Books of the Book: Matthew

The Baptism Of Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00004A

00:21 Hi, I'm Glenn Russell.
00:23 Welcome to another in the series of Books of the Book.
00:27 This is a series exploring the gospel according to Matthew.
00:31 I like you to meet our guest teacher, Dr. Ranko Stefanovic.
00:34 Ranko, welcome, glad to have you back again.
00:36 This is another in the series.
00:39 It's been fascinating so far to
00:41 begin to get into this wonderful book.
00:43 We got more ahead.
00:45 Welcome, glad to have you with us.
00:47 Glenn, it's so nice.
00:49 We were in the same department as teachers,
00:50 we're coming for about nine years
00:53 and it's so nice now to be together here
00:56 and open the word of God.
00:57 Now let's ask God to lead us in that process.
01:00 Let's begin with prayer.
01:02 Lord, thank You for the assurance.
01:04 Wherever two or three are gathered
01:07 You're also gathered to teach us from Your word.
01:10 We asked that Your Spirit may guide us and teach us.
01:12 In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.
01:16 Ranko, we're talking about the gospel according to Matthew.
01:19 Matthew is writing to a--originally
01:24 to a predominantly Jewish audience
01:25 and he's showing that Jesus is
01:27 the fulfillment of all their hopes,
01:29 all their wishes, all their dreams.
01:32 Just as we would say today,
01:33 Jesus is the fulfillment of all that we could wish for.
01:36 But more than that, he's showing us
01:38 that Jesus has a particular role,
01:40 has an identity as one from the Father,
01:43 and now we've moved through Chapter one
01:47 with the genealogy of Chapter two
01:48 with his birth and now where are we going this time?
01:53 Glenn, I think that it is very important
01:56 to underscore something is.
01:58 You see the gospel of Matthew
01:59 was originally written to certain people
02:04 who were of Jewish background.
02:07 So the language of the gospel of
02:08 Matthew appealed to them.
02:11 And this, similar could be said about
02:15 every book of the Bible.
02:16 But, even though the Bible was written to certain people,
02:20 it was not written only for them,
02:22 it was written for all people
02:24 including us who lived there.
02:25 This is very, very important.
02:28 So in order to understand how that Bible
02:31 speaks to us today, first we have to understand
02:33 the language, the issues
02:36 that the book address to the original readers,
02:38 and then it replied the message to us today.
02:41 So there is ancient and yet a contemporary meaning.
02:44 It's timeless, but it's also timely,
02:46 it has a place and time.
02:48 All right, what are we going to explore this time?
02:50 You see so far, we saw that Jesus came,
02:54 what genealogy couldn't do,
02:56 Jesus came to save His people from their sins.
02:58 We saw last time how He came.
03:01 He was born as a baby in Bethlehem.
03:04 Now the time has come for Jesus
03:07 to begin his public, public ministry.
03:11 But there was somebody who came to announce
03:14 the coming of the Messiah.
03:16 The name of that person is John the Baptist.
03:19 This is actually what we read in Matthew Chapter 3.
03:23 So Glenn, I would really like to ask you,
03:26 if you can read Chapter 3, verses 1 to 6
03:30 and may be in sentence were to tell us
03:32 what we have in the rest up to verse 5.
03:36 All right, but first I'd like to
03:37 ask you very briefly a question.
03:39 Many people would wonder, how come there's not much
03:41 about Jesus early life, His years as a teenager,
03:45 young adult, goes from his birth to his ministry
03:48 with John and started there, why?
03:51 Because the Bible does not concern everything about Jesus.
03:55 What the Bible concern is, why Jesus came?
03:58 How He came?
04:00 See the reason that we read about His birth
04:02 is to understand that Jesus didn't came like
04:05 an ordinary human being, born as a result of
04:08 sexual relationships between a male and female.
04:12 Actually, He came because
04:13 the Holy Spirit made the inception, etc.
04:18 And now we see how He came
04:20 to save His people with climax to the cross.
04:23 So, the Bible is concerned of this.
04:25 Unfortunately, we would like to ask
04:27 many questions about Jesus and the Bible is quiet,
04:30 and that's the reason why in the second century those
04:33 apocryphal gospels appear, trying to fill that gap.
