Maranatha Mission Stories

Teenagers In Action For God

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Dick Duerksen


Series Code: MMS

Program Code: MMS003081

00:01 Hello, and welcome to "The Maranatha Minute."
00:02 My name is Julie Lee.
00:04 Last week in Bulawayo, 25 volunteers finished
00:06 the 1st session of a 3-part construction project
00:09 in Zimbabwe.
00:11 Three teams of volunteers are building a ten classroom
00:13 education and evangelism center that will serve as
00:16 a primary school in the area.
00:18 This is the first of two EECs that Maranatha is building
00:21 in Zimbabwe.
00:22 It may be a year away, but it's never too early to mark
00:25 your calendars for the next Maranatha convention.
00:28 On September 20 and 21, the convention returns to
00:31 Roseville, California.
00:33 The event will feature Grammy Award nominated
00:35 Christian recording artist Steve Green.
00:38 To view clips from this year's convention,
00:40 be sure to check out our convention page at
00:42 Maranatha.org/convention.
00:45 Next on "Maranatha Mission Stories,"
00:47 we'll take you to Nicaragua's Moskito Coast,
00:49 where teenagers endured the most extreme conditions
00:52 to build One-Day Churches.
00:54 Stay tuned for this story and more.
00:56 See you next time on "The Maranatha Minute."
01:02 [music]
01:16 Hello, I'm Dick Duerksen, host
01:18 of "Maranatha Mission Stories,"
01:20 inspiring stories of faith and hope,
01:23 straight from the mission field.
01:26 Most of Maranatha's mission trips are filled with adventure.
01:29 After all, volunteers are traveling to remote locations
01:33 where food, climate, even life are dramatically different.
01:37 One of our mission projects takes the idea of adventure
01:40 several levels higher.
01:42 It's so extreme that Maranatha reserves it for the most
01:46 intrepid group of volunteers on earth: teenagers.
01:52 It's called the Ultimate Workout, and this year,
01:55 we had nearly 200 teens take up the challenge in Nicaragua.
02:00 Watch this.
02:03 Ultimate Workout is a workout in every way: a spiritual
02:10 workout, a mental workout, definitely a physical workout,
02:15 but this is something that you've probably
02:19 never done before.
02:23 [music]
02:28 In July 2012, teenagers from all over the world made their
02:31 way to Central America.
02:36 [music]
03:17 Let's put this church up!
03:18 Their mission: to build One-Day Churches and to make
03:21 a positive impact on communities all over Nicaragua.
03:34 Ultimate Workout is exactly what it sounds like.
03:36 It's definitely ultimate.
03:38 You have to be ready for anything.
03:40 Ready for all the elements.
03:42 You have certain plans, plans are subject to change
03:44 at any time.
03:45 We have schedules set, plans get changed, everything,
03:47 and it's awesome.
03:50 Different weather, constantly changing, the buildings,
03:54 the people.
03:56 You never know what to expect.
03:57 It's always something new and something fun.
04:00 Nicaragua presented some challenges to
04:02 the Ultimate Workout volunteers with its constant rain.
04:06 Work on most of the sites had to pause several times a day
04:10 because of the downpours.
04:13 [rain pouring]
04:29 So, it started raining like crazy after working on
04:32 the church, and so now we are digging all this mud and junk up
04:37 so that the water flows down there...
04:40 so it doesn't flow to the church.
04:46 Oh man, this is not your comfort zone.
04:49 Cold showers, no toilet seats, I mean,
04:53 not being able to eat when you want to.
04:55 Yeah.
04:57 There's a limited amount of things to do in your free time.
05:01 My favorite moment on this trip was probably definitely
05:05 the river and the kids.
05:07 I love kids and it's a lot of fun getting to see their faces
05:09 and how they react to different people coming to their country,
05:13 and it's just fun just to hang out with all the kids.
05:17 Along with building One-Day Churches,
05:19 volunteers also coordinated outreach activities
05:22 at each of the sites.
05:24 Among the more popular programs were the Vacation Bible Schools,
05:28 which attracted large groups of neighborhood children.
05:31 You want to color, crayons?
05:34 Responsibility here is key.
