Books of the Book: Matthew

The Meaning Of Jesus' Genealogy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00002B

00:01 Welcome back, we're exploring the genealogy of Jesus,
00:04 found in Matthew Chapter 1.
00:06 Ranko, let's go back into this a little bit further.
00:09 What else do we need to know about this genealogy,
00:11 in terms of its background, this was--
00:13 these Old Testament echoes, that you mentioned?
00:15 Tell us little more about that.
00:17 If the intention of the Holy Spirit,
00:20 who inspired Matthew to begin His Gospel of genealogy
00:24 and put it at the very beginning,
00:26 you know, you put at the very beginning,
00:28 the things that are the most important.
00:30 That sets the tone, for the rest of the book.
00:34 Then, we really have to go to the Old Testament,
00:38 to the Book of Genesis and find out
00:41 about the meaning of genealogy,
00:42 there in order to understand the meaning of genealogy,
00:45 in Matthew Chapter 1.
00:46 So, Glenn, now you have to help me, okay.
00:49 We have in Gospel of Matthew--
00:51 in the Book of Genesis, Chapter 1.
00:54 God created the heaven and earth,
00:56 okay, in six days, on the seventh day He rested.
01:00 And then, God wanted to establish
01:01 that working relationships with human beings.
01:05 Telling them, as long as you work with Me,
01:08 you'll be happy here in the Garden of Eden.
01:11 And then, we know sin came.
01:14 Genesis Chapter 3 and destroyed everything.
01:18 So in Chapter 2, verse 1, we have the book of genealogy.
01:22 It's the beginning with the history
01:23 of the planet earth, and God's effort to establish
01:27 the working relationships, with human beings.
01:30 Then the crush, the sin came.
01:34 Now, we know what happened as the consequences of sin.
01:37 Now we come to remember, the second reference
01:40 to the book of genealogy is chapter 5.
01:43 One is before the coming of sin,
01:45 another one after coming of sin.
01:47 You see, even though, the human beings fell into sin
01:52 and the sin according to Apostle Paul,
01:55 enter into all human beings, because all have sinned.
01:59 God wanted, still to keep the knowledge of Himself
02:03 among the human beings
02:05 and to work for their salvation.
02:06 Any idea, what is the method
02:08 that God used in order to do it?
02:11 So you're saying, He hasn't given up on them? No.
02:13 He is still reaching out, He is working to intervene?
02:16 How? Okay.
02:18 By means of genealogy.
02:20 In Genesis 5:1, He says,
02:23 now this is the beginning-- this is the book of genealogy,
02:28 genealogy of Adam.
02:30 See, God had genealogy, let's explain genealogy.
02:33 It means God has a lineage of His faithful people,
02:38 throughout history, who were faithful to Him.
02:42 And it is through those people,
02:43 through that genealogy, Adam's genealogy,
02:46 that God wanted to preserve
02:47 the knowledge of Himself
02:49 to work for the salvation of human beings.
02:52 See, God did not leave
02:53 the human beings alone, but then what happened?
02:55 So He works through this family tree
02:57 to preserve the knowledge of the truth, okay.
03:00 But then we have, Satan was doing very similar.
03:03 He made the counterfeit genealogy.
03:05 We have that evil genealogy, the genealogy of Cain. Cain.
03:09 Tell me, which genealogy succeeded?
03:13 Well, we certainly see this coming
03:16 all the way down to the time of Jesus.
03:18 No. Actually the flood came,
03:21 have they seen the genealogy,
03:23 finally concluded with the flood.
03:26 Only Noah and his family stayed faithful,
03:29 but the entire earth became corrupted.
03:31 So the flood came and brought
03:33 the end of the generation of the--
03:36 So God's family tree.
03:37 What does God do after the flood?
03:42 We have the new, the beginning of a new genealogy,
03:46 the genealogy of Noah.
03:49 So the same purpose, the same reason
03:51 but at the same time, Satan,
03:53 creates his own genealogy, the new genealogy
03:56 that try to do something at the Tower of Babel.
04:00 Yeah. To make the name beings,
04:01 to prevent God's plan, that he wanted
04:03 to accomplish through his genealogy.
04:06 And finally, we have that God's plan
04:08 almost failed with the Tower of Babel.