04:36 And fortunately, those things are not in the Bible.
04:38 Something will wait for heaven, won't we. Yes, yes.
04:41 Now you said something about some silence
04:43 and there has been some silence for a period of centuries.
04:48 Yeah. Okay.
04:49 You would like us to go now to John Chapter 3.
04:51 3:1, 2, 2-6. All right.
04:55 In those days John the Baptist came preaching
04:57 in the wilderness of Judea and saying,
04:59 "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
05:03 For this is He who is spoken of by the prophet Isaiah saying,
05:07 'the voice of one crying in the wilderness,
05:09 prepare the way of the Lord, make His paths straight.'
05:13 "Now John Himself was clothed in camel's hair
05:16 with a leather belt around his waist,
05:18 and his food was locusts and wild honey.
05:20 Then Jews from all Judea
05:22 and all the region around the Jordan
05:25 went out to Him and were baptized by Him
05:28 in the Jordan, confessing their sins.
05:31 But when he saw many of the Pharisees
05:33 and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them,
05:36 "brood of vipers, who warned you
05:37 to flee from the wrath to come?
05:39 Therefore bear fruit worthy of repentance
05:42 and do not say to yourselves, we have Abraham as our father,
05:46 for I say to you that God is able to
05:48 raise up children to Abraham from these very stones."
05:51 Yes. Quite a character.
05:54 So a very unusual person appeared,
05:57 by the way this very unusual person,
06:00 unknown person in the gospel of Matthew.
06:02 We want to learn more about that person,
06:04 we have to read those at the gospel of Luke.
06:07 He was actually a relative of Jesus.
06:10 Was it common in this time period for God
06:13 to be sending prophets, Ranko?
06:15 See the problem is when we read
06:19 the Jewish writings from the time previous to--
06:24 prior to this period we read that
06:27 they said this is the time of Malachi.
06:30 They said, there has not been a prophet among us.
06:34 The Jews believe strongly we have so many
06:39 indications in our writings that actually
06:42 the last prophet, the prophetic voice,
06:44 the last time was called prophet Malachi.
06:46 So can you imagine now a person appeared
06:49 dressed as the Old Testament prophets.
06:52 His message that he started preaching
06:55 was the message of the Old Testament prophets
06:58 and the results were the results
07:00 of the Old Testament prophets,
07:01 immediately people recognized
07:04 that God once again visited his people.
07:08 So there's a continuity and God is at work again.
07:11 Yes. Because something has happened.
07:13 But you see the question is why John the Baptist,
07:17 of course, we always say,
07:18 he came to prepare the way for the Messiah.
07:21 But there is one expression,
07:23 actually metaphorical section,
07:25 the John, he use when people ask him, who are you?
07:30 Actually, this is another quotation
07:33 from the Old Testament prophecies.
07:35 This time from the book of Isaiah.
07:37 He says, "the voice of the one crying
07:40 in the wilderness make ready
07:42 the way of the Lord, make his path straight."
07:46 And I know, the casual readers
07:48 they don't see anything significant,
07:50 but if we lived in the first century and those ancient times,
07:56 we would easily catch the significance of this statement.
08:00 By the way I'm coming from the part of the world
08:03 that it's border between the west and the east.
08:08 So I lived among the people with that eastern mentality
08:11 and I myself, I lived within that mentality.
08:14 Actually I was in one part of the world,
08:17 I lived for about two years and my brother took me
08:20 to one place to see something.
08:23 We were driving for about, let's say about 10 miles.
08:26 It was a fantastic road, but not maintained.
08:30 There was a lot of grass
08:31 and I said to my brother, there is no single car.
08:34 He said, just wait you will see it.
08:36 We came to the end of that road beautiful pavement, etc.
08:40 and there was a house, it was a mansion.
08:44 Beautiful, then there nobody lived there.
08:47 Some windows were broken, etc.,
08:50 so I said, what's going on?
08:52 This road, this road just led only
08:54 to this house, there's nothing else.
08:56 He said, you know, when the US President
08:58 came to visit here this country, this road was built for him
09:02 and this mansion was built for him.
09:05 So when he left, it was abandoned,
09:08 nobody lived there and suddenly this text came to me.
09:11 You see in ancient times when the king,
09:14 when the ruler would go to visit
09:16 a part of his kingdom what did people do?
