Books of the Book: Matthew

The Beatitudes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00006A

00:22 Hi, I'm Glenn Russell.
00:23 Welcome to our program,
00:25 exploring the wonderful Book of Matthew.
00:28 It's part of the 3ABN series
00:30 entitled "The Books of the Book."
00:32 I like you to meet our guest, teacher, Dr. Ranko Stefanovic.
00:37 Ranko, you teach at
00:38 Andrews University Theological Seminary.
00:41 We're exploring a fascinating book,
00:42 what draws you to this Gospel of Matthew?
00:44 You've been mentioning
00:45 how it's one that you've been teaching this for a few years
00:49 and does it get old,
00:50 does it get to something like where you feel you know it all,
00:53 are you still discovering new things?
00:54 Actually, I have been teaching Gospel of Matthew
00:56 for about 17 years,
00:59 and every time when I teach that class
01:03 I always something to learn for my students,
01:05 it's a wonderful book.
01:06 Of course, every Gospel is beautiful in its own way.
01:10 Every part of scripture is that way, isn't it?
01:12 Oh yeah. The more we explore,
01:13 the more God keeps bringing us new treasures.
01:15 It's a wonderful gift.
01:17 Let's begin with prayer,
01:18 as we continue in our study of scripture.
01:21 Lord, we ask that You will guide us.
01:24 We need You to teach us.
01:25 We cannot know You except
01:27 that You have chosen to reveal yourself to us.
01:30 May we treasure this gift of revelation.
01:33 The Revelation of Jesus our Savior
01:36 through the pages of scripture.
01:37 In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen.
01:41 All right, Ranko, we have been leading up
01:44 to this great passage we're going to get into today.
01:47 We've seen Jesus began his ministry with the Baptism,
01:51 taken into the wilderness and tempted,
01:53 and then He begins His ministry in Galilee.
01:55 Now we come to Matthew Chapter 5.
01:59 Tell us a little bit about this.
02:02 It was earlier in our series
02:06 in introducing the Gospel of Matthew,
02:08 we saw that the emphasis of the Gospel of Matthew
02:11 is on the two-fold aspect of Jesus ministry.
02:16 Jesus ministry consisted
02:17 according to the Gospel of Matthew
02:19 in teaching and preaching
02:22 and healing people, and helping them in their needs.
02:27 Helping them in a practical way.
02:30 This is how the Gospel of Matthew is organized.
02:33 We mentioned that Matthew consist of five major blocks
02:38 and here we are dealing with the first major block,
02:42 which is known as "The Sermon on the Mount"
02:45 Chapters 5 to 7.
02:47 Do you remember that formula saying,
02:50 "When Jesus finished all these sayings,
02:52 now Jesus goes to put it into the practice,
02:56 helping people in their needs."
02:58 So Chapters 8 and 9,
03:01 so we are dealing with that first major block of the book.
03:05 So five major sections.
03:08 These courses are teachings and the narratives. Yes.
03:10 And we're looking at the first major teaching section.
03:13 Major teaching of Jesus.
03:14 Actually, it's really describing
03:17 who and what the citizens of the kingdoms are. All right.
03:22 It would be good for us to read some of this, wouldn't it?
03:23 Oh, yes.
03:25 Glenn, before we go on. Okay.
03:28 In order to make the full meaning
03:30 of "The Sermon on the Mount"
03:31 we have something to mention,
03:34 that so many readers of the Gospels,
03:38 they do not realize
03:40 whenever we talk about Sermon on the Mount
03:41 is always Matthew Chapters 5 to 7,
03:44 but not too many readers of the Bible realize
03:46 that there is also another similar Sermon
03:50 that is actually found, let me go over there,
03:53 that is found in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6.
03:56 Okay. Verses 20 to 49.
04:02 Many liberal scholars, they say, you see,
04:07 we have two similar sermons but they're quite different.
04:12 Well, there's disagreements.
04:14 Jesus actually never preached one sermon.
04:16 Matthew collected some sayings of Jesus,
04:18 who collected some sayings of Jesus,
04:20 they made it sermons.
04:21 Actually I disagree with that.
04:23 I will suggest to you, you know,
04:26 Jesus was a preacher
04:27 and Glenn, you are a preacher, I'm a preacher,
04:30 I travel, we travel throughout the world.
04:33 I make one sermon and I don't preach
04:36 in new place always new sermon.
04:40 So many times I repeat my sermon
04:42 in several different, different places.
04:44 Because it applies. It applies.
04:46 However, I change a little bit of that.
