Maranatha Mission Stories

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MMS

Program Code: MMS009143A

00:01 - Hi. I'm Hilary Marcias with the Maranatha Minute.
00:02 It's already November. And as we enter the
00:05 holiday season, we're also kicking off our annual Giving
00:08 Tuesday campaign. Giving Tuesday is a global day
00:11 of giving, held on the first Tuesday after
00:13 Thanksgiving. And this year, Maranatha's goal
00:16 is to raise $100,000 for new classrooms
00:19 for the Kajiado Adventist School and Rescue Center
00:22 in Kenya. The buildings will serve Maasai girls
00:25 who are rescued from female genital mutilation
00:27 and child marriage. The girls live and go to school
00:31 on campus. However, older students have to
00:33 attend secondary school at separate campuses,
00:36 which can be traumatic. So, Maranatha is expanding
00:39 the current campus to include high school classrooms.
00:42 You can help Maranatha raise money for this important
00:45 project. Make a change for a better future for
00:49 these young women. Start a Giving Tuesday campaign
00:51 using our fundraising website, or make a donation
00:54 now or on Giving Tuesday, December 3. Visit our
00:57 website for more information.
01:21 - Popular culture would have you believe that the
01:23 teenage years were a time to celebrate aimlessness,
01:26 wandering, or fool- hearted decisions.
01:29 But in this episode of Maranatha Mission Stories,
01:31 we're focusing on another side of youth-teens who
01:34 are breaking the mold by daring to serve and
01:37 connect with the world in meaningful ways. First,
01:42 in honor of Maranatha's 50th anniversary, we'll
01:45 take a look at a program that's been bringing teenagers
01:47 closer to Christ for nearly 30 years.
02:06 In the 1980s, the United States witnessed a seismic
02:09 cultural shift as the nation emerged from the turmoil
02:13 of the previous decade. In response to the
02:18 counterculture movement of the '70s,?Americans
02:21 began embracing monetary and professional success.
02:27 The yuppie became somewhat of an icon of the '80s
02:30 symbolizing wealth, status, and greed.
02:38 On the popular culture front, teenagers witnessed
02:40 the emergence of new technology, a new health
02:44 crisis, and a new type of television. The pop
02:51 culture machine was everywhere. It was at
02:55 the tail end of this decade that Maranatha
02:57 Volunteers International came upon a new program
03:00 aimed at the very young people who were being
03:03 consumed by this lifestyle. It was an antidote to the
03:07 times and the spiritual revelation for teens.
03:12 Insight was a youth magazine published by
03:14 the Seventh-day Adventist Church. One day while at
03:17 the gym with a friend, the editor had an idea.
03:21 - He was working it out with a friend at a
03:22 convention. They said, "This is what we do for
03:25 our physical bodies. What can we do for our
03:26 spiritual growth?" And so, they decided that the
03:30 way that young people can work out is through
03:34 service. - Insight came up with the idea of a
03:38 teens-only mission experience. And in 1990,
03:41 they launched what was named, "The Trip".
03:52 The next year, Inside asked Maranatha to
03:55 coordinate the effort, and they would market the
03:57 project in their magazine. The trip was reborn as
04:01 The Ultimate Workout, and 19 volunteers headed
04:04 to Honduras.
04:13 From then on, the program steadily grew, adding a
04:15 handful of people at a time. By the time
04:19 Steve Case got involved in 1993, the number of
04:22 participants had increased, and the workload was
04:25 outgrowing the small team at Maranatha.
04:29 Steve, a youth pastor, was among those who
04:32 helped to coordinate the effort at home and abroad.
04:35 - You had to talk with every parent of every
04:38 kid, and it just simply took too much time.
04:41 It was too costly for Maranatha to do it.
04:43 So, the lead into it just was so time-consuming.
04:46 So, I was told, "Steve, you're going to go on
04:49 this Ultimate Workout. And just so you know,
04:52 this is the last one. We just can't afford it."
04:57 - Steve understood the reasoning. But when he
04:59 returned from the project, he was convinced otherwise.
05:03 The positive impact on the participants was too
05:06 powerful to give up. - I came back and had
05:09 a very serious conversation with the president of
05:12 Maranatha Volunteers International in his office,
05:15 and I spoke to him not as a friend but this was a
05:19 professional conversation. I let him know in no
05:22 uncertain terms that this had to continue.
