Books of the Book: Matthew


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00015A

00:21 Hi, and welcome to "The Book of the Book" series
00:24 on "The Gospel of Matthew."
00:25 We're here studying scripture with Ranko Stefanovic,
00:29 New Testament professor
00:31 at Andrew's University Theological Seminary.
00:33 Ranko, it's a joy to study God's word together, isn't it?
00:35 Yes, Glenn, and I'm so glad that we can see love,
00:40 friendship here during this series
00:42 that is so much important.
00:44 We--you are teaching there at Andrew's University
00:47 in the Department of Religion.
00:49 We were in that department for number of years,
00:51 I think nine or ten years.
00:54 And I know how great impact you made on my own children
00:58 while teaching there at Andrew's Academy.
01:00 Oh, I think it's mutual.
01:01 My children loved your teaching as well.
01:04 You're a camp meeting speaker and scholar,
01:07 but a student of scripture.
01:08 And that's what we want to do there. That's what--
01:09 We're just sitting here with our Bibles together
01:12 setting God's word and we're so glad
01:14 that each of you can join us.
01:16 It's been an exciting journey so far
01:18 as we've been going through Matthew.
01:20 I think you really enjoy, and learn and grow
01:24 as God speaks to us through His word today.
01:26 Let's get into the text after prayer.
01:29 Ranko, would you lead us in prayer
01:30 that God will guide us in our study? Yes. Yes.
01:33 Our Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us
01:38 this beautiful Gospel, Gospel of Matthew,
01:41 as we are going now trying to understand
01:43 those different texts in this Gospel.
01:47 Please give us the sermon and the Holy Spirit
01:50 to guide us in understanding,
01:51 when sometimes difficult statements
01:53 that we find in the text.
01:55 Thank you for Your help, thank you for being with us.
01:58 And we pray all of this
02:00 in the precious name of our savior,
02:02 Jesus Christ, amen. Amen.
02:05 Well, we've been following the path of Jesus' ministry.
02:10 It's taken us from His genealogy and His birth,
02:14 His baptism, the temptations,
02:16 His early ministry, His ministry in Galilee.
02:19 But now He is moving geographically
02:20 towards Jerusalem. Jerusalem.
02:22 He is moving towards the cross. Yes.
02:25 And the shadow of the cross leans
02:27 over all these pages, doesn't it?
02:29 As we get into these Chapters.
02:30 And Jesus knew that after the cross,
02:35 He will ascend there to heaven,
02:36 He will leave His disciples.
02:38 But evidently the disciples were not ready.
02:41 They were supposed to continue to work with Jesus Christ.
02:44 But evidently their focus was not on the mission.
02:47 Their focus was on themselves,
02:50 who will get the most benefit in the kingdom of heaven
02:55 that Jesus would establish. All right.
02:57 Today we're going to explore Matthew 19.
03:00 But let's go back and catch the flow just bit, little bit.
03:02 In Chapter 18, we noticed that,
03:05 "God wants us to love the least,
03:08 those who are on the fringes on the edges.
03:11 Even those in the church that may seem to be the lest,
03:14 the less spiritual or the least talented
03:17 or the least capable."
03:19 And part of that loving is how we treat them
03:22 when they slip, when they stumble,
03:23 when there's a lost sheep, you know.
03:25 And he ties in this discussion of church disciple
03:29 in Matthew Chapter 18,
03:31 with a parable about forgiveness.
03:33 Tell us a little bit about that parable.
03:34 You know, Glenn, there is one thing that amazes me.
03:39 God said that through Moses to the people of Israel,
03:41 you'll always have poor people and yourself.
03:45 When you go to the New Testament
03:47 evidently Jesus does something more.
03:50 We will always have people who have spiritual progress.
03:54 We will have in our midst.
03:55 Sometimes they write in the mirror,
03:57 the ones we struggle.
03:58 And the question is how to relate in the church
04:02 that is actually the visible manifestation
04:05 of the kingdom of heaven on earth.
04:08 Actually this is what Matthew 18 is all about is,
04:13 "if we have the people who have the spiritual progress,
04:16 people who fall even in sin."
04:19 Jesus says, "You who are spiritual,
04:21 you're supposed to go and find those people
04:24 and restore them into the fellowship
04:26 of that kingdom of heaven."
04:30 Realizing what Jesus' calling into,
04:32 Peter comes and ask question.
04:35 And in the ancient world as in much of the world today,
04:38 revenge and honor and respect are very high priorities.
04:42 And he comes and he says,
04:43 "Now how many times should I ask a brother to--
04:46 you know, how many times can I forgive?"
04:48 It says in Matthew Chapter 18 verse 21.
04:51 Peter came up and said to Him,
04:52 "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me,
04:56 and I forgive him?"
