Books of the Book: Matthew

The Beatitudes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00006B

00:01 We're back exploring the-- gospel recorded in Matthew.
00:04 We're in Chapter 5 looking at the beatitudes.
00:07 Take us on from where we've been Ranko.
00:09 So we understood so far that actually the word Makarios
00:16 which means a blessed refers to the people
00:20 who have difficulties in this life,
00:22 but telling them they're not blessed
00:23 because they've their difficulties they're blessed,
00:26 because they know God, they follow God,
00:29 God is with them during those difficulties.
00:31 So despite of the difficulties,
00:33 Glenn, what is that, that make a person happy in his life?
00:38 Our relationships mainly.
00:40 Actually are the external circumstances.
00:44 External circumstance, they make us happy.
00:46 Well, temporarily.
00:47 But they make us happy.
00:49 I meet a student there on the campus say Prof
00:52 oh, I'm happy person what happened?
00:54 I found that lady.
00:55 He is happy, external circumstances.
00:57 After few days, he bows the-- head he was on there on campus,
01:01 she kick you out of her life.
01:03 He said yes, he becomes sad.
01:05 You see the person is healthy, he is happy, he gets sick.
01:08 So usually the external circumstances
01:11 defined our happiness.
01:12 But according to Jesus, the-- Christians are always happy.
01:17 The Christians always feel closed to God,
01:20 not be closed of the external circumstances,
01:22 but because what God does within them,
01:25 they get that gift which I called the gift of Makarios,
01:29 that blessedness, they defined their happiness
01:31 which is not based on external circumstances.
01:33 So when we say happy, we really having to redefined it.
01:38 I am talking about human happiness.
01:40 Yes, yes. I'm not talking about the joy that inner joy.
01:43 You see human happiness is defined
01:45 by circumstances of life.
01:47 Life takes it. He gives and it takes. Gives and takes.
01:52 But when we have Jesus Christ as our personal Savior,
01:57 Jesus said, "I'm giving you these joy
02:00 Gospel John Chapter 13 and nobody and nothing
02:03 will be able to take the joy from you.
02:05 Now Ranko, I hear some folks today suggesting,
02:08 what they've been suggesting for a longtime,
02:10 but if you just give your life to Jesus.
02:12 If you just follow Him or some other formula,
02:17 you're not gonna have any problems.
02:19 There's Sermon on the Mount speak to this,
02:21 this issue of believing that you know,
02:25 if I just follow God, then everything is gonna go good,
02:27 I'll have all the money in the bank,
02:29 I'll have no problems in my life, is that what is it about?
02:32 Do you remember when we go to the Old Testament,
02:35 God said through Moses to the people of Israel.
02:38 You'll always have poor people among yourself.
02:43 Not because those people deserve it,
02:45 it's simply because of the circumstances of life.
02:47 And we saw Paul, he started preaching gospel
02:52 and he was helping poor people.
02:54 Poverty is not the token of unfaithfulness to God,
02:58 poverty can be as-- result of many circumstances
03:02 in this life, but you see life can take money from you,
03:07 life can take health from me,
03:10 life can take many things from me.
03:12 There is one thing that life cannot take from me what God
03:15 gives that inner joy, that the blessedness
03:19 that actually woes my heart
03:22 and makes to me mourn for his life.
03:24 You're implying that there can be a condition
03:27 and this kind of reward, there is a kind of two parts
03:30 to these beatitudes, aren't there.
03:32 There is your condition, your situation life,
03:34 but then there is a promise, beautiful promises.
03:38 We've to understand that we live in these a life
03:42 when there is a sin.
03:44 Tragedies, they-very often can strike human life
03:50 and there is one mystery that I really do not understand
03:54 why sometimes God answers some of these prayers?
04:00 And people are healed.
04:02 People can tell those great experience with God,
04:06 but sometimes God doesn't react.
04:09 One of the-- classical examples
04:11 are when we go to the Book of Acts, Chapter 12.
04:14 You know, when we're reading Chapter 12.
04:17 Herod decided to persecute the church
04:20 and he arrested James.
04:21 Glenn, who was James?