05:36 You don't have anybody else to pick up after you.
05:40 You need to--you become an adult.
05:43 You become someone mature.
05:45 You learn so much here, so it's a lot different from home.
05:50 It's very unique, and it's definitely something that grows
05:54 you in many different ways and just broadens your world view.
05:59 I learned that I can manage going without a shower
06:01 for a couple days.
06:03 Bathrooms are a lot different,
06:05 and when I get home I'm gonna hug my toilet.
06:09 No, not really.
06:12 You don't have the benefits that you do at home.
06:16 It's more different here.
06:18 You have--you live a simple, simple life,
06:22 and sometimes it's what you need.
06:24 You need to get out of having the luxuries of home.
06:29 The one thing I really don't like about the trip--it's not
06:32 how early we have to get up, it's what makes us
06:34 get up so early.
06:35 We have roosters here that are not so friendly.
06:38 We actually had 'em going off about 3 o'clock in the morning
06:41 and they do not stop until maybe about 7, and even then,
06:45 we get random ones.
06:46 [rooster crowing]
06:48 There you go. That is perfect.
06:50 That is wonderful.
06:52 I don't even know how else to put that.
06:53 That was perfect.
06:56 Well, I learned to be patient.
07:01 I learned to be flexible with the different kinds of people
07:04 that I'm around.
07:06 It's not easy because I'm the kind of girl that is very--like,
07:11 I want my thing done, you should do it.
07:14 But it's not like in here.
07:15 You have to friendly, you have to be really
07:19 flexible with everyone.
07:21 You can't just do whatever you want.
07:23 You come here with completely--you don't even have
07:28 expectations 'cause you don't even know what to expect.
07:31 So, when you get here and you realize that everybody else is
07:37 in that exact situation and it's kind of cool to have somebody of
07:44 the same faith come with you to this one thing for one purpose.
07:49 You know?
07:50 You have a purpose and there's a reason why you're here,
07:53 and God wanted you to be here for a reason.
07:55 On the count of three: one, two, three.
07:58 [kids yelling]
08:00 Nice.
08:02 The satisfaction of accomplishing what you
08:05 came here to do.
08:07 I mean, after every church we built,
08:09 you look at it and it's like, "I helped do that."
08:11 You know?
08:13 Where I'm from, I'm not taking any part in anything like that,
08:15 so to actually be a part of something like this,
08:18 it makes you feel kind of good.
08:31 Our drills--we had to charge our batteries for our drills,
08:35 and we really needed to get the church done in one day.
08:38 There was children in the church playing around,
08:40 and I told God, I was like,
08:41 "God, I want this church done today.
08:44 I don't want to go back.
08:46 I don't--I just want this church done.
08:47 You look at all these people waiting for us to
08:51 finish this church.
08:52 And our--we didn't have any power and we had, like,
08:56 half a drill left, and it wasn't going very well,
08:59 'cause we were almost done.
09:00 So we had to drive an hour to go back there just to put
09:03 two pieces of tin on and the ridge cap.
09:06 And so we prayed that the power would come back on,
09:09 and it immediately came back on.
09:11 [kids cheering]
09:27 Thanks to Ultimate Workout, I've learned that I can trust in
09:32 God and he really does hear me when I call.
09:37 And I know sometimes that sounds a little typical Christian,
09:44 but it's places like these that really make you think
09:48 and realize that God has time for just you.
09:59 Maranatha first visited Falakata, India in 2000.
10:02 Today, the seven churches that volunteers built are thriving
10:06 and the Adventist Secondary School is making a different
10:08 in the lives of hundreds of children.
10:11 As they interact with teachers, with the students,
10:15 with their fellow mates, they are going to learn a lot about
10:19 what Jesus Christ means to each one of us in our lives.
10:23 But the school is bursting at the seams.
10:26 They have asked Maranatha to build additional classrooms so
10:29 they don't have to turn students away.
10:30 There are two opportunities to serve in Falakata.
10:33 The first project, January 16th through 27th,
10:36 will be led by Claudio Hapas and Grace Kim.
10:39 Although the main focus will be construction One-Day classrooms,
10:42 volunteers will also conduct medical clinics in rural areas
10:46 that lack access to proper care.
