Books of the Book: Matthew

The Temptations Of Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00005B

00:01 We're back in the Gospel of Mathew,
00:02 exploring Chapter 4, seeking to understand,
00:06 more of the insights that we can gain
00:08 from the temptations of Jesus.
00:10 Ranko, as we look at these temptations,
00:12 we see some things about the work of the devil.
00:15 He quotes scripture, so we can't just assume
00:18 that anyone who refers the Bible
00:20 is necessarily following God's will.
00:22 And he misquotes it and he seems to get out issues.
00:26 Now, how can he say here,
00:28 you know, in the third temptation,
00:30 you know, I'll give you all these kingdoms of the world.
00:33 Where they his? They were.
00:36 Can I just before we deal with that to finish
00:38 the subject that--that we as is though.
00:41 We're dealing with, first, three temptations of Jesus.
00:45 If Jesus failed at this point,
00:48 we would not have the cross.
00:51 We would not have the Garden of Gethsemane.
00:53 We would not have the four Gospels.
00:56 So this was the most decisive battle.
00:58 And I want to assure the readers,
01:01 what we have here, is the reversal
01:03 of the appearance of sin at the beginning of Genesis,
01:06 where Adam failed Paul said. In those three areas.
01:10 Because Jesus won the victory,
01:11 so can you remind us one more time,
01:14 the three aspects of the temptation?
01:15 The lust of the eyes.
01:18 The lust of the flesh and the pride of life.
01:21 This is exactly how the sin came into this world.
01:25 Glenn, can you open Genesis 3:6? Genesis Chapter 3.
01:30 We can't understand what is going on.
01:32 Otherwise those temptations, they you know,
01:34 do not have too much significance.
01:37 So you're suggesting that
01:38 Jesus succeeds where others have failed.
01:40 Yeah. Jesus, actually, we have a reversal here,
01:43 of the coming of sin into this world.
01:45 With the human beings where Adam, actually failed,
01:48 Jesus won the victory
01:50 in order to save His people from their sins.
01:51 And you know, we better say hallelujah. Oh, yes.
01:54 You know, without this, this is our hope.
01:55 Can you read 3:6, Genesis?
01:57 Genesis 3:6. All right.
02:00 So when the woman saw that, the tree was good.
02:02 She saw that the tree was good.
02:04 She saw. That was pleasing to the eyes.
02:07 So the first was good for food, to eat.
02:10 What is that, the lust of the flesh? The next one.
02:13 It was pleasing with the eyes,
02:14 and a tree desirable to make one wise.
02:16 The pride of life and pleasing to the eyes,
02:19 it's the lust of eyes.
02:21 And she took of its fruit and ate it.
02:23 How did the first sin come?
02:25 Through the lust of eyes,
02:27 the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.
02:31 So, now Jesus comes,
02:33 this is His first step to save His people from their sins.
02:37 It is exactly where the first human couple failed,
02:42 opening, okay, the door for sin
02:46 and temptation in this world.
02:47 Jesus had to win the victory.
02:49 So we have first temptation that you mentioned.
02:52 If you're Son of God,
02:54 say to these stones to become bread.
02:56 What is this?
02:58 It's the lust of the flesh, okay.
03:02 Then after that Jesus put, sorry,
03:05 the devil put Jesus on the top of the mountain.
03:08 And he shows him all the kingdom of this world.
03:10 I will give it to you all these things,
03:13 okay, whatever you see.
03:15 Actually, these words are really the lust of the eyes.
03:18 And after that he said to Jesus,
03:20 and he put him there on the pinnacle of the temple.
03:23 Jump down, throw yourself,
03:25 when you jump down from the temple,
03:27 people will applaud to you
03:29 and tell you 'Jesus the Messiah'.
03:31 This is 'Superman,' this is 'Hero'.
03:33 You know, this is the Son of Man from the Book of Daniel.
03:36 You know, coming with the clouds,
03:38 nothing can happen to him.
03:39 Actually, this was the pride of life.
03:41 This was actually, the three aspects of the temptations
03:45 that Jesus had to go through in order to save
03:48 His people from their sins.
03:50 And not only the first couple have failed,
03:52 but we have all failed. Yes.
03:53 What does this portrait of the temptations of Jesus
03:56 tell you about Jesus as our sin-bearer as the sinless one?
