55 So according to the Gospel of Matthew,
08:57 when people saw Jesus entering Jerusalem,
09:00 they recognized the fulfillment of the prophecy.
09:03 The Messiah is coming into-- He is entering His city.
09:10 However, so they had the fulfillment of the prophecy.
09:15 However, the lesson that Jesus told them,
09:17 He did not come to establish the earthly kingdom.
09:20 He did not come like, like a powerful ruler on the horse.
09:24 His mission was not in His power and authority.
09:27 His mission was in servanthood.
09:30 He came to save people from their sins.
09:32 So its freedom from sin rather than
09:34 freedom from Rome that is His primary focus.
09:37 They recognized this is a great event.
09:40 Hosanna to the son of David,
09:42 blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
09:44 Hosanna to the highest.
09:45 What attributes they are giving.
09:47 Now they still don't quite understand
09:49 because all they say is that He is a Prophet.
09:50 Actually you could expect
09:52 that Jesus would-- would be real.
09:54 You see finally they recognize Him
09:56 as the promised king.
09:57 However, when we go to other Synoptic Gospels,
09:59 I think its Luke or Mark.
10:01 I forget it. They said,
10:03 "At that shouting when Jesus saw the city,
10:05 He started weeping."
10:08 Because He knew that people
10:11 were shouting to Him for wrong reason.
10:13 They were shouting Hosanna.
10:15 Just few days later, they are shouting crucify Him
10:18 and crucify because their hopes
10:20 were not fulfilled into that earthly kingdom.
10:22 That's right. Let's remember
10:23 that this is the first of the Passion Week
10:26 and very soon the crowd will change
10:28 how fickle the crowd is.
10:29 But, you know, you said,
10:31 we might expect Jesus to be happy
10:33 and certainly if you think about the disciples,
10:35 they must have enjoyed this.
10:36 Probably, Judas the most.
10:38 Now at last, we've come.
10:40 Everything looks good,
10:41 but then He does this strange thing
10:43 of going into the temple and cleansing the temple.
10:46 Ranko, you would've thought the disciples would say,
10:49 okay, now look, you've come to Jerusalem.
10:51 The crowds are accepting you.
10:53 Work with the Pharisees a little bit.
10:55 You know, compromise a bit with Sadducees Jesus.
10:58 This is the time for you to set up your kingdom.
11:00 Actually, we go and see
11:04 the picture of Ancient temple in Jerusalem
11:07 is we know that the temple had several courts.
11:13 The first court was known as the court of the Gentiles.
11:18 Into that section of the temple,
11:21 all Gentiles could come.
11:22 That's all where they could come.
11:24 The next one was the court of the Jews--
11:27 the court of women were women could come,
11:30 the next one the court of Jews, Israelites
11:33 and then after the court of the priest.
11:36 The Gentiles could come only into the first section.
11:40 At the door of the next section,
11:41 there was an inscription that any Gentile
11:44 who would go through this door,
11:46 will be responsible for his own death.
11:49 That temple that God established
11:51 to be the house of prayer to all nations.
11:55 Actually, the greedy Sadducees,
11:57 they made it to the place
11:59 to steal money, money from people.
12:02 When Jesus came,
12:04 He came to save His people from their sins.
12:06 He wanted to save all people and what He could see
12:09 there were greedy Sadducees.
12:13 There was nothing for the Gentiles
12:15 that they could learn about the God of Israel,
12:17 about those promises of salvation
12:19 that is actually offered to them.
12:22 This was the only new occasion that made Jesus angry
12:25 and provoked the action that He did.
12:26 We don't have time to explore it
12:28 but the bearing fig tree acted
12:30 out parable is exactly
12:31 what the temple would become.
12:33 Jesus comes to cleanse the temple.
12:35 Ranko, it's the second time.
12:36 What does that tell us about
12:37 our lives just for a little devotional thought,
12:40 Jesus comes to cleanse the temple.
12:42 Yes, Jesus wants to cleanse us as well.
12:45 He does not look always at our mistakes,
12:48 our shortcomings because He is Savior,
12:50 He wants to save us.


Revised 2014-12-17