Maranatha Mission Stories

Bound For The Kingdom

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Dick Duerksen


Series Code: MMS

Program Code: MMS000128

00:07 it will find you; good news, you must make it.
00:11 Maranatha Volunteers International is about making
00:17 good news.
00:18 Inspired by Jesus' persistent love,
00:21 we have chosen to be good news to people in need.
00:27 All of us, making good news real,
00:34 tangible, good news with faces.
00:36 How do we make good news, especially in a world of
00:40 unending strife, pain and tragedy?
00:43 It begins with a vision that sees far beyond the chains of
00:49 human dilemma, a God vision that says we can make a difference.
00:55 What God has done for each of us,
00:58 we can do for others.
01:06 Our hands, God's hands; our feet,
01:11 God's feet; our hearts beating the rhythm of God's heart.
01:16 Who would have thought a construction company would be
01:21 key to unlocking so many treasures: the treasure of
01:26 discovering God's plan for my life,
01:29 the treasure of eternal friendship,
01:32 the treasure of everlasting life,
01:34 the treasure of peace, and the treasure of belonging,
01:39 community, a place to express faith in the God of eternal love
01:45 and grace.
01:47 We are Maranatha Volunteers International.
01:50 Let's all of us: we who organize,
01:53 we who sacrifice, we who put our time and energy into building up
02:06 the kingdom, we who believe that good news is something we make,
02:17 we are bound together in a common cause with shared goals.
02:28 We are bound together by God's inexplicable gift of grace.
02:38 And thanks to Jesus, we are bound for the kingdom together.
02:48 Good news, we have to share it,
02:52 don't we?
02:53 In the next few moments we would like to take you on a journey
02:56 through stories, Maranatha stories,
02:59 that we think will help you see the opportunities,
03:02 the incredible possibilities that face us.
03:07 Us: God's hands, God's feet, God's heart.
03:13 Our journey will begin with a challenge.
03:17 And then we'll see how Maranatha's responding to that
03:19 challenge.
03:20 And you'll quickly sense that there isn't just one response.
03:24 Leadership and faith are core to the solution.
03:27 Those who commit their energies full time to the mission and
03:30 then volunteer leadership, who journey all over the world,
03:35 organizing and motivating our teams of volunteers.
03:38 And you'll see that none of this can be done without church
03:42 leaders having the vision to cast the Maranatha net where
03:47 their mission is.
03:49 There are those other lines that represent those who give: gifts
03:55 of time, gifts of money, gifts of service.
04:01 We are Maranatha, all of us.
04:06 Do you see the challenge?
04:07 At Maranatha, we prefer the word opportunity.
04:12 Are you aware of the Seventh-Day Adventist's Church's great need
04:16 for church buildings and schools?
04:18 There are thousands of church members all around the world
04:21 without an adequate place to worship and millions of children
04:24 who would go to Adventist schools if they had the
04:28 opportunity.
04:30 At Maranatha, we believe that constructing churches for
04:33 existing congregations actually spreads the gospel.
04:36 It grows the kingdom.
04:38 Look anywhere in the 78 countries where Maranatha has
04:43 built churches and schools.
04:44 A new church or a school is a catalyst,
04:48 a spark plug that attracts neighbors and friends and
04:52 encourages members to reach out to the community.
04:56 Building a new church, or building a new school?
05:00 That's evangelism.
05:01 Church leaders know this.
05:03 So the request for churches and schools accumulate rapidly in
05:06 the Maranatha office.
05:07 At this point, we have definable requests for more than 100,
05:12 00 Seventh-Day Adventist Church buildings and requests for more
05:16 than 60,000 new classrooms.
05:19 That's 160,000 requests.
05:20 Imagine building 100,000 churches will serve 15 million
05:24 people.
05:26 How many of those are people who are joining God's kingdom for
05:31 the very first time?
05:34 A hundred thousand times one hundred and fifty people,
05:38 fifteen million seats in churches.
05:41 Sixty thousand classrooms?
05:43 That means every day educating more than 2 million students.