10:48 Can't volunteer in January?
10:50 Plan on joining Karen Godfreid when she leads a second project,
10:53 March 12th through 24th.
10:56 Let the people of India steal your heart.
11:01 Most of the schools in Livingstone are government.
11:03 Our children are going to schools that do not teach us
11:06 the doctrines of the church.
11:09 Parents, they have no choice.
11:11 They have no chance to choose where to take their children.
11:13 Two years ago, Maranatha volunteers answered many prayers
11:16 by building two primary schools in Livingstone, Zambia.
11:20 Today, hundreds of children are receiving a Christian education,
11:24 but there is still no Adventist secondary school.
11:27 Beginning in January 2013, help Maranatha build an education and
11:32 evangelism center along with seven One-Day School classrooms.
11:37 Medical outreach and children's programs will also be conducted
11:41 in surrounding villages.
11:43 You'll also get to see the breathtaking waters of
11:45 Victoria Falls, take a sunset cruise on the Zambezi River,
11:49 and experience the thrill of a safari game drive.
11:54 The children of Livingstone are waiting for you.
11:56 Sign up today.
11:59 Spent most of my time--
12:00 That was most of the time in Mexico.
12:02 You've just dropped in on a conversation that Bob McNaughton
12:04 and I have been having, and I need to tell you two things
12:07 about Bob.
12:08 Bob is a--well, how would you say it?
12:10 Professional volunteer?
12:12 Yes.
12:13 I think all his life he has been volunteering,
12:15 trying to figure out a way to serve Christ for
12:17 the people who need it.
12:18 The other thing is is that around Maranatha,
12:21 Bob's known as Boss Bob the Painter.
12:25 Where'd you get that?
12:27 Well, I was a painting contractor for many years,
12:29 and on the first mission trip I did for Maranatha,
12:32 they asked me, "Do you know anything about painting?"
12:35 I said, "Just a little bit."
12:36 And so I ended up in charge, and we ended up getting twice
12:41 the amount of work that they expected to get done,
12:43 and they were so happy with it from that point on,
12:47 I was Boss Bob the Painter.
12:48 That you're just kind of terminal now.
12:50 You are the painter dude.
12:51 Yeah, well, you get a reputation--
12:52 You can't get away from it. You can't get away from it.
12:55 I want to know how you felt when you got off the bus in
12:58 Nicaragua in front of the Chinandega Church and School.
13:03 I thought that it was good to be back into the mission field,
13:07 but I was expecting and wondering what I was getting
13:11 myself into, because I had been on so many mission trips and
13:15 seen so much confusion, and seen so many things that can go
13:19 wrong, that I didn't know what to expect with Maranatha.
13:24 What did you find?
13:26 Well, a pleasant surprise.
13:28 I found organization, I found leadership,
13:31 I found people--the volunteers were unbelievable.
13:35 They had an attitude that I had never seen before,
13:39 and it started with the leadership when they
13:41 started--they talked to us and said, "We only have three rules,
13:45 and if you live by these three rules,
13:47 everything will go great on this mission trip.
13:49 We'll get a lot done and everybody'll go home really
13:51 happy that they came here."
13:53 And what are the three rules?
13:55 Well, the first rule was "No murmuring,"
13:58 and the second rule was "No murmuring,"
14:02 and the third rule was "No murmuring."
14:05 And there was no murmuring, and the people worked together,
14:09 they were organized.
14:11 The people that they had--Maranatha had in the
14:14 country, in Nicaragua, were already had everything laid out.
14:20 And what really surprised me is I knew--and this
14:22 is what worried me.
14:24 What surprised me is we were supposed to go to the opposite
14:27 side of the country, but it had rained so hard they could not
14:31 pour the concrete, so they switched us on the other side of
14:34 country to a project that they hadn't even started
14:38 and thought about.
14:41 And it went like it was planned all out to the last minute.
14:45 It went perfectly and I was just shocked that they could do that.
14:49 Bob, you've been on lots of mission trips with Youth with
14:52 a Mission and a variety of other organizations.
14:54 What got you to go on your first Maranatha trip?
