Maranatha Mission Stories

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MMS

Program Code: MMS010021A

00:01 - Hi. I'm Hilary Marcias with the Maranatha Minute.
00:03 This month, the country of Côte d'Ivoire welcomed
00:06 its first team of Maranatha volunteers. This team of
00:09 22 came all the way from Brazil to help build the Annan
00:13 Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Annan
00:15 congregation currently has a church, which was
00:18 built decades ago through the hard work of members
00:20 who scrimped and saved throughout the years. However,
00:23 the government has announced that a new
00:25 road will be cutting straight through the
00:27 village and through the precise location of the
00:30 church site. Now, the congregation will have
00:33 to move to a new site and need help building
00:35 an actual structure. Maranatha has committed
00:38 to building a new sanctuary in Annan as part of the
00:41 larger effort in Côte d'Ivoire to provide
00:43 churches and schools in the greater Abidjan area.
00:46 Get the latest on projects like Côte d'Ivoire and how
00:49 you can get involved by registering for Maranatha
00:52 Matters, our weekly email newsletter. Go to,
00:56 scroll to the bottom, and sign up.
01:27 inside the dormitory.
01:31 And then in the morning, we find out that the
01:33 mud is floating on the floor. It was a challenge
01:38 coping with the situation. Sometimes, the rain
01:41 will come in through the windows-the
01:44 unclosable windows. - It was challenging
01:46 at night. The location was hard, and also
01:51 to wake up in the morning then go to class when you
01:55 have not slept well at it was challenging.
02:00 - It was not good; it was really, really
02:03 challenging. Sometimes, you want to become
02:05 discouraged and hoped to go to another school.
02:09 But due to the circumstances, we still pressed on due to
02:13 the encouragement the teacher was giving
02:16 us and telling us, "Just pray hard, and
02:19 something's gonna happen." So we prayed and believed
02:23 that something is going to happen even after the
02:26 longsuffering and that truly, God cared. - The
02:31 Kiutine Adventist school in Kenya is a secondary
02:33 boarding school home to 230 students. For years,
02:37 the students have lived in deplorable conditions.
02:40 Seventh-day Adventist Church leadership in Kenya
02:42 approached Maranatha for help. And in 2018,
02:45 Maranatha agreed to improve the campus at
02:48 Kiutine. Groups of Maranatha volunteers
02:52 began constructing new dormitories, classrooms,
02:55 bathrooms, a kitchen, and a cafeteria. As
03:02 volunteer teams were organized, The Ultimate
03:03 Workout, Maranatha's annual teens-only mission
03:06 trip for high schoolers, was added to the list of
03:09 those that would help at Kiutine. In its 29th
03:12 year, this would be Ultimate Workout's
03:14 first visit to the continent of Africa. In July 2019,
03:18 111 teens and adult leaders made their
03:22 way to Kenya for an experience they'd never
03:24 forget. - They're so sweet. They're so kind,
03:30 they're so welcoming, they want to meet you,
03:33 they're curious about you... They're just great
03:38 people in general. Like, I've never met kinder
03:41 people in my life. - The Kiutine students
03:44 are very loving, very appreciative, thanking
03:50 us for being here, very hospitable... I remember
03:54 when I got off the bus and we were first- I'm
03:59 loading our luggage. One of the Kiutine students
04:04 grabbed me by the hand and walked me to the truck
04:08 to get our luggage off. And since then, he's
04:11 found me in worship, we've sat and sung
04:13 together, know. He brought his brother,
04:17 I met the whole... We've taken pictures together;
04:20 they're just very warm and inviting people. - One
04:24 thing I really noticed about them and just
04:26 everyone here is they're always so content. Like,
04:29 I mean, we've seen what they've come from and
04:32 what they still currently have, and they're so
04:35 content. - So I got to tour the campus
04:39 where they used to stay, and I went into the girls'
04:43 dorm. I was quite shocked by what I saw. It was just
04:47 mud floor and bunk beds that were not really
04:52 bunk beds, and it was just open. The floorboards
04:56 were, the walls, were open, so anything could actually
04:59 come in. I was just wondering what happens
05:02 when the rain fell. It was just really sad
05:06 and deplorable. - Lots of dust and high winds.
05:14 It was definitely a different atmosphere,
05:16 and also very different living conditions. - The
05:21 dormitories weren't very good, the floor was just
05:24 bad... One thing that stood out to me, personally,
05:27 is the showers. Just like, this, like, closed off area,
05:30 and there's just rocks everywhere and you just
05:32 have a bucket, and you dump it over your head.
