Books of the Book: Matthew

Jesus And Tradition

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00011B

00:01 Welcome back. We're exploring Matthew Chapter 14,
00:03 in the book of the Bible series here.
00:05 Ranko, we've talked about Jesus' compassion
00:07 for the multitudes, but He also cared about individuals.
00:10 Yes. Actually we already mentioned before the disciples
00:15 was very strange bunch of people.
00:18 They all had different issues and problems.
00:20 Their main interest was who will be
00:22 the first in the kingdom of God, et cetera,
00:24 and what the kind of patience, Jesus show towards them.
00:28 And it is actually the love of Jesus
00:31 that transformed their lives and these bunch of people,
00:34 I mean...It's-- they are actually
00:39 the core of the Christian church,
00:41 the foundation of the Christian church.
00:42 They are a lot like us
00:43 with their problems and their issues.
00:45 And we have the story of Peter,
00:47 who--a very familiar story who is drowning
00:50 and he cries out Lord save me.
00:52 Ranko, does God ever ignore that cry, Lord saved me?
00:57 Oh, I can say about my personal life,
01:00 how many times I was sinking.
01:04 And it was by my fault.
01:08 And when I cried to God, the Lord helped me, boy,
01:11 he's always, he's always there.
01:14 He hears the prayers of God's people.
01:16 And I would like to tell the viewers,
01:20 whatever your problem in life is,
01:22 that whatever that sinking means for you,
01:26 when you turn to God-- Yes.
01:27 And you ask for help, believe me your prayer
01:30 will not be left unanswered. Amen.
01:33 That's the God we serve.
01:35 Let's go on to Chapter 15, Ranko.
01:38 Let's explore a little bit the central issue
01:40 seems to be issues of tradition,
01:42 defilement, and so forth.
01:44 Help us understand that.
01:45 Actually it is interesting what just happened
01:48 just prior to that is Jesus feeds 5,000 people
01:53 with few loaves of bread and little fish.
01:57 If I'm there, I would really say,
02:01 this is demonstration of God's power. Yeah.
02:03 But you remember we were talking about the Pharisees.
02:07 They were breaking their relationship
02:08 with the Holy Spirit.
02:09 They were sinking deeper and deeper in their unbelief.
02:13 They're not looking about miracle of Jesus
02:15 as demonstration of that divine power.
02:19 They try to find something else.
02:21 So I would like you learn, if you can read from verse 1
02:23 as long as you can, then we will talk about that. Okay.
02:27 Its evidence that every part of God's revelation
02:30 through Jesus they're resistant.
02:32 They're resistant, yes.
02:34 Matthew Chapter 15 verse 1.
02:36 "Then the scribes and Pharisees,
02:37 who were from Jerusalem, came to Jesus saying,
02:40 why do your disciples transgress
02:42 the tradition of the elders?
02:44 For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread."
02:47 Glenn, can I interrupt you here for a while.
02:50 I don't know is the simply speculations,
02:52 but their belief is based on the reality.
02:54 When did the Pharisees see that disciples
02:59 eating with unwashed bread?
03:00 I believe it was a death miracle.
03:03 You remember that Jesus broke the bread,
03:04 gave to the disciples they had to distribute to people
03:07 and they were eating there, I believe,
03:09 I believe that this is a reflection,
03:10 maybe I'm wrong but I see strong connection here.
03:14 They don't look what Jesus was doing,
03:16 what God was doing for those people.
03:18 They were interested in something else,
03:20 and this is very, very sad situation.
03:21 You've got a strong point.
03:22 There's always someone to criticize your miracle.
03:24 Of course, of course. All right.
03:26 He said to them, "Why do you also transgress
03:29 the commandments of God, because of your tradition.
03:32 For God commanded, saying,
03:33 Honor your father and your mother,
03:35 and He who curseth his father and mother,
03:38 let him be put to death.
03:39 But you say, whoever says to his mother or father,
03:42 whatever profit you might have received
03:44 from me is a gift to God.
03:46 Then he need not honor his father and mother.
03:49 Thus you have made the commandment of God
03:51 of no effect by your tradition."
03:55 Until verse-- Hypocrites.
03:57 Well did Isaiah prophesy about you saying,
03:59 "These people draw near to me with their mouth,
04:02 and honor me with their lips,
04:03 but their heart is far from me and in vain they worship me,
04:07 teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."