05:25 I understood that I was supposed to stop it; but
05:31 as the president of Maranatha, Don Noble, "You must keep
05:34 this going. In fact, if you don't, you'll have
05:37 to quit calling yourself a Christian." I was pretty
05:42 worked up. - Steve laughs at this memory, but his
05:45 impassioned plea was effective. Maranatha
05:48 decided to continue running Ultimate Workout. And
05:51 as they say, the rest was history. Maranatha
05:56 hired Steve to be the program director for
05:58 The Ultimate Workout, and he kept the role
06:00 for the next 20 years, using his background in
06:03 youth ministry to hone a spiritually powerful
06:06 project for teens with three core components.
06:11 - #1) It seeks to have a spiritually transforming
06:14 experience for the participants. That's
06:17 a high order, and we go for it.
06:25 [applause and cheering]
06:29 #2 is quality-constructed buildings, which is a
06:33 challenge when you have unskilled teenagers. So
06:36 you have to have some key leaders who are
06:38 willing to mentor and teach.
06:46 And #3 is to supplement what the church is
06:49 already doing to spread the gospel in whatever
06:50 location we're in. - As a result, volunteers
06:54 return year after year transformed. - It's life-
07:00 changing experience that I want to have every
07:04 year. I come back and I feel like I'm revived
07:08 all over again. - Ultimate Workout is not just about
07:12 going to a different place and seeing new
07:14 things; it's about connecting with other
07:16 people, doing the Lord's work... And you're really
07:22 going on a journey for yourself, looking inside
07:24 yourself... - Before my Ultimate Workout
07:27 experience, I felt distant from God; and after the
07:32 trip, it was just a completely different
07:33 feeling in me and I felt like a better person
07:36 after it. I felt like I made a difference in
07:40 someone's life, and it was a really good feeling
07:44 and it really helped me to connect with God.
07:51 - Before this trip, I never really pray on my own.
07:53 Before we ate as a family, we would pray and thank
07:58 Him for the food. But when I woke up,
08:00 I never thanked Him for waking me up. Or when I
08:03 went to bed, I never thanked Him for keeping
08:06 me alive throughout the day and keeping me safe.
08:08 When I go home, I know I'm gonna change some
08:11 things in my family- connecting with Christ
08:16 and praying. - Today, Ultimate Workout is
08:20 Maranatha's biggest project, and the trip draws anywhere
08:23 from 100 to 200 volunteers each year. There have
08:27 been more than 3,900 volunteer experiences
08:31 in the past three decades. While most years the
08:35 projects are in Latin America, twice Ultimate
08:38 Workout landed in the United States.
08:43 Twice, they headed to India.
08:48 And this year, Ultimate Workout went to Africa
08:51 for the first time. Nearly three decades
08:56 since the launch, interest in Ultimate Workout shows
08:59 no signs of slowing down. - Here's my analysis of
09:05 why Ultimate Workout is so potent. It's normal
09:08 in adolescent development to find out what your
09:11 identity is. That's just part of normal human
09:14 development. And the way you find out what
09:17 it is is you compare it with what it has been.
09:19 You're coming of age, and you start to push
09:21 back against the powers that are there-namely
09:24 your parents or other authority structures.
09:26 If you go on another project, say with your
09:28 congregation, with your school, with your family,
09:31 those people know you- and still has a high impact,
09:35 but you don't have that brand new start. You know,
09:38 the Bible says if anyone is in Christ, they are a
09:41 new creation, or a new creature. The old is gone;
09:45 a new life has begun. Well, that truly happens
09:48 on Ultimate Workout, and you see it, and it's
09:51 just truly amazing. - You come here as a stranger.
09:56 You come here as just a new person, a new
09:58 face, and you get to share that story and
10:02 you get to grow in just two weeks. I mean, it's
10:08 incredible how much you grow. - It's just the connection
10:13 with God and the connection that you get to have with
10:17 everybody here. It's a breath of fresh air with
10:19 His... You get to be away from all the distractions,
10:24 everything that's keeping you back from having
10:25 a relationship with God, and you're in a different
10:27 country that we don't know...and having that
10:31 relationship is just amazing. - When we
10:35 come back, we meet another group of teens who are
10:37 serving the mission field in a different way-from home.
11:02 - These women spend 560 minutes a day fetching
11:06 water. Water is life... ...but your life shouldn't
11:14 revolve around water.
11:21 We're raising money for water wells. Make a donation.
11:30 Give women the gift of time, health, family.
11:40 Sponsor a well. Give water; give life.
