Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)
Series Code: MTBOTB
Program Code: MTBOTB00013B
00:01 We're back to our series of the "Books of the Book"
00:03 exploring the Gospel of Matthew chapter 17. 00:06 Ranko, we were just looking at this experience. 00:09 And we noticed that the disciples, three of them, 00:13 chosen to have the special encounter with Jesus 00:16 as He's revealed in all of His eternal majesty and glory. 00:20 Now tell us how do they respond? 00:24 And what does He instruct them? 00:27 Evidently, these Transfiguration event 00:32 had two purposes, one was for the disciples. 00:38 I mean, can you imagine 00:41 you join Jesus for wrong reasons. 00:46 You have the evidence, this what happens to disciples. 00:51 You have the evidence, 00:52 all evidences that He is that Messiah, 00:55 he is the fulfillment of prophecy. 00:57 But you are with Him hoping that 00:59 He will establish His kingdom. 01:01 All right. And you will be 01:02 The Prime Minister there etcetera. 01:04 However they see your position from all sides are coming 01:08 and then when the disciple saw 01:10 there is nothing about that earthly kingdom. 01:13 We know when Jesus was crucified, 01:15 how much they were disappointed. 01:16 Well there. So the purpose of this 01:19 was to show to the disciples about the real nature of Jesus 01:26 who was-- so they see glorified Christ 01:29 as He was truly is there in the heavenly place. 01:33 So it was for-- you see 01:34 Peter fell down and he said, "Let's stay here." 01:37 They already felt like the kingdom of God. 01:40 When you're in the presence of glorified Christ, 01:42 you are already in the kingdom of God. 01:45 Worship is the response. Worship is-- 01:46 And to show the power of that 01:48 as it says in verse 9, "Now they came down, 01:51 Jesus said, tell the vision to no one", 01:53 until when, "until the son of man 01:56 has risen from the death." 01:57 That's exactly what they did. 01:59 So what happened here on the Mount of Transfiguration? 02:02 It was really to see Jesus in His glory. 02:04 Which Jesus? The same Jesus that Daniel saw 02:07 in chapter 7, "The son of man 02:09 coming in His glory there-- 02:10 The same one they would have sent to Heaven. 02:13 And what a comfort this must have been 02:14 and they shared that experience 02:16 to the other disciples after the resurrection. 02:18 So that's the first reason for the disciples. 02:20 But there is second reason. All right. 02:21 Evidently Matthew does not tell us the whole story, 02:26 actually what happened to Jesus? 02:28 The question is why did Moses and Elijah come here 02:33 to the Mount of Transfiguration? 02:35 Evidently number one is because Jesus came 02:39 as the fulfillment of what was written about Him in the law 02:47 and the prophets in the Old Testament. 02:49 So there is a continuity. There's continuity, Jesus came. 02:51 So now the representatives of the law and the prophets 02:57 are there to form his ministry but there's something more. 03:02 If we just stay here with the Gospel of Matthew, 03:04 we do not get the complete picture. 03:07 Glenn, let's go to the Gospel of Luke. 03:10 Okay. Luke who got the information 03:15 from Peter for I think his gospel-- 03:18 actually lets hear one element 03:21 which I believe that Peter provided to him. 03:24 It's chapter 17 of-- no sorry, 03:27 chapter 9 of the Gospel of Luke. 03:29 And I would like us to read from 28 to 31. 03:35 Luke chapter 9-- 9:28 to 31, 03:38 to see one element that is here added 03:42 that does not appear in the Gospel of Matthew. 03:44 "Now it came to pass about, eight days after these sayings 03:47 that He took Peter, John, and James 03:49 and went up to the mountain to pray. 03:51 And he prayed and as he prayed 03:53 the appearance of His face was altered, 03:55 and His robe became white and glistering. 03:57 And behold two men 03:59 were with him who were Moses and Elijah, 04:02 who appeared in glory and spoke of his decrease 04:06 which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. 04:09 But Peter and those around him were heavy with sleep." 04:12 It's okay now. Actually, 04:13 what are they talking about? 04:14 Let's put it a little bit later language. 04:17 They appear to Jesus talking about his departure. 04:23 The events associated with Jesus 04:27 that will take place there in Jerusalem. 