04:10 When he had called the multitude to Himself,
04:13 he said to them, "hear and understand,
04:16 not what goes into the mouth defiles a man,
04:18 but what comes out of the mouth,
04:19 and this defiles a man."
04:21 Then His disciples came and said to Him,
04:24 "Do You know that the Pharisees were offended
04:26 when they heard these sayings?"
04:27 But He answered and said,
04:29 "Every plant which my Father has planted will be uprooted--
04:32 has not planted will be uprooted.
04:34 Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind.
04:37 And if the blind leads the blind
04:39 both will fall into the ditch." Until verse 20.
04:43 Then Peter answered and said to Him,
04:44 "Explain this miracle to us."
04:46 Excuse me this parable, back to the parables again.
04:49 So Jesus said, "Are you also still without understanding?
04:54 Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth
04:56 goes into the stomach and is eliminated,
04:58 but those things which come out of the mouth
05:01 and come from the heart, they defile a man.
05:04 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts,
05:07 murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts,
05:10 false witness, and blasphemies.
05:12 These are the things which defile a man,
05:14 but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man."
05:18 Okay, we have here very interesting episode
05:22 from the life of Jesus.
05:24 And unfortunately many Christians
05:26 are taking these episodes
05:28 they're joining these with very similar
05:30 from Mark Chapter 7, and Mark has one sentence
05:34 that he added that his own interpretation there,
05:37 they put it together to show how the coming of Jesus.
05:40 And his instructions the commandment
05:42 that Jesus gave actually Christians
05:45 are allowed to eat everything and that the dietary laws
05:48 of the Old Testament were abolished by Jesus.
05:52 Unfortunately such an interpretation
05:55 is not supported by the texts.
05:58 So in order to understand
05:59 what is going there in the text,
06:01 we have to analyze the parable,
06:03 what was the problem?
06:04 The Pharisees were watching the disciples,
06:08 how they were eating, so there was a food there,
06:10 they would come from outside, they are in the room.
06:13 They would grab the food and eat it.
06:16 Keep in mind.
06:17 According to the Jewish practice and their law,
06:22 Pharisaic Law, the disciples were supposed
06:25 first to wash their hands.
06:29 And let's clarify this is not an issue
06:30 about cleanliness here. This is about religious defile.
06:33 And we know that before we eat,
06:35 we have to wash our hands.
06:37 For sanitation but not for holiness.
06:38 But it is not about that.
06:40 It's very important to understand
06:42 what is washing meant?
06:43 You know, according to the Pharisaic rule,
06:45 you would put just in small container
06:48 just small like this, you would put water,
06:51 this we are talking about.
06:53 And then you would take it, you would put,
06:56 your hands like this and pour out the water
06:58 just a little bit, just a small amount of water,
07:01 it's not about washing.
07:02 You have to get these, so that water will go down
07:05 and that's spiritual uncleanness
07:07 would be washed from your hands going down.
07:10 And then you are ritually clean to eat, that water.
07:13 We are not dealing here with hygiene.
07:16 We are not dealing here about something
07:18 that today are, you know,
07:19 parents are teaching their children.
07:21 We are dealing with ritual that people established
07:25 and now the Pharisees are criticizing Jesus
07:29 that his disciples were eating
07:31 with those ritually unclean hands.
07:34 But there is something interesting
07:36 that Jesus points here, He says,
07:37 "You are criticizing My disciples
07:40 they are breaking the tradition,
07:42 at the same time you are breaking the law of God,
07:47 because of your tradition."
07:49 And Jesus is using here
07:51 a practical example of what they did.
07:53 The person would make--
08:00 had the duty to support his parents,
08:03 he would take that money, bring to the church.
08:05 He would not support the parents
08:06 but because of the tradition that was not,
08:09 you know, against the law of God.
08:10 Yeah, let's catch that point.
08:12 Out of hardheadedness, they would pretend
08:15 they're giving to God what they should have done
08:17 to care for their parents. Yes.
08:19 So what was Jesus response is?
08:24 It does not defile the person what goes into our body,
08:28 what comes out of the body,
08:30 it's not there, it's here is.
08:33 Here Jesus is not talking about clean or unclean food.
08:38 The text makes very clear in verse 20,
08:41 the--verse 19 and 20,
08:43 "For out of the heart come evil thoughts,
08:46 murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts,
08:49 false witness, slanders, these are the things
08:52 which defile the man,"
08:54 but to eat with unwashed hands,
08:57 Jesus is not talking here about the dietary laws.