05:48 What an opportunity.
05:50 What an opportunity to reach kids and their families with the
05:53 message of the gospel.
05:56 And these requests, they're from Africa,
05:58 India, South, Central, North America.
06:01 And in 2011, we can rejoice that already more than 1,000
06:07 churches, dozens of schools have been built by Maranatha
06:11 Volunteers International all over the world.
06:15 But at that rate, how long will it take to build 160,
06:20 00 buildings?
06:22 About 160 years.
06:24 That means we're done somewhere around the year 2171.
06:31 Our challenge and opportunity is that we take that request for
06:36 160,000 buildings seriously.
06:39 We pray.
06:40 We assess.
06:41 We find leadership.
06:43 And we step forward in faith that God will lead us through
06:48 the doors he has been opening.
06:50 It excites us.
06:52 It humbles us.
06:53 And it sends us to our knees.
06:56 I want to thank you today for joining us in this journey of
07:00 faith.
07:01 Being a Maranatha volunteer, it's one of the best things
07:05 you'll ever do.
07:07 Here's our response to the world's needs.
07:11 One hundred thousand churches and fifty thousand schools.
07:16 It's easy to get lost in the immensity of the need.
07:20 But each request Maranatha receives represents a prayer in
07:24 the hearts of a congregation and the dreams of a child.
07:29 The Adventist church is growing rapidly all over the world.
07:32 As people eagerly make decisions for Jesus,
07:35 they find themselves celebrating their new life in Christ under a
07:39 tree, or maybe shaded by a tarp.
07:43 The fire of their faith is often dampened by monsoon rain.
07:47 But Maranatha steps out in faith to respond to this growth by
07:53 providing urgently needed buildings.
07:55 From One-Day Churches for small, rural congregations to large
08:00 boarding school campuses, Maranatha responds with a
08:04 building best suited for each need.
08:08 The One-Day Church is the perfect solution to address the
08:11 huge request for churches in developing areas around the
08:14 world.
08:15 The simple steel building provides the solid roof and
08:19 structure, something most rural congregations could never
08:22 afford.
08:23 After Maranatha builds the frame,
08:25 the local church members work to finish the walls in ways that
08:30 best represent their community.
08:32 In India, Maranatha takes on the additional task of finishing the
08:37 church walls.
08:38 More than 2,000 One-Day Churches have been constructed all over
08:43 the world and stand as centers of hope in their community.
08:48 Adventist education is also making a big impact.
08:51 Christian educators work hard to impart knowledge and instill
08:56 values.
08:57 But a lack of infrastructure hinders their efforts.
09:00 The One-Day School responds to that growing need.
09:03 The building, complete with a concrete foundation,
09:07 walls and desks creates a perfect learning environment for
09:11 40 students.
09:12 Multiple classrooms can also be configured to create a complete
09:16 One-Day School campus that can accommodate much larger numbers
09:21 of students.
09:22 Maranatha's response to the need for education also includes
09:25 larger buildings.
09:26 We call them Education and Evangelism Centers.
09:30 This building fills the need for both classrooms and a place of
09:35 worship.
09:36 During the week classrooms are filled with children and the
09:40 auditorium is used for school assemblies.
09:43 On Sabbath, the simple auditorium becomes a sanctuary.
09:48 In India, Maranatha has built several large boarding schools
09:52 that are home to up to 1200 students each.
09:55 The campuses provide a constant, loving Christian environment to
09:59 help children rise to their full potential.
10:03 Maranatha has also been very busy in Cuba.
10:06 Our work there has included refurbishing and building
10:08 churches, as well as constructing an entire seminary
10:12 campus.
10:13 But until recently, seminary students had no place to meet
10:16 doe church or for other large events.
10:19 Maranatha constructed a beautiful campus assembly and
10:24 meeting center that seats 336 people.
10:29 The immense needs the Seventh-Day Adventist Church
10:32 presents to Maranatha are really tremendous opportunities.
10:37 Opportunities to eternally impact the lives of hundreds of
10:42 thousands of people all around the world.
10:47 Maranatha, we are bound for the kingdom.