04:57 So it's about a brother, not someone else.
04:59 But it's--when a brother sins against me
05:02 and Peter gives a suggestion.
05:04 Okay, Glenn, let's keep in mind
05:06 that this is reference to verse 15. That's right.
05:08 You see, if you go to verse 15,
05:10 "if your brother sins," actually in Greek says,
05:14 "against you go and try to save the brother."
05:20 So now Peter says, "so how many times?"
05:23 If the person slips away, if the person sins,
05:27 how many times am I supposed to do it?
05:29 And among the Jewish people in the first century
05:33 there was a teaching believe according to the Rabbis,
05:37 you're supposed to forgive three times.
05:40 And that was generous compared to the Pagans
05:42 which was "eye for an eye." Yes.
05:44 Law of revenge. So they're doing better.
05:46 But Peter, I wanted to be very generous, not three times.
05:51 He said, seven times hoping that
05:54 Jesus will tap on his shoulder and He say,
05:57 "oh, Peter, you are so generous."
06:00 But you know, what was the answer
06:01 that Jesus gave to Peter?
06:04 Well, Jesus responses,
06:05 "I don't say to you seven times but seventy times so."
06:09 I don't know, I have-- something very interesting
06:15 that I discovered because the warning
06:17 that we find here in verse 22
06:20 is really the reflection of Daniel Chapter 9.
06:25 When God used seventy times seven
06:30 as a metaphoric saying of the great forgiveness,
06:36 of course, this is the prophecy
06:39 a day for year, there, there.
06:41 But the very saying,
06:43 the very concept seventy times seven
06:45 refers to the great forgiveness
06:47 that God wanted to show to His people
06:49 and this is exactly what Jesus get his--
06:51 So when we're tempted to say, "How long should I forgive?"
06:54 Jesus is saying, "Well, look at how long
06:57 God has forgiven you."
06:58 It's a great- It's a God standard.
06:59 It's a great forgiveness.
07:00 And now to illustrate Peter was confused completely.
07:04 I mean can you imagine seven generous?
07:06 Now Jesus is great forgiveness and now we have the parable.
07:09 What is Glenn, parable all about?
07:11 "Therefore the kingdom of heaven
07:13 may be compared to a king
07:14 who wished to settle accounts with his servants.
07:16 When he began the reckoning,
07:17 one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents
07:20 and he could not pay.
07:21 His Lord ordered him to be sold
07:24 with his wife and children all that he had
07:26 and payment to be made.
07:27 So the servant fell on his knees
07:29 and pouring him, Lord have patience with me
07:31 and I will pay you everything.
07:34 And out of pity for him,
07:35 the Lord of that servant released him
07:37 and forgave the debt."
07:39 Boy, if only the story stop there,
07:40 it'd be such a beautiful story. Yeah, fantastic.
07:42 But unfortunately it continues.
07:45 But that same servant, "As he went out,
07:47 came across one of his fellow servants
07:49 who owed him a hundred denarii,
07:51 and seized him by the throat, and said, 'Pay what you owe.'
07:55 So his fellow servant fell down and besought him,
07:58 'Have patience with me, and I will pay you.'
08:00 But he refused.
08:02 And he went and put him in prison
08:03 until he should pay his debt.
08:05 When his fellow servants saw what had taken place,
08:07 they were greatly distressed,
08:08 and they went and reported to their Lord
08:09 all that had taken place.
08:11 Then his Lord summoned him and said to him,
08:14 'You wicked servant!
08:15 I forgave you all that debt because you besought me
08:18 and you should not have mercy on your fellow servant
08:21 as I had mercy on you?'
08:23 And in anger his Lord delivered him to the jailers
08:25 until he should pay all his debt.
08:27 So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you,
08:31 if you do not forgive your brother from the heart."
08:33 Now we need to remember that parables
08:34 not every detail is an allegory.
08:37 Actually-- God has not liked this.
08:39 Actually verse 35 tell us the purpose.
08:41 What will happen to us
08:43 if we do not forgive our brothers?
08:45 Keep in mind that Peter asked Jesus,
08:48 "how many times should I forgive to my brother?"
08:52 And Jesus moves from the number
08:55 to the practical application.
08:56 By the way, how much did the person,
09:00 the servant owed to his master.
09:03 He says, "ten thousand talents."
09:05 Please, so many times when we read the Bible,
09:10 we--it's not clear to ask what meaning of that,
09:14 ten thousand talents.
09:16 In the time of Jesus, Galilee, Judea
09:20 and another territory known as Idumea,
09:23 altogether, okay, their taxes were 600 talents.
09:31 Here we're talking about
09:32 ten thousand talents how many?
09:35 How many years of taxes just from that territory?