11:53 - For most of us watching, clean water is a given-
11:56 a commodity taken for granted as it pours from
11:58 our faucets with reckless abandon...yet there are
12:02 many parts of the world where water of any kind
12:05 is a rare gift. In a privileged enclave of
12:08 southern California, a group of girls heard
12:10 about this water crisis. Specifically, they learned
12:13 of the plight of women in Kenya who have to
12:15 walk miles for clean water. So, they decided
12:18 to do something by walking a mile or two in their shoes.
12:30 This is Del Mar Mesa, an attractive development
12:33 in the suburbs of San Diego. Here, long before
12:41 the neighborhood developed and right in its heart, is
12:44 Hooterville Estates. The new developers
12:47 wanted to buy the property but were turned away.
12:51 Hooterville remains. Its eclectic presence announcing
12:55 itself at the entrance. The seven-acre ranch
13:01 has become beloved by the neighbors-especially
13:03 those with children. Preserving a time and
13:08 spirit that suburbs often erode, Hooterville's owners
13:11 and residents, Elizabeth and Mike Rabbit, nurture a way
13:15 of life that once was common on these hillsides.
13:21 Today, however...we haven't come for the eggs.
13:25 (Elizabeth): What are you guys doing?
13:29 - Elizabeth has made the ranch the starting place
13:31 of the First Annual FAV and Friends Walk
13:33 for Water. The trick... is keeping the goats
13:37 from eating the sign.
13:45 But how did Elizabeth Rabbit and Hooterville
13:47 become the vortex of the FAV and Friends Walk for
13:50 Water?
13:57 Elizabeth first learned of the water crisis in
13:59 Africa while volunteering on mission trips with Maranatha.
14:04 Having seen the life-changing effects a well brings to
14:07 communities there, Elizabeth freely shared
14:10 her passion for water wells with her neighbors
14:12 back at home. This included Mia Goldman and Emma Reeves,
14:19 two young women who have known Elizabeth since they
14:21 were little kids. - Miss Elizabeth has always
14:25 been kind of this neighbor that I was kind of... Growing
14:29 up, I've lived here since I was 2, and I've always
14:32 looked in a store, "Oh my gosh, that farm is
14:35 amazing! I wonder who lives there." And finally,
14:37 I got to meet this amazing woman, Elizabeth, who's
14:40 kind of just this creative person, does what she
14:44 wants, builds her own things, raises horses,
14:48 and she's kind of just been a role model to
14:50 me probably since I was a little girl, and I've
14:53 always kind of wanted to be like her. - I met
14:55 Elizabeth from when I was 3 when we moved
14:59 here. I always looked up to her as just seeing
15:02 this crazy place with having all these horses
15:05 and having me be into horses, it really just made
15:07 me- she just inspired me. And by chance and
15:11 fate, I was so lucky to be able to keep my horses
15:13 here. And to think, over time, our families have
15:16 bonded, and we really just spend a lot of time
15:18 together. - My girls in this neighborhood that
15:21 I've... They've been coming to my ranch
15:25 here since they were 4, 5, 6 years old. They
15:29 were tiny, and they hang out here. We were painting,
15:33 and they were talking about going to college,
15:35 and they knew I had been to Africa, and they were
15:38 asking me questions about what I learned-about what
15:42 it was like. And they started, just, like, brainstorming,
15:45 and I don't know, really, whose idea it was. And
15:47 then they said, "Well, we could do this," and
15:49 "We could do that," and they said, "Well, we have
15:51 this club, Female Athlete Volunteers, and we have
15:54 to find projects for them in order to get
15:58 points, and the club has to sponsor so many events
16:01 a year. And so, that's how it started. - FAV
16:07 is Female Athlete Volunteers, and it is an amazing group
16:11 of young women, especially in San Diego. It's got
16:16 about 200+ members now, and it's something I've
16:19 been a part of for probably six years now. We kind of
16:24 go around San Diego and participate in any volunteering
16:28 events. This event, especially, was made for
16:32 FAV which I think was really cool and unique.
16:34 - And so, Emma and me are really... You took the
16:37 bull by the horns, and they contacted all their
16:40 friends and all the club members, and
16:42 that's why we called it Female Athlete Volunteer
16:44 and Friends, because there were several
16:45 people who wanted to be involved that weren't
16:47 in the club.