10:51 To participate financially in Maranatha's mission,
10:54 please visit Maranatha.org and click on the "donate" tab.
10:58 Your gifts will improve organization,
11:01 worship and life for God's family all around the world.
11:06 We also welcome your participation as a volunteer.
11:09 When we say Maranatha builds buildings.
11:12 That means you building buildings and changing people's
11:17 lives.
11:18 Take a look.
11:19 I was amazed two days ago when we were in such a downpour
11:24 that we couldn't see if we had glasses on.
11:27 And yet, I saw smiles on faces and I saw people keep pouring
11:30 mortar.
11:31 I saw them keep putting up brick and goose bumps standing up on
11:35 their arms 'cause they were so cold.
11:36 And nobody complaining about it.
11:38 And that is because of the Holy Spirit.
11:40 That's not because of us.
11:41 It's because we become changed.
11:43 We come with a mission.
11:45 And then we go home with a blessing,
11:47 not even realizing, you know, yes we came to give these people
11:51 a blessing, but we are the ones that are blessed.
11:53 Each and every time, we are the ones that are blessed.
11:58 There is no question that volunteering on a Maranatha
12:01 project scores high in the changed-lives category.
12:05 And because you have to leave behind most of what you're used
12:08 to in life, you'll learn things about yourself you never knew,
12:12 like just how cool you really are.
12:16 Opportunities just around the corner include building a school
12:21 in India on an open-team project.
12:24 That means anyone can go as long as there's room left.
12:30 Each year Maranatha plans a family project during the
12:34 Christmas holiday.
12:35 This year families will be building in Latin America.
12:40 There are more open team and family projects planned in
12:44 Africa, India and Latin America next Spring and Summer.
12:54 If you're a teenager you have to sign up at least once for an
12:57 Ultimate Workout.
12:58 Try it.
12:59 You'll be addicted.
13:00 In fact, the Ultimate Workout alumni were so addicted,
13:04 the collegiate project has been created for those between 18 and
13:10 24.
13:11 And remember, with Maranatha you don't have to lie about your
13:16 age.
13:17 There are no age restrictions.
13:20 The only thing we'd really like you to think about as you
13:22 consider your next project is who are you going to bring with
13:25 you?
13:35 Maranatha is too good to keep to yourself.
13:38 If you haven't already, it's time to bring a friend.
13:41 Every project just about that we go on,
13:44 we say, "Wow, that was right up there at the top."
13:47 And then the next one is right up there at the top.
13:49 And it's impossible for them to all be at the top,
13:53 but the reality of it is the people that come on these
13:57 projects are people that are trying to make a difference.
14:00 They're very unselfish people.
14:01 They're fun to get to know.
14:04 They're fun to be around.
14:05 And you make a lot of lifetime friends in coming on projects
14:09 like this.
14:10 We are Maranatha.
14:11 We are bound for the kingdom.
14:14 Hey, bring a friend.
14:29 At our convention in Portland,
14:30 Oregon this year, I spoke with a young man who has become a good
14:34 friend, a man who is always volunteering,
14:38 everywhere on the planet.
14:40 You gotta meet him, Kyle Anderson.
14:43 Every time I come home from a trip,
14:45 or getting ready to go on a trip,
14:46 it looks like you're doing exactly the same thing.
14:48 You're on your way from, to, going.
14:50 How many trips is it now?
14:51 Six.
14:52 Six!
14:53 With the seventh one on the way.
14:54 Where have you been that you enjoyed the most?
14:57 I don't really know.
14:58 I love India for the food.
14:59 I love Honduras for the entire scenery and everything.
15:05 But I thought Norway was also really awesome scenery.
15:09 And I don't know which one is my favorite.
15:13 When you were in India, you didn't come home alone.
15:16 You came home with an adopted child.
15:19 Yes I did.
15:20 Tell me about that.
15:21 Well, when we were--when we got to India and everything,
15:25 the people at the school did this big welcome thing.
15:30 Hmm Mmm.
15:31 And it was really cool.