09:38 It's something that the person,
09:41 one individual cannot pay. It's an impossible pay.
09:44 It's an impossible pay. All right.
09:45 But you see, another person owe to this servant
09:51 whom it was forgiven, 100 denarii,
09:55 denarius actually was a daily wage.
09:59 One hundred, we're talking about three months of salary.
10:02 For one person compare to the taxes of a whole region.
10:05 For one person is.
10:06 So Jesus tried something to tell us here is
10:10 the person was forgiven,
10:11 something that he could not repay at all.
10:15 It was forgiven to him.
10:17 On another side he could not forgive to the person
10:20 something that was really not too much.
10:22 It was too much. It was series.
10:24 Jesus never diminishes.
10:26 And you know, put less than significance of that.
10:30 It is that.
10:31 But in comparison, what God has done for me.
10:35 And what I'm supposed to forgive to my brother,
10:39 keep in mind, expression is my brother or my sister is,
10:42 it cannot be compared with what heart did to me.
10:45 So let's make sure we catch the picture
10:46 and that is that our debt to God,
10:50 is so immense we can never repay it.
10:53 Glenn, you know--But sometimes the little offenses
10:55 that someone does to us, in comparison--
10:59 You see, we're talking about the little offences.
11:01 There is no offence,
11:04 that my brother can do to me so great.
11:08 In comparison, you see, Glenn,
11:10 I can owe to you $1,000.
11:12 Boy, $1,000 is big, huh? It's your wish--
11:14 It's one cheque, it's one cheque that--
11:16 that we receive in salary and it's big.
11:19 But can you imagine, and understand
11:20 that somebody gave me one million dollars
11:25 then $1,000 really it's not the big deal at all.
11:29 See when we focus on ourselves in the church
11:32 on the issues what people to do to me,
11:34 it's a big deal.
11:35 But when I focus on God, when I focus on Christ,
11:38 what Christ did to me, how much I'm forgiven?
11:42 Then all those offences, they really become
11:45 almost insignificant in the light what God did for me.
11:48 We need to move on, but let's hold the thought
11:51 that also remember this is tidy
11:54 and with how we treat those in the church
11:56 in terms of discipline, those who have slipped,
11:58 those who have not followed faithfully.
12:02 Let's have that forgiving spirit.
12:03 Okay, Ranko, we've got-- If everybody in the church
12:05 thinks how much I am forgiven,
12:07 we would not have too many problems
12:10 among the members of the community of believers. Yes.
12:13 Now Jesus moves from Galilee and enters into Judea.
12:17 So we're in Chapter 19? Yes.
12:19 And the Pharisees come.
12:22 We're gonna come to the question in a moment,
12:24 but give us a little background.
12:25 They come with a question of Jesus about divorce.
12:29 What's the background that we should know about it?
12:31 Yeah, Chapter 19 begins,
12:33 "when Jesus had finished these words,"
12:35 do you remember that?
12:36 It marks the fourth block of the Gospel of Matthew.
12:41 You know, in the first century among Jews--
12:45 you know, the Jewish people always have the rabbis,
12:48 the rabbi, that rabbi dies
12:51 the most prominent people of him,
12:54 he would succeed him
12:56 and he would be the next rabbi et cetera.
12:57 However in the first century
12:59 there was something very interesting
13:01 and with the Jewish people,
13:02 they had pair of rabbis for certain period of time.
13:08 And when Jesus was born, and when Jesus was child,
13:14 there was--there two rabbis, pair of rabbis,
13:17 one was Shammai and another one was Hillel.
13:21 They were very prominence, especially Hillel.
13:23 Hillel was liberal. Shammai was very conservative.
13:27 This is what the Torah says, and let's hold it.
13:32 And people were coming to Hillel and asking him,
13:36 "Can I divorce my wife?"
13:37 He said, you know, "you can divorce your wife,
13:39 even if you are displeased
13:41 because of the lunch that should prepared to you."
13:44 And the reason, you're free to do it.
13:47 Shammai, he said, "No.
13:51 It can only be very serious reason, the adultery.
13:54 You can go and divorce your wife."
13:58 So you're talking about the disciples,
14:01 the pupils, they were debating among themselves.
14:04 So now the question that Jesus was asked
14:08 was actually attempting Jesus in which side He will side,
14:13 we have to understand this context
14:14 and we'll see more and more in few minutes--
14:16 So the Pharisees come to find out
14:18 which school of thought do you agree with
14:20 and it's a trap.
14:21 Because either way his answer would go, they would get him.
14:23 And they could--they could argue with Jesus. Yes.
14:26 So let's find out more about how that trap,
14:28 that question works and Jesus intriguing answer
14:31 when we come back right after our break.
14:33 We'll be right back.


Revised 2014-12-17