Books of the Book: Matthew

The Birth Of Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00003B

00:01 We are exploring the birth of Jesus
00:03 in the record of Book of Matthew.
00:05 We have noticed Mary's response
00:07 and Joseph's response of faith and obedience.
00:10 Now we are entering into Chapter 2 and
00:13 we are seeing these, these Arab philosophers
00:15 from the East who are coming,
00:17 they've come to Jerusalem, Ranko.
00:19 Why do they go there? And what are they looking for?
00:22 What's their question they are seeking after God?
00:24 You know, usually when Bible readers
00:28 they read this event, they think that
00:30 we have here a story that does not fit to reality.
00:33 They've said, you know, Judea was a small country
00:35 and the birth of one child that later
00:38 became the leader, you know Gudhrabai,
00:40 does not fit to reality.
00:42 I just want to read something
00:44 to the readers is, you know,
00:46 Jesus died somewhere in the year 33,
00:50 up to time you know,
00:52 31 okay. 31, yeah.
00:55 I would like something we have from
00:57 two Roman historians, one was Tacitus who lived
01:01 from 60 AD to 120 and another one was
01:05 Suetonius from 75 to 160
01:07 to telling us something very significant.
01:09 They are Roman historians,
01:11 have nothing to do with Jewish race.
01:13 They said there was a firm persuasion
01:16 that at this very time, the East was to grow
01:20 powerful and the rulers coming from Judea were
01:23 to acquire universal empire.
01:26 Suetonius, there had spread over all the Orient an old
01:31 and established belief, it was faith at that time
01:34 for men coming from Judaea to rule the world.
01:37 Scripture elsewhere it says, in the fullness of time,
01:40 that's the right time there is an expectation.
01:42 Believe me, notice of the coming of the Messiah
01:46 was not to just confine to Judea.
01:48 The Romans were very much familiar, through out
01:51 the Roman Empire they were very much familiar
01:54 about what the Jewish people were expecting to come
01:57 to come there and to happen in Judea.
02:00 There's an expectancy, there is a hope.
02:02 Yeah, So these magi, they saw the star,
02:06 but they saw did also the Hebrew Scriptures.
02:11 May I just pause there for a moment, because,
02:14 usually we're so familiar with the Christians,
02:16 Christmas story because of the pageants we see
02:19 and the shepherds and the wise men come at about
02:22 the same time. Yeah.
02:23 There's a difference in time there.
02:25 Actually we must say that, between verse 25 of
02:31 Chapter 1 and what happens in Chapter 2 probably weeks,
02:35 it could be even month that they passed.
02:38 How do you know that? Probably viewers
02:40 would like to know that.
02:41 Number one is we read when the magis
02:45 they came there to Bethlehem, where did they
02:48 find Joseph and Mary? Not in a stable.
02:52 They found in a house, but in Gospel of Luke, Jesus
02:54 was not born in a house, He was born in the stable.
02:57 So evidently by that time, Joseph and Mary,
02:59 moved to a house where they lived.
03:01 And they came because they had seen the star.
03:04 It would take sometime to come to travel
03:06 Second thing is, in the conclusion of Chapter 2,
03:09 when Herod found out from magis about
03:14 the birth of the new king, he decided to kill
03:18 all children up to two years of age.
03:21 Why up to two years of age? He knew that the child was
03:24 born just few days before or may be week.
03:28 Because it said everyone week or two
03:29 Or may be that night that the boy was born.
03:32 Why would he kill all those children up to
03:34 two years of age? But second thing is
03:36 in Gospel of Luke, when Joseph and Mary came there
03:41 to Jerusalem with Jesus, they were so poor,
03:46 they could not offer a lamb there as a sacrifice.
03:50 They, you know, as a poor people
03:51 they were two births there.
03:53 If really the magi they came prior to that,
03:57 they would be very rich people with those gifts.
04:00 So evidently all the evidences that
04:02 indicate to us that the magi came
04:05 may be weeks after that.
04:07 Again we see God's mercy, Jesus has come,
04:10 the shepherds have responded.
04:12 You'd think the nation would be responding.
