Books of the Book: Matthew

How We Get Along Within The Church

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00014A

00:21 Hi, and welcome to "The Books of the Book" series
00:23 on "The Gospel of Matthew".
00:25 We're exploring this gospel picture,
00:28 the portrait of Jesus Christ
00:29 and Matthew under the inspiration
00:31 of the Holy Spirit provides for us.
00:34 We're here with Dr. Ranko Stefanovic
00:36 from Andrews University, theological seminary,
00:38 professor of New Testament.
00:40 Ranko, it's a joy to do this program together
00:42 to be studying scripture is just a wonderful opportunity.
00:46 Yes, Glenn, it's--I'm so glad to be with you here.
00:49 We've known each other for long time.
00:52 We taught in the department of religion
00:54 for significant number of years
00:56 and I know your passion for Christ and for ministry
00:59 and it's a great privilege to be here at 3ABN
01:02 and shared this message of Jesus Christ.
01:05 You know, Ranko, I think both of us
01:07 would admit as teachers
01:08 that sometimes things aren't quite the way they should be,
01:11 perhaps in the school, perhaps in our campuses,
01:14 perhaps even in our classrooms.
01:16 We need prayer, don't we? Oh, yes.
01:18 We need the support and encouragement.
01:20 I just want to say a word to the viewers out there,
01:24 please pray for your teachers, pray for your pastors,
01:26 pray for the ministries, pray for 3ABN.
01:30 It's so easy to be critical and to criticize,
01:32 and to find in the opportunity to find fault.
01:35 But please pray for God to speak through
01:37 and for God to bless.
01:39 Each one who is seeking this
01:41 share Christ with our young people?
01:44 It's a difficult world these days.
01:45 It's a tough time to grow up as young person.
01:48 Reach out to the young people in your church,
01:50 in your home, pray for them.
01:51 It'll make all the difference in the world.
01:53 Glenn, I would also like to say something to our viewers.
01:57 You know, I have in my wallet, I have several cards,
02:01 one of them is to show my profession
02:03 as a professor with a doctoral degree.
02:06 But probably the most important card
02:08 that I have in my wallet is this
02:11 that says, "Ministerial Credentials".
02:14 I'm the ordained pastor of Seventh Day Adventist Church
02:17 and I take my classroom as my church
02:19 that those young people
02:20 they have different challenges as young people.
02:23 But at the end of the semester when they come to you,
02:26 they say, in this class I found Jesus Christ.
02:29 I fell in love with Him. I want to serve my church.
02:33 I want to serve Christ the rest of my life.
02:35 Wherever I travel, I find my former students
02:37 they said, "You remember I was lazy.
02:40 I did not take my classes seriously.
02:42 But God used you to make a difference in my life."
02:45 I know the same happened with you.
02:47 So please pray for us
02:48 because we are all on the same mission is
02:52 to bring people to Jesus Christ.
02:55 And as we continue in our exploration of the gospel
02:59 according to Matthew,
03:01 all we want to be sure God leads us in our study.
03:03 Let's pray together. Yes.
03:05 Lord, we come.
03:07 We've thoughts and ideas.
03:09 We've training and we've background.
03:12 But more than anything else, we need Your spirit.
03:15 We need you to breakthrough to speak to our hearts,
03:18 to speak to our minds, to draw us to you.
03:21 May we truly sense
03:23 that Your spirit is present with us now
03:25 as we study Your word.
03:27 Be with each viewer, be with each of us
03:29 in Jesus name we pray, amen. Amen.
03:33 All right, Ranko,
03:34 we have been exploring this wonderful book of Matthew.
03:37 We've seen that Jesus has now
03:39 set His face towards Jerusalem.
03:41 He is headed to the cross.
03:43 But there are some things He needs to make sure
03:45 that His disciples understand before He gets there.
03:48 It's interesting as Jesus is moving
03:51 with His disciples towards Jerusalem there,
03:54 He is constantly taking them aside,
03:57 talking with them, trying to serve them
03:59 because He does not have too much time,
04:02 you know, to talk to them.
04:04 And He wants to tell them,
04:05 "I'm going to Jerusalem to die."
04:07 This is what will happen.
04:09 But evidently their interest was in something else.
04:12 So Glenn, I would like to ask you,
04:14 if you can take verses 1 to 6 of Chapter 18.
04:18 We're hearing Chapter 18 at this moment.
04:20 And we remember the disciples came with mixed motives--
04:23 Mixed motives etcetera.
04:24 With all kinds of other objectives.
04:26 They had some sincerity. Yes, we have to admit that.
04:28 They were sincere people.
04:30 But they also had some misunderstandings.
