Books of the Book: Matthew

The Sermon On The Mount

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00007A

00:21 Hi, I'm Glenn Russell,
00:22 welcome to our exploration of the gospel of Matthew.
00:27 This is part of 3ABN series entitled Books of the Book.
00:31 And it's been a fascinating journey so far,
00:33 with our teacher Dr. Ranko Stefanovic,
00:36 as we've been digging in through this wonderful, wonderful book.
00:39 There is just so many under, depths of meaning that,
00:43 we're not even able to touch so much of it.
00:45 And especially today we'll find that challenge.
00:47 We're into one of the most powerful passages,
00:50 the sermon on the mount of Jesus in Matthew Chapter 5.
00:53 Ranko, it's a marvelous thing to explore, this sermon.
01:00 You've preached a lot of sermons.
01:01 I've preached a few.
01:04 Never have I ever been able to match
01:07 the beauty, the depth, the symmetry.
01:09 This is just a marvelous document, isn't it?
01:12 Yeah, no wonder that even many in non-Christians
01:18 and I lived in completely different political system
01:22 that was fighting against God.
01:24 But actually they stick to the Sermon on the Mount,
01:27 they said, this is the masterpiece,
01:29 how people, people should live.
01:31 And really here we have, that Jesus describes,
01:34 the characteristics of the citizens of His kingdom.
01:37 It's a masterpiece,
01:38 we need the master to help us understand.
01:40 Let's pray together.
01:42 Lord, as we go through Your word.
01:44 We want Your word to come through to us.
01:47 Not human opinions, not our own speculations
01:51 we want to understand what You have
01:54 given to us in the scriptures.
01:57 Lord, be with us now as we study,
01:59 as we explore, as we learn and most of all,
02:02 may we be doers of your word, in Jesus name, amen.
02:06 Ranko, we've been walking through the gospel of Matthew.
02:09 We're in Chapter 5, we've seen that Jesus presents here
02:12 these beatitude a radically new way of looking at life.
02:16 A new way of living, a new way of thinking
02:18 about God and following Him,
02:21 a way they will turn us into light
02:24 and salt to make a difference.
02:25 You see, Glenn, as we mentioned,
02:27 ancient Greeks they believed that the people
02:31 are spared [02:31] of how much of farthey're blessed.
02:34 The Jews were not quite different.
02:36 Wealth was a sign from God.
02:39 Yeah. Poverty was a curse.
02:44 But Jesus radically changes this concept,
02:47 telling that people are not
02:51 because of external circumstances.
02:53 People are because of their internal relationships,
02:57 their internal connection with God.
02:59 What God did that's not around them,
03:02 what God does personally with them.
03:06 All right, let's go on now with Matthew Chapter 5
03:08 and I like to read verses 17 through 20.
03:12 "Do not think that I came to destroy
03:14 the Law or the Prophets."
03:15 Now, we must remember, Jesus speaking.
03:17 "I did not come to destroy the law of the prophets,
03:20 I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
03:23 For assuredly, I say to you,
03:25 till heaven and earth pass away,
03:27 one jot or one tittle will by no means
03:30 pass from the law till all is fulfilled.
03:34 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least
03:36 of these commandments, and teaches men to do so
03:38 shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven.
03:41 But whoever does them and teaches them,
03:44 he should be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
03:46 For I say to you that unless you're righteousness
03:50 exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees,
03:53 you will by no means enter heaven."
03:55 Now let me just ask one question,
03:57 the people of Jesus day
04:00 thought that the Pharisees were pretty good folks.
04:02 We don't have the same view today.
04:04 But they thought that the Pharisees were pretty good.
04:06 Jesus is raising another standard.
04:08 Actually Pharisees were very good people.
04:12 They were very--
04:13 But you see when people read the Bible
04:15 they get different picture of the Pharisees,
04:18 and so many times unfortunately in Christians they say,
04:21 you see the gospel as they do not present
04:24 the correct picture of the Pharisees.
04:25 That's not true.
04:27 The gospel is they do not deal
04:28 with the Pharisees in general terms.
04:31 They deal with special groups of the Pharisees.
04:33 You see the Pharisees and Sadducees
04:35 they hated each other.
04:36 They don't like each other.
04:38 They can't understand each other.
04:39 Their philosophy mindset was completely different.
04:41 But in the gospels you have always certain Pharisees
04:44 and the Sadducees they're always together.