04:49 I adjust that sermon to the needs of my audience.
04:54 You see if Jesus worked for three and a half years,
04:56 how much is that? It's approximately 1,260 days.
05:01 How many sermons did Jesus preach?
05:02 If He preached only twice a week.
05:04 Jesus preached several hundreds sermons.
05:07 Evidently Jesus didn't not every time preach a new sermon.
05:11 He would take the sermons He preached before or a speech
05:14 that He made before and He would repeat it
05:18 but apply it to the context of His audience.
05:22 So Matthew and Mark they contain two different sermons.
05:27 Similar content, how do we know that?
05:29 Matthew has three Chapters.
05:32 Luke has only 29 verses.
05:35 But there is something else,
05:36 if we go to Luke Chapter 6 verse 17,
05:40 it says that when Jesus delivered this speech,
05:42 He was in the plain. It was not on the mount.
05:46 On the level place. On the level place.
05:49 Okay. And, and, there is a difference between,
05:52 so you believe that Jesus preached
05:54 on two different occasions similar content,
05:56 but we should notice something, there is also basic difference,
05:59 the question is, why did Matthew choose this long sermon,
06:04 and Luke, the shorter sermon.
06:05 Glenn, you'll do it in Chapter 5 of Matthew,
06:09 I'll do Luke 6, just few things.
06:11 Can you read Chapter 5 verse 3 of Matthew?
06:15 Matthew Chapter 5, verse 3, "Blessed are the poor in spirit,
06:18 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
06:20 This is in Matthew, the same, the attitude,
06:23 let's see how it sounds in Luke Chapter 6, verse 20,
06:27 "Blessed are you who are poor for yours is the kingdom."
06:31 What is the basic difference? Something is missing.
06:34 It's here are those who are poor in spirit,
06:37 here those who are really poor.
06:39 Yeah. Just one more item.
06:42 Can you read verse 6 of Matthew Chapter 5?
06:45 Okay. "Blessed are those
06:46 who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
06:49 for they shall be filled."
06:50 What about verse 21 in Luke?
06:52 "Blessed are you who hunger now."
06:55 What is missing? Righteousness.
06:58 You see when Jesus preached to the gentiles,
07:01 according to the Gospel of Luke,
07:02 He cared about the physical needs.
07:04 When He preached to those Pharisees,
07:06 et cetera, and the Jews,
07:09 He cared about their spiritual needs.
07:11 That's why we need both the sermons.
07:14 We need both for balance, don't we?
07:15 I'll tell the viewers as we are going through
07:17 "The sermon on the Mount" you will say, boy,
07:19 my needs are not spiritual, I am faithful to God,
07:22 I love God so much, but nobody knows when they come home.
07:25 I don't have money to pay my electricity,
07:27 my power will be cut off,
07:29 or doctors told me a few days ago
07:32 that I have few more weeks to live, et cetera.
07:35 I need something, there is a Savior,
07:37 God meets with people where they are.
07:40 When people have needs, Jesus comes to them
07:44 and addresses their personal needs that they have.
07:47 All right. So Jesus preaches in Matthew 5.
07:52 Yes. A Sermon on the Mount.
07:54 Yes. What should we know about this?
07:56 Actually both in Luke and Matthew, both sermons,
08:01 they begin with special section, we call them the beatitudes.
08:05 Why the beatitudes, because there are eight sayings
08:11 and each sayings begins with one single word,
08:14 which is in our English translation blessed.
08:16 Glenn, would you read those beatitudes?
08:17 And by the way,
08:18 beatitudes is kind of a made up word, isn't it?
08:20 Actually we will come to that after reading--
08:23 Sure, Matthew Chapter 5 verse 1. Actually 1 to 12.
08:27 "And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain,
08:30 and when He had seated, His disciples came to Him.
08:34 Then He opened His mouth, and taught them saying,
08:36 Blessed are the poor in spirit,
08:39 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
08:41 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
08:44 Blessed are the meek,
08:45 for they shall inherit the earth.
08:47 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
08:51 for they shall be filled.
08:53 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
08:56 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
09:00 Blessed are the peacemakers,
09:02 for they shall be called the sons of God.
09:04 Blessed are those who are persecuted
09:06 for righteousness' sake,
09:07 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
09:11 Blessed are you when they revile you
09:14 and persecute you and say all kinds of evil
09:17 against you falsely from my sake.
09:19 Rejoice and be exceeding glad,
09:22 for your great is a reward in heaven,
09:23 for so they persecuted the prophets
09:26 who were before you."