04:32 Matthew, Chapter 18, verse 1,
04:34 "At that time the disciples came to Jesus saying,
04:37 'Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?'
04:40 Jesus called a little child to Him,
04:42 set him in the midst of them, and said,
04:45 'Assuredly, I tell you, unless you are converted
04:48 and become as little children,
04:50 you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.
04:52 Therefore whoever humbles himself
04:55 as this little child is the greatest
04:57 in the kingdom of heaven.
04:58 Whoever receives one little child like this
05:01 in My name receives me.
05:03 "Whoever causes one of these little ones
05:06 who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him
05:09 if a millstone were hung around his neck
05:12 and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.'"
05:14 Okay. Let's try to understand something here.
05:17 When the disciples ask Jesus,
05:18 who is the greatest in the kingdom?
05:20 Who is the greatest in the kingdom?
05:22 Obviously God. Who has the power? Yeah.
05:25 Who is the greatest in the kingdom
05:27 that person will be next to Jesus in his kingdom.
05:30 They were fighting for position there--
05:33 there in the kingdom.
05:35 They thought that Jesus was to establish
05:37 that earthly kingdom, but Jesus surprised them.
05:42 They were interested in power,
05:44 but Jesus brings there in the midst,
05:46 He brings a child.
05:48 Now there is something different about
05:49 the eastern view about children,
05:51 in biblical times and children today.
05:53 We're used to when a child comes into the room,
05:55 our conversation stops in the center.
05:58 But, in ancient times the child was what?
06:01 When, when-- adults are talking
06:04 child does not have place there.
06:06 The child is outside.
06:07 It's all outside because--go, go and play,
06:09 you've nothing to do with adults.
06:10 So child is an example of the least.
06:13 Yeah, so Jesus invites the child and He says
06:17 if you do not humble yourself to be like this child,
06:22 you'll actually not
06:24 get into the Kingdom of Heaven. Can you imagine?
06:26 Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?
06:27 Jesus has--if you do not become like this child,
06:30 you don't--not that you're not great,
06:32 but you'll not find yourself there
06:34 in the kingdom of heaven.
06:35 So there is a contrast that we're seeing here.
06:38 They're asking about the greatness
06:40 and He's showing the least. Yes.
06:42 And now Jesus is making to move
06:45 from that Kingdom of Heaven,
06:47 He is moving now to the visibly.
06:49 You remember, we talked about the visible manifestation
06:52 of the Kingdom of Heaven
06:53 and that's actually what the church is.
06:56 And giving the practical instructions,
06:58 if you want to be the great in the kingdom,
07:01 now this is the way how you should live,
07:04 you should live in the church.
07:06 And one of the great problems
07:07 it's--been in so many times in our congregation
07:11 is that same old problem like the disciples
07:13 who is the greatest in my church,
07:15 in my community of faith,
07:17 and Jesus now gonna deal with it, all right.
07:19 So now let's go to what Jesus has done.
07:22 You'll notice how many times
07:25 Jesus uses here the expression "the little ones"
07:28 in verse 6, "The one who causes the little ones."
07:33 Then verse 10,
07:36 "See that you do not despise one of these little ones."
07:40 Let's go verse 14,
07:43 "So it is not the will of our Father who is in heaven
07:46 that one of these little one perishes."
07:49 What Jesus tries to make is that we must be aware
07:53 that in the church, there is a group,
07:56 the Jesus labels or Jesus refers to as the "little one."
08:00 Glenn, if the little ones
08:02 then how we should call another group?
08:04 Well, it's got to be greater.
08:05 The greater ones.
08:07 So there are two groups in the church.
08:10 And what Jesus tried to make very clear is,
08:14 if you are the great one in the church,
08:18 you'll be great by the way you deal
08:22 and you treat
08:24 those little ones there in the church.
08:26 So way to find out how faithful
08:30 I'm in following Jesus is the way I treat the least.
08:33 He's not just talking about age children here, is He?
08:36 Other synoptics,ther synoptics,
08:39 they has-- actually they contain
08:42 and then they mention some other instructions of Jesus.
08:44 When Jesus told them, do you see
08:46 the rulers in the world?
08:47 They take the power. They dictate.
08:50 And they rule other people.
08:51 Keep in mind, they ask who is great in the king of God?
08:55 Jesus said, "Great in the king of God is not the person
08:58 who has the power dictate, dominate other people.
09:02 No, he is the person who tried to treat
09:07 those little ones in the way the Jesus Christ treats them.
09:12 All right. He seems to understand
09:15 human nature very well. Yes.
09:18 And he understands how even though
09:21 we're like the disciples of chosen that follow Jesus.
09:24 We're still struggling. We're still not there yet.
09:28 Now Ranko, there might be little bit of surprise
09:30 where some people say, well the church should be perfect.