15:32 And there was this kid that was doing this funny dance and
15:36 stuff.
15:37 I'm like, "Oh, that's so cool.
15:38 I want to adopt him for going to the school."
15:42 So next thing I know is I asked the school person and he was up
15:46 for sponsorship and I sponsored him.
15:50 So you have a sponsored son.
15:52 Where in India?
15:53 In Ongole, at the Fjarli Adventist Academy.
15:56 Now you spent enough time there,
15:58 you were building, but you were doing a whole lot more
16:00 evangelism in the villages than you were building.
16:02 Yes we were.
16:03 When you do evangelism in a village,
16:05 what happens when you go to a door and knock?
16:09 Well they come out and they are like,
16:11 "Oh, vandanalu.
16:12 It's nice to meet you."
16:13 And they're just really open to you.
16:17 They want you to be there.
16:18 They want you to put their hand--or your hands on them and
16:22 pray for 'em and just they think that the farther you come,
16:26 the more blessing that they get.
16:28 If you could give all of your teenage friends encouragement to
16:32 go on a mission trip, what would you say?
16:35 Just come, don't worry about the money.
16:36 Come on.
16:38 Just come.
16:39 Every teenager I know worries about the money.
16:40 Yeah, just say that's a bad excuse.
16:42 Come on.
16:43 Just come anyway.
16:44 Yeah.
16:45 Why?
16:46 Because the money always shows up no matter when.
16:47 But what will it do for me?
16:50 It gets you closer to God.
16:51 It brings you out of your comfort zone to expand on like
16:57 talking in front of people and just doing anything.
17:00 At least that's what I've gotten out of it.
17:03 That's where you found Kyle.
17:04 Yes.
17:05 On a mission trip in India.
17:07 Yes.
17:08 Where you gonna be next?
17:09 I am going to Nicaragua on Christmas time.
17:11 For Christmas Family Project.
17:13 Yes I am.
17:14 You and how many family?
17:16 I think three.
17:17 I'm hoping three.
17:19 Two for sure, but the third one is going to come.
17:21 They don't know yet.
17:22 It's all about bringing a friend.
17:24 Yes.
17:25 They don't know they're coming.
17:26 No, they don't know.
17:27 But they're coming.
17:28 They're coming.
17:29 Kyle, thank you.
17:30 Thank you.
17:31 Thanks so much.
17:32 Bring a friend.
17:33 You're gonna hear me say that a lot this year.
17:35 When you join in Maranatha's mission,
17:37 bring a friend.
17:38 Whether it's in Nicaragua, India,
17:40 or one of the many project sites we have on the continent of
17:43 Africa, bring a friend.
17:45 But come.
17:47 Don't come alone.
17:48 Bring a friend.
17:50 Even if it's at a project like Fort Meyers,
17:52 Florida.
17:53 We do those too.
17:54 Bring a friend.
17:55 And especially at the convention next year in Sacramento,
17:58 California September 21 and 22, come.
18:03 Bring a friend.
18:06 You see, we want you to come.
18:08 We also want you to bring a friend.
18:11 I'll be right back.
18:12 The "One-Day Church Music Project" can now be yours for
18:16 free with a $50 donation to Maranatha Volunteers
18:19 International.
18:21 Enjoy the music of your favorite gospel artists and give to a
18:24 cause you care about.
18:26 Danny Shelton, Ladye Love Smith, Brett Smith,
18:29 Steve Green, Melody Shelton-Firestone,
18:32 and Yvonne Lewis, Steve Darmody, Pianist Tim Parton and John
18:35 Lomacang will bring warm to your soul with the Christian
18:41 favorites you have come to cherish.
18:43 This CD is yours absolutely free with a $50 or better donation to
18:49 Maranatha Volunteers International.
18:51 It also features Reggie Smith performing the Danny Shelton
18:55 touching original, "One-Day Church."
18:57 Call 1-800-467-6386 now.
19:01 That's 1-800-467-6386.
19:04 Or make your donation online at Maranatha.org/music.
19:10 Thank you.
