Books of the Book: Matthew

The Sermon On The Mount

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00007B

00:01 We're back in the Gospel of Matthew,
00:02 exploring the meaning of Matthew 5:48.
00:05 Ranko Stefanovic, help us to understand
00:07 a little bit more of the context leading up to this verse.
00:10 So we saw that Jesus is dealing here with popular concept,
00:15 what is right and what is not right.
00:17 And He mentions that the followers,
00:19 His followers, the citizens of the kingdom,
00:22 they don't behave according to the popular concept of morality.
00:27 Their relationship with God,
00:29 the right living is defined by God's standards.
00:33 And now Jesus comes to the last synthesis.
00:37 Glenn, Let's go to verse 48, what He said.
00:40 He said-- Verse 48. All right.
00:41 48, he says, "Therefore you are to be perfect
00:46 as your Heavenly Father is perfect."
00:50 You ask about this text.
00:51 Glenn, what is probably the keyword here in this text?
00:55 Well, the first word "Therefore."
00:57 "Therefore." What does it mean "Therefore?"
00:59 Now many people say the keyword is perfect.
01:01 Glenn, you please very often.
01:02 Can you stand there on the pulpit and begin sermon,
01:05 and you begin sermon "Therefore"?
01:08 We would have no context.
01:09 There's no context, "Therefore" always comes
01:11 after something that was said before and you build it.
01:14 Actually another word for "Therefore",
01:16 it means, in the light of the foregoing
01:18 what we've just said.
01:19 Let me now make a conclusion.
01:21 So it means this word,
01:23 "You are to be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect."
01:28 Is the conclusion, what Jesus said before,
01:30 and it is found in the context of the last, these antithesis.
01:34 So, can you read from verse 43.
01:36 "You've heard that it was said,
01:39 'You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.'
01:41 But I say it to you, love your enemies
01:43 and bless those who curse you,
01:44 do good to those who hate you,
01:47 and pray for those who spitefully use you
01:49 and persecute you that you may be
01:51 sons of your Father in heaven.
01:54 For He makes the Sun rise on the evil and the good,
01:57 and sends rain on the just and the unjust.
02:01 For if you love those who love you,
02:02 what reward have you?
02:04 Do not even the tax collectors do the same?
02:07 And if you greet your brethren only,
02:10 what do you do more than others?
02:12 Do not even the tax collectors do this?
02:14 Therefore, you shall be perfect,
02:17 just as your Father in heaven is perfect."
02:19 Okay, let's address one issue,
02:21 it was number of years ago,
02:23 that some people who read the Gospel they said,
02:26 "You see the Gospel,
02:27 they don't give the historical reality."
02:29 Among the Jewish people at the time of Jesus,
02:31 there was never, never teaching.
02:35 "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemies."
02:37 However, with the discovery of the Qumran writings,
02:41 it came to the light that those people,
02:44 they really were teaching is
02:46 "You should hate the sons of darkness
02:50 and love only the sons of light."
02:53 So finally it was brought to the light
02:55 that actually this concept was very much present
02:59 among the Jewish people at the time of the Jesus.
03:02 And now Jesus goes on what is that we have here.
03:07 What is the popular standard according to Jesus?
03:09 The popular standard is that "You love your enemies,"
03:14 that "You don't love your enemies.
03:15 You just love those who are very, very close to you.
03:19 And isn't that the way much of the world operates today.
03:22 We see many societies and cultures
03:24 that still practice that way.
03:25 Okay, let me tell you, Jesus said,
03:27 if I'm a Christian and I'm white,
03:32 and I love only people who are of same skin color as I am,
03:37 then what is the difference between me
03:39 and those who are not Christians?
03:40 This is what they're doing.
03:42 If I like only people who love me,
03:45 who treat me well, who are very close to me,
03:48 neglect others people, that's what everybody does.
03:51 Yeah. Believe me, even, even the most criminals,
03:55 they know to love their families and to their friends.
03:58 But you see, the difference between Christians
04:01 and those who do not follow Jesus Christ
04:03 is that they love both good and bad people.
04:07 They love tax collectors, they love the righteous people,
04:10 they love everybody because of that love of Jesus
04:13 that is in their life.