09:27 Okay. So we see, we have eight sayings.
09:31 Each one begins with the word "Blessed" in English.
09:34 And I hope that the readers will understand
09:36 what I'm trying to say.
09:38 All those who are bilingual, they know that sometimes
09:42 when you try to translate something
09:43 from one language to another, then the words, that they fit.
09:48 So sometimes you have to use one sentence
09:50 in order to explain that word.
09:52 In Greek, the language in which the Gospel of Matthew
09:56 was written, actually contains the word makarios,
10:00 which is translated as the word "Blessed."
10:04 Another alternative word
10:05 for the word makarios is "Happy."
10:09 By the way, usually English speaking people--
10:14 don't know that in English we have standard English word,
10:18 which is called makarism
10:20 that comes from the Greek word makarios.
10:22 Makarism simply means happiness.
10:25 But we really have to understand the word,
10:27 the root of these words.
10:30 Among ancient Greeks, the word makarios meant
10:35 that the person was spared
10:39 of all hardships of life and here is the point.
10:43 When a person have a happy family,
10:47 good bank account, I mean, money--
10:49 was rich, when everything went good in his life,
10:53 ancient Greeks would say you see this person is makarios.
10:57 A good life. Good life,
11:00 this is among ancient Greeks.
11:03 What did we notice here in "The Sermon on the Mount?"
11:06 Who are those who are makarios?
11:10 You'll forgive me, I'm using the word makarios,
11:12 in order to get the full sense
11:15 of the meaning of this word. You are not spared.
11:18 Those who are hungry and thirsty in,
11:19 Luke, or righteousness, those who are poor,
11:23 those who are persecuted, those who are.
11:26 Glenn, now let me ask you one question.
11:28 I would like to ask the viewers,
11:29 just to start for a moment to think,
11:31 was Jesus unrealistic?
11:33 Glenn, would you be honest with me?
11:36 When you don't have money to pay your bills,
11:41 do you say, "I am blessed?"
11:44 We would call that kind of person out of touch.
11:47 Actually, they are attend-- Upside down.
11:49 I've never seen a student who does not have money
11:52 to pay his tuition and he must leave.
11:55 I don't think, we rejoice in our poverty very much.
11:57 And he say--but you see the Christians
11:59 are so many times unrealistic, you know,
12:02 you know, I am blessed because I'm poor.
12:05 Did you hear anybody to say, you know,
12:07 doctor told me I have few more weeks to live,
12:09 I'm so much blessed. So what is that,
12:13 that Jesus tried to say here with His beatitudes.
12:17 Did Jesus try to be unrealistic to say,
12:20 those people who are hungry,
12:22 who are thirsty, people who are poor,
12:25 people who suffer hardships in this life,
12:27 they are blessed. This is not what Jesus tried to say.
12:31 Actually if you really want to translate
12:33 these beatitudes from original Greek,
12:36 it should be "You are blessed or you are happy,
12:40 despite the fact that you are poor,
12:45 that you are hungry, that you are persecute,"
12:48 that's the difference. You are not blessed
12:51 because you are poor, you are blessed
12:54 despite the fact that you are poor,
12:55 that you are hungry, that you, that you face
12:58 the difficulties of this life and it makes difference.
13:01 So you have a joy despite what happens to you?
13:04 Yes. So what is the point that Jesus tried to make?
13:07 When we accept Jesus as our personal savior,
13:12 when we are accepted by God,
13:15 when we become God's children,
13:17 God never promised to us
13:20 that we will be spared of hardships of life.
13:23 God never told us that he will take us
13:26 out of the difficulties of life,
13:29 what God promised to us is, Jesus said,
13:32 in the world you will have tribulation,
13:35 is that what Jesus said? That's right.
13:36 What God promised to us when we have to go
13:40 through the difficulties and hardships of life,
13:44 God will be with us, not that He will take us
13:47 out of that, He will be working with us
13:50 through the difficulties of life.
13:51 As the Psalm said, "Even if I had to work
13:55 through the valley of the shadow of death,
13:57 You will be with me."
13:59 Knowing that God is with me,
14:03 will make me blessed, give me the assurance
14:06 that I'm not forgotten, that I'm not forsaken by God,
14:10 that God is with me.
14:12 The external circumstances
14:14 will not define my relationship with God,
14:17 my relationship with God
14:19 will define the circumstances in which we are.
14:22 Ranko, you've raised some questions in my mind. Yes.
14:24 We've got to come back to right after our break.
14:27 We'll be right back.


Revised 2014-12-17