04:11 Then, we have God makes the beginning
04:14 of a new genealogy of Abraham.
04:17 Telling him that, through your offspring,
04:20 through your genealogy,
04:21 all the people of the earth will be blessed.
04:25 It is through Abraham, that we have the beginning
04:27 of that Old Testament genealogy,
04:29 that we call the people of Israel.
04:33 What can we say, Glenn, about that genealogy?
04:35 And for the Hebrews, for the Jews,
04:37 this would have been the most important one.
04:39 But that genealogy, was the history,
04:42 of a constant failure.
04:45 Failures, repeatedly.
04:46 Which actually concluded with the Babylonian exile.
04:50 So now, what is the purpose of this Matthew genealogy?
04:55 So can my genealogy save me,
04:57 can my family tree make all the difference, Ranko?
05:00 Matthew want to tell his readers, his, his readers,
05:03 is that it is through that genealogy.
05:07 And, can I say, out of that genealogy,
05:10 Jesus Christ came.
05:12 And he says, this is the book of genealogy
05:15 of Jesus Christ came.
05:18 He came out of that genealogy.
05:20 So the coming of Jesus is actually the climax
05:24 of that Old Testament genealogies.
05:29 Now, as you ask that question is,
05:32 what this the concluding text
05:36 of the genealogy in Matthew Chapter 1.
05:39 Actually the Bible student recognize,
05:42 that actually its verse 21, functions as the conclusion
05:47 and as the climax of this genealogy
05:50 in the Gospel of Matthew.
05:51 Can you just read?
05:53 All that family tree leads us down to Mathew 1:21.
05:56 "And she shall bring forth a son,
06:00 and you shall call his name Jesus,
06:02 for he will save his people from their sins."
06:04 Sin, so you see--
06:05 That's the hope, that's the common end--
06:07 So, you see, Jesus is the last one
06:10 in that list of genealogy.
06:13 I would like you Glenn, to pay something
06:15 very, very important is, its verse 16.
06:18 Usually, we don't pay too much attention to this,
06:22 if we go from verse two, what do we see?
06:26 "Abraham bore Isaac, Isaac bore Jacob,
06:29 Jacob bore Judah" and this is what the entire genealogy.
06:32 It shows that something, those individuals,
06:36 they have to do something with the next,
06:39 with the descendants who came after them.
06:41 They came, because they bore them.
06:43 But when we come to verse 16, it says,
06:46 "Jacob bore Joseph, the husband of Mary,
06:52 by whom Jesus was born,
06:56 who is called the Messiah Christ."
06:58 So now, a careful reader will notice, wait,
07:00 there's a shift, something's happening.
07:03 So what is the shift?
07:04 You see, before you have all this active verb,
07:07 Abraham bore, Isaac bore,
07:09 David bore but Joseph had nothing
07:12 to do with the birth of Jesus.
07:15 Joseph did not bare Jesus.
07:18 And, we'll see in the next program
07:19 about the birth of Jesus. About the birth of Jesus.
07:21 But, this is a great miracle.
07:23 Because Mary became pregnant, because of the Holy Spirit,
07:27 not because of the sexual relationships with Joseph.
07:31 So really Jesus came out of that genealogy,
07:36 but he is not out of the genealogy,
07:39 does it make sense?
07:41 Yes, it does.
07:42 And I do wanna ask you here,
07:44 just very briefly, Ranko.
07:45 Verse 17, it talks about these generations,
07:48 it says that there were 14 from Abraham to David,
07:51 14 from David to captivity,
07:53 and 14 from the captivity to Christ.
07:55 There is a structure here.
07:57 Yes. Actually the Holy Spirit through Matthew
08:02 makes periodization of history.
08:05 We have three periods, but you know,
08:07 to make it you had to take few Israelite kings out.
08:10 Okay, evidently, this is theological purpose,
08:13 not really the purpose of genealogy.
08:16 And the Bible students have been always
08:18 struggling with meaning of that.
08:20 What is the purpose of this 14, 14, 14?
08:23 And there is only one satisfactory solution,
08:26 is because it's the key name here is David.
08:31 And we know that, in Hebrew,
08:34 the name of David consists of those three consonants.
08:38 D.V.D. in Hebrew alphabet this is four,
08:43 this is four. Four plus four, it's eight.