04:23 Leader of the church, they're one of three disciples.
04:25 One of the three disciples,
04:26 very closed group, group to Jesus.
04:29 And Herod kills him and then in order to please Jews,
04:35 he arrested Peter.
04:36 What happened with Peter?
04:38 The angel of the Lord comes near to the prison
04:40 and then rescues Peter from the prison.
04:43 Why Peter was rescued and James was killed?
04:48 Did God loved Peter more than James.
04:50 Oh no, both of them were one of the three disciples.
04:53 I know from my personal life, how God did miracle in the life
04:57 of our own son and the pastor who prayed for us.
05:00 Actually after healing my son just the fifth day
05:03 after the tragic accident of my son,
05:05 actually he died a tragic death.
05:09 There are many mysteries of this life
05:11 and the question is when we face difficulties of this life
05:15 according to the Sermon on Mount
05:16 is not to ask what did I sinned to God,
05:20 Did God forsake me etcetera.
05:23 Now, only the question we're asking God come be close to me.
05:28 And God promised even if you walk through the valley
05:31 the valley of the shadow of death.
05:33 He will be with us and He will not forsake us.
05:36 What else would you wanted us to hold on to from.
05:39 We could explore each beatitudes,
05:41 we don't have time for that, they're very rich and powerful,
05:43 but what should we keep in mind for these sequence?
05:46 Actually I want two things is the beatitudes
05:48 are eight in numbers.
05:51 The first four beatitudes, the ones I just--
05:56 Blessed are the poor in spirit.
05:57 Blessed are those who mourn.
05:58 Blessed are the meek.
05:59 Blessed are those who hunger.
06:00 They deal on the vertical level with regard
06:03 to our relationships with God.
06:05 The last four, those who are the merciful, pure in heart,
06:09 peacemaker and persecuted.
06:11 They deal on our relationships
06:12 on the horizontal level with human beings.
06:15 Is that what the Ten Commandments are all about?
06:17 Sure, it seems like it.
06:18 Is that what Jesus said, love the Lord your God
06:21 with all your heart and love your neighbour as yourself.
06:25 Actually everything all the Law and the Prophets
06:27 are about our relationships with God
06:29 and our relationships with human beings.
06:31 That's actually Makarios is all about, that blessedness
06:35 that we receive from God.
06:37 But there is-- something else.
06:39 Jesus concludes these beatitudes section
06:43 with verses 13 to 16 and Glenn I would like to ask you
06:46 if you can read these verses.
06:48 And just before I read I would want to say that--
06:51 when we entered into the beatitudes,
06:52 we hear Jesus preaching His values and His attitudes
06:56 are radically different than this world.
06:58 We don't say anybody poor is blessed.
07:00 He has taken a radical approach
07:02 this is a completely different understanding of life.
07:05 And He's here dealing with the citizens of the kingdom,
07:08 so those who are in the church,
07:10 the citizens of this Kingdom because the church
07:13 as we mentioned is the visible manifestation of the kingdom.
07:16 This is how the Christians live.
07:18 While the entire world is complaining
07:20 about economy about everything,
07:22 you know the Christians the happiness
07:24 is not defined by what is going in the world,
07:26 it's by their relationship with God.
07:28 So let's read about how you describes
07:29 those for the kingdom people.
07:31 Yes. Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 13.
07:34 You are the salt of the earth,
07:36 but if the salt losses its flavor,
07:38 how shall it be seasoned?
07:39 It is good then for nothing
07:41 but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
07:44 You are the light of the world.
07:45 A city that is set on an hill cannot be hidden.
07:49 Up to 16. Nor do they light a lamp,
07:52 and put it under a bushel, but on a lampstand
07:55 and it gives light to all who are in the house.
07:57 Let your light so shine before men,
07:59 that they may see your good works,
08:00 and glorify your Father in heaven.
08:03 We have here two metaphors and I heard
08:05 people are taking about these metaphors in different context,
08:09 but we've to put in the context of these beatitudes here.
08:12 Salt and light. What is that Jesus tried to say salt.
08:16 What is the-- purpose of salt?
08:17 Glenn, we know that salt all the way it changes
08:21 the taste of food, food never changes the taste of salt.