14:58 Well, actually my church did.
14:59 Your church?
15:01 They--I showed--they asked me to show--they knew who I was.
15:04 They knew the amount of mission trips I'd been on,
15:07 and so they asked me one Sabbath, they said,
15:09 "Would you show a video of mission trips that you've been
15:13 on and do the service on missions?"
15:17 I said, "Okay."
15:19 And your church is where?
15:20 It's in Clarkston, Washington.
15:22 It's called Good News Fellowship.
15:24 Which is clear on the other side of Washington,
15:26 over by Idaho.
15:27 Yes it is.
15:29 Right across the Snake River.
15:30 Okay.
15:31 And so it's a small church, very small church.
15:33 There's only about 50-60 members through that church.
15:40 I felt safe going to that church, and being there,
15:44 I had stop going to the mission field because of all the things
15:48 that I had seen go wrong in the mission fields.
15:51 And they wanted me to go back
15:54 and they told me about Maranatha.
15:56 And I said, "Well, it's just another organization.
15:58 It's gonna be the same thing all over again
16:00 and I'm really not interested."
16:02 I'm living now on Social Security.
16:04 I had some financial misfortunes during the big bust, and I said,
16:09 "I can't afford it."
16:11 That was my excuse.
16:13 They said, "That's alright.
16:14 We'll pay for it.
16:16 I said--well, I kind of felt obligated to go, and so I said,
16:21 "Okay, I'll go."
16:23 And so they sent me to--that's when I went to Nicaragua.
16:25 That was your first one.
16:26 First one, and that was in February.
16:27 Okay.
16:29 Of 2012.
16:31 Yes.
16:33 So, have you been on any others since then?
16:35 A few.
16:36 A few?
16:38 Yes.
16:39 You came back from Nicaragua and you went to?
16:41 Well, first thing, I came back,
16:42 reported to the church and told them how fantastic it was
16:45 and how it made a believer out of me.
16:48 But, you know, so I lucked into some good leadership and the way
16:51 it came down and so, you know.
16:54 But, you know, I had to see more of that to commit my--
16:57 To believe it was really true.
16:59 Yes, to believe that this organization could do this
17:01 in a consistent manner.
17:03 And so the next one was?
17:04 They said, "We'll send you on another one."
17:07 I said, "Okay."
17:09 This one was in Mississippi, to build
17:10 a 6,700 square foot church.
17:14 I went to Mississippi, that was fantastic.
17:17 Just fantastic.
17:19 Organization same way.
17:21 Roger was unbelievable as a leader.
17:24 All the leaders--there's more than one leader on these
17:27 projects, and that's good because if something happens to
17:29 one of 'em, another one can step in.
17:31 There's not a miss of a beat, and I hadn't seen that before in
17:34 any other--if one went down, you were in trouble.
17:37 Now, you're a guy who's spent your life as a leader.
17:42 You've got to make sure things are organized or your business
17:44 is gonna fall through the floor, so that's the key thing
17:48 you're looking for.
17:49 If I go on a mission trip, I want to see something organized,
17:52 but I also want to see it accomplish a goal of changing
17:56 life in that community.
17:59 And then, the extra little goodies that people don't see is
18:03 Maranatha watches their money.
18:05 They don't waste it.
18:07 They do these little things that they build in the community with
18:10 whoever you're working with.
18:12 They reach out into that community to the leadership of
18:14 that community and help them.
18:17 And they do a lot of extra things that you
18:20 just don't see done.
18:22 And just an overall--I mean, they made a believer out of me.
18:24 After working in Mississippi, I stay in Washington
18:30 in the winter time.
18:32 In the summer time, I live with my daughter in
18:34 San Diego, California.
18:36 Oh, that sounds nice.
18:37 Old town of Fallbrook.
18:39 Well, she's a daddy's girl.
18:40 But I would do those exactly opposite.
18:41 I would spend winter in San Diego and--
18:43 I did. I'm sorry.
18:44 You got 'em backwards. Okay.
18:46 Now I feel better about you.
18:47 The last thing I'd want is for you loving the snow up there.
18:50 No, I like to visit it.
18:51 I don't want to live in it.