19:13 Every year Maranatha designs projects to meet as possible of
19:16 the 160,000 requests we have for new buildings.
19:20 But we also design projects to meet the needs of the many
19:24 volunteer groups who come to do the work.
19:28 Some of the groups are open for anyone from anywhere to get
19:31 involved.
19:33 Others are based on local congregations who have a real
19:36 desire and mission to serve.
19:39 Some groups are for families.
19:41 In fact I want to show you a video clip that was taken of
19:45 some crazy guys who were on our summer family project last
19:49 summer.
19:51 Then I want to introduce you to them from an interview that we
19:53 shared together at our convention in Portland,
19:56 Oregon.
19:57 [Music]
19:58 [Cheering]
19:59 [Speaking Spanish]
20:01 For an extra donation of $1500,
20:08 you too can have a copy of the trowel dance.
20:22 [Laughing]
20:23 Ernie, you were the actual videographer for this,
20:35 right?
20:37 That's right.
20:40 That's right, yeah.
20:44 Oh my.
20:46 Ernie Medina and Alan Michel, you guys were involved in the
20:51 Summer Family Project in Choluteca.
20:53 Ernie, why did you guys choose to do a family project?
20:57 We were talking about why we want to bring our kids to these
21:00 things because, you know, they--we believe that our kids
21:01 can be missionaries now.
21:02 They don't need to wait 'til they're older,
21:06 you know, student missionary and all that,
21:08 which I support.
21:09 They can be missionaries now.
21:10 And you know, we saw miracle after miracle.
21:12 I mean one--we were doing VBS in their small church with a tin
21:16 roof and it rained every day like at 4:00 o'clock or so.
21:19 And so we couldn't hear anything,
21:20 but we had a PA system.
21:21 Well the one day the electricity went out,
21:24 we prayed.
21:25 We said to the kids, "Okay, you know,
21:26 we gotta pray, 'cause they can't hear us.
21:27 There's 200 kids in here."
21:29 And so we prayed, and the rain stopped.
21:30 I mean you know we just had different things like that all
21:33 the time that just reinforced that this whole trip was a
21:35 miracle.
21:37 You took family and spent most of your family actually
21:41 building with blocks, right?
21:43 You know as a family, we really get to experience great
21:48 things with not only my family, but also family--I mean eight
21:53 people from our church went together,
21:55 brought our kids.
21:56 The kids had a great time.
21:58 We went side-by-side, building, you know,
22:01 laying block and painting.
22:02 And yeah, I think they could have worked harder,
22:05 but at the same time it gives me great satisfaction to see them
22:08 getting involved.
22:09 And we really worked close.
22:12 I mean we ate all our meals together.
22:14 I really have to congratulate what Maranatha does.
22:16 I mean they get everything organized for you.
22:19 So they got your hotel rooms.
22:21 They take care of your food.
22:23 I mean they fight people in to help cook and manage the thing
22:26 so hopefully you don't get sick.
22:27 So it's really been a blessing.
22:29 It's more than us helping people.
22:33 It's really Maranatha and the whole experience helping us be a
22:37 better family and be closer to God.
22:40 If you've been on one of our Maranatha projects and shot some
22:42 video like the trowel dance, send it to us.
22:46 We would love to see it.
22:48 In fact, we might even play it on "Maranatha Mission Stories,
22:51 or post it on our YouTube channel.
22:54 You can find that anytime by simply going to YouTube and
22:56 looking for Mission Stories.
23:00 Our volunteers?
23:02 Ah, they range from under 10 years of age to over 90 years of
23:06 age.
23:07 One of the groups that serves teenagers is called Ultimate
23:10 Workout.
23:11 Join me again in Portland, Oregon.
23:14 I want you to meet a very special young lady.
23:17 Morgan Housel, you went on the Ultimate Workout trip in
23:22 2011, right?
23:23 Yes.
23:24 Now on most Maranatha trips, there are four kinds of things
23:28 that happen, or many at least.
23:30 We do building, blocks, cinder blocks,
23:33 bricks, stuff, steel.
23:36 We do Vacation Bible School.