04:15 Do we see a nation that's so glad their hope
04:18 is finally fulfilled? The people are curious
04:21 and they are rushing to learn more.
04:22 So can you imagine the Messiah was born.
04:25 His people were waiting for His coming.
04:29 He came to save them from their sins
04:32 and nobody was waiting for Him.
04:35 Who were those in the Gospel of Matthew that
04:37 were waiting for him, actually the Gentiles,
04:40 not only that they waited, that they were in Jerusalem,
04:43 they have to travel several weeks from Mesopotamia
04:46 to come there to welcome the new born king.
04:50 When the seekers come, they come to Jerusalem,
04:53 who did they see and what did they find out?
04:54 Yeah, they saw the Scribes, they saw the people
04:57 but they saw such a great in difference.
04:59 I want just go back to what you said last time,
05:02 the people with genealogy.
05:03 They go to those people with genealogy.
05:06 Yes, He came to save them.
05:07 Now did the Priests and Rabbis have the facts,
05:10 did they have the truth, did they have the knowledge?
05:12 Yes, actually when the question was,
05:17 where will the Messiah be born?
05:20 They said in Bethlehem. They knew it.
05:23 Actually we have all the evidences that
05:25 the Jewish people based from Daniel Chapter 9,
05:28 they knew approximate the time
05:30 when the Messiah would be born.
05:31 Can you ever think but they were not waiting for Him.
05:34 There is a warning for us, isn't it?
05:35 Oh yeah. I'm so many times afraid
05:38 when we started the Bible, we know
05:41 what the future will bring.
05:42 I'm afraid that the future can happen,
05:44 but it will not fit to my expectations.
05:48 How it's important to study the Bible as it is,
05:51 not study and bring our ideas and our concepts--
05:55 So we can know the signs and we can know the prophecies,
05:58 but still miss the Savior. Yes.
06:01 What a tragic experience? Now,
06:05 of course Herod, gets involved in the process.
06:06 What's his concern? He is a king,
06:09 what does he care about a baby being born?
06:11 You know, the readers who lived there
06:13 in the first century, when they read all
06:21 these account of Jesus birth,
06:22 they couldn't escape something, because
06:25 Josephus who was Jewish historian,
06:29 but he became later Romans.
06:32 Actually he described that before Moses was born
06:36 that the magi they said to Pharaoh, you know, that
06:42 a leader will come and He will take your throne,
06:46 He will be threat to you and according to
06:48 the Jewish rendition is Pharaoh wanted to
06:51 kill Moses, because he was threat to his throne.
06:54 The same situation is here.
06:56 Herod was much more concerned about his throne.
07:00 Probably few words should be said about Herod.
07:04 We know that he killed his wife, his beloved wife,
07:09 that he was obsessed with her beauty
07:11 and so he killed her.
07:12 He killed his two favorite sons.
07:15 For Herod to kill several innocent children
07:19 there in Bethlehem was nothing strange,
07:22 simply to preserve his rule, his rule on the throne.
07:28 Actually the history is telling us
07:30 before Herod died, you know, that he gathered,
07:33 he assembled, all the Jewish leaders,
07:36 he put them in jail, put them on side,
07:37 and he said the moment you hear that I died
07:41 I want to kill everybody there,
07:43 crying in the country, otherwise people will
07:46 not cry when I die.
07:47 See it fits his character what he was doing
07:50 there with reference to Jesus.
07:52 I understand, there's even a saying that
07:53 "It is safer to be his dog than his family member"
07:56 because if you are a rival, he will eliminate you.
07:59 So we have here in Chapter 2,
08:01 who is the true king of Israel,
08:03 isn't that the question?
08:04 Yes. Who is the king?
08:05 Is it Herod or does God have someone else?
08:08 No, actually Herod is here as upper of God's authority.
08:12 He is the one that Satan is using to prevent God's plan,
08:15 to accomplish God's purposes on earth.
08:20 Now, Herod was very crafty about what he does.
08:22 He doesn't reveal his motivation.
08:26 He says to the wise men,
08:27 oh I want to worship him too.
