Books of the Book: Matthew

The Parable Of Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00010A

00:21 Hi, welcome to the Books of Book series here at 3ABN.
00:24 I'm Glenn Russell, your host.
00:25 Let's meet our teacher, Dr. Ranko Stefanovi?.
00:28 Ranko, it's a great journey
00:30 going through this Gospel of Matthew.
00:32 We got a lot ahead of us still.
00:35 What's been your experience
00:36 as we've been doing this here at 3ABN?
00:39 You've been a guest here before,
00:41 you'll be a guest again.
00:42 Tell us a little bit about this ministry,
00:44 you know, it's just been a joy for me.
00:46 How's it been for you?
00:47 Yeah, every time when I try to explain
00:51 the Gospel of Matthew,
00:53 I learn always something, and for me,
00:55 it's a growing spiritual experience.
00:57 And another aspect,
00:58 I really want to tell the viewers,
01:01 is to be with these wonderful people here.
01:03 I'm so much motivated to see how much they sacrifice,
01:06 how much they have a passion for this ministry.
01:09 We have to support it.
01:10 We have to do everything to make this program
01:14 and this-- This ministry--
01:17 This ministry, we have to make it really work.
01:20 Let's pray together as we begin our study.
01:23 Lord, we pray for 3ABN Television Ministry.
01:26 We pray for each viewer.
01:28 And Lord, we pray that now as we open Your word
01:31 that You'll be our teacher, that You'll be our guide.
01:34 We need Your Holy Spirit to help us understand
01:37 this wonderful gift of scriptures,
01:40 in Your name we pray, amen. Amen.
01:43 Ranko, we have been looking at Jesus.
01:45 We've noticed that
01:46 He is a powerful teacher and preacher,
01:49 but He's also a doer. He is a healer.
01:51 He's involved in ministry.
01:53 He is a Savior and compassionate.
01:55 He is one who fulfills
01:57 those many prophecies of the Messiah.
02:00 So Matthew has been painting this portrait of his Savior,
02:05 the one he followed as we say last time.
02:07 Give us a little idea of what do we begin
02:10 to see here in Chapter 13.
02:14 When we go to the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew,
02:16 do you remember what we read in Chapter 4, 4:23?
02:20 That Jesus went and He was teaching in the synagogues.
02:25 People were there, coming to the synagogue,
02:27 Jesus would teach them.
02:30 But more and more,
02:31 with every passing week the opposition
02:36 were rising against Jesus.
02:39 And the last time, we started in Chapter 11
02:42 that actually the Pharisees for the first time
02:46 stood in the position to Jesus
02:48 calling actually His work as the work of Satan.
02:53 And Jesus for the first time had to address
02:55 the Pharisees in the harsh way to give them warning
02:59 telling them that the blasphemy
03:01 against the Holy Spirit will never be
03:03 forgiven to any person, He meant to them, okay?
03:07 In this world or the world to come.
03:10 And actually, if we go to the rest of Chapter 12,
03:14 we will see that Jesus really made
03:17 those harsh things against the Pharisees.
03:19 So the door of the synagogues,
03:23 they were becoming more and more close, close to Jesus.
03:27 Jesus could not come to the synagogues
03:28 and teach any longer.
03:30 Jesus would go to the open space
03:32 and gives the teachings.
03:34 So can you imagine, Jesus is there teaching.
03:38 Who is there? We have people,
03:40 sometimes 1,000s of them, but on the other side
03:42 there are Pharisees spying on Jesus,
03:46 watching and measuring every word to Jesus said.
03:50 It is at that point that Jesus
03:52 changes the method of His teaching.
03:55 It must have been a sad and oppressive thing
03:58 that all the time
03:59 He's having to watch and worry about what He says.
04:02 Every word measured.
04:03 Because someone's trying to get you.
04:04 And you know, some of you may live
04:06 in a situation in a marriage,
04:08 in a work situation where it's tense
04:10 and you always have to be careful
04:12 because somebody's gonna take
04:13 what you say and twist it around.
04:16 Jesus knows what you're going through.
04:17 He experienced opposition much greater
04:20 and much greater extent.
04:21 Okay, Glenn, can I tell you something?
04:24 We are all the students of the Bible
04:25 and sometimes we study the Bible,
04:27 we discover the beautiful things about Bible
04:30 and we tried to proclaim it,
04:31 and it's so hard sometimes to go
04:33 and to preach it when you know
04:35 that they're people just sitting there,
04:36 instead of trying to see those nuance in the Bible,
04:39 they measure every word to find what is wrong,
04:42 to find one detail to disagree, et cetera.
04:44 This is such an experience that Jesus,
04:46 that Jesus went through.