05:36 So, it was really bad, and I'm glad that we're
05:38 here to help and make them new ones, but yeah.
05:41 Just everything that was the boys' dorm, the girls'
05:43 dorm... And the kitchen wasn't so great, either.
05:47 - I was not expecting to see something like
05:50 these conditions as poor as they are... I mean, you
05:54 wouldn't see anything like this back home.
05:58 - It's just totally different. I mean,
06:00 my school has running water, it has walls,
06:04 actual walls... It's just completely different.
06:10 I don't even think you can compare the two,
06:12 because now- even though my school, I wouldn't say
06:15 it's in the best condition, it's still a thousand times
06:20 better than what they used to have. - Oh, it
06:24 humbles me, and it makes me feel like I'm a spoiled
06:27 brat. [laughs] Yeah. We're very fortunate in
06:35 America and we take for granted what we have.
06:38 - When we come back, see how Ultimate Workout
06:41 volunteers help to improve conditions at the Kiutine
06:44 school and serve in the local community.
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08:00 - For Ultimate Workout in 2019, volunteers
08:03 were tasked with constructing a new boys' dorm and a
08:06 classroom at the Kiutine Adventist school in Kenya.
08:12 After learning how to lay block, the teens got
08:15 to work building these much-needed structures.
08:18 - I really like the block work. I did medical team
08:25 once. I really enjoyed that, but I also really
08:29 love the construction aspect. I love getting a
08:32 pickaxe and hitting concrete or rock,
08:39 building a foundation... I love getting my hands
08:41 dirty. - I think even though the kids are
08:44 happy with what they have now, I think it's
08:46 going to mean much more for them. They recognize
08:50 that they can get a better education if they
08:52 have a better place to learn in. So I think it
08:55 will be really good that they can have clean-
09:02 a roof that don't leak when they're learning,
09:05 desks that work when they need to, just...
09:08 So, I think it's going to be great for their education.
09:11 - Besides construction, the volunteers were able
09:13 to serve on one of two outreach teams and a
09:16 medical team. - I've been doing VBS and
09:18 outreach this whole time, and I actually genuinely
09:24 care about them and I'm going to miss them a lot.
09:30 - In visiting the local schools, and the
09:33 kids are just so amazing. They're so sweet, they're
09:35 so curious; they grab all over you, they love
09:38 to hug you, they love to touch you, and just...
09:40 You feel so loved even though you don't know
09:42 them. A lot of the kids, I don't know their names,
09:45 probably 'cause I can't pronounce them or remember
09:48 them, but they still love me. And even though they may
09:51 think I'm kind of weird or different, they still
09:55 love me and they're so welcoming. - The four or
09:58 five communities that we've gone to provide
10:01 medical services, the need has been so great.
10:05 And we haven't been able to see everyone, but it
10:08 has been a difference between this mission
10:11 trip and others that I've gone on. Our role here
10:14 is twofold; it's one to mentor the young people
10:18 that we have brought over and give them exposure
10:21 into medicine. We've been able to show them
10:24 how to do things that they probably won't do
10:28 for several years in the future. Some of them said
10:30 they didn't really know that it would be so hands-on,
10:33 and they've been able to- you know. I go by the
10:36 mantra-and it's in medicine- that you see one, you do
10:40 one, and then you teach one. So, they would see
10:42 procedures being done, and then we'd allow them
10:44 to do it. - In between construction and outreach,
10:48 volunteers also took breaks to experience
10:50 quintessential Kenya by going on a safari in
10:53 nearby Meru National Park. - The special moment
10:56 was the safari. I've always wanted to be
11:00 able to go on a safari. And although it is long-
11:03 it was about eight hours- but we got to see everything
11:06 but a lion. Getting to see all of God's creations
11:11 up close is really an amazing thing. Seeing
11:14 rhinos-I never thought I would ever see a rhino.