18:53 So, anyway, I go down there in the wintertime and I go to the
18:57 Fallbrook Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
19:00 It's a very wealthy church, but they hadn't done any mission
19:03 work and they had a brand new associate pastor,
19:06 and of course I was new.
19:08 And so we were getting to know each other,
19:09 and I told him about I'd just come back from Nicaragua.
19:12 And he said, "Oh, you gotta--" I told him about the video,
19:14 and he said, "Well, let me see it."
19:16 So I showed it to him and they he wanted me to take it to the
19:19 young, married Sabbath school class and show it to them.
19:21 Next thing I know, I'm going to all the classes in the church
19:24 showing this video.
19:25 Then they came to me and said, "We want to go on
19:27 a mission trip."
19:29 I said, "Well, you need to call Maranatha."
19:30 "No, we want to do it."
19:32 I said, "No, you need an organization that knows
19:35 what they're doing.
19:36 You're getting into something that's a lot more
19:38 than you realize.
19:40 You've got to know what you're doing."
19:42 At that time, I was getting ready to live for that mission
19:44 trip in Mississippi, and I said, "When I get back,
19:47 I'm going up to Washington and then we can--I'll get together
19:51 with you, we can plan this mission trip out."
19:54 Well, on the way there, he calls me and tells me,
19:59 "I've seen on the Internet somebody that wanted--needs some
20:01 help on the Indian reservation."
20:04 And so he said, "Would you lead that for us?"
20:07 In the Navajo reservation.
20:09 Yes, in Arizona.
20:11 I said, "Well, look.
20:12 I'll stop there on my way and I'll look at that and see what
20:15 they need, and see what's going on,
20:17 see if I can put together an organization to know what
20:19 materials and what we have to do."
20:21 Well, every time I tried to go to that Indian reservation,
20:27 something would happen to my truck and I couldn't go.
20:29 It'd break down.
20:31 It did it three different times.
20:32 One time--
20:33 Now, are you suggesting that God is in charge of breaking
20:36 your truck down.
20:37 It was his truck. I gave it--
20:39 It was his truck?
20:40 Yes, I dedicated that truck to him for mission work.
20:42 Okay. I've got a problem. We have run out of time.
20:44 Do you know how long we could talk?
20:46 Forever.
20:48 Are you kidding me?
20:50 But you've got to hear this story.
20:51 Okay, but if it's okay, can we--I've got to shift onto
20:53 another piece right now, but would you stay by
20:55 and we'll talk some more?
20:57 You bet ya'. I would love that.
20:58 So, that's your opportunity.
21:00 Please stay by, follow the link that's on your screen right now.
21:04 We're gonna keep talking and you're gonna want to be there.
21:07 We'll be right back.
21:10 During the next year, Maranatha will be focused on
21:13 constructing churches and schools in 16 countries.
21:17 The projects will provide a place to worship for almost
21:22 26,000 students a place wto attend school.n
21:25 Your help is needed to make these projects a reality.
21:29 To make a gift, please go to Maranatha.org and click on
21:32 the donate button.
21:34 Your donation makes a difference.
21:40 Don't leave adventure to the teenagers.
21:42 Anyone can participate on a Maranatha mission trip,
21:44 and there's no time like now.
21:46 There are opportunities all over the world.
21:48 This week, we're highlighting projects in Africa.
21:52 First up, we need volunteers for the Livingstone,
21:54 Zambia Open Team Project.
21:56 From January 22 to February 3, we need your help building
22:00 a secondary school.
22:02 While on the project, you'll have a chance to see the
22:04 world-famous Victoria Falls, one of the seven natural wonders
22:07 of the world.
22:09 You'll also take a trip to Chobe National Park in Botswana to go
22:12 on a real game drive.
22:14 Then, in March, we need help building a large campus
22:17 in Ghana.
22:18 This school will serve primary and secondary students in
22:20 the greater Accra region, right near the coast.
22:23 And if construction isn't your thing,
22:25 you can help with the children's ministry or
22:26 the medical outreach team.
22:29 This is Maranatha's first time in the Republic of Ghana.