04:01 What picture should we be sure that we have of Him?
04:04 Actually that's what the Bible says,
04:06 that Jesus took all our sins upon Himself.
04:10 You see, we are tempted,
04:11 and I would like to tell the viewers
04:13 and I am not saying to you,
04:15 but I'm saying also about myself. We're all sinners.
04:18 We all have different temptations in our life,
04:21 and believe me so many times,
04:23 I'm asking God always for guidance.
04:25 There's so many times, I feel sorry,
04:26 because I did not succeed, etc.
04:29 But Matthew Chapter 4, give me
04:31 that strong assurance that my Savior. Yes.
04:36 Overcame those temptations.
04:38 He told me, that the victory
04:40 over sin is possible, that's number one.
04:44 And number two, he showed me
04:46 how the victory is possible. How?
04:50 Relying not on my method, on my own way,
04:55 the way how I think that I should succeed in life.
04:57 It's only relying and trusting God.
05:00 Putting my trust in God.
05:02 Never should be an excuse for us to just live in sin.
05:06 And yet there is a tremendous joy,
05:09 tremendous reassurance, to know
05:11 that Jesus has succeeded in every place.
05:14 Actually, I reminded, I think I heard
05:16 that Martin Luther said it, he said,
05:19 when I look at myself, I cannot believe that
05:23 I can be saved and be victor or save.
05:28 But when I look in Jesus,
05:29 I cannot imagine that I'm not saved. Yeah.
05:33 This is the beauty, the beauty of Jesus.
05:35 How can we be lost if we have a Savior like this,
05:37 unless we choose to just ignore Him.
05:39 What a wonderful Savior?
05:40 We wanna go a little bit further in Matthew Chapter 4.
05:44 It says that He went out from there,
05:47 what takes place next?
05:50 Actually, now Jesus begins His public ministry.
05:53 You see his Sonship was pronounced at the baptism.
05:57 His Sonship was tested.
06:00 Now, He has proven what kind of Messiah He would be?
06:04 But the way, do you notice here something.
06:07 What was the purpose of this temptation
06:09 that Satan was doing,
06:10 trying to prevent Jesus to go to the cross?
06:16 You don't need to go to the cross. Sure.
06:19 Do this following things. Take the easy way.
06:21 And I will give all this to you and ever.
06:24 By the way, from this moment on,
06:27 up to the end of Jesus ministry,
06:29 Satan is doing everything to prevent Jesus to the cross.
06:33 Do you remember?
06:34 In Mathew, you will come to that Matthew Chapter 16,
06:36 He even use His beloved disciple by name of Peter
06:40 to prevent Him to go the cross.
06:42 And Jesus had to call Peter,
06:44 go behind me Satan because Jesus saw Peter,
06:48 being used by Satan to prevent Jesus to go to the cross.
06:51 When even Jesus finally was on the cross,
06:55 Satan tried to pull Him down
06:57 from the cross. Come down, come down.
06:58 People were shouting come down and we'll believe in You.
07:02 That was a constant, constant effort,
07:05 effort to prevent Jesus to go to the cross.
07:08 Once, Jesus won the victory over that first temptation,
07:12 where the human beings failed at the beginning.
07:15 Now, Jesus is ready to go
07:17 and to start His public ministry.
07:19 So we see a victorious, triumphant Savior coming forth.
07:22 It says that, let me just read Chapter 4:12.
07:26 "Now when Jesus heard that John was put in prison,
07:28 he departed to Galilee and so forth."
07:31 What's the significance of that He went to Galilee?
07:33 Is this just about geography?
07:34 Please, you can read up to verse 17.
07:37 Okay. Please.
07:38 "And leaving Nazareth, he came to dwell in Capernaum
07:42 which is by the sea,
07:43 in the region of Zebulun and Naphtali
07:45 that it might be fulfilled what was spoken,
07:47 by the prophet Isaiah."
07:49 Saying verse 15, "The land of Zebulun
07:52 and the land of Naphtali by the way of the sea,
07:55 beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles.
07:58 The people, who sat in darkness,
08:00 have seen a great light,
08:02 and upon those who sat on the region,
08:03 and shadow of death light has dawned.
08:06 From that time Jesus, began to preach and to say,
08:09 repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
08:12 Actually, Glenn, are we aware, that from this moment,
08:17 when Jesus made the first step in His ministry,
08:19 trying to preach the Gospel.