04:29 What are they talking about? The Cross? 04:31 About the crucifixion of Jesus. 04:33 Doesn't it show a marvelously loving God 04:35 who sends these two messengers, from the realms of Heaven, 04:40 to encourage the Son and His journey to the Cross. 04:43 And I would like to take really few minutes 04:45 just to talk about that. 04:47 Why Moses, Elijah? 04:49 Of course, because of the disciples. 04:50 It was the affirmation of the prophecy. 04:55 Yes. The law and the prophets-- 04:56 But why Moses, Elijah because of Jesus? 05:00 What were they doing there with Jesus? 05:03 Can we use a little bit imagination? 05:06 You know, we saw that Jesus several times, 05:09 when He heard that John the Baptist 05:12 was killed then Herod was talking about him, 05:16 Jesus always goes with the solitary place. 05:18 Evidently, Jesus was so much in His thoughts 05:21 about what will happen in Jerusalem. 05:23 We know what happened there in the Garden of Gethsemane. 05:26 When Jesus human nature was overwhelmed, 05:30 "Father, if it is possible that this cup," 05:33 which was his death, "can pass by me". 05:37 Jesus evidently needed a special encouragement. 05:40 Keep in mind, just in very short time 05:42 he is there in Jerusalem, 05:44 he knows what will take place to him. 05:46 Now there is a question, why Moses and Elijah? 05:50 Who was Moses? 05:52 How many times Moses was discouraged? 05:58 How many times Moses worried? 06:02 And he needed a special encouragement from God, 06:06 especially, how Moses finished his life. 06:08 He worried, he will not enter the promise land. 06:11 Finally, after his death, 06:12 he realized that he was resurrected. 06:14 That actually God prepared something better for him. 06:17 So he's an example of someone who's resurrected 06:19 as Jesus will be resurrected. 06:21 Who can encourage somebody in better way that the person 06:25 who has gone through the same experience like that person? 06:27 What about Elijah? 06:28 How many times Elijah was discouraged? 06:31 Do you remember that? 06:32 After that great day of reformation, 06:35 he fled away far away Horeb 06:37 and God had to come to encourage him. 06:40 So can you imagine those two human beings 06:44 who are, according to the Bible, resurrected. 06:47 Moses-- Resurrected. 06:50 Resurrected. Elijah was taken alive. 06:53 Now they're coming here. Can I say something more? 06:57 During the Old Testament times when they were alive, 06:59 Jesus came to encourage them. Yes. 07:01 Now they are coming to encourage Jesus 07:05 on His way to Jerusalem. 07:07 And when I read this text I said, "Wow, I am amazed." 07:13 So there is a heavenly conversation that takes place 07:16 on that mountain on earth. 07:17 And inspiration is, kind of, close the door 07:20 to all that was said, but we know the topic. 07:23 The topic is the Cross. 07:26 Evidently, they tried to encourage Jesus 07:28 because Jesus was supposed also to die for them. 07:31 As Jesus has, as it says in the other gospels, 07:34 He's set his face towards Jerusalem. 07:36 He is going to the Cross to die. 07:39 Yes and it really amazes me with great amazement as-- 07:44 I'm using the language of the Bible. 07:46 I am astonished when I read this, 07:48 but there is another group, there is another camp. 07:51 The rest of the disciples are there under the mountain. 07:54 And finally Jesus with the "three" disciples 07:57 they're coming down and what's going on here? 07:59 And this is such a contrast, It's-- 08:01 there such an irony, a paradox here. 08:03 On the-- up on the mountain, 08:05 this vision of heaven, this wonderful experience 08:08 of transfiguration and they come down. 08:11 And boy, it's rough sometime 08:12 when we come down off the mountains. 08:14 I'm sure, Ranko, 08:15 you've had those times of mountain top experiences. 08:19 And then we come down to the valley 08:20 and when you come down, 08:21 let's see what happens here verse 14, 08:24 "And when they had come down to the multitude, 08:25 a man came to him kneeling down to him 08:28 and saying, 'Lord, have mercy on my son 08:31 for he is an epileptic and suffers severely, 08:33 for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. 