09:18 They actually fixed the roads.
09:21 There are some roads they were very, you know, curved, etc.
09:24 They tried to make it straight.
09:26 They provided good pavement, why?
09:28 Because the king is coming.
09:30 When the king is coming, you've to fix the road
09:33 so that the king has safe, you know,
09:36 journey and travel to that part of his kingdom.
09:40 Actually, the saying from the prophet Isaiah,
09:44 that Matthew inspired by the Holy Spirit
09:47 implies to John Baptist was exactly there
09:51 by keeping in mind that ancient custom
09:54 that is used here metaphorically.
09:56 The messiah is coming and the role of John
09:59 the Baptist was actually to fix,
10:02 to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.
10:06 All right, so the idea of his preparatory role,
10:09 of course that means if somebody
10:10 is coming after, if you're preparing.
10:12 You're preparing for something,
10:14 but let's explore a little bit more
10:15 about this role of John the Baptist.
10:18 He's dressed a certain way,
10:19 he's eating certain food, he has a certain message.
10:23 Let's explore that little bit more, Ranko.
10:28 John appeared evidently like
10:33 Prophet Elijah of the Old Testament.
10:36 You know that Elijah he lived some
10:39 isolated place there, etc.,
10:41 and we have in the conclusion
10:45 of the Hebrew Scriptures, The Book of Malachi.
10:49 You know, the last verse of our Masoretic
10:54 text of the Old Testament is that before
10:59 the terrible day of the Lord comes,
11:01 God will send Mosses and Elijah
11:04 and they will turn the hearts of
11:05 parents, fathers, toward their sons,
11:08 and sons with their fathers.
11:10 So the Jewish people could easily recognize
11:15 in the coming of John the Baptist,
11:18 in the message that He preached.
11:20 The fulfillment of this Old Testament prophecy
11:24 and that's why you have a lot of people
11:28 running there to listen to John Baptist message.
11:30 So there is a tremendous surge of expectation.
11:34 What they've been hoping for,
11:36 longing for, this Messiah, his deliver.
11:40 Now something is happening
11:41 is giving him idea He's coming soon.
11:43 Actually, when you see the context of
11:46 John the Baptist message, it's actually
11:49 the content of Elijah's message.
11:52 I mean it's really cut to the truth.
11:54 What is the key word of John the Baptist message?
11:57 Said, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
12:03 I know Christians are using very often the word repent.
12:09 And we have all kind of ideas
12:11 and so many times people are asking me,
12:12 what is the meaning of repentance?
12:14 Is that repentance a genuine repentance,
12:17 un-genuine repentance, so called repentance?
12:19 You know people have, we've to understand
12:21 that Hebrew word shuv simply means turn around.
12:28 A person is going in certain direction
12:32 like in the parable of the prodigal son.
12:35 And the person comes to his senses
12:38 and the person makes turn around
12:42 and going back to God, that's what repentance.
12:43 So it's a U-turn and about phase.
12:46 In the New Testament, metanoia,
12:48 it means to change your mind,
12:50 you follow after your mind changed.
12:52 This is in the prodigal son.
12:53 He came to his senses and he said
12:57 I'm going back to my Father.
12:59 This is what repentance is.
13:01 So, John the Baptist message was,
13:03 you are away from God.
13:06 You're disobedient to God.
13:07 You see they were not --
13:10 they once welcomed the messiah, etc.
13:12 So, John the Baptist said you have to make
13:14 that significant around in your life.
13:17 You've to come back to God and that's how
13:20 the coming of the messiah will be meaningful to you.
13:23 And so that whole message is summed up in that second verse,
13:26 "repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
13:29 It was calling for a radical change of Abraham.
13:32 They expected others to repent,
13:35 but this is a message you need to repent.
13:39 And then, and then, if you see the rest,
13:42 all kind of people were coming to listen
13:45 to John the Baptist, but his message was,
13:49 turn around in your relationship with God,
13:52 look into the world in completely different way.
13:55 Change the course of your action
13:57 and try to correct the things that you have done in the past.
14:00 That was actually the message of John the Baptist.
14:03 And we're gonna get much more into
14:04 the meaning of repentance right after our break.


Revised 2014-12-17