16:52 - The idea was to raise money to drill and set
16:54 a water well for a community in Kenya. Elizabeth was one
16:58 of 26 Maranatha volunteers who built a dormitory at
17:01 a school there. The Maranatha well-drilling team was there,
17:10 too. They discovered a source for water, and
17:16 it was one of the most prolific water wells they
17:18 had drilled in the country. Elizabeth saw an opportunity
17:24 to encourage Emma and Mia back home. - Emma
17:28 Reeves and Mia Goldman and all the female athletes...
17:31 - Elizabeth sent us some clips of her experience in
17:33 Africa.
17:48 - Right after she sent me those videos, I kind
17:51 of was tearing up because they were talking to me and
17:54 Mia, the girls in Africa, and I was kind of like...
17:57 Wow, this is real. This is really touching, and
18:02 this is actually affecting people in Africa. - This
18:06 specific fundraiser, I really wanted to help,
18:08 because these girls who are my age, girls from
18:10 5 and up to 50, they all go and they just walk
18:17 four or five miles a day twice a day carrying
18:21 six-gallon buckets of water, and it's just
18:25 crazy... I think that they could really be
18:28 spending a lot of this time gaining education
18:31 and getting social skills with their friends, and
18:34 I really just want to help them gain these
18:36 kinds of skills that could help them be successful
18:38 later in life. - The goal the group set for themselves-
18:43 $15,000-the median cost of drilling and setting a
18:48 well in Kenya. The event they created to bring
18:52 attention to the need- walking a mile to a local
18:55 pond to collect water in buckets and carry the
18:58 water back to Hooterville where it could be symbolically
19:01 collected. - Hi. I'm Mia Goldman. - And I'm Emma
19:06 Reeves. - And we're here in Carmel Valley doing our
19:08 First Annual Walk for Water. We're going...
19:11 - The three use Maranatha's online fundraising platform
19:13 to manage donations. They would meet regularly
19:17 to organize, plan, and prep materials. Emma and Mia's
19:21 friends, Morgan and Megan, also joined the leadership
19:23 team. - We just do Megan's, the one who lived across
19:28 the street from us, and we were like, "Remember
19:30 when she was little-she used to make so many of these
19:32 little arts & crafts," and we were just like, "I wonder
19:34 if she's still into it." And she was. She was
19:36 really willing to come over and help us. And
19:39 one day, she just decided to bring Morgan, and she
19:41 was such a helpful part of the team. I think we
19:44 work together so well and we just made it
19:46 happen. - All of the girls put social media
19:49 to work for them. - Emma drafted an email and she
19:52 sent it out to everyone. I went around my school
19:55 and through a lot of social media I posted it
19:58 everywhere I could. I made highlights on my
20:01 Instagram, I made sure to tell all my friends to
20:03 go check out my link and I'd send it to them,
20:06 and I had my dad send it to all of his friends,
20:09 and I really just made sure that everyone knew
20:12 about this, because it's really important to me.
20:16 - Local and regional press also took note
20:18 of Walk for Water. The day of the event, they,
20:22 volunteers, their friends, and even a group of 1st
20:25 graders arrived, ready to help. And, of course,
20:29 many moms ready to lend their support. - I tried to
20:33 make cookies. The first batch burned; the second
20:35 batch made it. - Okay! - It smells like burnt cookies
20:38 at my house now. - That's good. That's a good thing.
20:42 - Each girl received a handmade name tag
20:44 and a bracelet that Elizabeth brought home
20:47 from Africa. They also were given a black-and-
20:52 red checkered cloth they could use as a sash or
20:54 bandana. In honor of the blankets that are
20:57 commonly used during the cool Kenyan winters,
20:59 every girl received a bucket. The little ones,
21:03 gallon buckets. The bigger girls, two- to
21:05 five-gallon buckets. Without much fanfare,
21:09 they were off.
21:19 - I'll put it on my head. - Okay you put it anywhere, honey.
21:22 - So, what we're trying to do is represent what
21:25 African women do on a day-to-day basis and
21:29 taking the fact that they have to travel several
21:33 miles, several hours, to just get water-and
21:37 it's not even clean water, so we're trying to replicate
21:40 that by taking our own buckets and getting a
21:44 bunch of ladies in our community from, like,
21:46 elementary school to high school and kind of
21:49 show them what they go through every day. - I've
21:52 been with these kids since they were single-digit
21:54 age. They still call me Miss Elizabeth, they still
21:57 say they want to be like me when they grow up...