04:48 Jesus addresses a particular group of the Pharisees.
04:53 Not all the Pharisees in general.
04:55 Many Pharisees actually they accept Jesus
04:57 like Nicodemus or Joseph of Arimathea.
05:03 And in the Book of Acts
05:04 many Pharisees they became Christians, yes.
05:06 But they often were in conflict
05:07 with Jesus over the issue of law.
05:09 Help us see now,
05:10 how does Jesus address the issue of the law.
05:14 Did Jesus come to do away with the law?
05:17 Jesus makes very clear that actually
05:21 He did not come to abolish the law.
05:24 This is strange that many Christians
05:26 go in the Sermon on the Mount.
05:27 Actually they argue when Jesus came
05:31 that He brought the end to the law.
05:35 But Jesus makes very clear,
05:36 but we have something to admit,
05:38 what kind of law, the law does Jesus talking about?
05:46 It says, the law and the prophets
05:48 actually this is not about really Ten Commandments.
05:50 The law and the prophets in the Bible
05:52 means actually the entire Old Testament.
05:56 So Jesus came not to abolish the Old Testament,
06:01 its significance and meaning, Jesus came to fulfill
06:05 all those Old Testament prophecies.
06:07 Do you remember we talk,
06:08 that the purpose of the gospel of Matthew
06:10 is to show that actually Jesus was the fulfillment
06:13 of all those Old Testament prophecies.
06:16 Of course, a part
06:19 of that Old Testament are the commandments.
06:22 The Ten Commandments that are later
06:24 elaborated in the text.
06:25 And He repeatedly says,
06:27 "you've heard that it was said, but I say to you."
06:29 "But I say to you..." Actually the key text here is,
06:34 "I say to you," it's a verse 20.
06:38 "I say to you, that unless your righteousness surpasses
06:44 that of the scribes and Pharisees,
06:46 you will not enter the kingdom of heaven."
06:52 Then something I learned, very interesting.
06:54 I don't know if you notice it.
06:55 That Jesus does not indicate
06:57 the Pharisees did not have righteousness.
07:01 They had the righteousness.
07:03 They really were engaged
07:06 in studying the Torah and the law.
07:09 But what was the problem?
07:11 They tried to stick to the letter of the law.
07:14 The law says, you shall not kill.
07:16 They did not kill.
07:18 But Jesus indicates here in all these passages
07:22 that actually a person can be guilty of killing
07:26 without taking somebody's life.
07:29 So he's taking it to deeper level
07:32 and restoring the meaning,
07:33 because it must have been bit of a shock for His listeners.
07:36 For them to hear, look you got to be more spiritual
07:40 than the most spiritual person they knew or more religious
07:43 than the most religious people they knew.
07:45 How is that possible?
07:46 No, actually here it comes
07:48 a radical shock to all the Pharisees.
07:53 Jesus first said, I did not come
07:56 to abolish the law and the prophets.
07:58 Second, He recognizes
08:00 the righteousness of the Pharisees.
08:02 But actually Jesus, can I say that,
08:05 Jesus is more legalist than the Pharisees.
08:08 You better explain that one, Ronko.
08:09 It's better. Why?
08:11 Because for Jesus it's not only not to commit adultery
08:16 to have physical act of sexual relationships.
08:20 Jesus said that the person can commit adultery
08:23 even in his own thoughts.
08:25 So Jesus goes much, much deeper.
08:27 You see Jesus does--
08:30 the difference between the Jesus and the Pharisees
08:32 is that the Pharisees paid attention
08:35 to the external performance of the law.
08:38 Jesus internalizes the law and he intensifies the law.
08:44 Do you see the difference? Yes.
08:45 I wanna catch and make sure we catch these two words.
08:47 Internalizing and intensifying.
08:50 It's a higher standard. But it's an internal standard.
08:53 In that sense what I say
08:55 that Jesus is more legalist than the Pharisees.
08:58 But in positive way, you know, not in negative way.
09:01 Now there is so much here in this Sermon on the Mount
09:05 that we could talk about that's so powerful.
09:08 Every Christian should read this regularly.
09:10 Oh yeah. Regularly, regularly.
09:12 But theirs is also some puzzling parts.
09:15 Matthew Chapter 5, verse 48 for example. Yeah.
09:20 Is one that there is a lot of struggles over.
