Maranatha Mission Stories

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MMS

Program Code: MMS009045A

00:01 For many people,
00:02 summer is synonymous with camp.
00:04 And over the last month,
00:05 Maranatha Volunteers have been helping
00:07 two camp and retreat centers
00:09 prepare for their busy summer season.
00:12 For almost two decades,
00:13 Maranatha has assisted a Camp MiVoden in Idaho.
00:16 And this year was no different.
00:19 Volunteers tackle tasks
00:20 such as building an equestrian shed,
00:22 rebuilding a dock, and working on landscaping.
00:25 At Big Lake Youth Camp in Oregon,
00:28 volunteers worked on two cabins, building decks,
00:31 installing insulation, ceilings, and flooring,
00:34 and assembling bunk beds, and desks.
00:36 These are just two of the seven camps
00:38 Maranatha has assisted this year.
00:41 The work of these volunteers
00:42 saves facilities thousands of dollars,
00:44 and gives campers safe environments to have fun
00:48 and learn more about Christ.
00:50 See why people are inspired to serve in the mission field
00:52 by watching Maranatha Mission Stories.
00:55 Watch anytime on your phone or tablet
00:57 by downloading the Maranatha Channel app.
01:27 For almost 50 years,
01:29 God has used Maranatha Volunteers International
01:31 to answer the prayers of thousands of people
01:34 around the world.
01:37 From North America to Africa,
01:42 Asia to South America,
01:45 the urgent need for churches, schools,
01:47 and water wells has moved the hearts of volunteers
01:50 and donors who go above and beyond to help others.
02:00 Their precious time and resources invested
02:03 in mission projects are the key to producing permanent change
02:06 with eternal significance for the people who serve
02:09 and the communities reached.
02:12 And their service comes in many forms.
02:17 Take Maranatha volunteer, Mary Johnson,
02:19 a high school Spanish teacher from Antioch, California,
02:22 who was inspired to take her commitment
02:24 to missions to the next level.
02:29 What is your regular 9 to 5?
02:31 My regular, I'm a teacher by trade,
02:32 high school teacher by trade.
02:34 Okay.
02:35 Except for this school year, I'm taking a year off to do
02:37 as many short-term mission trips as I can.
02:40 God bless your heart.
02:42 I didn't really think it was that unique
02:45 because not that I've ever heard of anyone
02:47 taking off a year to do short-term missions, but I...
02:51 In 2017, Maranatha volunteer, Mary Johnson,
02:54 left her full-time job
02:55 as a high school Spanish teacher
02:57 to devote a year of her life to short-term missions.
03:00 She is no stranger to the mission field.
03:02 Her first experience came as a college student
03:04 when she served on a Maranatha mission trip
03:06 to Mexico.
03:08 It was here that she realized her career calling.
03:12 Oh, my goodness, I just had a real conversation
03:15 in Spanish in Mexico with a real Mexican.
03:18 This is great.
03:19 This is what I'm going to do for my career.
03:21 After teaching for more than a decade
03:23 and continuing to serve on short-term mission trips,
03:25 Mary sensed God was calling her to serve
03:28 in an even greater capacity.
03:31 And I was, kind of, just waiting like,
03:33 I was kind of feeling antsy or burnt out
03:36 from doing the same thing year after year.
03:39 But I hadn't felt like the cloud was moving,
03:42 like the Lord was leading me to do anything different yet.
03:44 And I was just like, "Okay, Lord, you know,
03:46 whenever, just let me know,
03:47 I'm ready for something different."
03:49 And one day as I was walking from my condo to my car,
03:54 I just felt like the Lord was saying like, "When?"
03:56 Like, "Now it's time to do something different."
03:59 Initially, Mary asked her school district
04:01 to grant her sabbatical leave with partial pay,
04:03 which was denied.
04:06 However, they did grant a year of unpaid leave,
04:09 meaning her job would be waiting for her
04:10 when she returned.
04:14 The only thing I was nervous about was the finances,
04:17 because they weren't all there to begin with.
04:21 I remember Kathleen, I said, "I need about 40 grand
04:23 to really make this work,"
04:25 which I didn't have at the beginning of the year.