04:49 May I read the beginning of Chapter 13.
04:50 "On the same day Jesus went out from the house
04:52 and sat by the sea and great multitudes
04:54 were gathered together to Him,
04:56 so that He got into a boat and sat,
04:58 and the whole multitude stood on the shore."
05:00 And then here's something new in verse 3.
05:02 "Then He spoke many things to them in parables."
05:05 Actually in Greek, it says, He began.
05:09 He started teaching them in parables,
05:12 so this is really the beginning.
05:13 Prior to that, we don't have any parables of Jesus.
05:16 We had short metaphors like to build us
05:19 in the summit of the mount, but not parables.
05:21 Now, for the first time,
05:22 we have Jesus changes the method of His teaching.
05:25 So we have to ask why, what's the reason?
05:27 First, let's explain what the parable really is.
05:30 The word parable in English
05:32 comes from the Greek, parabola.
05:35 Para means by or beside.
05:38 Bola means to cast.
05:39 So what is the meaning of the parable?
05:41 It means to cast beside.
05:43 You see, you have a saying which is enigmatic,
05:46 difficult and hard time to understand.
05:49 Then you cast, you put,
05:51 you throw an illustration beside
05:54 and that illustration really provides
05:57 the insight in that hard saying
06:00 what you're trying to say. This is what a parable is.
06:02 Parable is simply given to illustrate
06:05 something that is usually
06:06 hard to understand or hard to explain.
06:10 All right, so we got an idea of the word.
06:14 Why does He use this teaching technique?
06:16 So evidently, we already provide
06:18 that little bit of background.
06:21 There is a two-fold reason
06:24 and purpose of Jesus teaching parables.
06:27 The first one we saw,
06:29 it's because there are many spies measuring every word,
06:34 trying to distort everything
06:36 what Jesus said and spread them among the people,
06:39 so the first reason,
06:40 why Jesus used the parables was to disarm the hostility
06:45 of the listeners to introduce the teaching
06:48 and that Jesus could not be accused of something saying
06:51 that was inappropriate,
06:53 that was against the tradition, et cetera.
06:55 You know, you use the parable.
06:57 And you illustrate that saying, but people--
07:03 you cover yourself in many different ways.
07:06 So it was a way of teaching truth
07:07 but hiding some dimension because of the opposition.
07:10 Yes. All right?
07:12 There is also the second reason
07:14 why Jesus used the parables.
07:16 And it was to illustrate and to explain the truth.
07:21 This is really the main reason why Jesus used the parables.
07:26 So please, Glenn, allow me just to explain
07:30 what we mean that.
07:31 Number one, is to create interest among the listeners.
07:35 You know when pastor is there on the pulpit
07:37 and wants to attract the attention of the people,
07:39 you start using illustration and parable.
07:42 Boy, suddenly everybody is listening.
07:45 All ages, we all love it.
07:47 All the ages, children and adults.
07:49 Number one-- number two,
07:51 to create a truth concrete
07:53 through the commonly familiar real experience.
07:56 Jesus associated the truth with daily tasks.
07:59 I think that's such an important point,
08:00 Ranko, you're saying that,
08:01 Jesus in His observation of human life
08:04 found connections to heavenly things.
08:06 So heavenly things were explained through earthly.
08:08 Can you imagine,
08:10 I stand to preach here in North America
08:11 and I use illustration about the soccer game?
08:14 Yeah, that's not relevant to the people.
08:16 But if I use baseball, everybody will listen to that.
08:19 It's just, you know, an example.
08:22 Jesus used the illustration from daily life of people,
08:27 farmers, sowing the seed, fisherman, a fish,
08:31 women who are baking bread, et cetera.
08:33 So this is very important. Number three,
08:37 parables could be understood by everybody.
08:40 Everybody.
08:42 Children, adults, everybody can understand parables.
08:45 Number four, to clarify the message by teaching
08:48 unknown through known.
08:50 The Kingdom of God is like. Okay.
08:56 The next one, to enable listeners
08:58 to discover the truth for himself or herself.
09:02 This is not in the Gospel of Matthew.
09:04 You remember the parable of the Good Samaritan?
09:07 Who is my neighbor?
09:09 Can you imagine if Jesus said to that person,
09:11 even Samaritan is your neighbor.
09:15 And the explanation of Jesus
09:16 would be rejected from the very start.
09:18 So you're saying a parable
09:19 takes the listener on the journey
09:22 and they become part of the exploration of--
09:24 Jesus asked that person,
09:26 so who was the neighbor of these people who said,
09:29 "Do you want to help him?"
09:30 He did not want to use Samaritan.
09:33 Jesus said, "You go and do likewise."