21:59 I mean, what could make you feel better? And unless
22:04 you're willing to give and to share and to
22:06 invest in the greater community... And one of
22:10 the things that I've been... I think I've been trying to teach
22:14 all of them is that even though we are just one
22:19 person, if you think about it, we're more like
22:22 a beehive. We don't feel like a beehive, but we're
22:24 all working together. We're a huge community.
22:27 And the idea of them being able to reach all
22:30 the way around the world to Africa to people that they
22:34 don't know and that they'll never meet,
22:37 to say, "We'd like to make a difference in
22:39 your lives," is a way for them to be part
22:42 of that bigger beehive and to be part of the
22:46 community.
23:01 - Carrying that water was kind of a challenge,
23:05 and I wasn't even carrying that much water. I
23:07 couldn't believe how difficult it would be for
23:09 girls, little girls, to travel hours with
23:14 that much water every day. It would be exhausting.
23:21 - It's so amazing. It's just such an amazing
23:24 feeling to know that I can be giving back to
23:27 other people, because living in this bubble's
23:29 great, but I haven't been able to really experience
23:32 the outer world. I feel like seeing all of this and
23:37 doing all this research and just looking at all
23:40 of this is just so eye-opening. I just really want to give
23:43 back. And whenever I think of people who
23:45 just have these First World problems, I'm just like,
23:48 "Well, I mean, it could be worse." I'm just so
23:53 happy that I can give back. It just makes me
23:55 feel so amazing that my peers on the other
23:57 half side of the world can have a chance of living a
24:01 normal lifestyle. - After the walk, the girls celebrated
24:06 with pizza. - So, even though girls my age
24:09 may think that they can't make a difference in the
24:11 world, if you grab a couple of your friends together
24:14 and send out a couple emails, it will just make
24:17 a world of change, because we've raised over $11,000-
24:20 just the four of us- and it's hopefully gonna
24:25 make a well for a whole village. - As of today,
24:30 Walk for Water has raised $15,585. A well will be
24:37 drilled and a pump placed in a village in Kenya. The
24:43 experience of fundraising for wells in Africa inspired
24:46 Mia to take her involvement a step further. A couple months
24:49 after the event, Mia, her mom, and her brother
24:52 traveled to Kenya to meet firsthand the people to whom
24:55 Maranatha is reaching out. They volunteered at the Gucha
25:00 School in Kisii, building a much-needed classroom.
25:04 It's an experience that's sure to ignite more involvement
25:07 from Mia. - We live in a bubble! We're in San
25:13 Diego and beautiful homes. We wake up
25:16 every morning, and just in paradise. And you think
25:22 about how lucky we are. I mean, doesn't that make
25:27 us responsible for sharing our luck and sharing our
25:31 wealth with others? I mean, if you imagine
25:33 that a world where nobody shared and if nobody was
25:38 willing to give back- if we all just kept it
25:42 to ourselves. I mean, we really depend on
25:44 people and their generosity and their need to share to
25:51 make the world a better place and to help somebody.
26:08 - Along with Kenya, Maranatha is drilling
26:10 wells in Zambia, India, and Brazil. Help us bring
26:13 clean water to communities in need by making a donation.
26:17 Go to to give today.
26:31 - Get a jumpstart on the New Year by registering
26:34 for a mission trip to Côte d'Ivoire. From January
26:37 30 to February 11, 2020, we need volunteers to
26:41 built the? Seventh-day Adventist
26:43 Church. Currently, this congregation is
26:45 meeting in a partially constructed building
26:47 that is unprotected from the rain and heat. Help
26:50 them to have a real church by joining this
26:52 project. If you can't make it to Africa, head
26:56 over to Alabama in the United States for a project
26:58 at Camp Alamisco! Volunteers on this project will help with
27:02 renovations for this Camp & Retreat Center. We'll be
27:05 working on flooring, demolition, electrical,
27:07 plumbing, window installation, and much more. As with all
27:11 North America projects, your food and lodging is
27:13 provided in exchange for your labor! All you have to
27:16 do is get there. Just be sure to register and receive
27:19 your confirmation of your registration before arriving
27:22 on the job site. Learn more about both of these
27:26 projects and others by visiting our website at
27:34 - When it comes to making a positive impact in the world,
27:36 there are no age limits. Passion, creativity, and
27:41 gumption are the only ingredients necessary
27:43 to make a change-because whether you're nine or 90,
27:47 God sees potential in all of us, and we are
27:50 all His messengers of grace.


Revised 2020-01-09