04:27 And I told my sister, I said, "Okay, let's pray.
04:29 I need about 40 grand, let's make this happen."
04:31 My sister's like, "Well, you know what?
04:33 It's going to. It's going to come in installments."
04:35 When I would run into people,
04:37 the first thing they always think,
04:40 "Oh, you must have a lot of money.
04:42 Or how did you..."
04:43 They may not say that, but they may say
04:45 "Oh, wow, how did you afford that?"
04:46 They must be thinking, you know,
04:48 I have money saved up,
04:49 maybe I'm a lawyer or something like that.
04:50 I have this money. I'm like...
04:52 I always respond with, "I'm broke."
04:55 Despite financial uncertainty, Mary found that God provided
04:58 for her every step of the way.
05:01 What I live by, if it's God's will,
05:02 it's God's will.
05:03 If He wants it to happen, He'll send the money.
05:06 If He doesn't, then it's not going to come.
05:08 And I've seen it work both ways.
05:11 Like, for example, the Kenya trip I did,
05:14 my sister was going to come with me.
05:16 And she had, you know, put money for it.
05:19 And then she felt impressed that she shouldn't go,
05:22 and so she just transferred all the money over to me,
05:24 for me to be able to go to Kenya.
05:27 And that was really neat
05:29 because I know she really wanted to go,
05:31 but the Lord just wasn't leading that direction.
05:33 And she was able to recognize that
05:35 and not fight it.
05:36 And just say, "Okay, so I'm just going
05:38 to transfer it to my sister."
05:40 Mary also adjusted her lifestyle
05:42 to make ends meet without her normal income,
05:44 and that included selling her condo
05:46 and moving in with her parents.
05:49 I used to go out to eat, you know, or things like that.
05:52 I used to do a lot more shopping.
05:54 I used to buy clothes, pretty much,
05:56 at least twice a year I spent a few hundred dollars
05:58 on each season, spring and summer,
06:01 fall and winter.
06:02 And I just didn't do that last year.
06:04 People donated stuff
06:06 for mission trips or for garage sales.
06:08 If it fit me, I'm like, "Hey, I'm going to use this."
06:11 As Mary made her way through her year of missions,
06:14 trip by trip, she experienced many blessings along the way.
06:19 I would say my favorite moments are doing children's ministry.
06:25 Just, you know, singing with the kids
06:27 like those simple songs like Jesus Love is Bubbling Over
06:31 and Jesus Loves Me.
06:33 It just really reminds you of what really matters.
06:37 Because, I mean, just keep it simple.
06:39 You know what more do I need to know,
06:41 Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
06:44 And the kids are so excited about it.
06:47 Mary's year of short-term missions
06:48 brought her immense joy.
06:50 But there was also a strong adversity
06:52 she faced at the midway point.
06:54 The worst moment was my second trip to India
06:58 when...
07:00 It was actually one of the worst,
07:01 some of the worst moments in my entire life.
07:03 Everything went wrong on that trip,
07:05 I went from a really, really spiritual high,
07:08 and the Kenya trip, it was amazing.
07:10 I learned a lot
07:11 of my spiritual lessons on that trip
07:13 and then actually prepared me for the all time low
07:15 that would happen on the India trip.
07:17 But I did Kenya and India back to back,
07:20 and so when I was leaving from Kenya on our excursion,
07:24 I fell asleep in the jeep
07:28 and turned my knee in some weird way,
07:30 and I woke up and it was swollen,
07:31 I was in pain.
07:33 And so I was ending off that trip in pain.
07:35 And at the end of that trip,
07:36 I got word that church member
07:39 about my age had passed away.
07:41 And so I get to India, and from the flight,
07:45 my knee's like swollen, and huge, and in pain.
07:48 So I'm like limping to India.
07:50 Then I got a really bad cold.
07:52 One of those ones that like takes away your appetite.
07:55 I was trying to take Codeine,
07:57 that made me nauseous, didn't work.
07:59 So I basically wasn't sleeping.