09:36 Parable is a powerful tool.
09:38 And the last one,
09:40 to make listeners discover the truth for themselves
09:42 and to judge their own action.
09:46 By entering into the store. Entering, yes, yes.
09:49 It reflects back on themselves.
09:50 Reflects back. Okay. So we see this wonderful
09:53 concept of parables that He uses.
09:56 And what a lesson for us today.
09:58 I think all of us we, you know,
10:00 as you share your faith with someone,
10:01 you have someone you love, a family member,
10:03 someone at work, a neighbor,
10:05 You're looking for those connecting points.
10:07 You're looking for those things
10:09 that that will help you illustrate the things of faith
10:12 that mattered so much to you. This is part of mission.
10:15 This is part of service and ministry.
10:17 Yeah, I was-- several years ago,
10:22 I was at one scholarly meeting
10:25 and I heard how scholars were talking among themselves.
10:27 They said, "Boy, all these beautiful findings
10:33 that we bring out of the Bible."
10:35 They said, "We're talking to ourselves.
10:38 How we can make it available to the people?"
10:40 And then the conclusion was, you know,
10:42 these are scholarly people
10:44 don't want to listen to such things.
10:46 And they started discussing and said,
10:48 "But how is that?" And they mentioned some series
10:52 that are really based on stories.
10:55 How they have really great success
10:59 among ordinary people?
11:00 And then they asked, "Why don't we do something
11:02 similar about the Bible studies?"
11:05 And it impacted my teaching.
11:07 When I'm in the classroom,
11:09 of course, sometimes, theology,
11:12 exegesis can be hard and can be boring.
11:17 But I learned something from Jesus.
11:19 I try always to use illustrations.
11:23 Everything what we go
11:25 and deal with the text and try to explain,
11:27 I support it with illustration.
11:30 And boy, my students or my camp meeting audience,
11:35 or when you preach a different church as they said,
11:37 "Wow, suddenly that difficult text becomes clear.
11:41 It becomes close, close to you."
11:43 All over the world and all the cultures stories work.
11:45 And God keeps using stories, yes.
11:47 That's what the Bible is. Yes.
11:48 A Book of the Story of Redemption, you know.
11:51 So Jesus uses these parables.
11:52 He spoke many things to them in parables.
11:55 Now it's interesting you mentioned
11:56 that the parable helps people understand for themselves
12:01 but apparently some people
12:03 didn't always understand, others did.
12:05 So there is some hiddenness
12:07 that sometimes He explains to disciples privately.
12:10 There are some parts of the story
12:11 that not everybody understands publicly.
12:14 So it's quite complex and a wonderful tool
12:18 that He uses to communicate His message.
12:21 Yeah. Talking about the parables,
12:25 we have to understand
12:27 that Jesus did not invent always those parables.
12:31 There are books written.
12:32 And you can see, that many of the parables
12:34 that actually Jesus spoke were already used
12:37 by Rabbis, et cetera, but what Jesus did.
12:39 Jesus simply didn't go and took those parables.
12:42 Jesus always changed their meanings.
12:46 If those parables that Rabbis preached
12:47 where negative, you know,
12:49 Jesus always turned into a positive, et cetera.
12:52 So Jesus really was in the line
12:54 of the common trend of teaching,
13:00 but actually what Jesus did,
13:03 it's something that couldn't be compared
13:05 with any teaching of the Rabbis or any other teachers
13:10 that were during those time delivering their teachings.
13:15 So what Jesus did really was a unique during that time.
13:18 No wonder, no wonder, you have 5,000 people,
13:22 you have 4,000 people.
13:24 For three days, there were almost
13:26 mesmerized by Jesus' teaching.
13:28 They were sitting there.
13:29 They even forgot on their daily necessities like food.
13:31 They have not eaten for three days
13:33 by listening there to Jesus.
13:35 And they responded, they responded,
13:37 they decided to follow Jesus and to be His disciples.
13:40 It says here that the multitude
13:42 stood on the shore to listen to Jesus.
13:44 There was not enough room for them.
13:46 And so this shows the response
13:50 Jesus had a hearing to the people.
13:52 He was speaking to their needs,
13:53 not something irrelevant,
13:54 far off abstract things as you said.
13:56 He took abstract things and brought them
13:59 close into their world, into their lives.
14:01 Through the parables,
14:03 Jesus brought the heavenly truth down to the earth
14:06 that people can understand and accept it.
14:08 Well, I want to learn a little bit more about those parables.
14:10 We're gonna take a break right now
14:11 and then we're gonna come back
14:13 and explore a little bit more
14:14 of Chapter 13 of the Gospel of Matthew.
14:17 We'll be right back.


Revised 2014-12-17