11:18 That would definitely be a high point in the
11:20 trip so far. - The first Sabbath also featured
11:23 a trip to visit a Samburu tribe to worship in a church
11:26 Maranatha constructed. Ultimate Workout volunteers
11:30 led the church services and experienced a new
11:32 culture. [singing] - Going out to the Samburu
11:36 tribe was very special. Those people had been
11:42 worshiping under a tree, and now they have a one-day
11:45 church and they have pride in that, and they have water
11:48 to drink... - We got to meet some of the
11:53 people in the village and just got to talk to
11:57 them. It was really cool to see all these huts and
11:59 stuff; but here, which is like buildings that are
12:02 similar to kind of- not exactly similar to what we
12:05 have at home, but to see people with mud huts
12:09 and stuff and straws for roofs, that was really
12:12 cool. And the ladies and people there, they
12:15 let us go inside and check it out, which was
12:17 REALLY cool. It was very small; it was just like,
12:20 one sleeping area and a kitchen. It was very
12:22 small, but it was such a neat experience just
12:24 to walk in and to see that. And the people
12:27 there, they started singing and dancing
12:29 in their traditional style and everything.
12:32 That was so cool. I got some videos of it. [singing]
12:36 - One of the unique aspects of this trip was the abundant
12:38 opportunities for interaction between Ultimate Workout
12:41 volunteers and the Kiutine students. - You come into
12:45 this new environment and you don't really
12:46 expect the people you see to be pretty much
12:50 just like you. There are kids just like you even
12:55 though they speak a different language and
12:57 it seems a little bit different, they experience
13:00 the same things that you experience and they react
13:04 to them in a similar fashion. It's interesting
13:08 to figure that out and see how similar you are
13:13 to somebody who's on the other half of the
13:16 world. - They're amazing. I love the kids here. I
13:21 make it a point to kind of get to know every one
13:23 of them. I have made so many friends. They're
13:26 very nice; they're always smiling. If they have a
13:30 bad day, they don't let me see that.
13:33 - It has been an amazing experience
13:38 having them around. For me, I never thought that
13:41 I would come in close contact with you guys-
13:45 these volunteers. But through you, at least
13:48 we have shared a lot. We have known each
13:51 other, we have known what are the hobbies
13:54 of each side. We've really known that there is no
13:57 difference between you guys and us. It has been
14:00 a blessing...yeah. - They like asking a lot
14:05 of questions, figuring out what it's like,
14:07 which I've done the same to them. I'm
14:11 assuming everybody's asked that question or
14:14 said that "I would love to go to Africa." And
14:17 when you get the chance, you can ask them, "What's
14:20 it like? How do things go around here from
14:25 day-to-day life?" They're all really nice
14:28 kids. They're really great singers, especially.
14:32 [singing] - We have gained a lot
14:38 of inspiration from them because you have come
14:43 to understand that you worship the same God.
14:46 And through singing, you have gained a lot
14:51 of messages from them. I know God is pleased of
14:58 what they are doing and He has blessed us through
15:03 them. - With Ultimate Workout designed to
15:05 stretch volunteers' physical and spiritual
15:08 muscles, each day featured multiple worship
15:10 services, including joint programs with the Kiutine
15:13 students. - Joint worships are amazing because just
15:17 Maranatha, when we're having worship, we sing
15:21 and we come and get into it, but not as much.
15:23 But when the kids come over, they really hype us up.
15:26 Personally, they just... They sing very loud;
15:28 they're very into it, and that kind of motivates
15:30 me. That kind of gets me excited, and I get
15:32 more into it, and we just... And when you
15:34 have a bigger crowd, there's more singing,
15:36 it's louder, and it's just more of, like, a
15:38 choir, and it's really cool. They enjoy the
15:40 music; they love it, and they kind of help me
15:43 to kind of enjoy the music, as well, and to
15:46 kind of get into worship. [singing] - My favorite
15:50 part is just the singing. They just drown us out.
15:53 We can't even be heard; they're just always so
15:55 happy. It just makes me smile. I just sit there
15:59 and just close my eyes, and I wish I could just
16:01 look out at all of us instead of just being
16:05 in the mix, because it's just really cool to see
16:10 a bunch of different cultures just completely
16:12 mix but we're all there for the same purpose
16:15 and stuff, so... I don't know. I think it's really
16:18 cool that we get to unite for that. - I just wish I
16:21 could just sit back and just observe it instead
16:24 of being a part of it, 'cause it sounds so good,
16:27 it just looks so good to see them mingling with
16:30 our participants and just hearing the sounds
16:34 of worship and just watching them participate.
16:37 And even though we have such vast difference even
16:40 economically, you can't tell it when we're in worship.
16:42 You really can't. They're just really together and
16:45 just reading the Bible together, sharing everything.
