Books of the Book: Matthew

The Baptism Of Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glenn Russell & Ranko Stefanovic (Host)


Series Code: MTBOTB

Program Code: MTBOTB000004B

00:01 We're here looking at the marvelous description
00:04 of the baptism that John the Baptist
00:06 was doing in the wilderness.
00:08 Look at Matthew, Chapter 3, verse 11.
00:11 "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance,
00:13 but He who is coming after me is mightier than I,
00:17 whose sandals I'm not worthy to carry."
00:19 So you see baptism and also the preparation
00:21 for someone who is coming.
00:22 Oh yeah. You see when John Baptist speaks,
00:28 he speaks like ancient prophets,
00:29 not like Greek philosophers.
00:31 Greek philosophers, they just speak to few chosen one,
00:36 but you see the message of the prophets concerns
00:39 all people, but--but the problem is,
00:42 not all people respond.
00:44 By the way, we will see the case of John the Baptist,
00:46 the majority of people did not respond
00:49 to that-- that message.
00:51 Now He talks about baptizing with the Holy Spirit
00:54 and with fire, the one who will come after him.
00:58 So, there is an anticipation, he's preaching many are coming
01:02 and many are not favorably accepting him
01:05 especially the leaders.
01:07 Actually, this verse 11 is the explanation
01:10 of that metaphor to make the roads straight.
01:14 Yes. So, he's telling them,
01:17 I try to bring you to repentance,
01:20 to prepare your heart for the coming
01:22 of the messiah and for His message.
01:24 So when messiah comes, you'll respond
01:27 to his call and to his message.
01:31 I want to bring you through my preaching to repentance.
01:35 When messiah comes, when messiah comes
01:38 then He will really lead you in that way that you want me,
01:43 in the sense He's greater than me.
01:45 And in verse 13, then Jesus came,
01:48 Jesus comes into the scene now.
01:51 We would expect almost the fanfare.
01:54 The one who's been anticipated, now everyone recognizes Him yet,
01:58 but what happens at this first great event of Jesus ministry?
02:01 But Glenn, keep something in mind,
02:03 with reference what you said in verse 11,
02:06 I baptize you with water for repentance.
02:09 What was the purpose of John's baptism?
02:13 Repent. So those who are baptized,
02:16 it means they repented from the sins.
02:17 And so now he sees Jesus is coming to him.
02:23 He recognize Jesus immediately, first he was his cousin, etc.,
02:27 and differently the Holy Spirit showed him
02:28 that actually it was messiah.
02:31 You read in verse 13, that Jesus arrived from
02:34 Galilee and to Jordan, coming to John to be baptized
02:37 and John tried to prevent Him saying,
02:40 I have need to be baptized by you and you come to me.
02:47 Keep in mind, John's purpose
02:48 was to baptize people who repented from sin.
02:51 So, why would now Jesus be baptized.
02:53 So, He's saying Jesus you don't need to repent--
02:55 He needs repentance. Actually, I need repentance.
02:57 You need to baptize me. So why is Jesus baptized?
03:01 Actually, we have Jesus made very straight answer.
03:05 And Jesus answering said to him, actually I really want
03:10 what the Greek says, they say, John leave the discussion aside.
03:14 We don't want now to talk about that.
03:16 He said, in this way, I wanted to be baptized.
03:21 I've to fulfill what is right, what is righteousness,
03:26 but John quickly recognize it and said John left him alone,
03:31 John did not want to argue with Jesus any longer.
03:36 Could we explore the meaning of Jesus baptism
03:39 and then what's the message for us today?
03:42 Well, we can now really talk a lot and lot about that.
03:46 Keep one more time, what was the purpose of Jesus?
03:50 To save His people from the sins.
03:54 I hope that we still keep in mind what we talk before
03:57 is in order to save his people from their sins,
04:01 Jesus had to go to the experience of his realm.
04:04 Do you remember that we talked in Chapter 1,
04:06 we talked in Chapter 2, now since all the people of God,
04:13 all Israel in the past, and all those people
04:16 who would come to this world in the future
04:18 they have to be baptized.
04:20 They're imperfect people, but Jesus decided to go