09:00 He's talking about the Jewish tradition
09:03 eating with unwashed hands.
09:05 Okay, if Jesus says this does not defile
09:08 the human beings, so this text cannot be taken,
09:11 you know, in support of any abolishment
09:14 of those dietary laws
09:15 that are so clearly specified there in the Old Testament.
09:19 So when Matthew quotes Isaiah and says,
09:23 "And in vain they worship me,"
09:25 teaching his commandments,
09:28 teaching his doctrines and commandments of men,
09:30 he's really showing that their traditions,
09:32 their layers of rules were taking people away
09:37 from really following God.
09:38 Actually verse 18, what you are saying here,
09:41 Jesus says, where is that every plant--yeah,
09:47 verse 13, Jesus said,
09:50 "Every plant which My heavenly Father
09:54 did not plant shall be uprooted."
09:55 What is the plant that any tradition
09:58 that people established that is contrary to the law of God?
10:03 It did not come from God
10:05 and God will probably by the passing of the time,
10:08 God will make it obsolete and take away from people.
10:12 Glenn, can I ask you one question?
10:15 If we really here with the tradition,
10:16 is tradition important or not?
10:19 All of us have tradition, in fact,
10:21 good traditions are a blessing in our life.
10:23 Should the church have tradition? Sure.
10:25 So when we come to the church
10:28 and we begin first with singing hymns
10:32 and after that we kneel down and we pray,
10:35 that's, it's not in the Bible, we don't have such order,
10:38 is that important? Of course it is.
10:40 In most of our western part of the world,
10:42 we go to church 11 o'clock service, we call it. Sure.
10:45 Who decided 11 o'clock?
10:46 There's no scripture about that.
10:48 See, Glenn, tradition is important. Mm-hmm.
10:52 It comes from human experience
10:54 but the problem is when tradition becomes
10:58 the law of God and goes beyond the scriptures.
11:02 We know that many Christians in this world today,
11:05 they don't go to the Bible.
11:07 They simply try to find the answer to the question.
11:10 What we have been doing for centuries
11:12 and doing and we are breaking the law of God
11:16 because of our tradition is.
11:18 Jesus tried to tell us here,
11:20 the tradition will not save us,
11:23 it's only we stick to the law of God
11:25 and if we take what God said as the most important,
11:28 what the God says, the word of God
11:29 is the measure of everything
11:30 which we are doing in our lives.
11:32 By the way, we have the next text
11:33 that actually here follows.
11:34 The next story is such an amazing story.
11:37 It's especially close to me.
11:39 I grew up in the country of Lebanon,
11:40 which is where it takes place.
11:42 Uh, "Then Jesus went out from there
11:44 and departed to the region of Tyre and Sidon.
11:46 And He meets a woman a Canaanite."
11:49 The Jews have been rejecting,
11:50 resisting many of the people of the Jews.
11:52 "But now a Canaanite woman comes
11:54 from the region says have mercy on me,
11:56 O Lord, Son of David."
11:58 What a sweet sound that must have been in His ears
12:00 to have someone who's recognizing Him.
12:02 "My daughter is severely demon-possessed."
12:04 But His response of shocking, tell us about it, Ranko.
12:07 Yes. Uh, it's so interesting is here
12:12 that this woman comes to Jesus,
12:15 she wants to have, you know, healing for her daughter,
12:18 but Jesus said, "I'm sent just for the lost sheep of Israel."
12:22 Evidently it was here the test of the faith of this woman
12:27 but what kind of faith she manifested here,
12:30 that actually it is through her faith
12:32 that she received the answer that Jesus gave to her
12:36 and what she was looking for,
12:38 finally she found the Jesus Christ.
12:39 The shock of her surprise when he responds this way.
12:43 There must have been something in His eyes,
12:45 something in His voice that gave her some hope.
12:47 That He is saying these prejudice things
12:50 that His disciples believe,
12:51 but there's something else that gave her hope.
12:53 She was put on by people as unclean,
12:57 she was an outcast. She was rejected.
13:00 But Jesus Christ never rejects anybody.
13:03 I would like to say to the viewers,
13:06 I don't know what and the way people look up on you
13:10 but praise God we have a wonderful savior
13:13 and we always find a great friend and savior in Him.


Revised 2014-12-17