04:14 And after that... and then Jesus said in verse 47,
04:19 "If you greet only your brothers,
04:23 what are you better than Gentiles."
04:25 Because they are doing, doing in the same way.
04:29 Verse 46 "If you love only those who love you,
04:33 who respect you, what reward do you have?
04:37 Do not even the tax collectors do the same?"
04:40 It seems, Ranko, that you're saying
04:42 in many cases people were saying
04:44 "Well, let me compare my love
04:45 with what everybody else is doing?" Yeah.
04:47 But Jesus is now entering, introducing a new measurement,
04:51 "Don't measure yourself by what everyone else is doing",
04:54 but here it says, "As your Father in Heaven."
04:56 Apparently the Father loves differently with the rain,
04:59 and the just and the unjust.
05:01 The Father treats people differently.
05:03 You see what we have here is, my Christianity,
05:08 my relations with people is not defined by the popular culture.
05:12 Yes. By the popular behavior,
05:14 and attitude that people have in the world,
05:16 is defined by the way how God treats people.
05:20 And how is that God treats people in verse 45,
05:24 "So that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven;
05:27 for He causes the Sun to rise on the evil and the good,
05:31 and sends the rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."
05:34 And now let's go to verse 48, "Therefore,"
05:39 if God loves old people,
05:42 good and bad, righteous and unrighteous,
05:45 God loves, therefore you are supposed to be perfect
05:52 as your Father who is in Heaven.
05:54 So verse 48, Glenn, is not about the moral perfection
05:59 as God is sinless, I must become sinless.
06:02 If that's the text, then Jesus puts
06:04 something to us which is impossible.
06:07 Jesus never taught it.
06:09 Actually the same text, you remember that we mentioned
06:12 that there is another version
06:13 of the "Sermon on The Mount" in the Gospel of Luke.
06:15 In Chapter 6, verse 36 of the Gospel of Luke,
06:19 the same statement, the same quote that Jesus made says,
06:24 "Be merciful just as your Father is merciful."
06:30 This is what perfection is.
06:31 It means, treat people, be perfect in your attitude
06:36 toward people as God is with regard.
06:38 You know, there is an old Gospel song
06:40 that has come to my mind as you're sharing that,
06:42 there is a wideness in God's mercy. Yes.
06:44 Sometimes we as Christians haven't reflected that wideness,
06:48 that generosity, that graciousness of God.
06:53 Ranko, we don't have much more time--
06:54 But Glenn, Glenn, when I know how God is patience,
06:58 patient with me, I know what God did for me, my sin
07:01 despite the fact that I did not deserve it
07:04 and now I had become a Christian
07:07 and I try to put people down,
07:09 because of their shortcomings, because of sins.
07:12 No, Jesus said, "Be merciful as your Father is merciful."
07:19 All right, where else do we need to go?
07:21 We have to go to the rest of the Sermon on the Mount"
07:23 in a few minutes that is left.
07:25 Actually the entire "Sermon on the Mount"
07:27 is it goes according to so called chiastic structure.
07:31 When the first part matches the last part,
07:33 the next one, the next one,
07:35 and we come to the center,
07:36 center usually the most important.
07:38 Do you know what comes at the center
07:39 of "The Sermon on the Mount?"
07:41 I have here this chiastic structure in my notes,
07:43 actually is the Lord's prayer.
07:46 Do you know what is at the center of the Lord's prayer?
07:51 It's how to forgive to people,
07:53 forgive them their debts as God has forgiven to us our debts.
07:59 Actually, this is really what the entire sermon is all about.
08:03 As we are making survey through that is what Jesus,
08:07 Jesus try to show in rest of the sermon is,
08:11 when we have relationship with God,
08:13 when we are the citizens of the kingdom.
08:17 when we pray, it will not be public to make display,
08:22 we are praying to God. Okay.
08:24 When we help people, it will not to be
08:26 because I want my business to prosper,
08:29 because I see human needs, I want to help.
08:32 When I fast, it's because of my relationship with God.
08:35 It's not to make, to make it public.