04:23 through the ritual of baptism,
04:25 to be baptized for every human being in history.
04:29 See those God's people, that are mentioned in genealogy,
04:32 they were disobedient. They were unfaithful to God.
04:35 And now Jesus steps into that situation.
04:38 He wants to be baptized on behalf of them because
04:40 He wants to save people from their sins.
04:44 And Matthew tells us now that this is a great theophany,
04:47 an encounter where we see the Father,
04:50 the Son, the Holy Spirit all at this event.
04:54 See Jesus was willing, keep in mind when Jesus came
04:57 down to the Earth, He had to empty Himself
05:00 of all the divine provocatives.
05:02 He had to step into the human situation,
05:05 to become a human being, to become a flesh,
05:09 to come to save human flesh, to save human beings.
05:13 So, He has to go completely to the human experience
05:16 and He was willing even to submit himself to fulfill
05:20 the requirements of righteousness for sinners.
05:23 He was baptized for all.
05:25 Glenn, please allow me at this moment,
05:28 I'd like to use one illustration.
05:30 It was a number of years ago when I was in
05:33 the pastoral ministry, there was one lady
05:36 started coming to my evangelistic preachings
05:39 and at the end, she came to me
05:41 and she expressed desire to be baptized.
05:45 And she was baptized, she became a powerful witness
05:49 for Christ, but one day she came to my home and she said,
05:53 you know, I'm married. I said I know.
05:55 She told me few things about her husband and she said,
05:59 I want to be witness for Christ,
06:02 but how to be witness to my own husband.
06:05 I said, just pray for him and we prayed, etc.
06:09 Just to make a long story short, one day she came to me,
06:12 she told me that her husband was in the hospital,
06:16 terminal cancer. The doctors told him,
06:19 it was not even matter of weeks,
06:20 it was a matter of days, how long he would live.
06:23 I said, let me go and visit him,
06:25 earlier to the hospital he rejected me completely.
06:29 Then I came second time and finally we became friends.
06:34 And he asked me openly, can God forgive me all my sins?
06:39 He said, I blasphemed against God.
06:42 I opened the Bible, I read him all those comforting text, etc.,
06:46 and finally I gave him Bible studies.
06:50 He was already seriously-- I mean he couldn't even move,
06:54 and he asked me, said, brother Ranko, I said, yes.
06:57 Would you pray for me. I said, yes.
07:01 Is there anything in particular?
07:03 He said that God heals me, that's a good desire, you know.
07:07 But you'll sometimes, we misunderstand he said,
07:10 please brother, I want to let you know
07:12 I'm not afraid of death, I will die.
07:16 Then the fourth question, God can just give me five days
07:19 of healing that I can come to the church and to be baptized.
07:23 So his desire was to be healed in order--
07:25 Just about--I said after that I will come back
07:28 to the hospital, I settled that issue to God. I said--
07:32 Ranko, you're suggesting that baptism is that important.
07:35 It's important. This is what John makes in verse 11,
07:39 repentance and then baptism.
07:41 That's why Jesus had to go through baptism.
07:43 So, what did you tell the man?
07:45 And I told him we will pray to God,
07:48 but I said, if it is God's will to give you, if not,
07:52 I opened Matthew Chapter 3 and I told to him
07:55 if God does not answer our prayer.
07:57 If you have to close your eyes, I just want to tell you,
08:01 you can fall asleep, believe that Jesus will come one day,
08:07 stand there on your tomb and call you by name.
08:10 With a full assurance that when Jesus was baptized
08:15 on the river of Jordan, he was baptized also for you,
08:19 when he was baptized, he had you in his mind.
08:24 Actually it was two days after that the person fell asleep,
08:29 he died, with full assurance that his Savior,
08:32 they're in Jordan river,
08:34 actually he was baptized with him.
08:36 That was actually the significance of this baptism
08:40 and I'd like to say to the viewers.
08:42 May be there are some of you watching this program,
08:46 may be you're in the situation and whatever the situation is
08:51 and you would like to set your relationship