08:00 So I was up coughing every night,
08:02 and then I gave it to my dear sweet roommate, Joan.
08:05 And she had the same cough.
08:06 And then we went to the beach,
08:08 and I got salt water in my eyes.
08:10 And I mistakenly rinsed out my eyes with their tap water.
08:13 So then I had an eye infection.
08:16 I walked into the night, there's just gunk everywhere.
08:18 And then I get word that another little lady
08:20 in our church, she passes away.
08:23 And there was just so much back to back to back,
08:26 and then I go to the doctor over there in India,
08:27 and he says you're going to need knee surgery
08:29 in 5 to 10 years, totally knee replacement.
08:31 So it was just devastating.
08:33 Everything's like I felt like I couldn't get ahead,
08:34 like everything was happening right after each other.
08:38 Mary survived her time in India,
08:40 but found herself in a slump.
08:43 The excitement she started her year with had waned.
08:46 She was thinking about canceling her next trip.
08:48 However, only days after arriving home,
08:51 she saw something that would change her course.
08:57 I had done an interview on 3ABN Today back in October
09:01 towards the beginning of my awesome year
09:02 of short-term missions.
09:04 And so I was all excited, I was all on fire.
09:07 I still had a renter, I hadn't gone broke,
09:09 I hadn't gotten sick, nothing bad had happened.
09:12 I was like, you know, on this high.
09:15 And so I was like really excited,
09:16 and on fire, and everything in this interview.
09:18 And CA Murray asked me a question.
09:20 I'm thinking, I'm waiting, like, "What did I say?"
09:22 You still just have this global feeling
09:24 of we're all God's children, we're all in this together,
09:27 and we all want to finish the work.
09:29 And it just gives you that urgency
09:31 to, "Let's hurry up, let's get this done.
09:34 Let's go home."
09:35 And then I hear myself and I'm like, "Who is that?"
09:39 I really said that.
09:40 I wouldn't believe it, had I not seen it.
09:42 I'm like, "I really said that."
09:43 I'm like all on fire and all positive.
09:46 And then I realized, I said, "Okay, that's the same person."
09:50 But more importantly, that's the same God
09:53 that I was talking about in October.
09:54 He's the same God in October, He's the same God in February,
09:57 He's same God in November,
09:58 He'll be the same God for an eternity.
10:00 So why am I so down?
10:03 Because God is the same, He hasn't changed,
10:05 even everything around me may have,
10:07 you know, gone topsy-turvy for a period of time.
10:10 Witnessing her prior energy
10:12 from this interview from the past
10:14 inspired Mary to finish her
10:15 year of short-term missions, culminating in Bolivia
10:18 for Maranatha's teens only mission trip ultimate workout.
10:22 The day after returning, she was back in her classroom
10:25 getting ready for the new school year.
10:30 Oh, yes, I would do this again, definitely in a heartbeat.
10:33 It's just changed my life so much. So much.
10:37 My sister said that, you know,
10:38 she could definitely see a change.
10:42 I don't need to be at someplace exciting or exotic
10:46 to be perfectly content doing the Lord's work.
10:50 I can be at some remote place in California
10:53 or I can be somewhere in Costa Rica,
10:55 and it really doesn't matter.
10:56 It's not so much the place,
10:58 but it's the camaraderie with the saints.
11:00 So wherever I'm going to find like-minded,
11:03 mission-minded people, that's where I want to be.
11:06 Doesn't matter if I've already been to that country,
11:08 doesn't matter that there's no beach in that country
11:11 or that place is dry and arid, and it's winter there,
11:14 while I could be at home having summer.
11:16 It doesn't really matter
11:17 if it has all my favorite components
11:18 as long as it has people
11:20 that are all about my favorite person.
11:26 Mary's year of missions changed her life.
11:29 God showed her, He is faithful even in the darkest moments.
11:33 Maybe you're not ready to commit an entire year
11:36 to service like Mary did,
11:38 but Maranatha has dozens of projects
11:40 that could use your help.
11:42 Visit to see how you can get involved.
11:57 Each year more than 2,200 people travel
12:00 all over the world to serve with Maranatha,
12:02 the ways they serve and the locations they help
12:05 are as varied as the people
12:07 that participate on these projects.