08:37 When I belong to God, the end of Chapter 6,
08:42 I don't worry about tomorrow,
08:44 I plan my life what I will do tomorrow.
08:48 I try to organize my life but I don't worry
08:51 because all my life is put into God's hands.
08:56 I know that God cares as he cares
08:58 according to the end of this text.
09:00 God cares for birds,
09:02 God cares for grass in the field,
09:04 God cares for flowers, etcetera.
09:08 God cares for me and Jesus said
09:10 "But seek first the kingdom,"
09:14 we are the citizens of the kingdom.
09:16 "Seek the kingdom and His righteousness
09:19 and all these things will be provided to you."
09:22 There is this constant balance between
09:25 the vertical and the horizontal,
09:27 our relationship with others, our relationship with God.
09:29 And they are constantly intersecting
09:31 here throughout the sermon.
09:32 And this sorted relationship with God
09:35 always results this sorted relationship
09:37 with fellow human beings.
09:40 Now we have the conclusion of the "Sermon on the Mount."
09:42 All right. Let's go to it.
09:43 Do you remember how we began the sermon?
09:45 There is the difference between those
09:49 whose life is defined by their relationship with God,
09:54 they are blessed, they have a joy in these life
09:58 and from those whose journey these lives
10:02 is defined by external circumstances.
10:05 Now this is exactly how the "Sermon on the Mount" concludes.
10:08 Glenn, can you do it? Very--
10:11 Okay, let's go to story of the two builders.
10:13 Twenty four.
10:14 Matthew 7:24, "Therefore whoever hears
10:16 these sayings of Mine, and does them,
10:18 I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock,
10:22 and the rain descended and the floods came,
10:24 and the winds blew and beat on that house,
10:26 and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
10:30 But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine
10:31 and does not do them, will be like a foolish man
10:34 who built his house on the sand,
10:36 and the rain descend, and the floods came,
10:38 and the winds blew and beat on that house and it fell.
10:41 And great was its fall.
10:44 And so it was, when Jesus ended these sayings,
10:46 that the people were astonished at His teaching,
10:48 for He taught them as one having authority,
10:51 and not as the scribes."
10:52 So, Glenn, we have here two houses and two builders.
10:57 Okay, one house is built on sand,
10:59 you know, when we were in Israel there.
11:01 To build on the sand it's so convenient,
11:03 you just do quickly there in the sand, etcetera.
11:05 you put there, you can build
11:06 that house very, very fast, etcetera.
11:09 But in Palestine in the time of Jesus,
11:11 if you wanted to have a stable house,
11:13 you have to carry all that material
11:15 on your shoulder there on the rock.
11:16 It was very inconvenient. Yes.
11:18 And finally, you build those two houses.
11:20 There is no difference between the two houses.
11:23 It seems. There is no difference.
11:25 Yeah. They're all etcetera.
11:28 But how do you know about the quality of those houses.
11:31 Jesus said, when the storm comes,
11:34 when the flood comes, only the house that is built
11:38 on the foundation of Jesus Christ on the rock
11:42 because in the Bible God is the rock.
11:45 Jesus is the rock.
11:47 Only the house that is built on him,
11:49 you see the sand are the external circumstances of life.
11:52 If my Christianity, if my happiness is built
11:57 on the popular concept of the world in which I live.
12:01 Build on external circumstances,
12:04 of course, I can be good Christian
12:06 when everything is okay.
12:08 But when hardship comes into my life,
12:11 then the difference will be shown.
12:14 Actually, it is with these two metaphors
12:17 that Jesus makes an appeal to His listeners to tell them,
12:22 "You have to make the choice, what is the foundation?
12:27 On which you are building the house of your life."
12:31 It's a great question for each one of us, Ranko
12:33 to think about how we're building our lives?
12:35 What's our foundation?
12:37 Glenn, I would like to conclude with this,
12:39 to invite our viewers-- is the question is,
12:43 what is the foundation
12:45 upon which you are building your house?
12:49 I know that in my life,
12:51 so many times I built on the external circumstances.
12:55 When accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior,
12:58 everything made the difference.
12:59 Please, choose Jesus Christ today.


Revised 2014-12-17