16:49 [singing] - They are pretty interactive
16:52 during worships for the sermon. I was sitting
16:55 next to a girl, and back at home- our church is
16:58 pretty quiet during the sermon. And during the
17:01 sermon, all of the Kiutine students,
17:03 they responded "Amen!" to the pastor and I
17:06 didn't, and she thought it was a little disrespectful
17:09 that I didn't just 'cause I'm not used to it.
17:12 - Due to the way we have been interacting during
17:15 the worships, we have really built the contact
17:19 between us and you. We have shared, and we have
17:23 known that we share a common God and really
17:26 felt that Jesus Christ loves us because we
17:29 are common and share anything in common that
17:32 all of us, we have come to know that all of us,
17:35 God loves us. - When we come back, watch
17:38 the push to complete the work before time
17:40 runs out on the teens' trip in Kenya.
17:54 - In a little over a week, Maranatha is heading
17:57 to Paradise, California to start a mission project,
18:00 and we need your help. From November 5 to
18:03 26, we need volunteers to help build 200 storage
18:06 sheds for residents who lost their homes in the
18:09 2018 Camp Fire. These sheds will provide a
18:12 place for people to store their things as those in
18:15 the area are currently living in RVs and trailers.
18:18 The timing of this project is critical as the rainy
18:21 season is approaching fast. Then, from December
18:24 23 to January 5, spend Christmas and New Years
18:27 on a mission trip. The Ultimate Workout
18:29 Alumni Project is going to La Paz, Bolivia to build
18:32 a new church for a congregation in need.
18:35 While this project is designed for those
18:37 who have been part of Ultimate Workout in the
18:39 past, it's open to all volunteers. So if you're
18:42 looking for adventure over the holidays, register
18:44 for this project today. Learn about all our
18:47 volunteer opportunities on our website at
18:50 under Volunteer Opportunities.
18:57 - Throughout the nearly two-week Ultimate Workout
18:59 in Kenya, friendships were forged, new cultures
19:02 were experienced, and spiritual lessons learned.
19:05 But as the time for departure neared,
19:07 there was concern that the boys' dorm may not
19:10 be completed in time. A special dedication had
19:13 been planned, and the volunteers didn't want
19:15 to leave the building unfinished. - This morning,
19:19 we had an opportunity to choose to go to outreach
19:22 or stay and do construction. I decided to stay, mainly
19:29 because Wills was the lead construction worker,
19:35 reminded us that this is a special situation.
19:39 We get to build this whole place from the
19:43 ground up, and then we get to help them move
19:45 into it. It's something that I've never experienced;
19:49 it's something that he has never experienced.
19:52 Being able to put in their bunk beds, set
19:56 up their mattresses and help them move into a
19:58 place, I'm hoping it's gonna be a really great
20:03 thing. - I'm sure they're very excited, because
20:08 they've been watching us build them, and other
20:11 Maranatha volunteers. They watch them build
20:14 it, and they're really excited to have more
20:16 space and to have more showers and better bathrooms
20:20 and stuff. I think they're very, very pumped, very
20:22 excited, to have better living conditions. I mean,
20:26 I would be, too, if I were them. - With new
20:29 resolve to finish the work on time, volunteers
20:32 made a push to accelerate the construction of the
20:34 boys' dorm-and got the job done! - I'm a lot
20:39 more capable than what I think. We can push our
20:47 bodies farther than what our mind can
20:49 think. We might think that we aren't able to
20:54 lift the block up to the next level and be able
20:58 to set another one-you know?-just before lunch...
21:02 but we can do it. [singing]
21:08 - On the final Friday, the boys' dormitory
21:10 and the new classroom were dedicated with a
21:13 number of regional Seventh-day Adventist
21:15 Church officials present. - The new dorm-we are
21:22 able to sleep in our own beddings, and
21:28 comfortably. And when it comes time for
21:32 going to class, you don't feel like you have been
21:37 in the wrong place at night, so it is good. - It
21:43 means the world to them, I would assume. If I lived
21:45 in these kinds of conditions and I had
21:49 a shower built for me and I actually had a
21:52 decent bathroom and a nice living space, I
21:57 would be pretty grateful for what I got, you know?
22:01 - It's like heaven. At least, I'd assume so.
22:04 If I lived in this prior to those, that's a huge
22:08 change. - If we compare the times we were sleeping
22:12 in the old dorms, people were sluggish during the
22:16 day because they never slept, and people were
22:18 sleeping in classes when the teacher was teaching.