08:29 But you know, there is something
08:33 so beautiful here that I cannot but to mention it,
08:37 so many times when we, situation in the world,
08:41 we wonder if God is still in control.
08:45 When we see here what's going on,
08:47 the Messiah is born and now
08:50 there is a threat to his life, even had
08:52 to flee there to Egypt. Where is God?
08:56 But believe me God is still in charge,
09:00 God is still in control.
09:02 According to Matthew, even Jesus had to
09:05 flee there to Egypt, it was
09:06 for the prophecy to be fulfilled.
09:08 Could we spend a moment, you mentioned earlier about
09:11 the gifts that these wise men bring
09:14 and we say three kings, but we don't know the number,
09:17 that's part of our stories that have developed.
09:19 But they do bring three gifts, what are they?
09:22 What could they have been used for?
09:24 How are they helpful?
09:25 Actually they were very expensive gifts and
09:29 people are trying to make different theories of gold,
09:34 frankincense and myrrh etc.
09:36 I really don't want to go with that,
09:38 sometimes it can be very, very speculative,
09:42 but really those three gifts can refer to the threefold
09:46 aspect of Jesus ministry in the office.
09:48 He's the king, He's the priest and He' a judge.
09:52 And it shows how God provides because of those
09:54 gifts become the means for them to escape to Egypt.
09:57 Can you imagine, not only the Messiah,
09:59 was not waited for in Jerusalem
10:02 by His own people, but He had to go and flee
10:06 and to find the protection in the Gentile territory
10:08 which was actually Egypt today.
10:10 What Jesus' say, but God made a provision
10:13 with the gifts of those magi, so that
10:17 Joseph and Mary could for certain period of time
10:20 live there in Egypt, in order to survive?
10:23 How God always makes provision.
10:26 I suspected you'll bring this out in future lessons
10:29 about how Jesus repeats some of the history of Israel
10:32 and correlation between those two.
10:35 Actually I would like to take one minute
10:37 to address it, because we have it here
10:40 the significance of the Old Testament
10:42 quotations in Matthew 2.
10:44 Just quickly Matthew 2:15, what do we have at 2:15.
10:49 Yes and there was.
10:50 Out of Egypt I called my son.
10:54 Then we have in 2:6, we have you,
10:58 Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
11:00 who are not the least among the leaders of Judah,
11:03 For out of you shall come forth
11:05 a ruler who will shepherd My people Israel.
11:09 And then in verse 2:18, a voice from
11:12 Jeremiah prophecy, A voice was heard in Ramah,
11:16 weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping
11:18 for her children and she refused to be
11:21 comforted because they were no more.
11:23 By the way we know that all these are three quotations
11:26 from the Old Testament and they refer
11:29 to three greatest events in history.
11:33 Matthew 2:15 is quotation from Hosea 11:1
11:37 it refers to Exodus.
11:39 Then we have Matthew 2:6 from Micah 5:2,
11:43 it refers to the kingdom of David.
11:45 You know Bethlehem David was born.
11:47 Then we have Matthew 2:18 is quotation
11:50 from Jeremiah 31:15 its reference to the Exile.
11:55 So what is the point that we have here,
11:57 you know, Jesus came to save His people
12:00 from their sins. How?
12:01 Because he identifies Himself with them.
12:06 We saw the genealogy, the history of God's people
12:10 in the past was the history of constant failure.
12:13 But Jesus, in order to save them,
12:15 He steps into the situation where they failed,
12:19 He won the victory and that's the way
12:22 how He came to save His people from their sins.
12:25 As we conclude what should we hold on to
12:29 from this story of the birth of Jesus?
12:31 What does this say to you and to me as readers today?
12:35 So today, when we read the Gospel of Matthew,
12:40 we can learn something yes.
12:42 We saw that the Gospel of Matthew began
12:44 with rejection of Jesus by His own people
12:49 that actually He came to save.
12:52 What is that hope for me
12:54 as I read the Gospel of Matthew?
12:57 So many times I feel in my life I have constant
13:00 rejection of Jesus, but He still loves me
13:02 and He loves His own people in the past and He's ready
13:04 to save me from my own sin. What a Savior.


Revised 2014-12-17