12:09 Maybe you're wondering
12:10 how missions can be part of your life.
12:13 Let's take a minute and look at one of the ways
12:15 you can get involved.
12:17 Can mission trips be a family experience?
12:20 At Maranatha, the answer is yes.
12:23 Maranatha family projects are mission trips
12:26 designed with families in mind.
12:28 Worship, work, and even play
12:31 is aimed toward family togetherness.
12:34 There are no age limits,
12:35 and everyone is welcome to join from 2 to 82.
12:41 Maranatha offers family projects
12:43 two to three times a year
12:45 during Christmas and the summer.
12:48 Get more details
12:50 on all of Maranatha's volunteer opportunities at
13:01 Bolivia,
13:03 located in the heart of South America
13:06 is a captivating country
13:08 brimming with breathtaking landscapes,
13:11 colorful culture and welcoming people.
13:15 Here everyone is a missionary, inviting neighbors to church
13:19 and creating community for people to belong.
13:22 Their primary challenge, churches.
13:26 There are not enough churches in Bolivia
13:28 and people are meeting in broken buildings,
13:30 people's homes and dusty sheds.
13:36 Starting in 2018,
13:38 we'll be taking the mission of Maranatha
13:40 to every part of Bolivia.
13:45 Join the movement, make a donation
13:47 or volunteer on an upcoming project.
13:58 How long would you be willing to wait for a church?
14:01 A year, 5,
14:04 10 years?
14:06 Maranatha has more than 100,000 requests for churches.
14:10 Many of these requests represent congregations
14:13 who have been praying for long spans of time.
14:16 And sometimes God uses Maranatha
14:18 to answer their prayers.
14:26 This is the story of Canoa Quebrada,
14:29 a small tourist village in northeast Brazil.
14:33 Canoa Quebrada gained fame in the 1970s
14:38 when it was discovered by hippies.
14:41 It was a remote place with great beauty.
14:46 Inhabited only by an Indian tribe
14:48 and some fishermen,
14:50 today Canoa Quebrada receives people
14:53 from all over the world.
14:55 The money brought by tourists has changed the landscape,
14:59 but it has done a little to change
15:00 the living conditions of the local people.
15:49 When Francisco Gomes de Lima arrived here 27 years ago,
15:53 everything looked quite different
15:54 from what we see today.
16:11 Francisco is a baker and move to Canoa Quebrada
16:14 to make bread for tourists.
16:16 Looking back, he now realizes he was brought to share
16:20 the bread of life.
16:25 But his life was never easy.
16:27 Now at 86 years old, he remembers
16:29 how his spiritual journey began after times of trouble.
16:45 An intense experience with God transformed his life
16:48 offering him a new path.
16:51 Francisco was always seeking the truth,
16:53 and God led him through several other ministries
16:56 until he was introduced to Adventistism.
17:08 His search for truth led him to a completely
17:11 new spiritual experience with God.
17:14 But since there was no other place
17:16 in Canoa Quebrada
17:17 where Francisco could worship every Sabbath,
17:20 he transformed his home into a house of prayer.
17:45 For the first two years,
17:46 Francisco opened his humble home every Sabbath,
17:49 until 18 years ago a donor gave the land
17:52 where a church could be built.
17:54 The few resources gathered by this community of faith
17:57 were barely enough to build a small dark room.
18:01 Yet, as can Canoa Quebrada became a tourist destination,
18:05 the humble building was at odds
18:07 with the new development in town.
18:09 And one by one, members left the church
18:12 except Francisco and his wife.
18:41 The one advantage the church has is its location.
18:45 It is situated on the way to a major attraction,
18:48 the sunset dunes.
18:50 With many people passing by each day,
18:53 the church has the potential to reach not only locals
18:56 but also tourists.
19:51 Since a piece of land was bought in Canoa Quebrada
19:53 with the purpose of having a real church built there,
19:56 Francisco has been faithful in working
19:59 and waiting for the promise to be completed.
20:02 But his dream is based in a faith
20:04 that defies the odds.