22:21 But now because you are enjoying sleep back in the
22:24 dormitory, you don't have that sleep, and now you
22:28 can cooperate in class. May God bless you for
22:32 the wonderful work that you have done unto our
22:34 school. If it was not for you, we don't know
22:36 where it would be. You've really transformed this
22:39 school. We can't express the gratitude we have
22:42 because you have been really good to us, you've
22:45 really helped us come from the situation that
22:48 we were in. And really now, it's great. May
22:51 God bless you. [singing]
23:21 - The joyous celebration was followed by a special
23:23 Sabbath that sought 37 people baptized, including
23:27 Kiutine students and 26 Ultimate Workout volunteers.
23:32 It was the culmination of a nearly two-week
23:34 experience filled with spiritual growth, physical
23:37 challenges, and expending worldviews. - It's quite
23:44 a workout-mentally, spiritually-getting to
23:46 know God... I feel like that can actually bring
23:49 you closer to God. And physically, it's hard work.
23:52 So, it's, all around... I love the name-
23:55 Ultimate Workout-it quite is an ultimate
23:57 workout. - Ultimate Workout's a
24:02 tough experience. [clapping] It pushes you out of your
24:07 comfort zone, which is something that very
24:10 few people like. Going outside of the country
24:14 is never easy, getting used to the time changes-
24:19 and Ultimate Workout presents all of that.
24:23 It presents waking up early, getting to work,
24:27 worship... I mean, worship is a time of
24:32 rest and praising the Lord-but right after
24:36 that, we're going straight to work. It's hard, but
24:40 that's what's great about it. - I don't know.
24:46 I guess I learned how to be more loving and open,
24:49 because back home you have your space that
24:54 you're comfortable in. And when you're
24:56 completely removed from it and dropped in another
24:59 situation, it makes you have to adapt. - I think
25:06 I just learned that I need to be more content
25:08 with what I have. There's a lot of stuff that it's
25:10 like, "Oh, I need this, or I need that." But
25:13 after being here, I realize that a bunch
25:16 of my needs are more just wants. - I listen to
25:19 them talk, especially at night in the dorm or
25:21 on our way back from our projects-and they
25:24 recognize, first of all, that they are blessed
25:26 beyond measure-that they have more than
25:29 what they sometimes don't realize. I think,
25:35 also, like yesterday they realize that, "Oh,
25:38 we may be different geographically, we
25:41 may be different economically, but we are kind of the same."
25:45 - They should experience this. I mean, you take
25:48 for granted the life that you're living, and
25:51 you never know that unless you expose yourself
25:54 to other continents, countries, other peoples,
25:58 other cultures, you'll never know that you
26:00 have a great life and that others have a
26:05 great life, too, but they just do it on a lot less.
26:08 I would really strongly say that as many young
26:11 people that hear this and know about this,
26:14 they should really try to come and be a part
26:16 of it, 'cause there is so much work to be done
26:18 and there's so many hands that can be
26:21 involved in this work. And the reward, you
26:27 may not see until we get to heaven. - Every
26:30 parent should send their teen on an Ultimate Workout.
26:33 First of all, no joke. Teens are really
26:35 connecting with Christ through service. We're
26:39 just there as the adults to guide them and mentor
26:41 them, but they pretty much plan and execute
26:44 everything. You want your child to really
26:48 connect while there's- you want your team
26:50 to really get to know God through service.
26:52 It's the Ultimate Workout. [singing]
26:56 - You experience the hard work, the grit-
26:59 and the growth that you experience. It's something
27:04 that you can't even put a price on. Being able
27:07 to experience different cultures, different
27:09 people, different points of view-it's priceless.
27:15 - I feel like everyone should have this
27:18 experience. Before I came here, I was kind
27:21 of nervous. I was like, "I don't know if I would
27:22 be able to make friends, I don't know how it's
27:24 going to be... I'm scared about the squatty potties."
27:27 But, you know, I feel like everyone should
27:29 be able to get out of their comfort zone and
27:32 to be put into a place you're not familiar with,
27:35 with people you're not familiar with, and just to
27:38 learn to adapt and to love and to grow with
27:42 people you don't know. And I think everyone
27:43 should be able to go on this trip. I really think
27:47 it's amazing, and it's probably the best thing
27:48 that's ever happened in my life.


Revised 2019-12-19