23:37 Usually there's some kind of outreach.
23:39 And very often even a clinic.
23:41 Yes.
23:42 Next time you go on a mission trip,
23:44 which one do you want to do?
23:46 I would probably choose outreach because it's so
23:50 incredible the way that you can touch the families that you go
23:54 and visit.
23:55 Even if it's in a small way, you always touch a family in need.
23:59 You also spent some time building.
24:01 Yes.
24:02 Tell me about that.
24:03 We built our Two-Week Church.
24:05 And then on our little outreach we built a fence around the
24:10 school that we were staying in.
24:12 It tests your faith when you don't have all your supplies or
24:15 it's raining, which the climate is very difficult down there,
24:19 'cause it's always humid and it rains.
24:21 And so it makes it hard the next day for you to lay cement if
24:26 you're cement or your brick is too wet.
24:28 What stands out as something that you just want to grasp onto
24:33 and never lose?
24:35 Even though we chose to keep going,
24:39 we did have our faith tested.
24:42 And there were times when I got really homesick and I just
24:45 wanted to go home and not be there anymore,
24:49 but I kept with it and so did everybody else.
24:51 And everybody was really welcoming.
24:54 No matter if you don't have any friends when you first go there,
24:58 you always leave with a whole new family,
25:01 probably even more than one.
25:04 No.
25:05 It's a simple, two-letter, one-syllable word spoken
25:09 hundreds of times a day.
25:10 It can be casual.
25:12 It can be empowering.
25:13 It can be protective.
25:15 It can also have the power to destroy.
25:19 "No."
25:21 Destroy a hope.
25:22 "No."
25:23 Destroy a prayer, a dream.
25:27 One last story for you.
25:28 A few months ago, Susan Bushnell,
25:31 our Chief Financial Officer, stood before the Maranatha Board
25:34 of Trustees.
25:35 She told them that our Cuba Seminary Church Project was not
25:39 yet fully funded.
25:40 In fact, there was still quite a bit of money to raise.
25:45 And yet in just a matter of weeks,
25:49 the church was going to be dedicated.
25:52 She stood before them wondering if maybe we had made too big a
25:56 leap in building that church.
25:59 Well within two days of the board meeting,
26:02 Maranatha received two major gifts.
26:05 And suddenly the entire Cuba Seminary Church Project was
26:09 totally funded.
26:11 Three years ago, God said, "Yes, Maranatha,
26:16 build that church in Cuba."
26:19 But only weeks before the dedication God provided two
26:24 people who said "Yes" to giving the last dollars necessary for
26:30 the project.
26:31 As a result, they said "Yes" to answering thousands of prayers
26:38 in Cuba.
26:39 Imagine, just imagine.
26:41 What if we would have said "No" from the start?
26:45 Today, tomorrow, and until the Lord's return,
26:48 we want you to say "Yes."
26:50 Say "Yes" to praying for the mission.
26:53 Say "Yes" to answering God's call.
26:56 Say "Yes" to giving what you can.
27:09 Give your hands, your feet, your heart.
27:10 For when you do, you say yes to brazen,
27:13 courageous, audacious faith.
27:17 You change the world.
27:19 I want to challenge you to come visit our website:
27:22 Maranatha.org.
27:25 You'll do three things there: learn,
27:27 watch, give.
27:28 You can learn all about the upcoming projects,
27:31 where they are, who's going and how you can get involved.
27:34 You can watch any of the compelling videos or Mission
27:38 Story programs you may have missed.
27:40 You can also order a free DVD to use at your local church or
27:43 community group.
27:44 And you can give $5, $10, $50, $100,
27:48 $1500 or $5000, whatever you can to help us accomplish the part
27:54 of the work God has given us to do.
27:57 That's Maranatha.org.
28:00 And we can only do it together.
28:03 I'm Dick Duerksen.
28:04 Thanks for joining me today on this special Maranatha Mission
28:07 Stories where together we're bound for the kingdom.
28:15 CC by Aberdeen Captioning 1-800-688-6621 www.abercap.com


Revised 2013-06-29