20:17 Working in other parts of the state,
20:19 Pastor Josuae has seen the impact
20:21 that Maranatha has had in communities like this,
20:24 and agrees that the conditions really require an organization
20:27 like Maranatha to step in to help.
21:06 Brazil invited Maranatha to help,
21:08 and Maranatha established a partnership
21:10 with the local administration
21:12 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
21:16 A plan was crafted and approved.
21:19 And after 18 years of waiting,
21:21 their dream was finally coming true.
21:40 While waiting for the first volunteers
21:42 and construction crew to arrive, Francisco reflected.
22:03 Eighteen years of waiting had been a long test
22:06 of patience and faithfulness.
22:08 But his patience was finally rewarded
22:11 as two groups of volunteers arrived in Canoa Quebrada.
22:38 Every block laid in the new building
22:40 was a confirmation
22:41 that his faith was placed in solid ground.
22:53 One group after the other worked hard under the sun
22:56 and the high temperatures of Canoa Quebrada.
22:59 And unlike the tourists,
23:01 they were working towards a higher goal.
23:04 As the day of the dedication was getting close,
23:06 Francisco could not hide his joy.
23:25 The church in Canoa Quebrada
23:27 is just one of the nearly 1,000 churches
23:30 built by Maranatha in Brazil.
23:33 Everywhere we build, there are people like Francisco
23:36 waiting for a miracle.
23:38 Each structure is an answer to years of intense
23:41 and faithful prayer.
23:43 You can be the hands of God,
23:45 making dreams like this become a reality
23:48 for more people in Brazil or anywhere in the world
23:50 where Maranatha is invited to serve.
23:53 Visit our website and learn
23:55 how you can become a part of stories like this one.
23:58 There is someone praying for your help today.
24:02 Join Maranatha now.
24:15 From July 8 to 22,
24:17 help Maranatha with a major renovation project
24:19 in Pennsylvania at Pine Forge Academy.
24:23 The work will involve masonry, painting,
24:25 replacing awnings and windows, and rebuilding a staircase.
24:29 Pine Forge Academy is a boarding school
24:31 for grades 9 through 12.
24:32 It was established in 1946 and sits on historical property
24:36 with connections to William Penn,
24:38 George Washington and the Underground Railroad.
24:41 Come help us with this project located at a historical site.
24:45 Then from December 23 to January 5,
24:47 spend Christmas and New Year's on a mission trip.
24:50 The ultimate workout alumni project
24:52 is going to La Paz, Bolivia,
24:54 to help build a new church for a congregation in need.
24:57 Volunteers on this project will be digging ditches,
25:00 mixing cement, and pouring a foundation for the building.
25:03 We'll also organize
25:04 plenty of community outreach activities.
25:07 This project is aimed at volunteers
25:08 who have been on the Ultimate Workout,
25:10 but everyone is welcome to join.
25:12 Check these projects out on our website.
25:26 These women spend 560 minutes a day fetching water.
25:33 Water is life.
25:36 But your life shouldn't revolve around water.
25:45 We're raising money for water wells.
25:48 Make a donation.
25:54 Give women the gift of time,
25:58 health, family.
26:03 Sponsor a well.
26:07 Give water, give life.
26:26 Anyone can build a church,
26:28 simply give just $10 each month,
26:31 and your donation along with thousands of others
26:33 will fund a new place of worship every month.
26:38 The potential for change is all around you.
26:41 All you have to do is look.
26:55 Fulfilling Maranatha's mission around the world requires
26:57 a lot of faith.
27:03 Faith that donors will invest their hard-earned dollars
27:05 through Maranatha to build urgently needed buildings.
27:14 Faith that volunteers
27:15 will leave the comforts of their homes behind
27:17 to embrace the unfamiliar and serve people
27:20 they've never met.
27:28 It may be a journey filled with unknowns.
27:35 Placing the future in God's hands
27:37 doesn't guarantee smooth sailing,
27:40 but it does ensure a friend
27:42 who will stand with you every step of the way.
27:44 Jesus' name I pray, amen. Amen.


Revised 2019-07-29