09:24 Can you help us with that one a little bit,
09:26 because, you know, true or false
09:29 if you ask your students this question?
09:30 Does God want us to be perfect?
09:33 You know, some people say no we should strive our best
09:36 and then we'll quote this phrase.
09:39 So can we move up to that
09:41 and lead us into that discussion.
09:43 You see, Glenn, the starting point
09:47 for understanding of this what Jesus said in 5:48
09:50 it's really verse 20.
09:51 If your righteousness does not exceed
09:56 the righteousness of the Pharisees.
09:59 You know, I would like to remind our viewers
10:02 that we talk about that before we understand
10:04 what the text means to us today.
10:07 We have to understand
10:09 what the text meant to those people of this time.
10:13 If we want really to make this text relevant to us,
10:15 we can ask what kind of righteousness.
10:19 My right shouldn't exceed the right of the Pharisees.
10:21 We don't have the Pharisees today.
10:23 But let's make sense of that,
10:25 what was the righteousness of the Pharisees?
10:27 Jesus said in verse 21,
10:29 "You have heard you shall not commit the murder."
10:33 But in verse 22, Jesus says,
10:36 "Whoever is angry with his brother.
10:40 He is already guilty of murder."
10:44 Or we go to verse 27,
10:48 "You have heard it was said
10:50 you shall not commit adultery."
10:52 And you can say, you know, I'm pure.
10:56 I'm not guilty I never commit adultery.
10:58 But Jesus said at the judgment day
11:00 many will be found guilty of adultery
11:03 because they did not have an opportunity to do it
11:06 but they did everything in the thoughts.
11:10 Then in verse 31 Jesus talks about a common way
11:14 among the Pharisees to the verse
11:16 why for any reason.
11:18 But that Jesus said, and you see,
11:20 we call it antithesis.
11:21 Jesus said, you heard this is the popular opinion.
11:26 This is the popular view.
11:27 But Jesus said, the Christians are not those
11:31 who behave according to the popular morality,
11:36 according to the popular standard of honesty,
11:39 the popular way of life.
11:41 The Christians behave by asking the question,
11:44 is this God's will for us?
11:47 What is God's will for me to do in this life?
11:51 And now we're coming to you question,
11:54 the last of all these things Jesus said,
11:57 "You have heard that it was said."
12:00 Verse 38, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
12:06 Jesus here quotes
12:08 the Old Testament law. Old Testament law.
12:10 But you see, that Old Testament law
12:12 was given to the court and to the judges.
12:17 Not to, for personal relationship among the people.
12:20 Unfortunately, all this antithesis here
12:23 they do not deal with the law of God,
12:25 they deal with the forsake system of the law.
12:29 Their interpretation, the interpretation of the law,
12:32 that was the standard that was the norm
12:34 that they established in the society,
12:36 but the followers of Jesus,
12:38 can I say, the Christians today.
12:39 They do not behave according to the popular standard
12:43 that the people sets, they behave according
12:45 to the standard that God set for them.
12:49 So it means it's not minimum,
12:52 it's not about the letter of the law,
12:56 it's about that inner attitude toward God.
12:58 Can you explain that one?
13:00 See I got married very long ago,
13:03 next year will be our fortieth anniversary.
13:06 I marry to the beautiful wife and we got married.
13:13 We did not write any rule
13:16 that I will have to follow
13:17 in order to be legally right before my wife.
13:21 But I still keep all those rules, why?
13:24 Because I love my wife.
13:26 In my marriage, I am not trying to do minimum,
13:30 you see, the birthday comes
13:32 I have to buy something to my wife.
13:34 Let me go and buy something for five dollars
13:36 and something to do for my wife.
13:38 I try to do something,
13:39 the best and the most that I can buy for my wife.
13:42 Does it make sense? I hope she's listening.
13:44 Because my relationship with my wife
13:46 are defined by that inner connection,
13:49 inner relationships that we have.
13:51 In that way your righteousness exceeds
13:56 that minimum that you can do.
13:57 This is exactly what the Pharisees were doing.
14:00 Were keeping a very relationship perspective. Yes.
14:03 That our attitudes, our behavior's
14:05 not the only measurement.
14:07 It's also the motivation behind it,
14:09 the desire the relationship with it.
14:11 Well, you've still not fully answered
14:13 the question to my satisfaction.
14:15 So dig into it a little bit more
14:17 right after our break here, we'll be right back.


Revised 2014-12-17