Books of the Book: Matthew

It's All About Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB00001B

00:01 Welcome back, we are exploring Matthew
00:03 and we have been realizing
00:04 that the more we know about how this book
00:06 was written originally, the more we can gain
00:10 God's blessing for us today.
00:12 So, Ranko, tell us again a little bit
00:14 more about this document that we have from God
00:18 through the writer Matthew authored by God.
00:21 Tell us a little more, help us understand?
00:24 You know Glen, when we started the Bible
00:27 as we mentioned before this.
00:29 We have to understand that for instance
00:31 New Testament gospel of Matthew in particular,
00:34 was written about 2,000 years ago.
00:36 We saw it was written to particular people at that time.
00:41 Today, we saw this book
00:45 and another books of the Bible
00:49 and that message of the Bible is still powerfully speaks to us.
00:55 But, before we discovered that message for ourselves
00:58 to find out what the text means to us,
01:01 for our personal salvation,
01:03 and for our relationships with Jesus Christ.
01:06 First we have to find out, what this text meant
01:11 to the people of the time
01:12 to whom this text was originally written.
01:15 So, first we discover what the text meant
01:18 and then we try to find
01:20 what the text means to our daily life.
01:22 So, the more we know about what it meant
01:23 the more it will mean for us.
01:25 The powerful message, becomes, becomes to us.
01:27 So, lets talk little bit how the gospel of Mathew
01:31 was organized and during this series
01:33 we will follow this structure. Okay.
01:36 There are some Bible students.
01:39 They noticed something very significant
01:41 with regard to this structure of this gospel is.
01:46 I'd like you Glen, if you can open
01:49 Matthew Chapter 4 verse 23.
01:52 All right, Mathew 4:23. Yes.
01:55 "And Jesus went about all Galilee,
01:57 teaching in their synagogues,
01:58 preaching the gospel of the kingdom
02:00 and healing all kinds of diseases
02:03 and all kinds of sickness among the people."
02:06 Actually, based on these texts,
02:08 if you goes to conclusion of Chapter 9,
02:11 the same text is repeated there.
02:13 It's telling us that Jesus ministry consisted
02:19 of two different aspects. Which aspects?
02:23 Jesus did preaching and teaching,
02:26 which is one aspect, and then Jesus did healing.
02:30 So, he spoke and he acted, okay.
02:32 This is exactly how the gospel of Mathew is organized.
02:38 The Bible students actually they noticed
02:41 that the gospel of Matthew has five blocks
02:46 of sayings of Jesus, something that is not found
02:49 in other gospel, synoptics or the gospel of John.
02:53 Now, for the Jewish folks, numbers were important.
02:56 So, let's be alert whenever you talk about a number here.
02:59 You are saying five blocks. Number fives. All right.
03:02 Let's leave this for the end.
03:04 First, we would like to see those five powers.
03:08 But there is something significant,
03:10 its not that we are something guessing.
03:12 Actually, Mathew indicated this in his book.
03:16 Lets what is the first instance part,
03:18 is the Sermon on the Mount.
03:20 Chapters 4 and 5, it's a long sermon
03:23 that Jesus preached from the unknown mount
03:27 there in Palestine.
03:29 People are trying to guess where that mountain was located.
03:32 And now would you read Chapter 7 verse 28,
03:36 how does this sermon
03:38 conclude in the gospel of Matthew?
03:40 All right, Mathew Chapter 7:28
03:42 and we're looking at verse 28. Yes.
03:46 And, so it was, when Jesus had ended these sayings,
03:50 that the people were astonished at His teaching.
03:52 Okay, let's conclude this.
03:54 Actually it says, when Jesus finished
03:57 these sayings, what now?
03:59 There is something else.
04:00 After the sermon, what do we have,
04:02 we have Chapters 8 and 9.
04:04 What are the Chapters 8 and 9?
04:06 About the healing activities of Jesus.
04:07 Do we see that, teaching and preaching
04:10 and now we have the healing activities of Jesus,
04:12 but the line is when Jesus finished these sayings.