08:36 So I brought him to your disciples 08:38 but they could not cure him.'" 08:41 So what's going on? Let me again-- 08:45 we have to make reasonable assumption what's going on. 08:48 Disciples were with Jesus, hey, for three and half years, 08:52 they participate with Jesus in heal activities. 08:55 We know that Jesus authorized them. 08:58 Remember that Jesus-- They went out on the Mission 08:59 Jesus sent them out. Yes. 09:01 According to the Gospel of Luke 09:02 they came back to Jesus and they said, 09:04 "The Lord, even the demons they obey us." 09:08 What is always the problem? Even the disciples-- 09:13 can I say something? Even the pastors. 09:16 People who are dealing with spiritual things, 09:19 they can come to the point of their life 09:23 take everything for granted, rely on their own abilities, 09:28 on their own power, and to do a routine work 09:32 of preaching with the gospel and helping people. 09:35 This is what happened with the disciples. 09:37 The person brought his demon possessed 09:40 and they said, "Don't worry. 09:42 We will now do it very, very fast. 09:46 Don't worry." But they had no power. 09:47 They had no power, It was a routine work. 09:51 Boy, when Jesus heard it, what did Jesus say? 09:54 "You unbelieving--" Keep in mind Jesus, 09:57 he's not talking here about the Pharisees. 09:58 Yes. He is talking about disciples. 10:00 "You unbelieving and perverted generation 10:04 how long shall I be with you?" 10:07 I don't know is Jesus here adressing the demons? 10:10 Not yet, Not yet. He's talking to the disciples. 10:15 Yes, But you know, Ranko, 10:16 let's not diminish the challenge to their faith. 10:19 Oh, yeah. 10:20 If someone came to them with this, 10:22 I mean, I've a friend of mine 10:24 who is a missionary in another place. 10:26 And someone came to him of pagan background. 10:30 Their son had died and he brought the baby 10:33 and said, "Do you believe in the resurrection? 10:35 Pray that he will be raised?" I mean, this is a time 10:39 to put up your faith or shut up. 10:41 It's a time to be tested. 10:42 A boy is brought and they say, "Heal him", 10:45 and they are powerless. Yeah. 10:47 It's a shocking thing when you find out 10:49 your faith is powerless. 10:50 And I think there may be somebody, 10:52 some listeners right now who've said, you know, 10:54 when it really comes down to it, 10:56 my faith doesn't have the power it should have. 10:58 How does Jesus deal with them? 11:00 So Jesus answered to them. 11:02 They asked Jesus, "Why we did not drive him out, 11:08 the demon?" and Jesus said, 11:10 "Because of littleness of your faith." 11:11 Which faith? If they had the faith, 11:13 they will kneel down, He said because this-- 11:19 Kind Of problem is solved how? By fasting and prayer. 11:25 Okay, He said, "If you have the faith, 11:28 then you will-- it's actually verse 21, 11:30 we are not sure about this text. 11:33 It's a faith, You see faith is not assumption. 11:36 Faith is-- what is the faith? 11:38 The faith is the gift that God gives to us. 11:41 And by faith, we are taking the promises of God. 11:44 Faith is not reliance on us, 11:46 the faith is the reliance on God. 11:48 Evidently the disciples they rely on themselves, 11:51 on their personally and also on the fact 11:54 they were associated with Jesus. 11:57 And Ranko, someone might be viewing right now 11:59 saying, "I feel little bit like that father." 12:02 I've come to the religious leaders, 12:04 I've come to my church leaders, 12:06 I've come to my pastor and I haven't seen the power 12:09 that there should be, What should they do? 12:11 Actually I will really follow the example of this person, 12:19 of this man, the father of this boy. 12:21 The disciples could not do anything. 12:25 He was disappointed with them. 12:27 But he didn't give up. 12:28 But believe me there is always 12:30 the final solution is come to Jesus Christ. 12:34 And I will say now to our viewers 12:37 as are you sometimes disappointed religious leaders? 12:41 You expect from them 12:43 to manifest the character of Jesus. 12:45 To show that greatness of the faith 12:46 to bring you to Jesus Christ. 12:48 But actually what you experience 12:49 is completely opposite. 12:51 It's not late yet, please come to Jesus Christ. 12:55 He is your savior, He is your only hope. 12:58 And in him you can have that salvation for your soul. |
Revised 2014-12-17