08:53 with God by baptism, etc., and it is impossible for you.
08:57 I don't know what situation is, I don't know what
09:00 circumstances are, but I just want to tell you,
09:04 go down on your knees, ask God to step into your life.
09:10 God will accept you as you are.
09:13 Even though you cannot go under that water to be baptized.
09:17 But the gospel of Matthew Chapter 3,
09:20 provide full assurance to you, that Jesus was baptized for you.
09:27 And He accepts you as you are.
09:29 This is actually the hope that we get here
09:32 from the gospel of Matthew.
09:33 Now let me make sure no one misunderstands you,
09:36 because someone might say, oh, then I don't need to be
09:39 baptized if I could be, it's not that important,
09:42 Jesus baptized instead of me.
09:44 You're not at all saying that it's perfectly all right.
09:47 You're saying that this is a vital part of discipleship.
09:50 It comes in at the end of the gospel of Matthew.
09:53 But you're talking about a unique situation
09:54 where person is not able. Okay, you see,
09:56 John the Baptist message was, come to be baptized
10:00 and he was baptizing-- baptizing people.
10:02 And baptism is like wedding, it's a public announcement
10:08 that I have decided to walk with Jesus Christ through this life.
10:12 This is not an option given to us,
10:14 whether I want or not.
10:16 Is the same way, I fell in love with that lady.
10:21 And the climax of that, the crown of our relationship
10:26 was the wedding. Yes.
10:28 That was not an option. That was really our decision,
10:31 we--because we wanted to make that public announcement,
10:34 but we're talking about the people,
10:35 who were--who find themselves in certain circumstances,
10:39 that baptism is impossible for them.
10:41 May I ask just one more question,
10:43 Ranko, about Jesus' baptism?
10:46 It begins this public ministry. Yes.
10:49 Is that something that needs to be more in our thinking.
10:52 Some of us just feel like.
10:54 Well, I'm baptized and that's the end of it.
10:56 But baptism isn't a graduation, it's not the completion
10:59 of a bit of study and now I've arrived and I stopped.
11:03 See, even though the baptism of Jesus,
11:06 the purpose was different than ours.
11:09 This is what John Baptist misunderstood
11:11 and after that he understood.
11:13 Jesus was not baptized because of His repentance that He did.
11:16 He was baptized because of my repentance,
11:20 to be--to be accepted to Him.
11:24 But before Jesus stepped into the situation of His mission
11:28 to go to save people to proclaim the gospel.
11:30 Actually Jesus began it with the baptism and you'll notice here
11:34 that with the baptism, there is proclamation.
11:38 This is my beloved son.
11:41 There is something with the baptism.
11:42 There is--that sole proclamation of God,
11:45 when we are accepted by God, in the special way,
11:47 but what is the next thing is, the Holy Spirit descended
11:51 on Jesus and power of Jesus work his ministry and the baptism,
11:55 yours and mine, the Holy Spirit comes.
11:58 We become God's procession. Yes.
12:00 The Holy Spirit comes to His territory and the Holy Spirit
12:03 then powers us in fighting against sin,
12:06 to live righteous life, and of course to proclaim
12:09 the love of God to the suffering humanity.
12:12 What a wonderful thing when the voice from heaven speaks.
12:15 As you read the gospel Matthew and you get to this point.
12:18 This is my beloved son.
12:20 There's no question who Jesus is?
12:22 This is a clear identifier, let's wrap it up now,
12:25 what should we know? Yes, see, our Savior,
12:28 who came to save His people from their sins.
12:32 He paid such great attention and put such emphasis on baptism
12:39 as the beginning, the first step into His ministry.
12:42 First, He set an example to us,
12:45 what we are supposed to do in this life.
12:48 So this is a great call to all of us to follow
12:53 into the footsteps of the Master.
12:57 And if you really want to follow the example of Jesus Christ,
13:01 it's a call to each one of us that we repent,
13:05 that we turn our relationships toward God.
13:09 Turn toward God and that through baptism that we make
13:12 that public announcement that we've chosen God in our lives.


Revised 2023-08-14