04:16 Let's go to Chapter 11 verse 1.
04:18 All right, and as we go, Ranko,
04:21 you are suggesting that there is a direct connection
04:24 between the teaching and the healings.
04:26 They are not disjointed, they are tied together.
04:29 They are always. Jesus taught people,
04:32 but He also cared about their physical needs.
04:36 So Chapter 11 verse 1.
04:38 "Now came to past, when Jesus finished
04:40 commanding his 12 disciples,
04:42 that he departed from there
04:44 to teach and to preach in their cities."
04:46 When Jesus finished, what was that Jesus finished.
04:51 It's in Chapter 10, we have the speech
04:53 that Jesus made to His disciples
04:56 when He sent them to the mission field.
04:58 He instructed them, go preach the gospel
05:02 and heal every sickness in people.
05:04 Now after Chapter 10, what do we have in Chapter 12?
05:09 Now we have the healing activities of Jesus.
05:12 Now we come to Chapter 13.
05:14 We have another block?
05:16 What do we have there, the parables of Jesus.
05:19 Now let us read Chapter 13 verse 53.
05:23 Verse 53 of Chapter 13, all right.
05:26 "Now came to past, when Jesus is finished
05:28 these parables there he departed from there."
05:31 The same saying formula,
05:33 when Jesus finished the parables,
05:34 now what we have, Chapter 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
05:39 we have the healing activities of Jesus.
05:41 So, over and over again,
05:43 there is teaching and then there is healing.
05:46 We will not read it, they're now,
05:48 we have in Chapter 19, verse 1. All right.
05:50 When Jesus gives the instruction
05:52 about how to live in the church,
05:54 we will come about that.
05:55 Chapter 19 verse 1, when Jesus finished these sayings,
05:59 now we have the activities of Jesus.
06:01 And then Chapter 24 and Chapter 25,
06:04 it's about the second coming of Christ.
06:07 When Jesus finished in Chapter 26 verse 1 says,
06:10 when Jesus finished these sayings,
06:12 now we have Jesus goes to Jerusalem to die,
06:15 to die on the cross.
06:16 See the gospel of Matthew, it's organized fantastically.
06:20 Matthew must be wanting to say
06:22 that through what Jesus said what he taught,
06:25 what he preached and through what he did,
06:27 He is the Messiah.
06:29 And the complete restoration to human beings.
06:31 But some Bible students they noticed, see number five,
06:36 as you mentioned before.
06:38 When you write to the Jewish people number five,
06:40 there is something that comes to their minds
06:42 and is the Torah, five books of the Moses.
06:45 And many people think
06:47 that actually Matthew did these intentionally.
06:51 He organized his gospel as five books of Moses,
06:55 let me just go quickly the time is flying very fast.
06:58 We have the Sermon on the Mount is the first sermon,
07:02 is the beginning of Jesus ministry.
07:04 He called His disciples and brings
07:06 to mind the Book of Genesis, the beginning of this world.
07:10 Then, we go the second, its Exodus,
07:13 when God brought the people of Israel out of Egypt.
07:16 It really reminds the Exodus of the disciples,
07:19 when they were sent to the mission field.
07:22 Then, we have the parables,
07:25 they're really parallel to the Book of Leviticus.
07:28 What is the Book of Leviticus all about?
07:30 It's God's parables, teaching people
07:32 through the century sees them
07:34 about how He saved sinners is the parables of Jesus.
07:39 Then, we have Chapter 18, is how to live in the church,
07:42 parallel is the Book of Numbers.
07:45 The people of Israel is organized congregation
07:48 they're in wilderness about to enter the Promised Land.
07:51 And then we have Chapters 24 and 25,
07:53 is the second coming of Christ.
07:55 It's about the time to enter the Promised Land,
07:57 the Book of the Deuteronomy.
08:00 Those laws that Moses gave before the people of Israel
08:03 entered the Promised Land that they are.
08:05 So, you are describing a document,
08:07 it is a master piece of craftsmanship
08:10 and inspiration to communicate the message.
08:13 So, that gospel they spoke to the people of that time,
08:16 it still speaks to us in a mighty and powerful way.