09:32 There should be no problems.
09:33 Was that the vision Jesus had?
09:37 Was He unrealistic about his followers?
09:39 Glenn, can we be reminded, we did not have a time
09:44 to go extensively to treat that text.
09:46 In Matthew Chapter 13, Jesus said,
09:49 the Kingdom of Heaven which is the church,
09:52 okay on the earth, that Kingdom of Heaven,
09:57 there are not only good seeds
09:59 but there are also tears.
10:01 And Jesus said
10:02 "until the very Second Coming of Christ,
10:05 the both groups will be in the church."
10:07 We don't want to do it.
10:09 It's not that God is happy because of that.
10:11 And Jesus does not predict that it must be.
10:15 But Jesus said, "This is the reality whether
10:17 we want to accept it or not."
10:19 But until the very Second Coming of Christ,
10:22 there will be two groups together
10:24 and it is only the Second Coming of Christ
10:26 that we'll make separation between the two members.
10:28 And the first thing, we've seen then is
10:30 that one of the things that has to make a difference
10:32 is that those of us in the community of faith need
10:36 to treat those on the fringes, those on the edges,
10:39 those who are the most likely to be
10:40 outcast or rejected.
10:42 How do we treat them?
10:43 Actually, if you notice here verses 7 to 10, the Jesus said,
10:47 "that those little ones, they are sinners."
10:49 There are people who have a problem,
10:51 they're not spiritually strong.
10:52 But Jesus says,
10:54 "If I'm spiritually strong and great person,
10:57 and if I'm a stumbling block to those people,"
11:00 do you know what it means stumbling block.
11:02 I can offend people, I can treat them harshly.
11:05 Jesus says, "Is better to me."
11:08 That these are-- Strong lines.
11:10 I'm--I'm afraid to reading those.
11:12 Jesus says, "Put the millstone out of your neck
11:15 and throw yourself in the lake.
11:16 It's better for you to lose this life
11:18 then you one day that you finish in that, in that hell,"
11:22 eternal fire that you just mentioned
11:25 at the Second Coming of Christ.
11:26 Fairly that compassion of Jesus
11:28 that we've seen several times in the gospel
11:30 cares deeply how we treat each other.
11:32 And Jesus cares about sinners. Yes.
11:36 By the way, in verse 12,
11:40 Jesus talks about those little ones
11:43 and he compares them with the lost sheep.
11:47 If you go to the gospe of Luke, Chapter 15,
11:50 we have the parable of the lost sheep.
11:52 But, you know, we've the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15.
11:55 We've the lost coin, and we've the prodigal son.
11:58 Who is the lost sheep in that context?
12:00 Is somebody who left the church and is sinner,
12:03 it's outside of the church,
12:04 and the shepherd goes through them?
12:05 In this context, this sheep is lost in the church.
12:13 The context and the metaphor that Jesus is using,
12:17 He is completely differing them
12:18 from the metaphor of Luke 15.
12:20 The people who are in the church,
12:22 they come, they smile, they have a tie,
12:25 they, you know, everything is nice.
12:26 They're all smiling when they come to a church,
12:28 but those people are lost in the church.
12:32 They've nominal name Christians,
12:35 but they've nothing to do Jesus Christ.
12:37 They are so much oppressed with the problems of this life
12:40 and Jesus says,
12:41 "if you're great in the king of God
12:44 it is your duty to go and to seek
12:48 and look for that sheep, find that sheep,
12:52 and restore her into the fellowship of the flock."
12:57 I'd like to read verse 14,
12:58 "Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven,
13:01 that one of these little ones should perish."
13:04 God's desire is that no one should perish.
13:08 What a beautiful picture! It's a beautiful picture.
13:11 As we, as we work through this process,
13:14 He wants us to catch the heart of God,
13:17 He wants us to have the love for the ones
13:18 who would perish just like the Father does.
13:21 There is something else.
13:22 In verse 13 says, when that strong one,
13:25 the great one into church finds that sheep
13:29 that is lost in the church, "He finds truly,
13:31 I say to you he rejoices over it more than over 99,
13:37 which have not gone astray."
13:39 There is a joy when a sinner comes back to God.
13:43 Now there is a question.
13:44 I know that the viewers are asking the question,
13:47 what does it mean that we go and seek for the sheep?
13:51 How we are supposed to seek that sheep?
13:53 I don't, I don't know, I don't know,
13:55 who is that little one that is lost?
13:57 Right after, right after the break Jesus give us
13:59 detailed instructions actually how to seek for the sheep.
14:02 Ranko, you've raised the question.
14:04 We're gonna have to come back for
14:05 the answer right after the break.
14:06 We'll be right back.


Revised 2014-12-17