08:47 And the middle one V is actually six,
08:50 so you have the number, 14.
08:51 So, the number 14 in three groups,
08:53 and three letters in the name.
08:54 Because in the Gospel of Matthew,
08:56 the name of David is very significant.
08:58 Jesus is always the son of David.
09:00 He is the king sitting on the throne of David.
09:04 So, they need to show that in Jesus Christ,
09:06 all those Jewish expectations, of the son of David,
09:10 who'll come in the reigning justice actually was fulfilled.
09:13 And you see what a story?
09:15 Here you go from, from the great king David,
09:19 down to the captivity of the Babylon.
09:21 And what a disappoint from Abraham
09:23 to David, all the hope.
09:25 Now, the hope is destroyed into captivity and then,
09:29 the last one brings you to Jesus.
09:31 So, did you notice in verse 21,
09:33 "His name will be Jesus",
09:35 which is actually the Hebrew name Yeshua.
09:40 And Yeshua means "Yahweh saves".
09:44 So, His name is supposed to be Yeshua,
09:47 Jesus which means, "He will save
09:50 His people from their sins".
09:53 You know, the question is, why genealogy?
09:59 Is genealogy important?
10:02 According to the Old Testament, it is important.
10:05 Unfortunately, in the Old Testament times,
10:08 people made genealogy to be a means of salvation.
10:11 Ranko, I'm gonna wrap this up quickly,
10:13 but it's moving to the point of this,
10:15 of--what if I say my family tree's a mess,
10:19 this world's a mess?
10:21 How does this, what does this teach me?
10:22 You see, genealogy is not an excuse for what I am.
10:27 What genealogy cannot do for us?
10:29 By the way, when we read the genealogy,
10:31 I'd like to invite viewers to open the Gospel of Matthew.
10:35 And God name after the name,
10:37 and to go to the Old Testament time,
10:39 and you will see that each one of these names,
10:43 has the history, the history of struggle,
10:45 a history of falling into sin.
10:48 Each one of these names,
10:51 really there is something attached to their name.
10:54 That really asks us this question,
10:56 what kind of genealogy is this?
10:59 But, I just want to tell you,
11:01 genealogy cannot save anybody.
11:04 Actually, the key text, Matthew 1:21,
11:07 is to tell us, that His name is Jesus,
11:11 because, what genealogy could not do, okay.
11:15 He came to save, His people from their sins.
11:21 One more time, He came to save
11:24 His people from their sins.
11:28 Which people? The people that are here,
11:30 in the genealogy, Jesus came to save,
11:34 you see, David and Bathsheba--
11:36 So, you're saying if Jesus came
11:38 to save people like Tamar,
11:41 if Jesus came to save someone like Rahab?
11:43 David, Solomon, Rahab.
11:45 A prostitute, David a murderer and adulterer,
11:48 if He came to save those--
11:50 He can save me. He can save me.
11:52 Yes. So Jesus came to save His people.
11:56 We are a part of His people.
11:58 Friends, we need genealogy.
12:00 We need to belong.
12:01 God has always, His genealogy, His people.
12:05 It is through His people, God wants to proclaim
12:08 the knowledge of Himself, that everlasting gospel.
12:11 Today, God has His genealogy
12:13 and He would like, through His people,
12:15 to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ.
12:18 That Jesus Christ is coming very, very soon.
12:22 We need the genealogy, but we have to understand,
12:25 that genealogy cannot save us.
12:27 We need Jesus Christ, because He is the only one,
12:32 who is able to save people from their sins.
12:36 And this is that great message.
12:38 This is the great comfort that comes
12:40 to me from the Gospel of Matthew.
12:42 Now, we see why Matthew under the inspiration
12:45 of the Holy Spirit, he begins his book
12:48 with genealogy to tell us, that what human beings,
12:52 they cannot do for my salvation,
12:54 what I, cannot do for my salvation.
12:57 Our hope is only in the one, whose name is Jesus,
13:02 because He is the one who can save
13:06 His people, from their sins.
13:08 So I would like to tell the viewers,
13:10 if you are in despair. If you are fighting
13:14 with the issues of your life.
13:15 If you think that you cannot do anything
13:17 for our self and for our salvation.
13:19 The hope is only in Him,
13:21 who can save His people from their sins.


Revised 2014-12-17