08:21 Yes, yes. What else as we think about this,
08:26 you know, what's the Book of Matthew all about?
08:28 We've noticed that it was originally
08:30 written to Jewish audience. Yes.
08:32 What's the purpose, what does he want them to know?
08:35 Let me tell you, you know, people know
08:37 that I'm very much in the Book of Revelation,
08:39 this is what I go around and giving seminars.
08:43 But when usually people ask me
08:45 what are other New Testament books
08:47 as much important as the Book of Revelation,
08:50 I tell them the Book of Romans,
08:52 teaching us how we are saved before God.
08:55 But then the gospel of Matthew, why?
08:57 See the Book of Revelation is telling us
09:00 that as we are waiting for the second coming of Christ,
09:02 we have the message to proclaim to the world.
09:05 But the gospel of Matthew is telling us
09:07 how we should live in the church
09:10 as we are awaiting for the second coming of Christ.
09:13 I want to make sure, if I can just interrupt,
09:14 I want to make sure, we got that point Ranko,
09:16 say it one more time, the gospel of Matthew tells us
09:19 how we should live in the church. Yes.
09:22 As we are waiting for the second coming,
09:24 that describes us today. Yeah.
09:25 By the way, the key concept of the gospel of Matthew
09:28 is the kingdom of heaven, not the kingdom of God,
09:32 which is found in Mark, Luke, and other books,
09:35 is the kingdom of heaven,
09:37 which means that the kingdom of heaven
09:40 is present down to the earth in the church.
09:43 So when you and me when we live in the church,
09:47 we already have a foretaste, a foreshadow of that heaven,
09:54 heavenly life that one day will we live.
09:57 So in the church, we have the visible manifestation
10:00 of the kingdom of heaven.
10:02 And of course, if we talk about a kingdom,
10:04 there needs to be a king. Yes.
10:05 And that's what this book tells.
10:06 That's what the book.
10:07 So, lets conclude that these studies with something.
10:12 All right. We will see in our next presentation
10:15 that on the key text, I found in Chapter 1.
10:18 So the gospel of Matthew Chapter 1 contains
10:23 a very significant text which is verse 23,
10:25 Chapter 1 verse 23. Can you read?
10:27 All right, Matthew 1:23. Yes.
10:31 "Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a son,
10:37 and they should call his name Immanuel,"
10:39 which is translated "God with us."
10:41 So, the book begins with that the coming of Jesus
10:44 down to the earth.
10:46 God came to be present with His people.
10:50 As God in the Old Testament time,
10:52 lived with His people through the sanctuary.
10:54 Now He lives through Jesus Christ,
10:57 God came into the person of Jesus Christ
10:59 to be present among the people.
11:02 God wants to dwell with His people.
11:04 Now Ranko, they may have felt at times
11:06 that they are abandoned and perhaps
11:07 if you were today feels, you know, where is God.
11:10 He has abandoned me, but as God came through Jesus,
11:13 so He comes to us today.
11:15 Yes, so I would like to tell something to the viewers.
11:18 The gospel of Matthew concludes with the last verse,
11:22 Chapter 28 verse 20, when Jesus said go around,
11:28 make people disciples,
11:30 baptize them in the name of the Father,
11:32 of the Son and the Holy Spirit.
11:34 He said them teach them everything what I told you,
11:37 for I am with you always until the very end of the age.
11:42 So the book begins with God who is with us
11:45 and the book concludes with the statement
11:49 that God will always be with us until the very end of the age.
11:53 By the way this is for the gospel of Matthew is all about.
11:57 And I just want to say to the viewers.
12:00 As we are going through this book,
12:02 I know we all who are reading the Bible,
12:05 we have our personal issues in life.
12:07 We have our different needs.
12:08 We live in different circumstances
12:10 and we ask does God care.
12:14 So the question is does God really care?
12:19 The purpose of the gospel of Matthew is to give us
12:24 that promise with regardless of our circumstances,
12:27 God will be with us always until the very end of the age.


Revised 2014-12-17