08:22 Or, up to the time,
08:23 just few weeks before His crucifixion.
08:26 All the time, almost three-and half years,
08:30 Jesus ministry was confined to Galilee,
08:33 except when Jesus made short trips to Jerusalem,
08:37 or to other territories.
08:39 It was just very short trips.
08:41 Actually, Jesus mission was completely there--
08:43 there in Galilee.
08:45 But we have then to understand-- What's Galilee?
08:49 About Galilee. Actually, let me just illustrate little bit.
08:53 You know, Galilee had the north and had a south.
08:57 South was Judaea; north was
09:00 the territory of two tribes, Zebulun and Naphtali.
09:03 We're talking about territory around the Sea of Galilee;
09:08 down was Dead Sea and Judaea, etc.
09:11 If you go there down to Judaea,
09:14 you know, rocky area, Judean desert.
09:17 If you go to the north, around Sea of Galilee,
09:20 it's a fertile ground.
09:23 Farmers, actually all these oranges, etc,
09:26 you know, that were coming from Israel,
09:28 would come from that part of the world.
09:30 But the problem was, that people who lived in Galilee,
09:34 they were not really Jews.
09:35 They were not descendants of Abraham.
09:38 You know, with those 10 tribes-- Yes.
09:40 were deported from Palestine, the king of Assyria hided it.
09:45 After that, the king of Assyria
09:46 brought these pagan people, nations,
09:49 and he settled them there into the territory.
09:52 Okay, so people, who lived in the territory
09:54 were not really the descendants of Abraham.
09:57 It was few decades, before Jesus is,
10:00 that Alexander by name, one of the Jewish kings,
10:06 he forcibly circumcised those people around Shechem,
10:10 so make them to be-- to be Jewish.
10:13 But the problem with these people,
10:14 they were not, never accepted
10:16 by the Pharisees to be Jews. Sure.
10:18 They were outcast, they were rejected.
10:21 Another thing is, they were there in the north.
10:24 Whenever, the enemies of Israel would come to invade Palestine,
10:29 who was the first target? Galileans, okay.
10:33 They were the first target.
10:34 When the enemies were cut, leaving Palestine.
10:37 Who was the last group that actually,
10:40 they express their anger against?
10:42 They were Galileans.
10:44 But something else?
10:46 Since, it was a fertile ground.
10:48 They took about farmers.
10:50 Romans imposed heavy taxes on those people.
10:54 So Romans would take taxes.
10:57 Herod, who made all those building projects,
11:01 another taxes and then tax collectors
11:03 who were collecting those taxes,
11:06 were stealing money from those people for themselves.
11:08 Can you imagine that?
11:10 Those people suffered, so much in that--that area.
11:17 And Jesus came to those people to preach the Gospel.
11:22 So in the text of Isaiah, we read that actually people
11:26 who were sitting in darkness, they saw great light,
11:29 that light came to him and they responded to light.
11:32 Jesus was rejected in Jerusalem,
11:35 but if people embrace to Jesus, they founded Him.
11:38 They recognized him, the great Savior who came,
11:41 when the light shown, people responded to that light.
11:44 Ranko, you're suggesting that God
11:47 came to those who rejected. Those who are outcast.
11:50 He's still doing the same thing today, isn't He?
11:52 You see, Jesus does not have elite,
11:56 a special people that He favors.
11:58 All those people who need the Savior,
12:02 who need Jesus Christ, Jesus come to them.
12:05 And that's why, the beginning of Jesus ministry
12:08 and almost the conclusion of His ministry
12:11 actually happened there, there in Galilee.
12:14 What a Savior? What a Savior?
12:17 He comes to those who need him most. Yes.
12:21 Ranko, as we wrap this up,
12:23 it's the repentance, is the kingdom of heaven.
12:26 How do you see Jesus in these two scenes here?
12:29 Yes. I would like to make the final word to the viewers.
12:32 May be you say, you recognize yourself and say,
12:34 I am the one sitting in darkness,
12:36 on the valley and the shadow of death.
12:39 I feel like Galileans.
12:41 Praise God, that's why we need the Savior
12:43 and the Savior came to save just as one, of you and me.


Revised 2014-12-17