22:32 Ghana is nicknamed "The Land of Sunshine,"
22:34 not only for its pleasant coastal weather,
22:36 but also because of its reputation as the friendliest
22:39 country in Africa.
22:42 No skills are necessary on any of these projects.
22:45 All you need is a willingness to serve and that spirit
22:47 of adventure.
22:49 Don't miss these incredible opportunities to not only
22:51 explore the world, but to also change a life.
22:54 Sign up for a project or learn more about what's available at
22:57 Maranatha.org.
23:00 [music]
23:16 [music]
23:32 [music]
23:48 [music]
24:00 Since 1953, Thunderbird Adventist Academy has provided
24:05 a Christ-centered education to students in the southwestern
24:07 United States.
24:10 In addition to academic and spiritual instruction,
24:13 its dormitories have served as a home away from home for
24:16 students, but the facilities were starting to show their age.
24:21 The dorms were built in the early '70s and they haven't
24:25 really been touched since, so the bathrooms were very
24:27 outdated, so it is really needed.
24:29 Last February, a group of volunteers renovated parts of
24:33 the girls' and boys' dorms.
24:35 Their work transformed the facility,
24:37 and now the rest of the dorms are ready for a facelift.
24:41 Projects include plumbing, painting, installing windows,
24:45 electrical, tile, and carpet.
24:48 Even if you are unable to stay for the duration of the project,
24:51 you're still encouraged to come and help.
24:54 Escape the cold in sunny Arizona and make a difference,
24:57 January 7th through February 14th.
25:01 Ultimate Workout is exhausting,
25:04 especially for the adults that come along to guide
25:07 the adventure.
25:08 It's much like one of David's older brothers going with him
25:10 to the field to teach him how to herd sheep.
25:13 Imagine: "David, pay attention now!
25:16 This is your staff and this is your rod.
25:18 They serve very different purposes.
25:20 It's important for you to remember to use each one only as
25:24 it has been designed.
25:25 David, put away your slingshot!
25:27 Pay attention!
25:29 Now, what are you gonna use the rod for?"
25:30 It's not an easy job.
25:33 It's like Jacob trying to make a man out of Joseph,
25:37 or Abraham teaching Isaac to ride a camel,
25:40 or Rebecca's mother teaching her how to cook porridge so it
25:44 tastes like venison.
25:46 The Bible is packed with examples of older folks trying
25:49 to teach younger folks how to do stuff.
25:53 It's different at Ultimate Workout.
25:56 It's more like Mordecai giving Hadassah the right words to say
26:01 in the palace and then helping her into Xerxes' chariot.
26:07 Now, I've met a lot of grandparents and parents who are
26:10 not quite sure how to teach the kids how to be like Jesus.
26:14 They've tried all the right things and yet there seems to be
26:17 something missing.
26:19 The kids just haven't fully bought into the plan.
26:23 So, I have an idea.
26:25 Send them on Ultimate Workout.
26:27 The Maranatha team has learned how to guide without being in
26:31 the way, how to challenge without making the task
26:34 impossible, and how to lead toward Jesus without
26:39 being an obstacle.
26:41 Will it work with every kid?
26:44 Probably not, but it might work with your grandson.
26:52 If you'd like to learn more about Maranatha's
26:54 Ultimate Workout Experience, call 800-467-6384
27:01 or visit Maranatha.org.
27:03 You can also provide funding for the Ultimate Workout.
27:06 Send your gift in the mail to Maranatha Volunteers
27:09 International, 990 Reserve Drive, Suite 100,
27:14 Roseville, California, 95678.
27:17 The Ultimate Workout is an adventure
27:19 you don't want to miss.
27:21 Call our office today at 800-467-6384
27:26 or visit Maranatha.org.
27:34 You can see photographs of the Ultimate Workout and our
27:37 other projects by visiting the Maranatha Volunteers
27:39 International Facebook page at Maranatha.org/Facebook.
27:46 Be sure to like our page, that way we'll keep connected.
27:51 Thanks for watching today, and I'm looking forward to seeing
27:53 you next time on Maranatha Mission Stories.
28:02 [music]
28:18 CC by Aberdeen Captioning 1-800-688-6621 www.abercap.com


Revised 2013-06-29