08:28 See Jesus does not say here you're salt of the world,
08:31 He says you're the salt.
08:33 In Greek, it's a definite article.
08:36 We are not any salt.
08:38 The Christians are the salt.
08:39 Christians they can make difference
08:42 in environment where they live.
08:44 So, Jesus here talks about people who are blessed,
08:47 those who are Makarios. What is that?
08:49 Telling them the external circumstances
08:52 will not change your relationship with God.
08:56 Your relationship with God will impact and influence
08:59 the circumstances within which you are.
09:01 This is the purpose of this first metaphor. All right.
09:04 Now we have the second metaphor
09:06 and this is very significant.
09:08 People think that Jesus simply repeats the first metaphor.
09:10 No, He is not doing that.
09:12 He says you are the light of the world.
09:14 Glenn, what is the purpose of light?
09:17 Obviously contrasting with darkness.
09:19 But let me ask you one question,
09:21 I'm putting you here on the spot.
09:23 Does dark impact darkness?
09:27 Does darkness impact light?
09:31 You can't destroy it.
09:33 But can it impact light.
09:35 Let me tell you when I was young pastor,
09:37 you know, I had those old cars when you leave
09:41 the car you have to be sure that the lights are off,
09:46 otherwise it emptied the batteries.
09:48 And I'll, in the morning, I'll come to the church
09:52 it was sunshine in some area.
09:53 I'll leave my car and hurrying to the church
09:54 because I've to preach.
09:56 And the people tell me, pastor the lights are on, on the car.
10:00 No I said, it's not they said, it is.
10:03 I will come there to the car and look oh,
10:05 yes the lights are on.
10:07 I'll turn the lights off, but then I will come
10:11 in the evening it was dark outside.
10:14 I did not have need of anybody
10:17 to tell me that the lights are on.
10:20 Even if I would be far away from my car,
10:22 I'll see that the lights are on what is the point?
10:24 Does darkness impact light yes, the more dense darkness is,
10:30 the more visible light is, does make sense.
10:36 It's not only that Christians,
10:37 they change their circumstances.
10:39 The more severe circumstances are more visible.
10:45 The presence of God is in their life.
10:48 I just want to go quickly.
10:49 She was like my mother to me.
10:54 She would always give me advice, I was a young pastor
10:56 and one day her son came to me to tell me
11:03 that his mother was sick.
11:06 The doctor told her just she had a few weeks
11:09 to live and he asked, can you go and visit her.
11:11 I went there and she is really sad.
11:13 And--to make long story short,
11:15 I would come every week to visit her.
11:18 She was so dear me to.
11:19 And finally I came and I saw skeleton
11:22 there on the bed and the number of people
11:25 there sitting in the room.
11:28 And there was one lady who said,
11:29 you know, you served your God for about 40 years.
11:33 Why did God allow you all these things
11:35 now to happened to you.
11:37 And I saw that skeleton shrink to straight
11:40 to say few words to her neighbor
11:42 and I help her, you know, quickly.
11:44 And she said, you know, I serve my God for 40 years.
11:49 He has always been good to me.
11:51 I don't know why all these things
11:53 are taking place with me.
11:55 But I know that my God has not forsaken me.
11:58 I'll very soon fall asleep.
12:00 One day my God will stand on the tomb,
12:02 my tomb, and call me by name.
12:06 Then you'll die after me.
12:09 Are you sure that one day your God
12:12 will stand on your tomb and call you by name.
12:15 After that I had-- evangelistic series.
12:18 Two of those ladies they decided to be baptized. Amen.
12:21 You see more dense darkness is,
12:25 more visible that light as a result
12:29 of that gift that God give to us.
12:31 Make us to go through this life is more visible to people.
12:34 Now Ranko the world's getting pretty dark,
12:35 what should be hold on? Yes.
12:38 Dear viewers if in this life
12:41 you face different difficulties,
12:43 the problems of this life,
12:45 I've like to invite you to put your life
12:48 into the hands of Jesus Christ and He will defined
12:51 your happiness and journey through this life.


Revised 2014-12-17